Using MVC type conversion for path variable and returning 404 on null parameter - spring

My controller. Note the custom #Exists annotation:
public class ClientApiController {
#RequestMapping(path = "/{client}/someaction", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String handleRequest(#Exists Client client) {
// ...
The Exists annotation:
* Indicates that a controller request mapping method parametet should not be
* null. This is meant to be used on model types to indicate a required entity.
public #interface Exists {}
The converter which converts the String from the path variable into a Client instance:
public class StringToClient implements Converter<String, Client> {
private ClientDAO clientDAO;
public Client convert(String source) {
return clientDAO.getClientById(source);
The ResourceNotFoundException exception used to trigger a 404
#ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public class ResourceNotFoundException extends RuntimeException {
My controller method receives the converted Client as desired. If the client id used in the URL matches a client, everything works fine. If the id doesn't match, the client parameter is null empty (uses default constructor) in the handle() controller method.
What I can't get to work now is declarative checking that the Client is not null (i.e. that the id refers to an existing client). If it's null, a ResourceNotFoundException should be thrown. Checking whether the argument is null in the method body and throwing my custom ResourceNotFoundException is easy to do, but repetitive (like this one does). Also, this declarative approach should work for all model classes implementing the interface ModelWithId so it can be used for multiple model types.
I've searched the Spring documentation and I haven't found how to achieve this. I need to insert some processing somewhere after type conversion and before the controller's handleRequest method.
I'm using Spring Boot 1.3.3

After type conversion and before the controller's method there is a validation. You can implement custom validator and raise exception in it. Add new validator to DataBinder, and mark method's parameter as #Validated:
public class ClientApiController {
public void initBinder(DataBinder binder){
binder.addValidators(new Validator() {
public boolean supports(Class<?> aClass) {
return aClass==Client.class;
public void validate(Object o, Errors errors) {
Client client = (Client)o;
if(client.getId()==null) throw new ResourceNotFoundException();
#RequestMapping(path = "/{client}/someaction", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String handleRequest(#Validated #Exists Client client) {
// ...
#RequestMapping(path = "/{client}/anotheraction", method = RequestMethod.GET)
String handleAnotherRequest(#Validated #Exists Client client) {
// ...
Of course, you can declare validator as separate class, and use it repeatedly in other controllers. Actually, you can raise exception right in your converter, but there is possibility, that you'll need the conversion without exception in other places of your application.


Exceptionhandler for Enum in request parameter

I have a Get request: \allTopic
It inputs a filterCriteria custom object which contains multiple fields and one of those is an Enum called Role, which is either student or teacher
And there are many more different API calls with different Enums. So I want to create #controllerAdvice that can handle all these.
I need help with
Annotations to put in the Get API controller function header
Annotations to put in the filterCriteria class
What particular exception to handle in #exceptionHandler in #controlleradvice
I have some similar code as per your need, please have a look
public class ExceptionController {
#ExceptionHandler(value = PageNotFoundException.class)
public String pageNotFoundException(PageNotFoundException exception){
return "error/404";
#ExceptionHandler(value = AuthFailedException.class)
public String authFailedException(AuthFailedException exception){
return "error/401";
#ExceptionHandler(value = ServerException.class)
public String serverException(ServerException exception){
return "error/500";
Afterwards, you can throw any of the given type of exception.
please note, you have to create such your exception.
public class PageNotFoundException extends RuntimeException{
I hope, it helps!

Spring Validation Errors for RequestParam

I want to pass org.springframework.validation.Errors to CodeValidator class.
But, since I am not using RequestBody/RequestPart/ModelAttribute, I cannot put Errors in method param after variable.
I use #RequestParam for code variable, and I want to validate that using CodeValidator class that implement org.springframework.validation.Validator.
Here is my code
#RequestMapping(value = "/check-code", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<Object> checkCode(#RequestParam("code") String code, Errors errors) {
codeValidator.validate(code, errors);
if(errors.hasErrors()) {
return ResponseEntity.badRequest().body("Errors");
return ResponseEntity.ok("");
and here error result for my code:
An Errors/BindingResult argument is expected to be declared immediately after the model attribute, the #RequestBody or the #RequestPart arguments to which they apply: public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity com.example.myapp.controller.CodeController.checkCode(java.lang.String,org.springframework.validation.BindingResult)
what should I do to be able using CodeValidator with #RequestParam?
Code for CodeValidator
public class CodeValidator implements Validator {
public void validate(Object target, Errors errors) {
String code = ((String) target);
if(code == null || code.isEmpty()) {
errors.rejectValue("code", "", "Please fill in Code.");
Did you create an annotation with your validator?
Otherwise take a look at a small example/tutorial for custom validating with spring:
(edit) if you are using spring boot you might need add a MethodValidationPostProcessor bean to your spring config to enable custom valdation for the #requesParam

