Elasticsearch won't start on centos, permission denied - elasticsearch

I installed elasticsearch this way :
retrieved the tar.gz on windows, extracted it and put it on a zip
uploaded the zip over ssh on a server and use 'unzip file' to unzip it.
I modified the elasticsearch file so that it has this line
export JAVA_HOME = "/home/xxx/project1/jdk1.8.0_73_linux64"
just below
now when I go into /home/xxx/project1/elasticsearch/bin and type
I get
-bash: ./elasticsearch: Permission denied
What could I do to get more information about the problem?
I'm logged as user xxx

The problem is, that you've installed elastic being logged in as root. Now you're surely logged in as not root. If you're working as a user with root privileges, you potentially could start elastic, but it tells you, you can't run in as root. The owner of your elastic folder is root (he installed it). So, all you need to do is to change the owner of a folder to your xxx-user (to let him run elastic). You can easily do it executing a command:
chown -R new_owner path
for example, user is xxx and path is /opt/elasticsearch-2.3.5:
chown -R xxx /opt/elasticsearch-2.3.5
"-R" parameter ensures, that not only folder, but all files inside will recursively change the owner you provide.

Try to install using the package Yum Install for elasticsearch.
Else try: Its sounds like the user permission to access the files.
Ensure that you have downloaded the linux distribution (Optional) Since you have mentioned its tar.gz.
If you have extracted using sudo command then you need to change the user permission for elasticsearch folder to logged in user OR start the elasticsearch using sudo command
sudo ./elasticsearch -d
Check the execution permission if not please do the same by following command
sudo chmod +x /home/xxx/project1/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch.sh
Try this things if not please create a chat window and invite me.

Looking ahead I will immediately say that the ES app doesn't work using the sudo
In my case with ES 6.8.1 version on ubuntu i solved the problem using this steps:
Add the current user(or any other) to ES group:
sudo adduser <yourName> elasticsearch
Add possibility to execute ES:
sudo chmod +x /usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch
Then i changed owner of some paths**, in my case these were:
sudo chown -R <yourName>:elasticsearch /etc/default/elasticsearch
sudo chown -R <yourName>:elasticsearch /etc/elasticsearch
sudo chown -R <yourName>:elasticsearch /var/log/elasticsearch
**I started the application several times and then looked where I had no permission
Then i started ./usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/elasticsearch and saw the long-awaited JSON on port 9200 :)
Hope this will help someone.


Running gsutil on instance using python subprocess - access permissions?

I have a python script that does calculations on google compute engine instances. The code works fine in terms of doing the calculations, but at certain points in the code it needs to add/delete files from a cloud storage bucket and I do this using gsutil. This works well when run from my local computer, but isn't working when the same code is run from a google cloud instance. By "not working" an error message is reported at the offending line, but my code carries on running and just ignores the steps that involve gsutil.
My understanding from Google's documentation is that gcloud instances boot with the "gsutil" utility already installed. My instances boot running a script like this (where is my actual google username):
#! /bin/bash
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -yq install python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade google-cloud
sudo pip install --upgrade google-cloud-storage
sudo pip install --upgrade google-api-python-client
sudo pip install --upgrade google-auth-httplib2
mkdir -p /home/<xxxx>/code
mkdir -p /home/<xxxx>/rawdata
mkdir -p /home/<xxxx>/processeddata
sudo chown -R <xxxx> /home/<xxxx>
gsutil cp gs://<codestorebucket>/worker-python-code/* /home/<xxxx>/code/
gsutil -m cp gs://<rawdatabucket>/* /home/<xxxx>/rawdata/
I dont run my code from the boot script yet as I want to "SSH" into the instance and run it myself from the command line while I am still developing. When I SHH into the instance the directories have all been created and all of the code and raw datafiles have been copied. I can run my ".py" file and it runs, but there are lines which use the python command:
subprocess.call('gsutil -q rm gs://<mybuckname>/<myfilename>', shell=True)
This generates an error which reads:
ERROR: (gsutil) Failed to create the default configuration. Ensure your have the correct permissions on: [/home/<xxxx>/.config/gc
Could not create directory [/home/<xxxx>/.config/gcloud/configurations]: Permission denied.
If it provides any clues, in the "daemon.log" file there an error line which reads:
chown: invalid user: ‘<xxxxx>’
which is reported when the sudo chown... command line runs.
The instances have full access to all APIs. If I run
The response is "xxxxx". If I run
echo $UID
The response is 1000.
I am a Linux novice, as I have only "learnt" about it through needing to do stuff on google instances. There is a link here where a user appears to have a similar problem. He fixes it using a sudo chown type command line, but when I run an equivalent command I am told that it "cannot access '/home/paulgarlick07/.config/': No such file or directory"
I'm really confused, and any help would be very much appreciated. If any additional info is required to help resolve this please let me know!
gsutil is not a program. It is a script. Therefore you need to execute a shell with gsutil as a command line argument. You will need to pass the full pathname for gsutil which might be different on your system.
subprocess.call('/bin/sh /usr/bin/gsutil -q rm gs://<mybuckname>/<myfilename>', shell=True)
If you are running gsutil from a service, then you will need to ensure that the user that the service is running under has gsutil setup. gsutil stores its configuration files based from the home directory of the user that it is executing under.

