Unable to find the chromedriver executable. Ruby. Webdriver. Mac - ruby

Please help!
I am trying to run my testing script using Ruby and Selenium Web driver.
require "selenium-webdriver"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
driver.navigate.to "google.com"
but it gives me an error
Unable to find the chromedriver executable. Please download the server from http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/index.html and place it somewhere on your PATH. More info at https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/selenium/wiki/ChromeDriver. (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::WebDriverError)
I have installed the chromedriver and unzipped it in the directory ~/webdrivers. And added the path to the chromedriver to the PATH.
Then I tried to move the chromedriver to ~/bin directory and have it in PATH.
Nothing worked. I still get the error.
Thank you.

1 - Download the ChromeDriver executable.
2 - Either create your own PATH to a unique folder on your mac or copy the file to an existing PATH directory. To do this:
a - Open up Terminal
b - Run sudo nano /etc/paths
c - Enter your password
d - Go to the bottom of the file and enter the path you wish to add
e - My PATH looks like: /Users//Documents/WebDriver
f - Control-x to quit
g - Y to save
To double check, quit Terminal and relaunch it. Run echo $PATH. You should see your newly added path in the stream of other paths already there.
Finally, update your tests to run using ChromeDriver (include code snippet) and run your tests!
Another tip: if you use brew on Mac I would recommend brew install chromedriver.
re-run "selenium-standalone install" after re-installing


How to close tab with selenium on macos with chrome driver?

My code
from selenium import webdriver
dr = webdriver.Chrome()
I got this error
selenium.common.exceptions.WebDriverException: Message: 'chromedriver' executable needs to be in PATH. Please see https://sites.google.com/a/chromium.org/chromedriver/home
The error is telling you what is wrong: the chromedriver program is not found in your executable path (stored in the environment as $PATH).
You can tell what the current path is using something like this:
import os
print os.environ['PATH']
Once you know the path, you can install chromedriver into one of the directories in the path.
The correct solution would be to just add the path of your chrome driver. The best way to do that is just have the chrome driver in the same directory as you are probably going to be updating it a lot since google is still working on it.

Unable to run CasperJS script file in cmd

I'm very new to CasperJS & PhantomJS and after following the quickstart part of the documentation of CasperJS, everytime I open up a terminal to write something like
casperjs sample.js
It gives me the "Unable to open file: sample.js" error. It does work however, if I include the whole path as such
casperjs C:\Users\[Username]\Desktop\sample.js`
Installed Software:
Python v2.7
PhatomJS v1.9.7
CasperJS v1.1-beta3
This is basic commandline usage. You first have to change into the folder where the file you want to use is. Since you "installed" CasperJS, its executable is in the PATH and is found automatically, but sample.js is a regular file which is not in PATH. So you have to either change into the directory that contains the file or use a relative path to the file.
Since you open cmd.exe from start, it will open in the directory C:\Users\[Username]. You have to do:
cd Desktop
casperjs sample.js
casperjs Desktop/sample.js

Leiningen install for Windows error

I'm very unskilled when it comes to the command prompt, so I tried to download Lein through the Windows installer that's on the website. It almost installs, but then I get this error at the very end of the install:
"Failed to update file: C:\Users\.lein\profiles.clj.
Ensure that :java-cmd is set to: 'C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_25\bin\java.exe' in your
:user profile.
Result: Ran; Code: 1".
What could cause this to happen? How can I fix it?
I guess you only have the JRE installed instead of the JDK.
Open a command and enter "javac". Most probably the OS cannot find it. If so, download one here:
Afterwards add the JDK_INSTALL\bin location to your windows path. This should fix it.

Installing CasperJS on Windows: How to do it correctly?

