Spring-web tries to find resource named with informed path variable - spring

Using spring-web, I am mapping a method to receive a request containing dots "." on the path:
#RequestMapping(value = "download/{id:.+}", method = RequestMethod.GET, produces = "application/xls")
public String download(#PathVariable(value = "id") String id) { ... }
For example, /download/file.xls should be a valid address. But when I try to access that address, Spring returns Could not find acceptable representation as if it was trying to find a resource named file.xls.
Spring shouldn't execute download method rather than try to find a resource named as the path variable?
Obs.: my application is a spring-boot application.

Your #RequestMapping says it produces "application/xls", but your return type is a String and you haven't annotated the return type with #ResponseBody.
If you want to return an Excel spreadsheet, you need to produce that spreadsheet on the server and return it as a byte[] from your request mapping. I'm not sure how or why you'd return a String, unless you're controller is a simple #Controller and you're returning the view name.

Have you tried configuring your RequestMappingHandlerMapping
handler.setUseSuffixPatternMatch( false )
(I was configuring my RequestMappingHandlerMapping anyway, so for me I just needed to add that line - chances are you may be letting Spring Boot autoconfig that class).
See https://docs.spring.io/spring/docs/current/javadoc-api/org/springframework/web/servlet/mvc/method/annotation/RequestMappingHandlerMapping.html#setUseRegisteredSuffixPatternMatch-boolean-
Possibly you may need to turn off content negotiation as well - I can't remember exactly what Spring Boot default content negotiation is, but it might be affecting your case.
#Override public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {
Worth noting that if you are working on a wider/existing application then both these configurations have possible implications more widely, so if that is the case then tread carefully!


Jersey JAX-RS and OpenaAPI deepObject = true deserialization problem

We have problems deserializing a query parameter with square bracket notation (?paging[offset]=3) in Jersey.
We're using Jersey JAX-RS and annotating our endpoints and beans with swagger OpenAPI, and have tooling to generate our documentation automatically. We want to follow the JSON:API standard for describing a new API. JSON:API specifies that to implement paging, the API must accept a query parameter in the format : ?paging[offset]=0&paging[limit]=10
Our swagger annotations support this out of the box, allowing us to specify
description = "paging",
style = ParameterStyle.DEEPOBJECT,
explode = Explode.TRUE)
Which is compatible with the square bracket notation paging[offset] and so on. And it generates the correct documentation for our paging parameter. All is good and great and dandy.
JAX-RS is the problem. There's a #QueryParam annotation in JAX-RS. But, to use a complex object with the #QueryParam annotation, that type must have a constructor with a single String parameter. No problem. Let's add a constructor to our paging bean.
public class PagingBean {
public PagingBean(String stringValue){...}
public getOffset(){...}
public setOffset(int offset){...}
public getLimit(){...}
public setLimit(int limit){....}
So our endpoint now looks like
public Response someEndpoint(
#Parameter(description = "paging",style = ParameterStyle.DEEPOBJECT,explode = Explode.TRUE) #QueryParam("paging") PagingBean paging
But if we hit our api with
GET /rest/path?paging[limit]=10&paging[offset]=5
We can see that the paging request parameter is null. It seems like Jersey didn't even recognize that the paging[... is part of the paging QueryParam. Probably that it expects exactly the paging key, and not a paging\[?-like key.
We can confirm this by injecting a #Context UriInfo ui and checking the request parameters. Their key are paging[offset] and paging[limit]
One solution to this is to flatten our parameters in the endpoint like so
#QueryParam("paging[limit]") pagingLimit,
#QueryParam("paging[offset]") pagingOffset
But this is not very nice to look at.
Ideas on how to deserialize this in Jersey ?

