D3.js equivalent to position_dodge in ggplot - d3.js

I am trying to plot output of an analysis model using D3.js
This is the graph I am getting:
But, there are chances that the error bars might overlap. So I want to move one of the error graphs(black or blue) slightly vertical.
I found, in ggplot we use "position_dodge". Here is the ref http://www.cookbook-r.com/Graphs/Plotting_means_and_error_bars_(ggplot2)/
I want to know what is d3.js equivalent to position_dodge? Or is there any other way I can fix this?
I am a newbie with D3.js. Any help will be appreciated.
Thank you.


GeoJSON not visible in output rendered by code using D3.js v3

I'd like to visualize a geojson file in the EPSG:4326 coordinate reference system using D3.js version 3. I'm aware it's better to use the newest version, but alas I'm restricted because of old software that doesn't support higher versions.
I wrote this code: https://bl.ocks.org/FrieseWoudloper/141945ce346639013ac1ced8e4c071b7
In the resulting output there is an SVG element with paths, but I don't see it. I think I have the translate and scale arguments wrong, but I don't know how to determine the right values. Could you please give me any directions on how to fix this?

d3.js example "gradient that follows a stroke" from mbostock does not work in Firefox

We use in our project d3.js and the "gradient that follows a stroke" like in this example:
http://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4163057 but it doesn't work as expected in Firefox. Then we discovered - it is only a problem in firefox... To visualize the problem and for easier understanding I changed the draw points in the example and these are the results:
Any suggestions for a workaround?

How to make combo multi axes using d3.js

i'm just newbie in data visualization, but i must try to visualize for some data
i find the combo-multi-axes with highchart.js (http://www.highcharts.com/demo/combo-multi-axes), it's look perfect to me, but i want make it using d3.js, and i try search referrence for how d3.js can build it, but stil not found
How d3.js can build same like http://www.highcharts.com/demo/combo-multi-axes ?

How to create a custom grouped "axis" for a matrix chart using D3.js

I've created a matrix chart using D3.js and I'm having a bit of difficulty creating a sort of grouped "axis" (although I'm not sure I can call it an axis?).
This JS Bin shows the current route I've chosen. Essentially what I've done is to create 3 separate lines to create the "axis". Ideally I would like to use the d3.axis object but I'm not sure how I would go about achieving this.
Although this current method does work it feels dirty - I also have concerns about scaling. Does anyone have a better suggestion of how to approach this?
The end result is something along these lines (notice labels below lines):
you can use
where xVals are the array of values
Here may be this demo will help you

Modifying d3js parsets reusable chart

I am new to D3js and working with the parsets reusable chart (http://www.jasondavies.com/parallel-sets/). I want to make changes to this chart such as adding sort based on thickness of ribbons on mouseover, and overlaying two parallel sets over each other to compare different datasets at once (The one at the back being faded).
Being new to D3js, I am having difficulty in understanding where to start. I am currently trying to understand the code of d3.parsets.js but its not going too well. If anyone has worked with this before and understands the procedure being followed in the code, please help me out.
The best adaptation I've seen of d3.parsets.js is by Hongjian Yang: Airline Vis adapted from d3.parsets.
It may be able to accomplish some of what you're looking for, though I'm not sure you'll readily be able to overlay two datasets (nor am I sure I understand the need to do so).
