I'm using the tangible T4 example from the documentation and pull the classes as followed:
// get all class items from the code model
var allClasses = VisualStudioHelper.CodeModel.GetAllCodeElementsOfType(project.CodeModel.CodeElements, EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass, false);
And the methods:
// get all methods implemented by this class
var allFunctions = VisualStudioHelper.CodeModel.GetAllCodeElementsOfType(codeClass.Members, EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementFunction, false);
Here is how I initialize project and codeClass:
var project = VisualStudioHelper.GetProject("CodeBase");
var allClasses = VisualStudioHelper.CodeModel.GetAllCodeElementsOfType(project.CodeModel.CodeElements, EnvDTE.vsCMElement.vsCMElementClass, false);
foreach(CodeClass codeClass in allClasses) { ..... }
This works except that I don't get all methods from the class. The class is a partial class and I only get the methods from the 1st *.cs file.
Any idea or workaround?
I've got a top-level Controller object that is holding a reference to three objects (MyObject). I'd like to position these precisely on the page at any time, but I would like each object to also be editable, and I'm not really sure how to do that.
So far, I've got a class that extends ItemFragment and displays my individual items, like this:
class MyObjectFragment(o: MyObject) : ItemFragment<MyObject>() {
override val root = hbox {
Meanwhile, I have a top-level View with a reference to my controller, like this:
class TopLevelView : View() {
val controller = TopLevelController()
override val root = hbox {
And right now, all I have for the top level controller is this:
class TopLevelController() : Controller() {
val myObject1 = MyObject()
val myObject2 = MyObject()
val myObject3 = MyObject()
I'm trying to figure out what I need to do to wrap these objects as observable values. My first attempt was to add something like this to the init method of MyObjectFragment:
class MyObjectFragment(o: MyObject) : ItemFragment<MyObject>() {
init {
However, that method only takes an ObservableValue<MyObject>. What is the best way to get that to tie all of this together?
You can create an observable list of your objects like so:
class TopLevelController() : Controller() {
val myObjects = FXCollections.observableArrayList<MyObject>(MyObject(), MyObject(), MyObject())
Then in your TopLevelView, you can bind this list to a layout node's children property, and inflate the proper Fragment for each object:
class TopLevelView : View() {
val controller = TopLevelController()
override val root = hbox {
bindChildren(controller.myObjects) {
I'll admit your requirements seem a little vague to me without more information. It'd be helpful to know more of what you want from the item fragments. Are they going to be in a list view or table? Or something more dynamic? And how exactly would they be editing? Would there be a save button or would you expect any input to commit those changes immediately?
import tornadofx.*
class MyObject() {
//val someProperty = SimpleObjectProperty<Something>()
//var some by someProperty
class MyObjectModel(myObject: MyObject? = null) : ItemViewModel<MyObject>(myObject) {
//val someBinding = bind(MyObject::someProperty)
class MyObjectFragment : ItemFragment<MyObject>() {
val model: MyObjectModel by inject()
override val root = hbox {
label("This is an MyObject Fragment")
//you would bind some control to the model binding in here. For example:
init {
itemProperty.value = model.item
class TopLevelController : Controller() {
val myObject1 = MyObject()
val myObject2 = MyObject()
val myObject3 = MyObject()
class TopLevelView : View() {
val controller: TopLevelController by inject()
override val root = vbox {
fun setUpObjectFragment(obj: MyObject) = find<MyObjectFragment>(Scope(MyObjectModel(obj)))
It also seems you're new and are missing a lot of key concepts to utilize from TornadoFX. Using find for instance, is really important for Fragments and Views so they have the proper life cycle.
Then there's Scopes which help with being able to call certain Components with injection.
And finally, there are Model classes, most importantly ItemViewModel which gives you the most functionality with editing, like being able to rollback and commit changes as well as to mark properties as required and add validate filters.
If this isn't a satisfactory solution, please give us more information on what you want, as I might be able to provide a more elegant and concise solution. If these concepts are confusing, please look at Edvin's guide.
I am developing a Xamarin mobile app using MVVM Cross. There are two ViewModels which are doing same thing i.e. showing a dialog using the code below:
var register = await UserDialogHelper.RaiseNotRegisteredAsync (UserDialogs);
if (register) {
ShowViewModel<WebViewModel> (new
url = Urls.RegisterPage,
title = "Register",
I tried moving this code to static class but unable to resolve ShowViewModel. Can anyone suggest how to resolve ShowViewModel in non-viewmodel class?
When you have methods or properties to share between the same viewmoels. You can just implement a base viewmodel. And the other ones just inherit from this base viewmodel. Like following example:
public abstract class MyBaseViewModel : MvxViewModel
public void MyMethod()
// Your code
var register = await UserDialogHelper.RaiseNotRegisteredAsync (UserDialogs);
if (register) {
ShowViewModel<WebViewModel> (new
url = Urls.RegisterPage,
title = "Register",
And then your viewmodels look like this:
public class MyFirstViewModel : MyBaseViewModel
Inside this MyFirstViewModel you can call the base method MyMethod. And so on...
