Interpretation of these root objects - wolfram-mathematica

I have solved this system of equations (see below) in Mathematica for real x where the coefficients of the equations are functions of real parameters a,b and c. Mathematica then displays real solutions x with constraints on a,b and c.
The constraints for c (for example) are written in function of roots objects Root[,k]. In the output, I see for instance Root[,1] < c <= Root[,2]. On the other hand, I also see the condition 0< c < Root[,3].
If I'm correct, this implies that I can assume that Root[,1] < Root[,2]? However, can I also assume that Root[,2] < Root[,3]? Furthermore, since Mathematica displays the constraints this way I can assume that these roots (I mean the root objects) are all real, otherwise the statements would be meaningless? I know these root objects are difficult to handle but I really need a proper interpretation to set up the admissible (a,b,c) domain such that the system admits a real solution x.
The Mathematica code for the system is:
16 x^4 - 40 a x^3 + (15 a^2 + 24 b) x^2 - 18 a b x + 3 b^2 == 0
&& 5 a x - 4 x^2 - b > 0
&& 15 a x - 20 x^2 - 3 b < 0
&& 4 x^3 - 8 c x^2 + 5 c a x - c b > 0
&& c > 0 && x > 0,
x, Reals]
Thanks in advance!


How to approach and understand a math related DSA question

I found this question online and I really have no idea what the question is even asking. I would really appreciate some help in first understanding the question, and a solution if possible. Thanks!
To see if a number is divisible by 3, you need to add up the digits of its decimal notation, and check if the sum is divisible by 3.
To see if a number is divisible by 11, you need to split its decimal notation into pairs of digits (starting from the right end), add up corresponding numbers and check if the sum is divisible by 11.
For any prime p (except for 2 and 5) there exists an integer r such that a similar divisibility test exists: to check if a number is divisible by p, you need to split its decimal notation into r-tuples of digits (starting from the right end), add up these r-tuples and check whether their sum is divisible by p.
Given a prime int p, find the minimal r for which such divisibility test is valid and output it.
The input consists of a single integer p - a prime between 3 and 999983, inclusive, not equal to 5.
This is a very cool problem! It uses modular arithmetic and some basic number theory to devise the solution.
Let's say we have p = 11. What divisibility rule applies here? How many digits at once do we need to take, to have a divisibility rule?
Well, let's try a single digit at a time. That would mean, that if we have 121 and we sum its digits 1 + 2 + 1, then we get 4. However we see, that although 121 is divisible by 11, 4 isn't and so the rule doesn't work.
What if we take two digits at a time? With 121 we get 1 + 21 = 22. We see that 22 IS divisible by 11, so the rule might work here. And in fact, it does. For p = 11, we have r = 2.
This requires a bit of intuition which I am unable to convey in text (I really have tried) but it can be proven that for a given prime p other than 2 and 5, the divisibility rule works for tuples of digits of length r if and only if the number 99...9 (with r nines) is divisible by p. And indeed, for p = 3 we have 9 % 3 = 0, while for p = 11 we have 9 % 11 = 9 (this is bad) and 99 % 11 = 0 (this is what we want).
If we want to find such an r, we start with r = 1. We check if 9 is divisible by p. If it is, then we found the r. Otherwise, we go further and we check if 99 is divisible by p. If it is, then we return r = 2. Then, we check if 999 is divisible by p and if so, return r = 3 and so on. However, the 99...9 numbers can get very large. Thankfully, to check divisibility by p we only need to store the remainder modulo p, which we know is small (at least smaller than 999983). So the code in C++ would look something like this:
int r(int p) {
int result = 1;
int remainder = 9 % p;
while (remainder != 0) {
remainder = (remainder * 10 + 9) % p;
return result;
I have no idea how they expect a random programmer with no background to figure out the answer from this.
But here is the brief introduction to modulo arithmetic that should make this doable.
In programming, n % k is the modulo operator. It refers to taking the remainder of n / k. It satisfies the following two important properties:
(n + m) % k = ((n % k) + (m % k)) % k
(n * m) % k = ((n % k) * (m % k)) % k
Because of this, for any k we can think of all numbers with the same remainder as somehow being the same. The result is something called "the integers modulo k". And it satisfies most of the rules of algebra that you're used to. You have the associative property, the commutative property, distributive law, addition by 0, and multiplication by 1.
However if k is a composite number like 10, you have the unfortunate fact that 2 * 5 = 10 which means that modulo 10, 2 * 5 = 0. That's kind of a problem for division.
BUT if k = p, a prime, then things become massively easier. If (a*m) % p = (b*m) % p then ((a-b) * m) % p = 0 so (a-b) * m is divisible by p. And therefore either (a-b) or m is divisible by p.
For any non-zero remainder m, let's look at the sequence m % p, m^2 % p, m^3 % p, .... This sequence is infinitely long and can only take on p values. So we must have a repeat where, a < b and m^a % p = m^b %p. So (1 * m^a) % p = (m^(b-a) * m^a) % p. Since m doesn't divide p, m^a doesn't either, and therefore m^(b-a) % p = 1. Furthermore m^(b-a-1) % p acts just like m^(-1) = 1/m. (If you take enough math, you'll find that the non-zero remainders under multiplication is a finite group, and all the remainders forms a field. But let's ignore that.)
