Is it possible to change the default Device shown in the Preview view in InterfaceBuilder? - interface-builder

As we all know, when you enter Preview in the assistant editor on a xib document, you are greeted with the "iPhone 4-inch" device. It is not possible to remove devices from the view once added. Has anyone researched a way to change the default device that appears? I can't imagine anyone designing with the 4-inch iPhone in mind. I really want to see 4.7-inch every time I use Preview. Further, suppose I was developing an iPad-only app.

You can delete a device by selecting it and click 'Delete' button from your keyboard (even first one created for 4 inch screen can be deleted). These changes are kept even after restarting Xcode.
Answer to your question is NO. There is no way to change this. A workaround would be to add the desired device, 4.7 inch in your case and delete default one. Next time when you'll preview your view you'll see the 4.7 inch device.


Xcode preview changing even after pinning it

I have the Canvas preview open and auto-refreshing the view that I am working on.
When I click on the pin in the bottom left corner, it fills with blue, giving me the impression that it's been pinned. But, when I navigate to a different view, that view is then previewed and the pin in the bottom left is still highlighted blue.
I'm currently worthing within Xcode 11.5.
I've experienced the same issue on the, as of writing, latest Xcode 12.4. After messing around with it, I've been able to figure it out; the trick is to make sure that at the time of pinning, the live preview is off. Then pin, change previews, and voila.

Xcode application, Splash screen doesnt work on low resolution iPad

I'm opening a topic here to find some help regarding the Splash screen on iOS. Apparently, all the process seems to be quite simple, but unfortunately, I've encountered a problem just on a specific case : the default splash screen is showed on the iPads with low resolutions (iPad , iPad 2, iPad Air , ...), the custom one is not set.
Specificity : The application is developed with React Native (Framework) only for iPad on a Landscape mode.
Here below you will find the steps that I followed to achieve the Splash screen :
2 pictures prepared for the Splash screen : Default-Landscape.png (1024*768px) & Default-Landscape#2x.png (2048*1536px).
Project opened on Xcode : MyProject.xcodeproj
Check out the folder "Images.xcassets" in the project.
Left click (2nd column from the left. In the full display interface) > App Icon & Launch Image > New iOS Launch Image.
Two new things appeared: one drop zone and a checklist with the devices that we wanted. Then I've chosen what interested me.
Drag and drop the images in the specific drop zone related to the good format.
After the image uploaded I've click on project "MyProject" (1st column) > click on target "MyProject" (2nd column) > click on "Use catalog assets" (button on the 3rd column) > select "Migrate" > then in the drop down menu I've chosen the settings that I've prepared before "LaunchImage".
Finally I removed the folder "Base.lproj" where the default splash screen (LaunchScreen.xid) was.
Result: After compiling, I've seen that the Splash screen was working for the high resolution devices (iPad Air 2 & iPad Pro), but unfortunatly, on low resolution (iPad 2, iPad Air, iPad Retina), I still have the default screen "NameOfProject" as headline and "Powered by React native" on the bottom of the page.
I really hope that you can help me on this one because I really don't know what's going wrong there. I've tried different import methods, differents sizes and names for the images. But still nothing work.
You may have to delete the app from the Home screen, and then reinstall it. iOS seems to cache the previous launch image for some reason.
Also make sure that your image sizes are correct if you haven't already.
Thanks a lot rclai89!!
Just to add some details to complete this topic. This video explains what you've advised me and solved my problem :
App removed from the Home screen : Once the emulator is running, on the top navigation choose Simulator > then Reset Content and settings.
Cache cleared : CMD + SHIFT + K
Derived Data cleared : On Xcode go to the Window item (top navigation) > select Projects > next to the "Derived Data" you have the path where the file is contained, just need to click on Delete button and everything is done.
Close & Re-Open Xcode. The next compilation for all the different devices (in my case iPad) show up the splash screen that I wanted. Awesome!

Is there a way to take screenshots of an entire ViewController in Interface builder?

I do all my work on a 13" macbook and there are times when I need to send the designer screenshots of the ViewController I'm working on. Usually I have to take multiple screenshots but I was wondering if anyone knows of an app or a way to do it from Xcode.
Would it be an option to send a screenshot from the simulator? You could run your app, navigate to your ViewController and presse Cmd + S to save a screenshot on your desktop. Here it doesn't matter if the simulator is bigger than your screen, the screenshot will always show the whole ViewController.