If you want to navigate from outside a view/viewmodel: Look at this answer from Stuart or the answer here from #SergioZgz
ShowViewModel comes from MvxNavigatingObject if your class doesn't inherited it you cannot use it.
You could something like this in a class than is not a MvxViewModel:
var viewDispatcher = Mvx.Resolve<IMvxViewDispatcher>();
viewDispatcher.ShowViewModel(new MvxViewModelRequest(
But I think that answer from Joehl is the correcty way :)
I have an ASP.NET MVC4 Web API project with an ApiController-inheriting controller that accepts an ODataQueryOptions parameter as one of its inputs.
I am using NUnit and Moq to test the project, which allow me to setup canned responses from the relevant repository methods used by the ApiController. This works, as in:
public class ProjectControllerTests
public async Task GetById()
var repo = new Mock<IManagementQuery>();
repo.Setup(a => a.GetProjectById(2)).Returns(Task.FromResult<Project>(new Project()
ProjectID = 2, ProjectName = "Test project", ProjectClient = 3
var controller = new ProjectController(repo.Object);
var response = await controller.Get(2);
Assert.AreEqual(response.id, 2);
Assert.AreEqual(response.name, "Test project");
Assert.AreEqual(response.clientId, 3);
The challenge I have is that, to use this pattern, I need to pass in the relevant querystring parameters to the controller as well as the repository (this was actually my intent). However, in the case of ODataQueryOptions-accepting ApiController methods, even in the cases where I would like to use just the default parameters for ODataQueryOptions, I need to know how to instantiate one. This gets tricky:
ODataQueryOptions does not implement an interface, so I can't mock it directly.
The constructor requires an implementation of System.Web.Http.OData.ODataQueryContext, which requires an implementation of something implementing Microsoft.Data.Edm.IEdmModel, for which the documentation is scarce and Visual Studio 2012 Find References and View Call Hierarchy do not provide insight (what implements that interface?).
What do I need to do/Is there a better way of doing this?
Looks like someone else already answered this in the comments here, but it's not a complete solution for my use-case (see comment below):
ODataModelBuilder modelBuilder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var opts = new ODataQueryOptions<Customer>(new ODataQueryContext(modelBuilder.GetEdmModel(),typeof(Customer)), request);
This is the solution I have been using in my NUnit tests to inject ODataQueryOptions
private static IEdmModel _model;
private static IEdmModel Model
if (_model == null)
var builder = new ODataConventionModelBuilder();
var baseType = typeof(MyDbContext);
var sets = baseType.GetProperties().Where(c => c.PropertyType.IsGenericType && c.PropertyType.GetGenericTypeDefinition() == typeof(IDbSet<>));
var entitySetMethod = builder.GetType().GetMethod("EntitySet");
foreach (var set in sets)
var genericMethod = entitySetMethod.MakeGenericMethod(set.PropertyType.GetGenericArguments());
genericMethod.Invoke(builder, new object[] { set.Name });
_model = builder.GetEdmModel();
return _model;
public static ODataQueryOptions<T> QueryOptions<T>(string query = null)
query = query ?? "";
var url = "http://localhost/Test?" + query;
var request = new HttpRequestMessage(HttpMethod.Get, url);
return new ODataQueryOptions<T>(new ODataQueryContext(Model, typeof(T)), request);
I've been playing with MVC3 with KnockoutJs for a few weeks and I've been wondering about something
say I have an mvc action which returns a simple list
public ActionResult AddFoos()
List<Foo> funds = new List<Foo>();
.. etc
return Json(funds.ToList(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
which is then passed into the view model
var viewModel = {
fooChocies: ko.mapping.fromJS([]),
fooOptions: ko.mapping.fromJS([]),
loadInitialData: function () {
ko.mapping.fromJS(serverData, dataMappingOptions, viewModel.fooOptions);
In my type Foo I also have properties that show or hide ui elements
var Foo = function (data, preselect) {
var self = this;
self.id = ko.observable(data.id);
self.Name = ko.observable(data.Name);
self.number = ko.observable('');
self.showProducts = ko.observable(false); <---
self.displayBigPanel = ko.observable(false); <---
My approach so far as been to dynamically create elements of the form
which passes through the ModelBinder and creates a List< Foo > as a parameter for controller action.
Finally the question...
When the user navigates back to this page I need to restore the UI with the fooChoices the user made.
It seems I have 2 choices with rebuilding the user selections (both via extension methods)
Use raw json as seen by
which in addition to basic model properties also provides info on hiding and displaying UI elements,
sb.Append("viewModel.fooCghoices= ko.mapping.fromJS(" + json + ");");
return new HtmlString(sb.ToString());
thus sending client ui info to the server and back
Manipulate the ViewModel directly in effect simulating the user actions
sb.Append("viewModel.fooChoices.push(new Foo(1509));");
sb.Append("viewModel.fooChoices()[0].selectedSubFoo = new Foo(273);");
In either case it feels a bit off and that a better pattern is out there. Would like to know if one way is better than the other or none of the above.