I know there is a documentation from CasperJS website about how to install CasperJS on Windows, but bear with me these guys only explained for the pros only.
If you are new to all this CasperJS and PhantomJS world, you dont stand a chance to understand not even spending two days trying to search the net for a better explanation.
I am working on a project that requires a screenshot of each website listed on my project website, looking around i found out that PhantomJS would be great for this task (website screenshot).
I downloaded PhantomJS and and pasted its phantomjs.exe file in system32 which is working well when i use cmd.exe to send command.
I even managed to grab screenshot with the phantomjs.exe only. but my problem came when i noticed the the workload could be easier when these two work together (CasperJS and PhantomJS) as i can even be able to reduce the size of the screenshot when using CasperJS.
In fact the only use that i want CasperJS for is the limiting of the shot size but since yesterday i have been trying to figure out how to make CasperJS work on Windows but with no avail.
I have downloaded CasperJS and tried to install it in many ways also trying to follow the documentation but nothing.
I changed the CasperJS folder name from its download name to CasperJS as the documantation suggest but when i check in the cmd trying to call some commands, nothing happens.
Anyway to cut the story shot can anyone help me in simple terms considering that i am a newbie to explain how CasperJS can be installed on window or if possible with PhantomJS only how can i re-size the iamge the the program produces lets say if i want a 960 to 400px.
Poor documentation for windows. http://casperjs.org/installation.html#windows
It starts off assuming you have already installed without telling you how to install.
So here it is if anyone else is confused about this. There is no actual install. It's just extracting zip contents to the right place.
download phantomjs for windows from the phantomjs site (it's a zip with binary inside)
extract the contents to C:\phantomjs
download the casperjs zip file from the casperjs website
extract the contents to C:\casperjs
Now you can add the following to the end your system or user PATH variable
restart cmd.exe to pick up the new path variable or logout/login if you are running Console2 or Conemu terminal emulator (they won't pick up new paths by a simple close and re-open)
Now in the docs it says to run it like this
casperjs.bat myscript.js
Actually since both phantomjs.exe and casperjs.bat are now in the system PATH you can leave off the extension like this.
casperjs myscript.js
And when running phantomjs.exe just run
One more thing. It really doesn't matter where you install as long as you add that path to the system PATH. I installed to C:\usr\phantomjs and C:\usr\casperjs.
I itemize below the method that has served my needs on both my personal Windows and Ubuntu work PC. DO note that my method doesn't fiddle with PATH settings but involves a command you could save somewhere & copy and paste as needed:
Step 1: Gather the prerequisites
Download the casperjs and phantomjs versions you want to use
Make a directory to contain the things I want to list
Extract the downloaded phantomjs & copy its executable into the directory of step b
Extract casperjs and rename its folder to casperjs
Copy the renamed casperjs folder to the directory of step b
Create and save a file config.json to the directory of step b
config.json should contain phantomjs configurations as found here: http://phantomjs.org/api/command-line.html
Step 2: Running your script
Whenever you want to work with a file, follow the Step 1 details above
The next step assumes that you are in the directory created in step
b of Step 1 also have a file named first.js
On Windows: phantomjs.exe --config=config.json casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js --casper-path=casperjs --cli first.js