Spring MVC RestController allow params with different names in methods

I am writing an API using Spring MVC and I am coming up with a problem allowing apps written in different languages to consume my API.
It turns out that the "Ruby users" like to have their params named in snake_case and our "Java users" like to have their param names in camel_case.
Is it possible to create my methods that allow param names to be named multiple ways, but mapped to the same method variable?
For instance... If I have a method that accepts a number of variables, of them there is mapped to a postal code. Could I write my method with a #RequestParam that accepts BOTH "postal_code" and "postalCode" and maps it to the same variable?
Neither JAX-RS #QueryParam nor Spring #RequestParam support your requirement i.e., mapping multiple request parameter names to the same variable.
I recommend not to do this as it will be very hard to support because of the confusion like which parameter is coming from which client.
But if you really wanted to handle this ((because you can't change the URL coming from 3rd parties, agreed long back), then the alternative is to make use of HandlerMethodArgumentResolver which helps in passing our own request argument (like #MyRequestParam) to the controller method like as shown in the below code:
Controller class:
public class MyController {
public void train1(#MyRequestParam String postcode) {//custom method argument injected
//Add your code here
MyRequestParam :
public #interface MyRequestParam {
HandlerMethodArgumentResolver Impl class:
public class MyRequestParamWebArgumentResolver implements HandlerMethodArgumentResolver {
public Object resolveArgument(MethodParameter parameter,
ModelAndViewContainer mavContainer,
NativeWebRequest webRequest,
WebDataBinderFactory binderFactory) {
MyRequestParam myRequestParam =
if(myRequestParam != null) {
HttpServletRequest request =
(HttpServletRequest) webRequest.getNativeRequest();
String myParamValueToBeSentToController = "";
//set the value from request.getParameter("postal_code")
//or request.getParameter("postalCode")
return myParamValueToBeSentToController;
return null;
public boolean supportsParameter(MethodParameter parameter) {
return (parameter.getParameterAnnotation(MyRequestParam.class) != null);
WebMvcConfigurerAdapter class:
class WebMvcContext extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {
public void addArgumentResolvers(List<HandlerMethodArgumentResolver> argumentResolvers) {
argumentResolvers.add(new MyRequestParamWebArgumentResolver());
I think what you want to do is not allowed by Spring framework with the annotation RequestParam.
But if you can change the code or say to your third party to modify the calls i would suggest you 2 options
Option 1:
Use the #PathVariable property
#RequestMapping(value = "/postalcode/{postalCode}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public ModelAndView yourMethod(#PathVariable("postalCode") String postalCode) {
//...your code
Here does not matter if the are calling your URL as:
Option 2:
Create 2 methods in your controller and use the same service
#RequestMapping(value = "/postalcode", method = RequestMethod.GET, params={"postalCode"})
public ModelAndView yourMethod(#RequestParam("postalCode") String postalCode) {
// the service
#RequestMapping(value = "/postalcode", method = RequestMethod.GET, params={"postal_code"})
public ModelAndView yourMethodClient2(#RequestParam("postal_code") String postalCode) {
// the service
If is possible, I would suggest you option 1 is much more scalable