Launch Image does not show up in my iOS App

I want to get a simple launch screen to show in my app, built using Xcode 6.0.1.
I have added a launch screen in two ways: As an XIB (with the default name, LaunchScreen.xib) and as a launchimage set within xcassets.
I have made sure that my "Launch Screen File" is set to LaunchScreen.xib.
I have simulated every device available (e.g., "iPhone5 iOS8" / "iPhone5s iOS8" / "iPhone6 iOS8". Note that only iOS 8 is available within the simulator).
So this has been quite painful for something that should be trivial. Here is what I did:
Use xcassets
I decided to use .xcassets versus the .xib for launch. I deleted the .xib. If you have images.xcassets already in your project then great, otherwise you can add one from File>New>file:
Create a Launch Image Set
Now create at a minimum a launchimage set and icon set in your .xcassets file by right clicking in the navigator area.
Update the App Icons and Launch Images Settings
Then I made sure that the "Apps icon and image sets" in my target are as below.
Very Important: Make sure the "Launch screen file" setting is blank.
Add the Images
Last but not least, the terminology used by Apple for the device selection is confusing. Initially I thought that since I am deploying for iOS8 only (iPhone Portrait), I can do this and just put in the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ launch images:
I quickly realized that is not the way this works and I was getting a warning:
"An iPhone Retina (4-inch) launch image for iOS 7.0 and later is required."
So I had to select the iPhone under iOS 7.0 and later as well and add an Image for the iPhone 5s.
So to find out which boxes to check on the right, do not ask the question: What is my minimum iOS and device and device orientation but rather ask:
What devices out there can support my minimum iOS? Now What is the minimum iOS supported on those devices? And make sure you check all of those boxes. So for me, I am targeting iPhone 5s, 6 and 6 Plus at 8.0 but given that iPhone 5s can exist with 7.0, I need to check the 7.0 box as well to show the image placeholder. In other words, the (iOS) check box on the right shows you the minimum iOS version available for that device and you need to click it to show the image placeholder and put an image regardless of whether you are deploying at this iOS version or not.
The LaunchScreen.xib and the info value Launch screen interface file base name are from my experience both placeholders that are created when the project is created. If you would like to use the Images.xcassets exclusively for your launch screens, delete both the LaunchScreen.xib and the info.plist item.
If you provide the info.plist setting you app will use the xib and not your Images.xcassets
Xcode 8:
Images used in LaunchScreen.xib should not be on a .xcassets, try dropping them in the bundle.
Looks like that by the time that the .xib gets loaded, the images in the .xcassets are not yet available.
EDIT: For some opaque reason after adding some localizations, launch screen stopped working, now it works with an image from the assets, extremely weird.
My solution was to create all the launch images.
Then I set the Launch Images Source to the LaunchImage asset, and leave launch screen file blank.
Finally if the project does not have a Launch Screen.xib, then add that file and leave it as is.
For me, it worked when I uninstalled the app and then restarted the simulator.
When installed again, launch image appeared as expected.
This also worked on an actual device.
For the people who are using the Asset Catalog's Launch Image, as I learned this the hardest way, I had this scenario where I was first given a jpg file then I asked them convert it to PNG.
I trusted them enough that I scoured the internet first as to why the launch image wasn't showing and did every solution to no avail, then I tried putting back the old launch image and was working fine, it was there that I thought what I have is not a proper PNG file.
TL;DR: Make sure that you are actually using a proper PNG file, not a file with a renamed extension.
Removing "Launch screen interface file base name" from Info.plist file AND trashing "Launch Screen.xib" worked for me.
Simply removing and reinstalling the app worked for me:
Testing in the Simulator
Delete the app in the simulator.
Quit and restart the simulator.
Run the project again in Xcode.
Testing on Device
Delete the app from the device.
Run the project again in Xcode.
The problem with the accepted answer is that if you don't set the Launch Screen File, your application will be in upscaling mode on devices such as the iPhone 6 & 6+ => blurry rendering.
Below is what I did to have a complete working solution (I'm targeting iOS 7.1 & using Xcode 8) on every device (truly, I was getting crazy about this upscaling problem)
1. Prepare your .xcassets
To simplify it, I'm using a vector .PDF file. It is very convenient and avoid creating multiple images for each resolution (1x, 2x, 3x...). I also assume here you already created your xcassets.
Add your launch screen image (or vector file) to your project
Go to your .xcassets and create a New Image Set. In the Attributes window of the Image, select Scales -> Single Scale
Drag and drop the vector file in the Image Set.
2. Create your Launch Screen file
3. Add your image to your Launch Screen file
Add an Image View object to your Launch Screen file (delete the labels that were automatically created). This image view should refer to the previous .xcassets Image Set. You can refer it from the Name attribute. At this stage, you should correctly see your launch screen image in your image view.
Add constraints to this image view to keep aspect ratio depending on the screen resolution.
4. Add your Launch Screen file to your target
Fianlly, in your Target General properties, refer the Launch Screen file.
Start your app, and your splash screen should be displayed. Try also on iPhone6 & iPhone6+, and your application should be correctly displayed without any upscaling (the Launch Screen file aims to do this).
After several hours frustrated on this, I decided to use this way. It works for both iPhone and iPad (on Xcode 6.1)
File >> New File >> User Interface >> Launch Screen
Create new key/value: "Launch screen interface file base name"/"Your Launch Screen Name" in YourApp-Info.plist
1 picture worths more than thousand words. Please look at below:
