Oracle OSB Proxy service Error - oracle

I have created a jms consuming proxy service with queue created using Oracle AQ. And the proxy service is routed to Business service which enqueues same message into different queue created using orace AQ.
Proxy service is running fine and the message is put in to destination queue, but its throwing error message as below
unexpected failure while processing an incoming message for endpoint proxy service
and I think because of the erorr, the service is retrying again and the message is posted to destination queue 16 times.
Please help me in resolving this.

Try to play with the transaction in the Proxy service or the JMS retries. It could be the Global transaction setup that is giving the error.


Spring JMS - Issue with Default Message Listener Container issues on setting both durable and shared subscription

I have developed a Spring Integration Application which is running in multiple instance of PCF.
The application listens to the topic and process the message.
I use MqConnectionFactory for Topic connection and Spring JMS - DefaultMessageListenerContainer for listener message.
On Durable Subscription - With Same Client ID.
The first instance of the application runs without any issue and process the message.
Other instance, I am getting the following Error.
When I have different Client ID , Every instance of the application get the same copy of message resulting in duplicate processing - The idea of running multiple instance is to share the load and process parallel.
On Enabling Shared Subscription along with Durable Subscription - With Same Client ID.
Every instance is getting the following error.
JMSWMQ2025 Failed to subscribe to the topic due to the exception occurred

Unable to Publish JMS message on Soace Topic

We are unable to publish JMS message on Solace topic.We are ale to create Solace topic on Solace client UI.
But unable to send message on it.
we are getting below error message.
****WARN | Setup of JMS message listener invoker failed for destination 'topic1' - trying to recover.
Cause: Error creating consumer - operation not supported on router (Capability Mismatch: Router does not support temp endpoints or session not yet connected.)****
This error occurs when the application is attempting to create a MessageConsumer for a temporary endpoint, but the client does not have the right capabilities.
To resolve this, you will need to enable the "Allow Guaranteed Endpoint Create" capability in the client-profile that this client is using. You can enable this with SolAdmin, or with the Solace CLI.

OSB - JMS State String

I have a proxy service calling a business service that put a message on a queue, my problem is that the State String on Weblogic Console remains "send transaction" instead of "visible", this cause my BAM consumer not be able to take this message from the queue. Is there any configuration that I need to do on proxy or business service to change this state? I also have the transactions required checked on proxy service to guarantee the message be removed only In case of success.
Assuming you on 11g as you refer to "proxy" (not pipeline) calling business service.
Are you sure the proxy service is completing the action without errors?
If you are using an XA JMS connection factory to push to the JMS queue, are you sure the XA transaction is committing fully? Logs/weblogic JTA monitoring tab might have clues.
Alternately, first try using a non-XA connection factory and see if that works.

Receiving messages from WSO2 Message Broker with Process Server

I successfully configured WSO2 Message Broker as a JMS server. I have configured WSO2 ESB to send messages to a queue, and I can see this queue get created in MB with messages.
Now, I want to consume those messages with Process Server and kick off a BPEL process. I have added the required libraries to components/lib in both ESB and BPS, and have created an identical in both. The URL for both ESB and BPEL is:
I have tested a similar configuration with ActiveMQ, and there BPEL succesfully picked up the messages. In MB it does not seem to work, while the logging mentions that JMS started to listen:
Started to listen on destination : newMLECaseQueue of type queue for service newMLECaseQueue {org.apache.axis2.transport.jms.JMSListener}
What can be wrong here?
It appears that each queue must be registered using when adding the queue with the line:
queue.newMLECaseQueue = newMLECaseQueue
it all started to work.

Oracle Service Bus (OSB) Proxy Service Endpoint URI change

We have an OSB Proxy Service which is currently setup to receive messages from an external jms queue endpoint URI. We have been tasked with creating a JMS bridge over which to receive external messages.
To this end, we have created a bridge with local jms in/out queues and proceeded to edit the OSB Proxy Service's Endpoint URI from that of the old external jms queue to that of our new local bridge's jms queue. However, when we try to activate the changes, we get: Exception in AppMerge flows' progression message.
Being quite new to all things OSB, I am unsure as to what this error means and whether re-pointing a Proxy Service's Endpoint URI from remote jms queue to local bridge's jms queue is enough for what we are attempting to do.
Any thoughts on this matter would be much appreciated!
Our OSB version is 10gR3.
I think your Proxy is not deployed correctly. I think after creating the bridge and queues, restart your server and then try to work.