Run gcloud without sudo

I'm on Mac OSX and I've always had to run the gcloud command with sudo. I can usually work around it, but it has started to cause me some issues. I tried following this answer here, but I am not sure where the gcloud command gets called from. It's not in /usr/bin.
I have found that my gcloud sdk is installed at /Users/Max/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/, and I have tried adding /bin/gcloud and '/lib/gcloud.py' from that path. No luck! Any idea how I can give NOPASSWD permissions to this command?
I'm on macOS and my issue was that my google-cloud-sdk install folder and it's config folder at ~/.config/gcloud were owned by root. The fix is to sudo chown -R <your-username> google-cloud-skd and sudo chown -R <your-username> ~/.config/gcloud. And done: no more sudo.
I was able to resolve this issue myself. This article was very helpful. Ultimately, you just have to add sudo privileges to the gcloud command. You will have to give those permissions by running sudo visudo and adding a line in the following format:
<yourusername> ALL=NOPASSWD: <command1>, <command2>
Mine line ended up looking like this:
Max ALL=NOPASSWD: /Users/Max/Desktop/google-cloud-sdk/bin/gcloud
The part that tripped me up was figuring out where the gcloud command was installed. You have to add that path at the end of the permissions. You can find out where it is installed by running which gcloud.

elasticsearch can't start with an non-root user

I am using elasticsearch as a search engine for my website.After I downloaded the elasticsearch I use the command ./bin/elasticsearch
I got an error
java.lang.RuntimeException: can not run elasticsearch as root
I google it and run the command
groupadd esgroup
useradd esuser -g esgroup -p espassword
chown -R esuser:esgroup elasticsearch
and I switch to esuser but I cant cd /root
bash: cd: /root: Permission denied
so I have to switch to root user and stay at /root/elasticsearch/ and change to esuser
then I run the command
this time I get a different error
Error: Could not find or load main classorg.elasticsearch.bootstrap.Elasticsearch
I already install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel and the java -version javac command works
I am using centos6 x64
Is there something I miss?
please download & install the whole elasticsearch zip as a non-root user instead of trying to fiddle with permissions inside of the /root/ directory (where also data & logs are written to).
if you dont want to deal with such things, the easiest way might be to use one of the existing packages.

initdb /usr/local/var/postgres on El Capitan

I'm attempting to run initdb /usr/local/var/postgres after installing postgresql 9.5 via homebrew on El Capitan but I get the following:
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "kyledecot".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.UTF-8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
fixing permissions on existing directory /usr/local/var/postgres ... initdb: could not change permissions of directory "/usr/local/var/postgres": Operation not permitted
When attempting to cd /usr/local/var/postgres I get:
cd: permission denied: /usr/local/var/postgres
It appears that I don't have the proper permission to do this. I assume this has something to do w/ El Capitan's System Integrity Protection but I could be wrong.
How do I go about fixing this?
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local
I had to combine two bits of advice that I have seen with Stack Overflow questions related to this question/error. I found myself in a chicken and an egg situation where I would reinstall postgres and change permissions one at a time, but both commands conflicted with each other.
So I did this:
sudo chown -R `whoami` /usr/local && brew postinstall postgresql
...and it worked fine.
I find it not really efficient and secure to chown all /usr/local directory, so I did simply
mkdir /usr/local/var/postgres
And all went smooth.

Arch Linux sudo: command not found

I recently installed Arch Linux on my Raspberry Pi and, after logging in as root and creating myself a user account I tried to use the sudo command. This was the result:
[phillipus#alarmpi home]$ sudo mkdir Public
bash: sudo: command not found
After searching for the problem, I logged in as root and executed pacman -S sudo. This was followed by a long output and a confirmation of installation. Following this, I retried to use sudo both as root and as my user, both times getting the same response. Following another solution to the problem, I tried to add myself to /etc/sudoers, only to find out that it didn't exist.
I am not very experienced with Linux, so could you please try to explain your responses fully?
First, you need to install the sudo package to use sudo:
pacman -S sudo
After that, you need to edit the sudoers file and add your username to it.
You can add yor user to the wheel group using usermod -G wheel yourusername and uncomment the %wheel ALL=(ALL) ALLline in the sudoers file. For more information, have a look at Sudo - ArchWiki
