Moving Magento site removed settings - magento

I am trying to set up a copy of a Magento site for development use. I have copied the code from the server and grabbed a copy of the database.
I setup Apache, PHP, redis, MySQL, php-curl.
I added the DB user with all privileges and imported the DB.
When I load the Magento site up it loads with the default theme. Going to System > Configuration > Design shows it has defaulted all the options and they are not what they are on the live site.
Where is this configuration stored that it wasn't copied with the rest of the data? Products are all there etc, it just seems to be system configuration like cache enabling and theme etc.

The problem came down to the DB export script which wasn't including data for the core_config_data table. After doing a manual export myself the site had all its options.


how can i migrate virtuemart from VM2 to VM3?

Hello I would like to ask how is it possible to migrate VM2 to VM3. I want to update my Joomla site from 2 to 3 and VM to be compatible. I found only that please help I have many data on VM2 and I don't want to lose it.
this process should be careful, follow my procedures:
Go to official site installed VM Migrator plugin
before you should do all your backup sql in VM2 and VM3 sites
Also what I had done is add another Database called migration_vm2 in my server, and import vm2 sql, this could be avoid the problem and you could query one of table to compare
And for import the users and orders list and products you should use VM Migrator
There are some ways to achieve that. My pattern is mostly like this.
First attempt, update all Joomla components, install VirtueMart 3 via normal installer, install Joomla 3. If that fails:
Second attempt, use Daycounts Migrator and use a fresh J3/VM3 installation on the same server to transfer files and database with the migrator. If that fails:
Third attempt, compare the databases from first attempt or second attempt and export single db tables and import with the changed column names into VM 3 db.
Use a standard template like Protostar in the beginning, change to a new template only after everything else works.
This question is not answered in one answer here, I suggest the VirtueMart forum.
This worked for me. First download the newest VM package from the official site. Note that normally it is a compressed file with core component and AIO component zipped inside, so you will have to extract these first.
Second, in your Joomla 2.5 backend, check Extension Manager > Database tab and do a fix if necessary. Do not forget to do a backup of all your site using Akeeba or similar extensions. Keeping a backup of existing orders is good practice.
Finally, using the Extension Manager installer, upload and install the VM3 core and the AIO after that. Clear cache and check database fixes again if necessary.
Very important: clear your browser's cache to purge preloaded js files and so.
Check your VM3 frontend and backend, you should have all your items, registered shoppers, old orders and so. There can be some styling issues with new classes, also your shopper groups could be misconfigured, correct the prices to be shown... and thats it!
About the migration from J2.5 to J3, having VM3 installed has not been a problem for me so far. Always refresh your web browser cache after a migration in order to eliminate preloaded javascript files that are obsolete, otherwise you could have some problems trying to save menus, articles and so; just clear your cache again and thats it.

Magento Core Config Data not inserted in all environments

I added in my system.xml a new config data, and it is working well in my developer server. It is inserted in db Core Config Data.
However, on production server, my config isnt in Core Config Data.
Of course I cleared cache, refresh everything several times. Nothing changes.
Is there a cache file somewhere for this config that I have to delete manually?
Edit :
I saw this, Magento Core Config Data Cache but I have not rights on all /var folder, so I will need to know the exact place of this cache

