Erase all cookies in NSURLSession iOS - nsurlsession

How can I erase all cookies from the NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage? The only methods I am aware of delete a single specified cookie, however, the cookies are handled behind the scenes by NSURLSession. (Programming in Swift)

This achieves the same result as the other answers but with one line of code:

let cookieStore = NSHTTPCookieStorage.sharedHTTPCookieStorage()
for cookie in cookieStore.cookies ?? [] {

Similarly, for swift 3.0+, xCode 8.0+
let cookieStore = HTTPCookieStorage.shared
for cookie in cookieStore.cookies ?? [] {


Swift : Share text through Twitter

So basically I am making an event app. Everything has been going smoothly but there's just sharing the event to twitter.
I have searched the internet but all I am getting is using the native app of twitter which I don't want. I want to use the browser to tweet.
I have implemented this method for FB sharing.
Any idea would help me a lot.
let content = FBSDKShareLinkContent()
content.contentURL=NSURL(string: "")
content.imageURL = NSURL(string: "")
content.contentTitle = "Shou 3emlin test app "
content.contentDescription = "testing testing testing"
let shareDialog = FBSDKShareDialog()
shareDialog.fromViewController = self
shareDialog.shareContent = content
if !shareDialog.canShow() {
shareDialog.shareContent = content
if shareDialog.canShow() {
Put this in an action method of a button or in the method where you want to use the browser to tweet your text Swift 3.0:
let tweetText = "your text"
let tweetUrl = ""
let shareString = "\(tweetText)&url=\(tweetUrl)"
// encode a space to %20 for example
let escapedShareString = shareString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)!
// cast to an url
let url = URL(string: escapedShareString)
// open in safari
Take a look at This SDK allows you to compose tweets directly from your app.
let composer = TWTRComposer()
composer.setText("just setting up my Fabric")
composer.setImage(UIImage(named: "fabric"))
// Called from a UIViewController
composer.showFromViewController(self) { result in
if (result == TWTRComposerResult.Cancelled) {
print("Tweet composition cancelled")
else {
print("Sending tweet!")
let tweetText = "hy"
let tweetUrl = "http://rimmi/"
let shareString = "\(tweetText)&url=\(tweetUrl)"
// encode a space to %20 for example
let escapedShareString = shareString.addingPercentEncoding(withAllowedCharacters: CharacterSet.urlQueryAllowed)!
// cast to an url
let url = URL(string: escapedShareString)
// open in safari
#ronatory's solution worked like charm. It also opens a Twitter application if it's already installed on the user's device.
For swift 5+ use!) instead of UIApplication.shared.openURL(url!) as it's deprecated.

Security Scoped Bookmark in App Extension

I am creating a TodayWidget app extension which displays information about user selected folders outside the application directory.
In my main application I am able to use powerbox via NSOpenPanel to select the folder. I can then save a security scoped bookmark to the user defaults of the app group container accessible by my TodayWidget.
The TodayWidget can read in the bookmark data, but when it calls URLByResolvingBookmarkData, it errors out with:
The file couldn’t be opened because it isn’t in the correct format.
Both my main application and the TodayWidget have the below entitlements:
From Apple's documentation, only the application that created the security scoped bookmark can use it. I guess these means embedded applications aren't allowed?
I've looked in to using XPC, but that doesn't really help the problem, as XPC can't use security scoped bookmark either, only a normal bookmark. As soon as the computer is restarted, the XPC process will lose access to the directories.
Really all I need is a way for the XPC process to get read access to user specified directories. Is there a way without having to relaunch my main application every restart of the computer?
You have probably already solved this or moved on. But for all those that are attempting something similar I will leave this here for them. In order to access security scoped bookmarks in a different app they have to be transferred as NSData and re-resolved in the other application.
In my case I show an open dialog in the main application and then save the scoped bookmark into a shared NSUserDefaults suite. The other applications are also part of that suite and then access the container of NSData's and resolve them into usable NSURL's
Here are the relevant bits of code:
//Inside my main application's open function
... get url from NSOpenPanel
//Inside BookmarkUtils.swift
static func saveURLForOtherApplications(url:NSURL)->Bool{
let defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: <#Suite-Name#>)!
//I store them as a dictionary of path->encoded URL
let sandboxedBookmarks:NSMutableDictionary
if let prevBookmarks = defaults.objectForKey(kSandboxKey) as? NSDictionary{
sandboxedBookmarks = NSMutableDictionary(dictionary:prevBookmarks)
sandboxedBookmarks = NSMutableDictionary()
if let shareData = BookmarkUtils.transportDataForSecureFileURL(url){
sandboxedBookmarks.setObject(shareData, forKey:url.path!)
defaults.setObject(sandboxedBookmarks, forKey:kSandboxKey)
return true
println("Failed to save URL Data");
return false
static func transportDataForSecureFileURL(fileURL:NSURL)->NSData?{
// use normal bookmark for encoding security-scoped URLs for transport between applications
var error:NSError? = nil
if let data = fileURL.bookmarkDataWithOptions(NSURLBookmarkCreationOptions.allZeros, includingResourceValuesForKeys:nil, relativeToURL:nil, error:&error){
return data;
println("Error creating transport data!\(error)")
return nil
So then in my extension (Today view in my case) I do something like this...
class TodayViewController: ...
override func viewDidLoad() {
var status = [MyCoolObjects]()
for url in BookmarkUtils.sharedURLSFromApp(){
self.listViewController.contents = status
And the relevant bookmark looks something like:
static func sharedURLSFromApp()->[NSURL]{
var urls = [NSURL]()
if let defaults = NSUserDefaults(suiteName: <#Suite-Name#>){
if let prevBookmarks = defaults.objectForKey(kSandboxKey) as? NSDictionary{
for key in prevBookmarks.allKeys{
if let transportData = prevBookmarks[key as! NSString] as? NSData{
if let url = secureFileURLFromTransportData(transportData){
return urls
static func secureFileURLFromTransportData(data:NSData)->NSURL?{
// use normal bookmark for decoding security-scoped URLs received from another application
var bookmarkIsStale:ObjCBool = false;
var error:NSError? = nil;
if let fileURL = NSURL(byResolvingBookmarkData: data, options: NSURLBookmarkResolutionOptions.WithoutUI, relativeToURL: nil, bookmarkDataIsStale: &bookmarkIsStale, error: &error){
return fileURL
else if(bookmarkIsStale){
println("Bookmark was stale....")
else if let resolveError = error{
println("Error resolving from transport data:\(resolveError)")
return nil
This solution works for me. Once you resolve the shared URL you can then create a bookmark for that application and save it for later if so desired.There may be better ways out there, hopefully Apple works on this as it is currently painful to share permissions with extensions.
Actually you don't need to startAccessingSecureFileURL and it will return fail to start. just transform bookmark data to url will gain access.