Feign Client with Spring Boot: RequestParam.value() was empty on parameter 0

I created a simple Feign Client with Spring Boot like this:
public interface GreetingClient {
String greeting(#RequestParam String name);
But when I try just to start an application I get an error:
java.lang.IllegalStateException: RequestParam.value() was empty on parameter 0
First I didn't understand what is the reason and googled a lot but didn't find an answer. Almost excidentely I figured out that it works if to write request param name explicitly:
#RequestParam("name") String name
So my question: is it a bug or could it be configured to not write request params names explicitly?
Both Spring MVC and Spring cloud feign are using the same ParameterNameDiscoverer - named DefaultParameterNameDiscoverer to find parameter name. It tries to find the parameter names with the following step.
First, it uses StandardReflectionParameterNameDiscoverer. It tries to find the variable name with reflection. It is only possible when your classes are compiled with -parameters.
Second, if it fails, it uses LocalVariableTableParameterNameDiscoverer. It tries to find the variable name from the debugging info in the class file with ASM libraries.
The difference between Spring MVC and Feign occurs here. Feign uses above annotations (like #RequestParam) on methods of Java interfaces. But, we use these on methods of Java classes when using Spring MVC. Unfortunately, javac compiler omits the debug information of parameter name from class file for java interfaces. That's why feign fails to find parameter name without -parameter.
Namely, if you compile your code with -parameters, both Spring MVC and Feign will succeed to acquire parameter names. But if you compile without -parameters, only Spring MVC will succeed.
As a result, it's not a bug. it's a limitation of Feign at this moment as I think.
Just use String greeting(#RequestParam("name") String name);
public interface GreetingClient {
String greeting(#RequestParam("name") String name);
I use upgrade maven-compiler-plugin to solve this plobrem. you can access: https://blog.51cto.com/thinklili/2566864
This worked for me.
#FeignClient(name="session-service", url="${session.host}")
public interface SrocessingProxy {
#RequestMapping(value = "/process/{key}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Response processSession(#RequestParam String key, #RequestBody PayloadHolder payload);
#RequestMapping(value = "/process/{key}", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Response processSession(#RequestParam String key, #RequestBody PayloadHolder payload) {
System.out.print("Key : " + key);

Unit Testing 'Location' header of Spring REST Controller

After creating a resource in Spring REST Controller , I am returning it's location in header as below.
#RequestMapping(..., method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Void> createResource(..., UriComponentsBuilder ucb) {
URI locationUri = ucb.path("/the/resources/")
return ResponseEntity.created(locationUri).build();
In Unit Test, I am checking its location as below.
public void testCreateResource(...) {
MockHttpServletRequestBuilder request = post("...")
.andExpect(header().string("Location", "/the/resources" + id);
This result cases fails with following message.
java.lang.AssertionError: Response header Location expected:</the/resources/123456> but was:<http://localhost/the/resources/123456>
Seems like I have to provide context prefix http://localhost for Location header in expectation.
Is it safe to hard code context? If so, why?
If not, what is right way to generate it correctly for test case?
I'm guessing because you are using UriComponentsBuilder to build your URI it's setting the host name in your location header. Had you used something like just new URI("/the/resources"), your test would have passed.
In your case, I'd use redirectedUrlPattern to match the redirection URL:
This will match any hostname, so you don't have to hardcode localhost. Learn more about different patterns that you can use with AntPathMatcherhere.
If you don't need to have a full URI in the Location header on the response (i.e. no requirement, design constraint etc...): Consider switching to use a relative URI ( which is valid from HTTP standards perspective - see [1]: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7231 ) Relative URIs is a proposed standard that is supported by modern browsers and libraries. This will allow you to test the behavior of the endpoint and make it less fragile in the long run.
If you need to assert the full path, since you are using MockMvc, you can set the uri in the test request to exactly what you want:
private WebApplicationContext webApplicationContext;
public void testCreateResource() {
MockMvc mvc = MockMvcBuilders.webAppContextSetup(webApplicationContext).build();
mvc.perform(MockMvcRequestBuilders.get(new URI("http://testserver/the/resources")));
This will make the injected builder produce "http://testserver" when build is called. Note of caution, a framework change in the future could cause you headaches if they remove this test behavior.
Facing the same problem, I tried out the solution Suraj Bajaj provided, and it worked fine for me.
I then took a try on asserting the text of the header field "Location" directly and ended up using a containsString().
This simple solution should also be a feasible alternative, as long as server context and the question of relative/absolute path are not of interest:
.andExpect(header().string("Location", containsString("/the/resources"+id)));