how to bring live magento site to localhost without effecting live site

i want a live site to be on local host and without effecting any functionality of live magento site. i have tried many way of doing that but have not get any result from it.
steps i tried are :
1. taken database from magento live site by entering into cpanel(by ftp access) > phpmyadmin > exported all the files to my local machine and i imported all the data to my local phpmyadmin.
2.taken all neccessary files from cpanel > file manager > all files (for example p_html, .htpassword, .trash, access log, etc file and many more) and put it on my local machine and then i put the file in folder and kept it into C:\xampp\htdocs\ all file ( in folder ).
3 Replaced the path of live site with localhost:1234 in the all sql files where applicable taken in step one.
but still not working .
Any help will be appreciated....
Copy your LIVE Magento store to your Local computer:
Download the magento files using any ftp client.
Export the database from live server.
Put the downloaded Magento files in your localhost root folder.
Create a blank database(lets say it 'local-database') in your local computer and import the database backup that you exported from the live one.
Delete/Rename the file app/etc/local.xml
Re-install the Magento using the local-database.
After installation, go to Admin section and then
(i)Flush all cache. (ii)Re-Index all data. (iii)Flush all cache.
That's it. You are done.
N.B. If you have domain specific Modules installed, those modules will not work here.
Seems very simple right. Believe me, it is that simple.
If you face any problem in installing your Magento in localcomputer, here is a post that may come in handy:
Download the files to the local project folder.
Create a new local DB and import the live database backup/dump.
Update app/etc/local.xml file with local DB parameters(Host name, DB
name, DB username, DB password)
Magento have the project URL saved in 2 places(secure URL and
unsecure URL) in the table core_config_data. We need to update
that in imported local DB to the local URL(9th and 10th record in
the table).
Delete the cache: Delete the contents in var folder(That folder
contains reports and logs too. I assume that you won't need it as
this is a separate installation)
The local copy will most probably work by now but there are possibilities that it would not. Things to do in this case:
If you are getting redirected to the live site, check the .htaccess
file for redirects(For various reasons there may be a redirect
defined in the file)
If you are getting forbidden error, this will come in handy(Usually occurs in linux systems)
There may still be some problems probably theme or module specific. In this case you will need to debug the project and find out what the problem is. Xdebug will come in handy in this situation for boosting the debug process :)
Subrata's solution will conflict with some of the Magento Modules installed and will not allow you to re-install Magento in local. I follow these steps and everything works fine.
Just give a permission (0777) after take a backup to that folder in your local PC
First of all you will have to change the secure and unsecure base_url in your database.
These can be found in the 'core_config_data' table.
If you want to access your local version of Magento via localhost, you'll have to set localhost as your base_url.
After that you need to clear your cache folder.
To install and run Magento on your local PC using XAMPP, please follow these steps:

Unable to run Magento site offline. DEV server redirects to live store

I have a Magento site running on a live e-commerce server.
I downloaded the whole site for offline use in a development environment. I changed the Base URL values in the database and edited the local.xml file but my local development site is still referring to the online store.
How do I correct this?
The usual problem, changing your base urls and local.xml is only a minor part of the equation.
Step 3 was missed on moving the website to the development server.
Moving stuff is actually pretty darn simple.
a. Tar the public_html directory on the old server
b. Reinstall on the development system.
a. Disable caching in Magento on the old server, dump the database and then reenable the Magento cache.
b. Create a mysql database, user and grant permissions on the development system. Load the database dump into the database on the development system.
Do the one thing that most people ignore, go set your file permissions and ownership.
Change your base URLs using either mysql command line or phpMyAdmin.
Go eliminate every subfolder in the var/ folder, Magento will recreate it.
Finally, go make changes to your local.xml file to change the database access credentials assigned to the new database and bring Magento up.
If you have complete ownership of the server, do the above steps with the Apache server down until you've loaded all the data and made the permissions and file corrections. This prevents accidentally starting Magento in an unprepared state which can cache Magento's configuration which is why you are having this problem.
If you do not have proper permissions on the var/ folder and subfolders, Magento will write your Magento temporary and cache to the system temp and you end up with Mage's magically redirected Magento which eternally points to the original website.
Also, if you copy local.xml to another file to save it, name it something like local.xml.sv0 otherwise if it ends in .xml, Magento autoload each .xml file in app/etc/ and try to merge it with the contents of your local.xml file.
NOTE: What happens when you don't properly set file/folder permissions before running Magento for the first time after a move.

Magento Multiwebsite With Single Database & Single Admin

Can i create multiple web store with single admin and database *in Magento*. i want to host these stores from different servers. In other words my database and code (different code for different site) would be on different servers.
for ex: i have and stores created in Magento hosted on different servers but the database is same.
i have already created multi-store concept in Magento with Magento's default functionality but in that case we can't host different website from different server because there is a single code for both of the site or store
why i wanted to use this concept just because of security purpose and in case of server crash there will be no harm to other web store because they are hosted from different servers
Haven't seen such scheme before but I don't think this will work.
From the implementation's view, it requires a dedicated empty database in which the tables will be created as part of the installation process. So when you install a second Magento on the same database, all tables written by the previous Magento installation shall be erased.