(I'm going to drop the % p everywhere. Just assume it is there in any calculation.)
Now let's let a be the smallest positive number such that m^a = 1. Then 1, m, m^2, ..., m^(a-1) forms a cycle of length a. For any n in 1, ..., p-1 we can form a cycle (possibly the same, possibly different) n, n*m, n*m^2, ..., n*m^(a-1). It can be shown that these cycles partition 1, 2, ..., p-1 where every number is in a cycle, and each cycle has length a. THEREFORE, a divides p-1. As a side note, since a divides p-1, we easily get Fermat's little theorem that m^(p-1) has remainder 1 and therefore m^p = m.
OK, enough theory. Now to your problem. Suppose we have a base b = 10^i. The primality test that they are discussing is that a_0 + a_1 * b + a_2 * b^2 + a_k * b^k is divisible by a prime p if and only if a_0 + a_1 + ... + a_k is divisible by p. Looking at (p-1) + b, this can only happen if b % p is 1. And if b % p is 1, then in modulo arithmetic b to any power is 1, and the test works.
So we're looking for the smallest i such that 10^i % p is 1. From what I showed above, i always exists, and divides p-1. So you just need to factor p-1, and try 10 to each power until you find the smallest i that works.
Note that you should % p at every step you can to keep those powers from getting too big. And with repeated squaring you can speed up the calculation. So, for example, calculating 10^20 % p could be done by calculating each of the following in turn.
10 % p
10^2 % p
10^4 % p
10^5 % p
10^10 % p
10^20 % p
This is an almost direct application of Fermat's little theorem.
First, you have to reformulate the "split decimal notation into tuples [...]"-condition into something you can work with:
to check if a number is divisible by p, you need to split its decimal notation into r-tuples of digits (starting from the right end), add up these r-tuples and check whether their sum is divisible by p
When you translate it from prose into a formula, what it essentially says is that you want
for any choice of "r-tuples of digits" b_i from { 0, ..., 10^r - 1 } (with only finitely many b_i being non-zero).
Taking b_1 = 1 and all other b_i = 0, it's easy to see that it is necessary that
It's even easier to see that this is also sufficient (all 10^ri on the left hand side simply transform into factor 1 that does nothing).
Now, if p is neither 2 nor 5, then 10 will not be divisible by p, so that Fermat's little theorem guarantees us that
, that is, at least the solution r = p - 1 exists. This might not be the smallest such r though, and computing the smallest one is hard if you don't have a quantum computer handy.
Despite it being hard in general, for very small p, you can simply use an algorithm that is linear in p (you simply look at the sequence
10 mod p
100 mod p
1000 mod p
10000 mod p
and stop as soon as you find something that equals 1 mod p).
Written out as code, for example, in Scala:
def blockSize(p: Int, n: Int = 10, r: Int = 1): Int =
if n % p == 1 then r else blockSize(p, n * 10 % p, r + 1)
println(blockSize(3)) // 1
println(blockSize(11)) // 2
println(blockSize(19)) // 18
or in Python:
def blockSize(p: int, n: int = 10, r: int = 1) -> int:
return r if n % p == 1 else blockSize(p, n * 10 % p, r + 1)
print(blockSize(3)) # 1
print(blockSize(11)) # 2
print(blockSize(19)) # 18
A wall of numbers, just in case someone else wants to sanity-check alternative approaches:
11 -> 2
13 -> 6
17 -> 16
19 -> 18
23 -> 22
29 -> 28
31 -> 15
37 -> 3
41 -> 5
43 -> 21
47 -> 46
53 -> 13
59 -> 58
61 -> 60
67 -> 33
71 -> 35
73 -> 8
79 -> 13
83 -> 41
89 -> 44
97 -> 96
101 -> 4
103 -> 34
107 -> 53
109 -> 108
113 -> 112
127 -> 42
131 -> 130
137 -> 8
139 -> 46
149 -> 148
151 -> 75
157 -> 78
163 -> 81
167 -> 166
173 -> 43
179 -> 178
181 -> 180
191 -> 95
193 -> 192
197 -> 98
199 -> 99
Thank you andrey tyukin.
Simple terms to remember:
When x%y =z then (x%y)%y again =z
(X+y)%z == (x%z + y%z)%z
keep this in mind.
So you break any number into some r digits at a time together. I.e. break 3456733 when r=6 into 3 * 10 power(6 * 1) + 446733 * 10 power(6 * 0).
And you can break 12536382626373 into 12 * 10 power (6 * 2). + 536382 * 10 power (6 * 1) + 626373 * 10 power (6 * 0)
Observe that here r is 6.
So when we say we combine the r digits and sum them together and apply modulo. We are saying we apply modulo to coefficients of above breakdown.
So how come coefficients sum represents whole number’s sum?
When the “10 power (6* anything)” modulo in the above break down becomes 1 then that particular term’s modulo will be equal to the coefficient’s modulo. That means the 10 power (r* anything) is of no effect. You can check why it will have no effect by using the formulas 1&2.
And the other similar terms 10 power (r * anything) also will have modulo as 1. I.e. if you can prove that (10 power r)modulo is 1. Then (10 power r * anything) is also 1.
But the important thing is we should have 10 power (r) equal to 1. Then every 10 power (r * anything) is 1 that leads to modulo of number equal to sum of r digits divided modulo.
Conclusion: find r in (10 power r) such that the given prime number will leave 1 as reminder.
That also mean the smallest 9…..9 which is divisible by given prime number decides r.