On Ubuntu: ./phantomjs --config=config.json casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js --casper-path=casperjs --cli first.js
Experimental config.js and first.js are listed below:
{"sslProtocol": "any", "cookiesFile": "biscuit", "maxDiskCacheSize": 1000, "diskCache": true}
var casper = require('casper').create({
pageSettings: {
loadImages: false,
loadPlugins: true,
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; nl; rv: Gecko/20091201 Firefox/3.5.6'
var url = "http://casperjs.org/";
casper.start(url).wait(60 * 1000 * 1, function() {
casper.echo('1 min has passed');
Addendum: download and save the details of screenshots.js and run it as
phantomjs.exe --config=config.json casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js --casper-path=casperjs --cli screenshots.js http://phantomjs.org
Run Tests: download & save the details of picturefill-test.js and run it as
phantomjs.exe --config=config.json casperjs/bin/bootstrap.js
--casper-path=casperjs test --cli picturefill-test.js
As of CasperJS 1.1.0-DEV Beta 3 you should use this PATH: C:\casperjs\batchbin even though the documentation found here states you need to use C:\casperjs\bin
The reason to this is because C:\casperjs\batchbin includes a .BAT which C:\casperjs\bin does not include anything except some.js files.
after a 3days work, i managed to get it work the problem was with the path and the installation of phantom. i had made the path to a folder but the installation was pointing to the exe file all i had to do was to put the exe file into a folder phantomjs and that was it thank for your help all.
Many of the other answers are out of date. Since it seems like the correct install process keeps changing all the time, I suspect my answer will be out of date also in a few days, but as of March 19, 2015, this is the answer. The other answers, even highly upvoted ones, do not work, so don't waste your time. Good luck. Casperjs seems quite good.
If you download PhantomJS 2.0 and casperjs 1.1-beta3 zip file and put the batchbin directory in the path and put phantom exe in that same folder, then run casperjs, on Windows 8.1 I get the error "CasperJS needs PhantomJS v1.x".
So, I got the latest casperjs direct from github, which has no batchbin directory, so I put just the C:\casperjs\bin directory in the path instead and this worked (sort of, I mean it seems to work well enough for me - although running casperjs c:\casperjs\tests\selftest.js seems to have a number of failing tests).
So to recap, the bad news is only the very latest bleeding edge casperjs works. The good news is the install is 1,2,3 simple:
Clone latest casperjs from github into c:\casperjs.
Copy phantomjs.exe (ver 2.0) to c:\casperjs\bin
Add c:\casperjs\bin to your windows path
Just in case you're using a notebook with dual graphic cards like I do: choose one of them to prevent issues. This article helped me out:
casperJS not finishing on windows
the casperJS documentation is pretty clear about it but I had no clue what to do until I read the notice above.
Fast forward to 2015... 5-steps win7 howto:
choco: PS me> iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))
git: choco install git -y
phantomjs 2.0: choco install phantomjs -y
casperjs source: git clone https://github.com/n1k0/casperjs -b phantomjs-2
Add the location of casperjs/bin to PATH
Done. You can now casperjs --version and live happily ever after.
Ok guys. So I think this thread needs refreshing for 2018!
So with npm, the effort is reduced significantly. Given that you have npm installed, open terminal and go to your project:
cd your_project_name
Now install casperjs. Use --save-dev, --save, -g or none as needed:
npm install --save-dev casperjs
Now install phantomjs. To do this, you should install phantomjs-prebuilt, because PhantomJS team changed their package name:
npm install --save-dev phantomjs-prebuilt
Run your spec:
casperjs your_spec_name.js

