Module 'ngRaven' not available - jasmine

I'm trying to run jasmine unit tests by including ngRaven in my code.
Below is the order of files in karma.conf.js.
files: ['app/bower_components/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js',
While setting up the project I'm getting the error as
"Module 'ngRaven' is not available! You either misspelled the module
name or forgot to load it. If registering a module ensure that you
specify the dependencies as the second argument."
Any idea as where I'm doing wrong..
I have posted the same issue in here

Fixed by adding the below dependency in bower.json
"name": "angular-raven", "version": "0.6.3",
and link in karma.conf.js file changed from


Step definition folder structure in cypress cucumber preprocessor

Cypress version: 8.4.0
Preprocessor version: 4.2.0
Node version: 12.18.2
Hi all, apologies if this is a stupid question, I'm quite new/noob with cypress, let alone cypress + cucumber.
So I wrote some automation tests in cucumber, and they work fine. I have the feature files in the integration folder, and the step definition folders in the integration folder too. Now I'm trying to have some structure where under integration I have a folder named step_definitions (will show better in screenshot).
folder structure
In package.json I put the following:
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": { "nonGlobalStepDefinitions": true, "nonGlobalStepBaseDir": "step_definitions", "commonPath": "common", "stepDefinitions": "step_definitions" }
When I try to run the tests, I get the below error:
Error: We've tried to resolve your step definitions at step_definitions, but that doesn't seem to exist. As of version 2.0.0 it's required to set step_definitions in your cypress-cucumber-preprocessor configuration. Look for nonGlobalStepDefinitions and add stepDefinitions right next to it. It should match your cypress configuration has set for integrationFolder. We no longer rely on getting information from that file as it was unreliable and problematic across Linux/MacOS/Windows especially since the config file could have been passed as an argument to cypress.
Any pointers are appreciated :)
It seems to me that the problem in your case in "stepDefinitions": "step_definitions" have you tried to give the full path like "stepDefinitions": "cypress/integration/step_definitions"?
You should set nonGlobalStepDefinitions to false or remove this setting, as you don't have a separate folder for the step_definitions but it is inside the integration folder instead.
So, in order to use your structure, please modify that section in the package.json file to:
"cypress-cucumber-preprocessor": {
"commonPath": "cypress/integration/step_definitions/common",
"stepDefinitions": "cypress/integration/step_definitions"
That would be enough. It works.

Apply plugin in precompile script with Gradle and Kotlin

I'm trying to apply precompile script gradle.kts file (gradle.kts script is put in buildSrc/main/java. everything work normally except that i can not add a plugin with version. for example my test.gradle.kts
plugins {
id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "1.1.1"
but always got the error
Invalid plugin request [id: 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt', version: '1.1.1']. Plugin requests from precompiled scripts must not include a version number. Please remove the version from the offending request and make sure the module containing the requested plugin 'io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt' is an implementation dependency of project ':buildSrc'.
And also I cannot the class to configure extension
For example, this normally configuration is not working
How can we specify plugin version in precompile script? and how can we configure the plugin?
Without being able to see your build structure and file tree I can only answer based on how I'm understanding your question. Based on the error message you are receiving, you should be declaring the plugin dependency in the project level build.gradle.kts:
plugins {
id("io.gitlab.arturbosch.detekt") version "1.1.1"
Then in your buildSrc/build.gradle implement it like so:
plugins {
Gradle has samples on GitHub, from which I drew this example, here:

Cannot find module after creating and adding plugin in Nativescript

Using the latest version of Nativescript I've created a plugin as per the documentation and after running tns plugin add ../nativescript-keychain I get the message Successfully installed plugin nativescript-keychain.
I can also see that it's been added to the node_modules directory of my app but require("nativescript-keychain") doesn't work as I get the error Cannot find module 'nativescript-keychain'
My plugin package.json looks like
"name": "nativescript-keychain",
"version": "0.0.1",
"nativescript": {
"platforms": {
"ios": "2.2.1"
There are several reasons why this might occur; it would be helpful if you provided a repo to see all the code.
package.json doesn't have a link to the source, typically you have a main: "somefile" key.
Did you do tns run ios --emulator after you installed the plugin, you have to rebuild the app before it will take effect, plugins can't be synced via livesync...
Is the code TypeScript or JavaScript, if it is TypeScript it needs to be transpiled to JS before you can add it to your demo application. TNS will NOT compile any TS code in the plugins. Plugins have to ship with the final JS code.
You need typings for TS to use the auto-complete and not throw warnings about what methods are available.

Include jasmine-sinon to karma

I have this matchers file which I would like to include in karma:
I'm using jasmine and sinon. I don't think this plugin is supported by karma. Can I manually configure it somehow?
I tried to add it in config files but karma didn't pick it
files: [
'bower_components/jasmine-sinon.js' //Added it here ???
you will need to have it point directly to the file, in this case, the correct path should be bower_components/jasmine-sinon/lib/jasmine-sinon.js.

Android studio include aar dependency

I'm trying to add ActionbarSherlock as dependency using line I got from gradleplease
(Instead of these methods. At least according to this link:
"In Gradle you no longer need to add in these libraries as source code projects; you can simply refer to them as dependencies, and the build system will handle the rest; downloading, merging in resources and manifest entries, etc. For each library, look up the corresponding AAR library dependency name (provided the library in question has been updated as a android library artifact), and add these to the dependency section."
this setup should not be necessary anymore)
But it doesn't work and module settings in Android studio shows error: "Library 'ComActionbarsherlockComActionbarsherlock440.aar': Invalid classes root"
Any idea?
Add these line in your module build.gradle
dependencies {
compile 'com.actionbarsherlock:actionbarsherlock:4.4.0#aar'