Spring MVC : Common param in all requests

I have many controllers in my Spring MVC web application and there is a param mandatoryParam let's say which has to be present in all the requests to the web application.
Now I want to make that param-value available to all the methods in my web-layer and service-layer. How can I handle this scenario effectively?
Currently I am handling it in this way:
... controllerMethod(#RequestParam String mandatoryParam, ...)
and, then passing this param to service layer by calling it's method
public class MyControllerAdvice {
public void myMethod(#RequestParam String mandatoryParam) {
// Use your mandatoryParam
myMethod() will be called for every request to any controller in the net.myproject.mypackage package. (Before Spring 4.0, you could not define a package. #ControllerAdvice applied to all controllers).
See the Spring Reference for more details on #ModelAttribute methods.
Thanks Alexey for leading the way.
His solution is:
Add a #ControllerAdvice triggering for all controllers, or selected ones
This #ControllerAdvice has a #PathVariable (for a "/path/{variable}" URL) or a #RequestParam (for a "?variable=..." in URL) to get the ID from the request (worth mentioning both annotations to avoid blind-"copy/past bug", true story ;-) )
This #ControllerAdvice then populates a model attribute with the data fetched from database (for instance)
The controllers with uses #ModelAttribute as method parameters to retrieve the data from the current request's model
I'd like to add a warning and a more complete example:
Warning: see JavaDoc for if no name is provided to the #ModelAttribute annotation (better to not clutter the code):
The default model attribute name is inferred from the declared
attribute type (i.e. the method parameter type or method return type),
based on the non-qualified class name:
e.g. "orderAddress" for class "mypackage.OrderAddress",
or "orderAddressList" for "List<mypackage.OrderAddress>".
The complete example:
public class ParentInjector {
public void injectParent(#PathVariable long parentId, Model model) {
model.addAttribute("parentDTO", new ParentDTO(parentId, "A faked parent"));
public class ChildResource {
public ChildDTO getOne(#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent, long childId) {
return new ChildDTO(parent, childId, "A faked child");
To continue about the warning, requests are declaring the parameter "#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent": the name of the model attribute is not the variable name ("parent"), nor the original "parentId", but the classname with first letter lowerified: "parentDTO", so we have to be careful to use model.addAttribute("parentDTO"...)
Edit: a simpler, less-error-prone, and more complete example:
public #interface ProjectDependantRestController {
* The value may indicate a suggestion for a logical component name,
* to be turned into a Spring bean in case of an autodetected component.
* #return the suggested component name, if any
String value() default "";
#ControllerAdvice(annotations = ParentDependantRestController.class)
public class ParentInjector {
public ParentDTO injectParent(#PathVariable long parentId) {
return new ParentDTO(parentId, "A faked parent");
public class ChildResource {
public ChildDTO getOne(#ModelAttribute ParentDTO parent, long childId) {
return new ChildDTO(parent, childId, "A faked child");

Using custom JSON serialization for Spring WebSocket #MessageMapping/#SubscribeMapping

This works fine
In my Spring-based application, I have set up a HTTP-based REST endpoint. This endpoint "speaks" JSON:
public class HttpRestController implements RestController {
#RequestMapping(value = "/users/{user}", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public getUser(#PathVariable User user) {
User jsonFriendlyUser = new JacksonAnnotatedUser(user);
return jsonFriendlyUser;
As these JSON payloads have to follow unusual naming conventions, I used annotations such as #JsonRootName and #JsonProperty to customize the serialized property names:
public class JacksonAnnotatedUser implements User {
public int getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;
#JsonSerialize(using = FriendsJsonSerializer.class )
public Set<User> getFriends() {
return friends;
public String getUnimportantProperty() {
return unimportantProperty;
With this custom JSON metadata, querying /users/123 via HTTP returns the following JSON payload:
"friends": [456, 789]
The following doesn't work as expected
Now I am playing around with Spring's WebSocket support: I want to create a STOMP-based REST endpoint. Therefore i created a StompRestController like this:
public class StompRestController implements RestController {
public getUser(#DestinationVariable User user) { // assuming this conversion works
User jsonFriendlyUser = new JacksonAnnotatedUser(user);
return jsonFriendlyUser;
I would have expected for #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping to follow the same JSON serialization behavior as #RequestMapping. But this is not the case. Instead, when querying this WebSocket/STOMP endpoint, #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping-annotated methods will result in sending a STOMP message to clients with a payload/body corresponding to the "normal" Jackson serialization rules, e.g.
"friends":[{argh recursion}, ...],
"unimportantProperty":"This property shall not be part of JSON serialization"
How can I have #SubscribeMapping/#MessageMapping-annotated methods obey custom #JsonXXX annotations for returned values?
Is there another way aside #JsonXXXfor doing such returned value serialization?
