I am getting fatal error memory exhausted in codeigniter - codeigniter

I have upgraded my php version to 5.3 to 5.6 in codeigniter. I am getting error memory exhausted. Before upgrading, site was working fine.

What's your current memory limit?
You could try increasing your memory limit:
editing your php.ini file
memory_limit = 512M
including this line on the top of your script
You could also check if this lines are on your .htaccess:
php_value memory_limit
And check: https://stackoverflow.com/a/22283701/6058255
If this doesn't solve your problem, you should find the specific location of the error.

Try to increase the memory_limit in you PHP.ini


Why my custom validation is not working in laravel? [duplicate]

I am getting this error when trying to upload an import on WordPress on my XAMPP local dev environment:
Warning: POST Content-Length of 8978294 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0
I changed the upload_max_filesize from 2M to 1000M, but that didn't seem to do anything.
Any ideas?
8388608 bytes is 8M, the default limit in PHP. Update your post_max_size in php.ini to a larger value.
upload_max_filesize sets the max file size that a user can upload while
post_max_size sets the maximum amount of data that can be sent via a POST in a form.
So you can set upload_max_filesize to 1 meg, which will mean that the biggest single file a user can upload is 1 megabyte, but they could upload 5 of them at once if the post_max_size was set to 5.
Changes will take effect after a restart of the server.
Just set these in php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 1000M;
post_max_size = 1000M;
1. First u will find the php.ini file.
u can find php.ini file from this path. C:\xampp\php or from
xampp folder.
2. Now open php.ini file and change the following:
1. post-max-size (change 8M to 800M).
2. upload-max-filesize (change 2M to 2000M).
3. Now stop the Apache server and MySQL.
4. Now restart Apache server and MySQL.
It worked fine after that.
Enjoy ur working now :)
That's an 8MB post_max_size error.
Set it to a value you're comfortable with.
You will have to change the value of
both of which you will find in php.ini
Restarting your server will help it start working. On a local test server running XAMIP, i had to stop the Apache server and restart it. It worked fine after that.
Already restarted your Webserver?
This will force php to reload the php.ini
Go to C:\xamppp\php. Set these values in php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 1000M
post_max_size = 0M
Create new text file in your wp-admin directory root and name it info.php.
Open info.php and add this line:
<?php phpinfo(); ?>
Save it.
Go to yourwebsitename(probably localhost)/wp-admin/info.php in any web-browser.
On the 8th line you will see: Configuration File (php.ini) Path, in my case it is C:\Windows, meaning it is located on my C drive.
In the 9th line you will see: Loaded Configuration File, and next to it is written C:\xampp\php.ini
So I found my php.ini page that is associated with my wordpress web-site.
Go to that path, and find php.ini.
Open it, and edit:
Search for post_max_size=8M, and change it to post_max_size=1000M
Search for upload_max_filesize=2M, and change it to upload_max_filesize=1000M
Go back to your Admin page → Media → Add New
On the bottom you will see that 2MB has changed to 1000M.
Once you done this process then you must restart your web server or just restart your computer.
Find php.ini [\xampp\php]
Just set these in php.ini:
upload_max_filesize = 1000M;
post_max_size = 1000M;
Rebot server
Stop Apache and MySQL
Start again Apache and MySQL
Go to
C:\drive\xampp(where xampp installed)
simply find php.ini file then in the file search
Change with this code
Don't forget to restart the xampp
Using wamp do the following and hopefully, it will resolve an issue
Make these changes in PHP Options to correct:
max_execution_time 180
memory_limit 512M or your highest available
post_max_size 32M
upload_max_filesize 64M
You also need the change post-max-size.
From the XAMPP panel, click on the ADMIN button on the Apache site.
Then choose to edit php.ini
And add the missing post_max_size to a value you are comfortable with.
post_max_size = 100M
Go to
C:\ drive
or that drive where xampp is installed
click on xampp
find php and open it , there you find php.ini folder
open php.ini file with notepad and find upload_max_filesize and post_max_size in both "up and down find option",change both values to 1000M
I have fixed same issue by changing below parameters to expected value in /etc/php/7.2/apache2/php.ini file
upload_max_filesize = 8M;
post_max_size = 8M;
upload_max_filesize = 8M;
post_max_size = 8M;
Imagine you already changed above values. But what happen when user try to upload large files greater than 8M ?
This is what happen, PHP shows this warning!
Warning: POST Content-Length of x bytes exceeds the limit of y bytes in Unknown on line 0
you can avoid it by adding
You have 2 options for this error:
The file you are uploading is too big, which you need to use smaller file.
Increase the upload size in php.ini to
upload_max_filesize = 9M; post_max_size = 9M;
Go to browser and search for php.ini and then open it, and change these two values:
post_max_size= 1000000000000M
upload_max_filesize= 10000000000000M
If you open the php.ini file using notepad , you can search for these two values by clicking:
cmd + f
You might not be uploading the right zip file. In my case, as a newbie to wordpress(I used to do hardcoding), I installed the zipped file that contained another zip file which is the actual theme neede to be upload. So what what need to do in this case is to unzip the file and locate the "theme_name.zip" inside.
If changing the post_max_size settings from XAMPP folders. It did not work for you try this.
From XAMPP control panel, click config then PHP (php.ini) and edit post_max_size and upload_max_filesize to a higher number in this file instead. Stop Apache server. Start Apache server. This worked for me.
If your objective is to import a theme into your Wordpress then you can manually copy paste your theme into your wp-content->themes folder and extract it of course. I just encountered this and couldn't locate the php.ini file for WAMP.
I have solved my php7 issues on centos 7 by updating /etc/php.ini with these settings:
post_max_size = 500M
upload_max_filesize = 500M
As Optimaz ID pointed out, the code below helped me hide the PHP error message in a case where the user uploads a file larger than the upload_max_filesize and post_max_size set in php.ini (which is almost impossible when a large value is set).
for anyone running PHPMyAdmin inside of docker.
Set the UPLOAD_LIMIT value in the env
from the docs https://github.com/phpmyadmin/docker#environment-variables-summary
UPLOAD_LIMIT - if set, this option will override the default value
for apache and php-fpm (format as [0-9+](K,M,G) default value is
2048K, this will change upload_max_filesize and post_max_size
docker-compose.yml example:
image: phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin
normal docker run:
sudo docker run .... -e UPLOAD_LIMIT=300M
For both of these options you have to rebuild the container