What is the best time complexity possible to find a solution to x^2 + y^2 = m where m can be any natural number?

I have to find a solution to the equation x2 + y2 = m where m can be any natural number and x,y are integers. This can be done in O(m1/2) by using brute force easily. Is there a way I can do this in constant time?
I'm not sure you can do it any better than O(sqrt(m)) for an arbitrary m but that's pretty damn good , much better than linear time :-)
The approach is to start x and y at opposite ends of the solution space and either increment the low end or decrement the high end, depending on whether the result is too low or too high (obviously if the result is perfect, return the values):
def solveForM(m):
set lo to 0
set hi to sqrt(m), rounded up.
while lo < hi:
testVal = lo * lo + hi * hi
if testVal == m:
return (lo, hi)
if testVal > m:
hi = hi - 1
else lo = lo + 1
return "No solution"
If m can be limited somehow, you could achieve O(1) by use of a lookup table (many optimisations come down to trading space for time), such as:
0 -> 0, 0
1 -> 0, 1
2 -> 1, 1
No solution for 3
4 -> 0, 2
5 -> 1, 2
No solution for 6, 7
8 -> 2, 2
9 -> 0, 3
10 -> 1, 3
No solution for 11, 12
13 -> 2, 3
... and so on.
A table like this can be generated with a small program along the lines of (Python 3):
for hi in range(1001):
for lo in range(1001):
m = lo * lo + hi * hi
print("%5d -> %d, %d"%(m, lo, hi))
You have to sort (and possibly remove duplicates) afterwards to create a fast look-up table but the performance is okay with the generation of an unsorted list taking fifteen seconds for all m up to two million.
In any case, this is only run once, after which you would place the table into code where the time expense is incurred at compile time.

proving that huffman's algorithm can produce a codeword of length 1 when frequency greater than 0.40 [closed]

Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers.
This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 8 years ago.
Improve this question
If I have a set of symbols and frequencies:
A - 0.1
B - 0.40
C - 0.2
D - 0.23
E - 0.15
F - 0.17
The Huffman algorithm will produce codewords that are only greater than length 1.
But when I change a frequency to be greater than 0.40, it will produce a codeword of length 1 and greater. How can construct a proof that proves that this is the case for any set of symbols, not just this one?
(Note that your frequencies don't add to 1; I'll assume it's a typo)
Here is a sketch of a proof that to make all codewords greater than 1 bit, no frequency can be greater than 2/5. Without loss of generality, the huffman tree must look like this:
a+b+c+d (the sum must be equal to 1)
/ \
a+b c+d
/ \ / \
a b c d
We must prove that all of a, b, c, and d are no greater than 2/5.
WLOG (again) a = b <= c <= d.
/ \
2a c+d
/ \ / \
a a c d
Let's find the maximal value of d that is consistent with this Huffman tree. According to how the algorithm works, the following inequalities hold:
a <= c
a <= d
2a >= c
2a >= d
Let's also replace c by 1-d-2a:
a <= (1-d)/3
a <= d
a >= (1-d)/4
a >= d/2
It's not immediately obvious how this constrains a and d, but you can easily plot the constraints in the a/d coordinate space. Then, you know which two of the above four inequalities are most important:
d/2 <= a <= (1-d)/3
From here:
d/2 <= (1-d)/3
So d <= 2/5.
If you have three symbols with any frequencies, you will get one code of length 1 and two codes of length 2. They could, for example, all have probability 1/3, which is less than 0.4.
Here is a simple counter-example to the assertion with four symbols and their probabilities resulting in a code of length 1, where all probabilities are less than 0.4:
a - 0.34
b - 0.33
c - 0.17
d - 0.16
It is easy to construct longer codes with the same property, by simply breaking up the probabilities. E.g.:
a - 0.34
b - 0.33
c - 0.17
d - 0.08
e - 0.08

