How can I add a scroll on the Zingchart-grid? - scroll

I want to scroll would need to add some code cause the scroll?

The grid module included in the ZingChart library is a read-only grid. It does not include any interactive features like scrolling.
We are working on a much more interactive grid with tons of features. Hopefully that will be available in the next few months.


How to bypass FastClick with Kendo UI DataViz Chart

We have a web app that is used with iPads and iPhones. We are using FastClick ( to eliminate the 300ms wait time for mobile/tablet users.
This makes everything snappier, but the interaction with the chart (using SVG rendering) is spotty. Sometimes tapping works, sometimes not. ​Users need to be able to do normal chart interactions like tap a point to see the value and toggle series on/off in the legend. If I disable FastClick, chart tapping works fine.
FastClick has a built-in way to bypass an element. You add the "needsclick" CSS class, and it leaves that element alone. I put this CSS class on the div the chart is rendered in, but each clickable element in the chart apparently also needs to have the "needsclick" class added to it.
Is this possible?
I gave up. I added "needsclick" to all SVG elements after the chart rendered, and the iPad clicking was still really weird. Sometimes it worked, but not consistently.
I think these libraries are both trying to solve the same problem and stepping on each other to do it, so I removed FastClick.
This was with FastClick 1.0.6 and Kendo UI v2015.1.408.

Adding Grids within Grids

I've just come across the new Grid layout system in Umbraco, which seems quite interesting, however I can't seem to find a way to include a grid within a grid.
I've added a simple 2 column row onto a page in the example below, but now I want to add another 2 column row within it to fill in the 2 red squares. Is this not possible or am I missing something obvious?
If I click any of the layouts at the bottom it instead adds them as an extra row to the bottom of the page rather than inside an existing grid.
The only way to include a grid in a grid (that I'm aware of) is to use the Doc Type Grid Editor package:
This package allows any Document Type to be the basis for a grid editor. I was able to create a grid editor that was a set of tabs where each tab had a grid data type for the content. The data type was specific to tabs so you couldn't create tabs in a tab.
I also created a package (v7 Dialog Expander) to allow the dialog flyout to expand: I did this because a grid in the small width of the dialog flyout was just too small.
It is definitely possible and actually has worked out well so far. That said, I would tread lightly here because there could be issues that we haven't yet discovered as this solution is still on a development project.

Need guidelines for developing GUI builder tool using ruby-gtk2

I am in process of developing custom GUI generator tool (its new GUI tool like glade) and to achieve that i am using ruby-gtk2. I am a newbie to the world of ruby and gtk, so i need a help in a problem which i am struck regarding adding background image to a widget.
Let me explain in detail, the application (i.e.,GTK::window) has two sections say left section and right section (section can be frames,layouts,panned window or equivalent). Left section has a list of all widgets like Button, Label, CheckBox and so on as images. So user who needs to design the GUI will drag and drop any widgets from left section to right sections, on dropping to right section it (i.e., widget) should be re-sizable and also draggable across right section.
Currently i am adding all widgets to eventbox so that on drag n drop on right section i will get all the controls of events like drag_start, drag_motion, drag_end etc..But how can i add an image as background to eventbox, so that i have button image added to eventbox and also handle resize and drag. Concept is user should be able to resize the properties of widget that drops to right section. Need help in implementing this, i know i am missing something to achieve this. Awaiting any suggestions.

WP7 Listbox scrolling

I created a simple application with nested ListBox and strings in it. If i scroll it really fast - there is empty spaces.Can i increase the rendering speed or
Can i slow down scrolling speed in ListBox somehow ?
Inorder to overcome the black occurrence on scrolling you need to virtualize your scroll control. For that you should inherit IList and create a Collection of your own similar to ObservableCollection in which you will have to override the default indexer depending on your caching requirement and simultaneously maintain a cache for your items. I feel this might be what you are looking for:
There is a sample project on that page. Try that out.
I also feel that you are facing this problem I guess this will be solved using virtualization itself. Hope it helps
The blog Milan posted is a good source to start with. Virtualizing data works by changing the item template of the list item while scrolling. This will not work up to the expectations when there is a complex layout.
But I suggest you work more on the layout you are working on. Having too many stack panels in order to make the layout a bit generic will destroy the performance.

Customizing Scroll bar of List Box

I am working on a win 32 sample. In that I am using List Box to Display the List of user. I am using the setting the owner draw flag to draw the items. It is working fine.
But I want to customize the scrollbar of the list view. How to do it.
Please let me know how to customize the scrollbar.
Scrollbars are usually native, even for custom draw items. If you really want to customize them, take a look at this library & tutorial.
