yii2 insert concatenated string into database with activerecord rules - activerecord

I have a form, where users pick some options, and I would like to insert into DB an additional, concatenated field, based on user inputs. I need to do it on SCENARIO_CREATE (and update). E.g.:
type: A
size: 100
color: black
concatenated: A100black
I've tried it this way:
class Xyz extends BaseXyz {
const SCENARIO_CREATE = 'create';
public function rules() {
['concatenated', 'generateConcatenated', 'on' => self::SCENARIO_CREATE],
public function generateConcatenated() {
return $this->type . $this->size . $this->color;
class XyzController extends base\XyzController {
public function actionCreate() {
$model = new Xyz;
$model->scenario = Xyz::SCENARIO_CREATE;
I've tried with 'filter' also in rules, but no success. Maybe my approach is totally wrong, and it can't be done in rules? Please point me in the right direction. Many thanks!

rules are for checking attribute validation but you can do it in rule too:
public function generateConcatenated($attribute,$param) {
$this->concatenated = $this->type . $this->size . $this->color;
I think best logistic way to achieve this is to remove attribute from rules and overriding beforeSave() in your model:
public function beforeSave($insert)
$this->concatenated = $this->type . $this->size . $this->color;
return parent::beforeSave($insert);
you should consider that yii have default insert scenario for new record and update for existing record.


Laravel API APP Many-Many Relationship, how to return specific information in JSON?

I been trying to figure this out for some time now. Basically i got 2 models ' Recipe ', ' Ingredient ' and one Controller ' RecipeController ' .
I'm using Postman to test my API. When i go to my get route which uses RecipeController#getRecipe, the return value is as per the pic below:
Return for Get Route
If i want the return value of the get route to be in the FORMAT of the below pic, how do i achieve this? By this i mean i don't want to see for the recipes: the created_at column, updated_at column and for ingredients: the pivot information column, only want name and amount column information.
Return Value Format I Want
Recipe model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Recipe extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'description'];
public function ingredients()
return $this->belongsToMany(Ingredient::class,
'ingredient_recipes')->select(array('name', 'amount'));
Ingredient Model:
namespace App;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
class Ingredient extends Model
protected $fillable = ['name', 'amount'];
namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Ingredient;
use App\Recipe;
use Illuminate\Http\Request;
class RecipeController extends Controller {
public function postRecipe(Request $request)
$recipe = new Recipe();
$recipe->name = $request->input('name');
$recipe->description = $request->input('description');
$array_ingredients = $request->input('ingredients');
foreach ($array_ingredients as $array_ingredient) {
$ingredient = new Ingredient();
$ingredient->name = $array_ingredient['ingredient_name'];
$ingredient->amount = $array_ingredient['ingredient_amount'];
return response()->json(['recipe' => $recipe . $ingredient], 201);
public function getRecipe()
$recipes = Recipe::all();
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients;
$response = [
'recipes' => $recipes
return response()->json($response, 200);
API Routes:
Route::post('/recipe', 'RecipeController#postRecipe')->name('get_recipe');
Route::get('/recipe', 'RecipeController#getRecipe')->name('post_recipe');
Thanks Guys!
I think your best solution is using Transformer. Using your current implementation what I would recommend is fetching only the needed field in your loop, i.e:
foreach ($recipes as $recipe) {
$recipe = $recipe->ingredients->only(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount']);
While the above might work, yet there is an issue with your current implementation because there will be tons of iteration/loop polling the database, I would recommend eager loading the relation instead.
But for the sake of this question, you only need Transformer.
Install transformer using composer composer require league/fractal Then you can create a directory called Transformers under the app directory.
Then create a class called RecipesTransformer, and initialize with:
namespace App\Transformers;
use App\Recipe;
use League\Fractal\TransformerAbstract;
class RecipesTransformer extends TransformerAbstract
public function transform(Recipe $recipe)
return [
'name' => $recipe->name,
'description' => $recipe->description,
'ingredients' =>
$recipe->ingredients->get(['ingredient_name', 'ingredient_amount'])->toArray()
Then you can use this transformer in your controller method like this:
use App\Transformers\RecipesTransformer;
public function getRecipe()
return $this->collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
//or if you need to get one
return $this->item(Recipe::first(), new RecipesTransformer);
You can refer to a good tutorial like this for more inspiration, or simply go to Fractal's page for details.
In order to get Fractal collection working since the example I gave would work if you have Dingo API in your project, you can manually create it this way:
public function getRecipe()
$fractal = app()->make('League\Fractal\Manager');
$resource = new \League\Fractal\Resource\Collection(Recipe::all(), new RecipesTransformer);
return response()->json(
In case you want to make an Item instead of collection, then you can have new \League\Fractal\Resource\Item instead. I would recommend you either have Dingo API installed or you can follow this simple tutorial in order to have in more handled neatly without unnecessary repeatition