Many Thanks
Presently, your controller method returns a list of Foo. Consider creating a more complex object that holds both your Foos and your choices.
public class FooViewModel
public List<Foo> Foos { get; set; };
public UserChoices { get; set; }
Change your controller method so that it returns FooViewModel. This means user choices will be returned along with any Foos you are interested in.
public ActionResult AddFoos()
// Are there any choices stored in session?
// Use those first, otherwise create a new UserChoices object
UserChoices choices =
Session["User.Choices"] as UserChoices ?? new UserChoices();
List<Foo> funds = new List<Foo>();
.. etc
FooViewModel vm = new FooViewModel() { Foos = funds; UserChoices = choices };
// Return the whole object, containing Choices and Foos
return Json(vm, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
Also, consider some kind of action filter to allow you to pass complete objects easily. ObjectFilter is a good approach. It allows you to pass complex object structures easily without having to rely on specific markup.
ObjectFilter above a controller method. Pretty simple, just declaring that the controller should attempt to treat any incoming parameter called fooStuff as type FooViewModel.
ObjectFilter(Param = "fooStuff", RootType = typeof(FooViewModel)),
public JsonResult ProcessFoos(FooViewModel fooStuff) {
By defining a corresponding JavaScript view model, you can just convert the whole thing to a json string and pass it to the controller method fully populated.
So, example of corresponding js vm would be:-
var fooViewModel = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.Foos = ko.observableArray(data.Foos);
self.UserChoices = ko.observable(data.UserChoices);
// Don't worry about properties or methods that don't exist
// on the C# end of things. They'll just be ignored.
self.usefulJSOnlyMethod = function() {
// behaviour
var userChoice = function(data) {
var self = this;
self.DinnerId = ko.observable(data.DinnerId);
Typical call to a controller method decorated by ObjectFilter would be something like this ( assuming self is a fooViewModel ):-
var queryData = ko.mapping.toJSON(self);
data: queryData,
Any matching ( same name, same type case-sensitive ) property from the js vm will automatically end up in the fooStuff parameter of your controller method. Time to save those choices:-
Also note that I'm persisting user choices in the session here. This'll allow them to be picked up by any other controller method which may need them ( example in AddFoos above ).
ObjectFilter(Param = "fooStuff", RootType = typeof(FooViewModel)),
public JsonResult ProcessFoos(FooViewModel fooStuff)
// hey! I have a fully mapped FooViewModel right here!
// ( _fooServices.ProcessFoos will return updated version of viewmodel )
FooViewModel vm = _fooServices.ProcessFoos(fooStuff);
// What about those choices?
// Put them in the session at this point in case anyone else comes asking
// after them.
Session["User.Choices"] = vm.UserChoices;
return Json(vm);
Because we've:-
Defined a better C# view model
Defined a corresponding JS view model
Including UserChoices as part of that view model
....restoring the choice is simple at this point. Reference the part of the view model that contains the user's selected choice.
<select id="dinnerChoice"
data-bind="value: UserChoices.DinnerId"
When I try to bind in an MVC 3 view (using an #Html.DropDownList helper) to a select list based on an IEnumerable< X >, where X is a custom class I created rather than a framework class, I get the error “DataBinding: 'MyCustomNamespace.MyCustomClass' does not contain a property with the name 'MyProperty'.”. I do not get an error if I use a SelectListItem or a KeyValuePair in place of my custom class in the IEnumerable - in that case it works fine. I am guessing that the issue may be that my custom class is not known in the Html.DropDownList helper and hence can’t be accessed there? But I thought this was supposed to operate using reflection and the property names I specified during SelectList definition, so that would not be necessary… ?
Here is a simplified version of my code:
// In .cshtml file:
#Html.DropDownList("cmbSection", (SelectList)ViewBag.Section)
// In Controller:
List<MyCustomClass> filters = new List<MyCustomClass>();
MyCustomClass testItem1 = new MyCustomClass { MyProperty = "AAA"};
MyCustomClass testItem2 = new MyCustomClass { MyProperty = "BBB"};
return new SelectList(filters, "AAA", "MyPropertyName", "MyPropertyName");
// Elsewhere:
public class MyCustomClass
public string MyProperty
//your code starts
List<MyCustomClass> filters = new List<MyCustomClass>();
MyCustomClass testItem1 = new MyCustomClass { MyProperty = "AAA"};
MyCustomClass testItem2 = new MyCustomClass { MyProperty = "BBB"};
//your code ends here
var items= (from item in filters
select new SelectListItem
Value= item.MyProperty
Text= item.MyProperty
ViewBag.items= items;
#Html.DropDownList("MyDropDownList", items)
Check out Phil Haacked blog Model Binding To A List. He posts almost everything about how the default model binder works with Lists.