RubyTest in Sublime Text 2

I am trying to get RubyTest to work in Sublime Text 2. I followed the Instruction on the Github Readme and get the following error. Does anyone know how I could fix this?
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
To get this to work you only need to change one setting in the RubyTest package in sb2.
If you are using rvm, your rspec gem is installed through rvm and is not found in /bin/sh
So you need to set the RubyTest package for Sublime Text 2 to automatically check for your rvm environment variables.
What to change:
1) In Sublime Text 2, go to Preferences|Browse Packages. This will open up your packages directory.
2) Open the 'RubyTest' directory and look for the file 'RubyTest.sublime-settings'.
3) find the line that says:
"check_for_rvm": false,
and change it to:
"check_for_rvm": true,
save the change.
4) That's it. It should now work.
Good Luck
This worked for me:
If you're using RVM, open a project with command line from the project's folder:
subl .
Then, it'll hook the ruby version and gems.
This is most likely due to using RVM. What is the output of
which rspec
on your command line?
Also of note, just because you've included rspec-rails in a Gemfile, does not mean that 'rspec' is an executable program that your system knows about.
You can edit the RubyTest.sublime.settings to refer to your particular path to the rspec executable and it should work.
Unfortunately, this has the nasty side effect of being tied to one particular version of Ruby. If you're using RVM to switch between versions, you'll have to update your sublime.settings.
One work around, is to run Sublime from the command line.
Running Sublime Text 2(2165) with RubyTest plugin. Ruby and Gems managed with rbenv (0.3.0).
First attempt to use RubyTest gave the following error:
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
From the command line I ran
which rspec
and it returned no results.
After some digging, I read that bundle install does not put the executables in your $PATH.
Alternative executable paths not picked up by shims sometimes
In order to use the executible outside the app, I had to delete the gem installed by bundler and then install it manually.
gem uninstall rspec
gem install rspec
followed by
rbenv rehash (Note you will need to run bundle inside your app so it updates the location of the gem)
This had to be performed for each version of ruby I have under rbenv control.
Now when I run
which rspec
it is found in the path and RubyTest is able to grab it without any problems.
fwiw, I had to repeat the steps for cucumber as well. To use all of RubyTests' features, ruby, cucumber and rspec executables need to be in your $PATH (for rbenv it is ~/.rbenv/shims/).
Try change the path to usr/local/bin/
I wrote a post on Sublime Text Build Scripts which should show you how to do this.
Same issue for me. With rspec 1.3.2 what I just did to fix it is to edit the RubyTest.sublime.settings file in the plugin folder, changing the "ruby_rspec_exec" key from:
"ruby_rspec_exec": "rspec"
"ruby_rspec_exec": "spec"
It really depends on the location where you have your rspec executable file...
I had the same problem after installing RubyTest by cloning from the repo. I simply uninstalled and reinstalled the package inside Sublime using Package Control, then everything worked fine.
You can see a summary of this issue here: https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests/issues/36
Essentially, what Jim said was correct, you're running RVM or some other ruby vm manager that similarly monkeys with your PATH. Following the directions from this issue I did the following:
Install the binaries in my project
bundle install --binstubs
Add the path to my .bashrc and source it
echo 'export PATH="./bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
Open the sublime project from the command line (so that PATH is available in Sublime Text 2)
subl .
The following steps worked for me (I encountered the same error as OP):
Install the RubyTest plugin through the package control manager.
Note* If you don't have the package manager installed - I highly recommend it for managing sublime plugins - more info here.
Be sure to add the code here to your RubyTest.sublime-settings file.
This file can be found at (from the menu): Preferences -> Package settings -> RubyTest -> Settings User
Save file, close Sublime and restart Sublime from the terminal in your project's folder using (so PATH is available in Sublime): subl .
No, you don't need to change paths, run sublime from command line etc.
If you are using RVM, you only have to do this:
Go to Sublime Text 2, go to
preferances-> package settings -> RubyTests
and pick settings-user or settings-default (depending what you are using) and change line:
"run_rspec_command": "rspec {relative_path}"
"run_rspec_command": "bundle exec rspec {relative_path}"
And so forth - add bundle exec to all commands
I spent many hours struggling with this same problem! I could not get rspec to run within Sublime Text 2, using the Michael Hartl "Ruby on Rails Tutorial." It kept saying:
/bin/sh: rspec: command not found
I finally realized that the RubyTest package (https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests) was looking in the WRONG PLACE for my RVM!
On my Mac, the path for RubyTest is /Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 2/Packages/Ruby Test
First, to make RubyTest seek the RVM, I changed the parameter in RubyTest.sublime-settings from
"check_for_rvm": false, to "check_for_rvm": true,
Then I dug into the Python code of run_ruby_test.py: https://github.com/maltize/sublime-text-2-ruby-tests/blob/master/run_ruby_test.py
At line 151, inside class BaseRubyTask, it had the wrong path for my RVM:
rvm_cmd = os.path.expanduser('~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby')
I changed it to the full correct path: rvm_cmd = os.path.expanduser('/usr/local/rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby')
If this is not your path, find the correct path by typing
$ which rvm-auto-ruby and substitute that instead.
After saving run_ruby_test.py, I went to Terminal, cd to my Rails application directory, and ran spork
Finally, I opened static_pages_spec.rb in Sublime Text 2. Now all the tests work from it!
I'm using rbenv and found that adding the following to my .bashrc did the trick