Spring MVC: How to treat html suffix like any RequestMapping

I have a legacy system and some url rewrite rule that we want to get rid. One of which is a rule to change is /tools/lookup.html?what=this and change it to /tools/search?what=this and actually returns json and not html !
I'm trying to find a way to have a #Controller to support the legacy format lookup.html, but it fails with HTTP 406 "The resource identified by this request is only capable of generating responses with characteristics not acceptable according to the request "accept" headers.". I'm wondering if anyone as done something similar?
My controller methods looks like:
#RequestMapping(value = "/tools/lookup.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public #ResponseBody Result lookup() {
return result;
Thanks in advance
Removing the reponsebody annotation will stop the controlle method returning json.
Take a closer look at #RequestMapping, which supports a produces element. E.g.,
#RequestMapping(value = "/tools/search", produces = "application/json")
public Result search(...) { ... }
The issue comes from how spring is treating pathvariables. The default behavior will cut off the last dot in a url (.html) to find the request mappings.
This effect happens only for the last pathvariable.
I havent found a property yet to change this globally but one way is to tell your pathvariable mapping to use the regex {pathvariable:.+}.
public String method(#Pathvariable String varwithextension) {
Edit: i see that you do not even use pathvars. Probably its still the same effect for the last url part though?
Hi finally found something that should work in my case, note that my app doesn't need to support real html (REST only app), so this shouldn't have to much side effects. In my WebMvcConfigurerAdapter I added the following media type for html.
public void configureContentNegotiation(ContentNegotiationConfigurer configurer) {
I now I get my JSON or XML content back in the client. No more 406 error.

Spring #RequestMapping consumes charset?

I'm trying to use #RequestMapping with the consumes-element. Reading the API-document it works on the Content-Type-header of the request. However, using
#RequestMapping(consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8", value = "/test")
public void test() {
#RequestMapping(consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=ISO-8859-1", value = "/test")
public void test() {
doesn't make a difference. The header in the request can look like
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
test() will be called in all four possible constellations.
However, and this is proof to me that Spring sees and tries to use the charset-part, if I specify
#RequestMapping(consumes = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-x8", value = "/test")
public void test() {
I get an exception during startup (!) of the web-app:
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name 'org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.RequestMappingHandlerMapping#0': Initialization of bean failed;
nested exception is java.nio.charset.UnsupportedCharsetException: UTF-x8
Note that the documentation on the produces-element also doesn't mention the use of charset, but according to Google some use it.
Any clues to what's happening here or what I'm doing wrong?
BTW, this is Spring 3.1.1.RELEASE.
I think you have already answered your question, so this is more of a confirmation, from a code point of view, as to why the charset is not taken into account when resolving mappings.
When digging into Spring code, the culprit seems to be the MediaType#includes(). method
More digging reveals that a RequestMappingInfo is created in association to the RequestMapping annotation of the method. This RequestMappingInfo stores a series of AbstractRequestCondition objects, one of them being the ConsumesRequestCondition which holds the MediaType defined in the consumes part of the annotation (i.e. application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8).
Later when a request is made, this ConsumesRequestCondition has an inner ConsumeMediaTypeExpression class with a matchMediaType() method that extracts the MediaType of the HttpServletRequest and checks it against it's own MediaType to see if it's included.
If you look at the MediaType#includes() implementation (Lines 426 to 428), it returns true when type (i.e. application) and subtype (i.e. x-www-form-urlencoded) are equal, completely disregarding the parameters Map which in this case
holds the remnant "charset","UTF-8" combination.
Digging into the produces track seems to show similar results, but in this case it's the MediaType#isCompatibleWith() method involved, and again, it reaches only to type and subtype if they are equal.
If you found evidence on Google of the produces working for charset request mapping, I would doubt it (unless they changed core Spring stuff)
As to why it was designed this way, well that's another question :)