I've read about a bug in Xcode 6 which prevents landscape only apps from displaying a launch image.
Try to set images and orientation within Images.xcassets:
There is a bug where Xcode 6 launch images stored in asset files cause iphone landscape only apps on iOS7/iOS8 to display a black launch image. iPad works fine.
Use the new Launchscreen.xib for ios8+ onwards. (it is far better)
For ios7 devices to work you simply turn off launch images source and use the old school launch images file names in the plist
iphone5 - Default-568h#2x.png
iphone4s - Default#2x.png
ipad2 - Default-Landscape~ipad.png
ipad retina - Default-Landscape#2x~ipad.png
Painful but works.
I have tried everything but solution was extremely simple. Just use .jpg file instead of .png on your LaunchScreen.storyboard. It seems like iOS does not render .png file or relatively big image size at launch screen.
Do what Spectravideo328 answered and:
Try to UNCHECK the iOS 7 and later box and CHECK the iOS 6 and prior box in the asset catalog. There seems to be a bug with the iOS 7 Launch Image.
(These both have the same Launch Images except for the 320x480 one)
Hope this helps, it did help for me!
I set up "LaunchImage" in my asset catalog and simply cleared the "Launch Screen" field et voila ! I had the launch images appear ...
One way is to also add "Launch Screen" (LaunchScreen.xib), paste the image into UIImageView and then set it to "Horizontal Center in Container" and "Vertical Center in Container" in "Align" if you are using Auto Layout.
Don't forget to put LaunchScreen.xib into "Launch Screen File".
I had the same issue after I started using Xcode 6.1 and changed my launcher images. I had all images in an Asset Catalog.
I would get only a black screen instead of the expected static image. After trying so many things, I realised the problem was that the Asset Catalog had the Project 'Target Membership' ticked-off in its FileInspector view. Ticking it to ON did the magic and the image started to appear on App launch.
Make sure your images are accurate size according to Apple guidelines.
Make sure, You will select only one option , either launch screen file or Launch Image Source. You can find these two options in Project build settings -> General
My suggestion to you is to select Launch Image Source as Image.Assets. Create splash image assets there in Image.assests folder.
Reference image for right configuration:
If you have changed your launch image from a previous image, and observe the following:
devices/simulators where the app was previously installed, still show the previous image and refuse to show the new one (uninstalling and reinstalling the app doesn't help)
devices/simulators where the app was not previously installed, show the new launch image
It is likely because of the caching of launch image done by iOS. Rebooting the device should solve the problem.
I tried opening a new project, and moving through the same steps you did to set a launch screen.
By default, the .xib was set as "Launch Screen File," and the white screen with a label did show for half a second in the simulator.
I then a "Launch Images Source" and set it to the Images.xcassets which generated with the background images I added to the project. (all good so far)
Rerun the simulator and the launch images don't show...
After deleting the specified "Launch Screen File" and a clean: Product -> Clean, from the top menu, the launch images finally show up.
Maybe that will help?
There is a file 'LaunchScreen.xib' automatically added to your project
Deleting this will shift xCode to using your Default images in Images.xcassets
edited to add
go to App Icons and Launch Images
Launch Screen File should be blank/emtpy
I had a very strange bug. Apparently my launch image source was only set for debug configuration and not release. This resulted in my launch screen appearing when running debug configuration, but when I changed to release I just got a black screen.
I fixed this when I changed my build configuration to release the Launch Image Source button appeared and I had to choose Use Asset Catalog again.
For those who are curious, this is what my project.pbxproj looked like.
isa = XCBuildConfiguration;
buildSettings = {
For some reason, I had to change the asset catalog location to "relative to project" for this to work.
I had also deleted the app from my phone and reinstalled, but it was probably the "relative to project" that did it.
* (Xcode 7.2 / Deployment Target 7.0 / Landscape Orientation Only) *
I know is an old question but with Xcode 7.2 I'm still getting the message and I fixed with this:
1) Select PORTRAIT and both landscapes. Add "Launch Images Source" and "Launch Screen File"
2) In your Launch Image select iPhone "8.0 and Later" and "7.0 and Later".
3) Add this code in your appDelegate:
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape;
- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)application:(UIApplication *)application supportedInterfaceOrientationsForWindow:(UIWindow *)window
return (UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape);
4) Add this on your ViewController
- (NSUInteger)supportedInterfaceOrientations
- (UIInterfaceOrientationMask)supportedInterfaceOrientations
return UIInterfaceOrientationMaskLandscape;
I hope help to somebody else.
This is worked for me. Click LaunchScreen.storyboard then in the right panel you can select "Is Initial View Controller" check box.
LaunchScreen.storyboard -> Is Initial View Controller
I just figured this out. My launch image was not showing up, I get a white screen when launching on a device (iPhone 6, 7+) or testFlight. Fix: Renamed "Landing_screen.png" to just "Landing_screen" removing .png part. The image icon in Xcode changed to white icon and in the launch screen storyboard the image appears as a question mark now. The Launch image now appears and not the white screen. My Setup: I am using Swift 3.1 with Xcode 8.3.1. In LaunchScreen.storyboard I added a simple image view and stretched the image to fit the view controller. I set auto layout constraints Top/Bottom/Leading/Trailing space to superview to 0.
I encountered this bug also with my landscape-only app. Following carlodurso's solution works:
tick the "Landscape" box
drag and drop the image to the place.
For me, it works when I remove LaunchScreen.xib and change it to a storyboard file LaunchScreen.storyboard.