Laravel: I cant upload videos

I am trying to upload videos using Laravel. I get following error:
Warning: POST Content-Length of 17500298 bytes exceeds the limit of 8388608 bytes in Unknown on line 0
I changed param in php.ini of my xampp local server:
But I get the same error as shown above.
You need to fix these values inside php.ini first
upload_max_filesize = ??M
post_max_size = ??M
and then make
somewhere in your code and see where is that php.ini file your server uses
and if those values are applied!

Cannot upload big files (videos) using laravel filemanager

I did a lot of research about this issue, but still not working. I have installed a package laravel-filemanager for my laravel5.1 project. If I upload big files (e.g. 20MB and up sized videos), it gives me an error File is too big. I've also edited my php.ini. Please see my settings below:
upload_max_filesize: 250MB
post_max_size: 250MB
How about changing php.ini to this.
php_value upload_max_filesize = 1024M
php_value post_max_size = 1024M
php_value memory_limit = 1024M

Error 500 on some product's page Magento

I can't find solvation for this problem. Some products is OK, some return me 500 error (without timeout).
Debug mode gave me nothing interesting (identical errors on OK-pages and noOK-pages).
Logs are empty.
500 is PHP error so please check view.phtml file find out error.
As advice: enable debug mode of your Magento system.
In index.php uncomment this line:
#ini_set('display_errors', 1);
And add into your .htaccess
Then is a chance that you can see an errors
In addition you can check your logs in /var/log folder
3) check your server logs. Error 500 usually logged in default server logs
500 is PHP error.
Check in template file, try to debug the php code (should in view.phtml file)
I got the same issue and i fixed it by debug in view.phtml file. The code calls a function in the module that i disabled.

Error uploading new template in extension manager in joomla

Getting the following error:
There was an error uploading this file to the server.
Maximum PHP file upload size is too small: This is set in php.ini in both upload_max_filesize and post_max_size settings of your PHP settings (located in php.ini and/or .htaccess file).
Unable to find install package
I have open the ini file but didnt find any size options in this file
Locate the php.ini of the apache server or watever you are using.
add the following lines in it.
; Maximum allowed size for uploaded files.
upload_max_filesize = 40M
; Must be greater than or equal to upload_max_filesize
post_max_size = 40M
You can view it in phpinfo or in global configuration of joomla PHP settings.