ManyToOne form creating linked object

Imagine these 2 entities:
category <- ManyToOne
Say we need to manage an article with a form and the category attached.
This one will allow me to select from existing categories.
Now I'd like to be able to create categories if needed.
Title [ ]
[ ]
[ ]
Category [ ]
The category field would be a free text box.
If the text corresponds to no category, a new one would be created and attached.
I tried with some DataTransformer with no luck
I need a reusable solution to manage that because I'll need to embed it especially in another form as a collection.
How can I do it reusable ?
Suggest that you do an "if" on your category.
When you check your form submission is valid and submitted, get the 'category' data, and if not exists persist it as a new category then query for the article after.
The code might be something like this:
if ($form-isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()){
$catName = $form->get('category')->getData(); // Get category.
// Query if it exists.
$qb = $em->createQueryBuilder();
->from('AppBundle:Category', 'c')
->where('c.name = :catName')
->setParameter('catName', $catName);
$cat_results = $qb->getQuery()->setMaxResults(1)->getOneOrNullResult();
if ($cat_results == null){
$newCat = new Category();
\\ Render your form etc...
Hopefully you get the idea. The above code is simpler, because then you create the category in the same form.
Here is what I ended up with using a DataTransformer
My ArticleType:
class ArticleType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('category', CategoryType::class)
A new CategoryType class:
class CategoryType extends AbstractType
protected $myService;
public function __construct(MyService $myService)
$this->myService = $myService;
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$transformer = new CategoryTransformer($this->myService);
Registered as service
class: AppBundle\Form\CategoryType
arguments: ['#app.my.service']
- { name: form.type }
And finally the transformer:
class CategoryTransformer implements DataTransformerInterface
// ...MyService initialization...
public function transform($category)
if (null === $category) {
return '';
return $category->getName();
public function reverseTransform($categoryName)
if (!$categoryName) {
return null;
$category = $this->myService->getOrCreateCategoryFromName($categoryName);
if (null === $category) {
throw new TransformationFailedException();
return $category;
MyService is responsible to get or create a category with the given name using the entity manager.
Quite some lines of code but once this is done, wherever I'll use my form, it can be dealt in the easy standard way:
$articleForm = $this->createForm(ArticleType::class, $article);
if ($articleForm->isValid()) {