How can I lock orientation in OpenPlug (/flex)?

I'm writing program with Flex using OpenPlug. I'm having difficulties locking the devices orientation. From Project Properties I can find OpenPlug Studio Targeted Devices and their options. For iOS there is options to support (or not) different orientations and for Android / Symbian there is none.
Even if I select to support only "portrait" orientation with iOS, in emulator screen is not locked. I can't try it in real device, because I'm not able to generate XCode. There's another problem. I have selected to generate XCode, I've selected Apple - iPhone as device and I have selected target folder. When I click build-button, nothing happens..?
Any info regarding either one problem will be appreciated! :)
Not shure if this is still relevant - in OpenPlug Studio, you right-click on the project and choose "Properties". You then choose "OpenPlug Studio targeted Devices" on the left side in order to get the list of devices. You now click the button "Edit by Platform" on the upper right corner. This will render you a list of settings you can make. Among others, there are items "iPhone Support Landscape Left Orientation", "iPhone Support Landscape Portrait Orientation" and so on. Setting these should do the job of locking the orientation.
I have no idea what OpenPlug is, but it looks like an IDE, but I'm not sure. Frankly, it shouldn't matter. If you have a Flex project, you should have an application descriptor file (an xml under the source directory). Under that, there should be an 2 tags that you should be interested in:
<aspectRatio><!-- set portrait or landscape here --></aspectRatio>