Solve Equations from Equations Mathematica

Well, I need a way to solve equations by another var got from other equation in Mathematica 8. Example:
a + b = 2c
c + 2 = d
d = 2b
It will chose the best equation for the given values and solve the rest.
With some given values, like a = 1 and c = 3, it solves the system, getting the values for the respective variable.
*Will use this for physics' formulas.
Use the Solve or Reduce functions. The syntax is
Solve[{LIST OF EQUATIONS}, {Variables to solve for}]
So in this case:
Solve[{a + b == 2 c, c + 2 == d, d == 2 b}, {a, b, c, d}]
{{a -> -4 + (3 d)/2, b -> d/2, c -> -2 + d}}
There are 4 variables and only 3 equations, so there are infinite solutions.
They lie on the 4-d line (-4 + (3 n)/2, n/2, n-2, n).

How to decompose an integer in two for grid creation

Given an integer N I want to find two integers A and B that satisfy A × B ≥ N with the following conditions:
The difference between A × B and N is as low as possible.
The difference between A and B is as low as possible (to approach a square).
Example: 23. Possible solutions 3 × 8, 6 × 4, 5 × 5. 6 × 4 is the best since it leaves just one empty space in the grid and is "less" rectangular than 3 × 8.
Another example: 21. Solutions 3 × 7 and 4 × 6. 3 × 7 is the desired one.
A brute force solution is easy. I would like to see if a clever solution is possible.
In pseudocode
a = b = floor(sqrt(N))
if (a * b >= N) return (a, b)
a += 1
if (a * b >= N) return (a, b)
return (a, b+1)
and it will always terminate, the distance between a and b at most only 1.
It will be much harder if you relax second constraint, but that's another question.
Edit: as it seems that the first condition is more important, you have to attack the problem
a bit differently. You have to specify some method to measure the badness of not being square enough = 2nd condition, because even prime numbers can be factorized as 1*number, and we fulfill the first condition. Assume we have a badness function (say a >= b && a <= 2 * b), then factorize N and try different combinations to find best one. If there aren't any good enough, try with N+1 and so on.
Edit2: after thinking a bit more I come with this solution, in Python:
from math import sqrt
def isok(a, b):
"""accept difference of five - 2nd rule"""
return a <= b + 5
def improve(a, b, N):
"""improve result:
if a == b:
(a+1)*(b-1) = a^2 - 1 < a*a
otherwise (a - 1 >= b as a is always larger)
(a+1)*(b-1) = a*b - a + b - 1 =< a*b
On each iteration new a*b will be less,
continue until we can, or 2nd condition is still met
while (a+1) * (b-1) >= N and isok(a+1, b-1):
a, b = a + 1, b - 1
return (a, b)
def decomposite(N):
a = int(sqrt(N))
b = a
# N is square, result is ok
if a * b >= N:
return (a, b)
a += 1
if a * b >= N:
return improve(a, b, N)
return improve(a, b+1, N)
def test(N):
(a, b) = decomposite(N)
print "%d decomposed as %d * %d = %d" % (N, a, b, a*b)
[test(x) for x in [99, 100, 101, 20, 21, 22, 23]]
which outputs
99 decomposed as 11 * 9 = 99
100 decomposed as 10 * 10 = 100
101 decomposed as 13 * 8 = 104
20 decomposed as 5 * 4 = 20
21 decomposed as 7 * 3 = 21
22 decomposed as 6 * 4 = 24
23 decomposed as 6 * 4 = 24
I think this may work (your conditions are somewhat ambiguous). this solution is somewhat similar to other one, in basically produces rectangular matrix which is almost square.
you may need to prove that A+2 is not optimal condition
A0 = B0 = ceil (sqrt N)
A1 = A0+1
B1 = B0-1
if A0*B0-N > A1*B1-N: return (A1,B1)
return (A0,B0)
this is solution if first condition is dominant (and second condition is not used)
A0 = B0 = ceil (sqrt N)
if A0*B0==N: return (A0,B0)
return (N,1)
Other conditions variations will be in between
A = B = ceil (sqrt N)