How to capture redirect URL in Swift (after auth step of OAuth2)

I am new to Swift. I need help in capturing the redirect URL after a user authorizes my application to use their account. The redirect URL contains the auth_code that I would exchange for a token.
I am spinning in circles trying to use NSURLSessionDataDelegate:
class MySessionDelegate: NSObject, NSURLSessionDataDelegate {
func URLSession(_: NSURLSession, task: NSURLSessionTask, willPerformHTTPRedirection: NSHTTPURLResponse, newRequest: NSURLRequest, completionHandler: (NSURLRequest!) -> Void) {
but it is not being called in:
var authUrl = NSURL(string: "\(responseType)" +
"&client_id=\(apiKey)" +
"&state=\(randomState)" +
var session = NSURLSession(configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration(), delegate: MySessionDelegate(), delegateQueue: nil)
var request = NSMutableURLRequest(URL: authUrl!)
I then added a NSURLProtocol to print the requests (I can see the redirect URL in the console), but this applies to all requests in the session which is not optimal:
var requestCount = 0
class urlProtocol: NSURLProtocol {
override class func canInitWithRequest(request: NSURLRequest) -> Bool {
println("Request #\(requestCount++): URL = \(request.URL.absoluteString)")
return false
Thanks in advance.
Your approach would work outside of a UIWebView, if you were actually running the task on your URLSession. With a UIWebView you aren't using (at least directly) the URLSession API. Like you said with NSURLProtocol, you'll capture every request that goes across the wire.
UIWebView has a delegate you might be able to use. You'll have to make sure you're viewController is the delegate for UIWebView then implement this method from the UIWebViewDelegate protocol.
optional func webView(webView: UIWebView,
shouldStartLoadWithRequest request: NSURLRequest,
navigationType: UIWebViewNavigationType) -> Bool
return true
The request will have the url in it, but the navigation type will have UIWebViewNavigation.Other. You can decide to return true or false depending on if you want the webView to actually load the request. In a typical redirect scenario, you'll see the first request which you created with myWebView.loadRequest(request). You may see other requests if the user is clicking links, or interacting with the page, but their navigation type will not be UIWebViewNavigationType.Other, but rather something like .LinkClicked or .FormSubmitted.

GWT FormPanel method replaced by input parameter

We've discovered a strange new bug in a GWT application I'm maintaining, and I'm not sure when it became an issue. Possibly with a new Firefox version.
We're sending a POST request to the server using a FormPanel, essentially like many examples I've seen online. But since we actually want a PUT request, one of the hidden input parameters is named "method" and has a value of "put".
Now, when I look at the request in Fiddler coming from Firefox, it is being transformed into a GET request with all the parameters in the QueryString. In IE and Chrome, the parameters are in the body of a POST request.
I've displayed the value of FormPanel.getMethod() in an alert, and in IE and Chrome the string "post" is displayed, whereas in firefox it is showing "object HTMLInputElement". Unfortunately, hosted mode debugging does not work with this project.
It obviously looks like the FormPanel's getMethod() function is returning the hidden input parameter named method instead of the actual form's method in Firefox.
Technically I should avoid changing the servlet as this is from an OpenSource project that we use, though I've found I can fix the issue by changing the hidden input parameter's name to "_method" on both ends.
Has anyone ever seen anything like this? I can't find anything in Google.
UPDATE: We're using GWT 2.3 in case that helps
Some insight can be found here Are the PUT, DELETE, HEAD, etc methods available in most web browsers?
I would also suggest using XMLHttpRequest. In this case you [most probably] don't have to change anything on the server side.
In case if you use Submit button, you can write in its clickHandler function:
submitMyForm(yourTextBox.getText(), self);
// self - is the instance of main class (named UploadForm here), needs to be passed here for future reference
and then some more (you can adapt this for your needs):
private native void submitMyForm(String text, UploadForm handler)/*-{
var fd = new FormData();
fd.append("textValue", text);
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
var upload = xhr.upload;
readyStateChangeHandler = function () {
if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
if (xhr.status == 200) {
var serverResponse = eval(xhr.responseText); // optional
} else {
xhr.onreadystatechange = readyStateChangeHandler;"PUT", yourActionUrlHere);

nsIProtocolHandler and nsIURI: Relative URLs in self-created protocol

I have a simple implementation of custom protocol. It's said that newURI method takes 3 arguments (spec, charset & baseURI) and "if the protocol has no concept of relative URIs, third parameter is ignored".
So i open a page like this tada://domain/samplepage which has XML starting with this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE Product SYSTEM "product.dtd">
But i don't see any request regarding product.dtd to my protocol (newURI is not even called). Do i miss smth in my implementation?
BTW: the page itself opens correctly, but there's no request to the DTD-file.
Cc = Components.classes,
Ci = Components.interfaces,
Cr = Components.results,
Cu = Components.utils,
nsIProtocolHandler = Ci.nsIProtocolHandler;
function TadaProtocol() {
TadaProtocol.prototype = {
scheme: "tada",
protocolFlags: nsIProtocolHandler.URI_DANGEROUS_TO_LOAD,
newURI: function(aSpec, aOriginCharset, aBaseURI) {
let uri = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIURI);
uri.spec = (aBaseURI === null)
? aSpec
: aBaseURI.resolve(aSpec);
return uri;
newChannel: function(aURI) {
ioService = Cc[";1"].getService(Ci.nsIIOService),
uri = ioService.newURI("chrome://my-extension/content/about/product.xml", null, null);
return ioService.newChannelFromURI(uri);
classDescription: "Sample Protocol Handler",
contractID: ";1?name=tada",
classID: Components.ID('{1BC90DA3-5450-4FAF-B6FF-F110BB73A5EB}'),
QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIProtocolHandler])
let NSGetFactory = XPCOMUtils.generateNSGetFactory([TadaProtocol]);
The channel you return from newChannel has the chrome:// URI you passed to newChannelFromURI as its URI. So that's the URI the page has as its URI, and as its base URI. So the DTD load happens from "chrome://my-extension/content/about/product.dtd" directly.
What you probably want to do is to set aURI as the originalURI on the channel you return from newChannel.
As Boris mentioned in his answer, your protocol implementation doesn't set nsIChannel.originalURI property so that URLs will be resolved relative to the chrome: URL and not relative to your tada: URL. There is a second issue with your code however: in Firefox loading external DTDs only works with chrome: URLs, this check is hardcoded. There is a limited number of supported DTDs that are mapped to local files (various HTML doctypes) but that's it - Gecko doesn't support random URLs in <!DOCTYPE>. You can see the current logic in the source code. The relevant bug is bug 22942 which isn't going to be fixed.
Boris and Wladimir, thank you!
After some time i have a solution. The problem was that the DTD-file could not be loaded from my custom-created protocol. The idea was to use Proxy API to override schemeIs() method, which was called in newURI method of nsIProtocolHandler.
So now i have this snippet of code in newURI method:
let standardUrl = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIStandardURL);
standardUrl.init(standardUrl.URLTYPE_STANDARD, -1, spec, charset, baseURI);
return Proxy.create(proxyHandlerMaker(standardUrl));
proxyHandlerMaker just implements Proxy API and overrides the needed schemeIs() method. This solved the problem and now all the requests come to newChannel where we can handle them.
Important notes:
Request to DTD comes to newURI() method and does not come to newChannel(). This is the default behavior. This happens because schemeIs("chrome") method is called on the object which was returned by newURI() method. This method should return "true" for DTD-requests if you want the request to reach the newChannel() method.
newChannel() method is invoked with the {nsIURI} object which is not the same as the object which was returned by the newURI method.
If you want to handle both protocol:page & protocol://domain/page URLs by your protocol, you should use both {nsIURI} and {nsIStandardURL} objects
You can pass the created {nsIStandardUrl}-object (standardUrl in the snippet above) as a 2nd argument to the Proxy.create() function. This will make your baseURI (3rd arguments in newURI) pass "baseURI instanceof nsIStandardUrl" check. SchemeIs() method of this proxied object will also return true for the DTD-files requests. But unfortunately the requests won't reach newChannel() method. This could be a nice DTD-problem solution but I can't solve this problem.