Adding custom eloquent attribute in Laravel 5

I have a function named siblings which fetches all siblings of a user.
select siblings(id) as `siblings` from users where id = 1
I can access the function in Eloquent as
User::where('id', 1)->first([DB::raw(siblings(id) as `siblings`)]->siblings;
I want to make the siblings available via custom attribute.
I added siblings to $appends array
I also created getSiblingsAttribute method in my User model as
public function getSiblingsAttribute()
if (!$this->exists()) {
return [];
$siblings = User::where('idd', $this->id)
->first([DB::raw('siblings(id) AS `siblings`')])
return explode(',', $siblings);
But this is not working as $this->id returns null
My table schema is users(id, username,...), so clearly id is present.
Is there a way by which I can bind the siblings function while querying db and then returning something like $this->siblings from getSiblingsAttribute. If I can bind siblings(id) as siblings with query select globally as we do for scopes using global scope.
That way my code can be simply
public function getSiblingsAttribute()
return $this->siblings;
The simplest way is to create a view in your database and use that as a table:
protected $table = 'user_view';
Otherwise I need more information about your id == null problem.
If you can fix this by your own in the next step it is important that you use an other column name by selecting as in your accessor otherwise you run in an infinite loop.
public function getSiblingsAttribute()
if (!$this->exists()) {
return [];
$siblings = User::where('id', $this->id)
->first([DB::raw('siblings(id) AS `siblings_value`')])
return explode(',', $siblings);
Sadly there is no simple way to archieve this.
But after a little bit tinkering I have found a (not very nice) solution.
Give it a try.
You have to add the following class and trait to your app.
app/Classes/AdditionalColumnsTrait.php (additional column trait)
namespace App\Classes;
trait AdditionalColumnsTrait {
public function newEloquentBuilder($query) {
$builder = new EloquentBuilder($query);
$builder->additionalColumns = $this->getAdditionalColumns();
return $builder;
protected function getAdditionalColumns() {
return [];
app/Classes/EloquentBuilder.php (extended EloquentBuilder)
namespace App\Classes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class EloquentBuilder extends Builder {
public $additionalColumns = [];
public function getModels($columns = ['*']) {
$oldColumns = is_null($this->query->columns) ? [] : $this->query->columns;
$withTablePrefix = $this->getModel()->getTable() . '.*';
if (in_array('*', $columns) && !in_array($withTablePrefix, $oldColumns)) {
$this->query->addSelect(array_merge($columns, array_values($this->additionalColumns)));
} elseif (in_array($withTablePrefix, $oldColumns)) {
} else {
foreach ($this->additionalColumns as $name => $additionalColumn) {
if (!is_string($name)) {
$name = $additionalColumn;
if (in_array($name, $columns)) {
if (($key = array_search($name, $columns)) !== false) {
if (is_null($oldColumns)) {
return parent::getModels($columns);
after that you can edit your model like this:
class User extends Model {
use App\Classes\AdditionalColumnsTrait;
protected function getAdditionalColumns() {
return [
'siblings' => DB::raw(siblings(id) as siblings)),
now your siblings column will be selected by default.
Also you have the option to select only specific columns.
If you don't want to select the additional columns you can use: User::find(['users.*']).
Perhaps it is a solution for you.

Calling same eloquent statement in several controllers

I have an eloquent statement like this:
$constraint = function ($query) {
$query->where('session', Session::getId());
$selectedImages = ImageSession::with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint)
->where('type', 'single')
Which I need to call in several controllers.
How is the best way to do it without putting this code every time?
Should I put this code in the Model? but how I put the ImageSession::with if it is inside the same model that has ImageSession class?
In the controller do I have to write...
$imageSession_table = new ImageSession;
$selectedImages = $imageSession_table->getSelectedImages();
Well there are several solutions to this, but one rule that I have learned is whenever you are doing copy paste in the same file it means you need to create a function to encapsulate that code.
The same applies when you are copying and pasting the same code over classes/controllers it means you need to create a class that will have a method, that will encapsulate that code.
Now you could in fact change your model and this depends on your application and what kind of level of abstraction you have.
Some people tend to leave the models as pure as possible and then use transformers, repositories, classes whatever you want to call it. So the flow of communication is something like this:
Models -> (transformers, repositories, classes) -> Controllers or other classes
If that's the case just create a ImageSessionRepository and in there have your method to get the selected images:
<?php namespace Your\Namespace;
use ImageSession;
use Session;
class ImageSessionRepository
protected $imageSession;
public function __construct(ImageSession $imageSession)
$this->imageSession = $imageSession;
public function getSelectedImages($sessionId = false){
$sessionId = Session::getId()
$constraint = function ($query) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
$selectedImages = ImageSession::with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint)
->where('type', 'single')
return $selectedImages;
Then on your controller you just inject it:
<?php namespace APP\Http\Controllers;
use Your\Namespace\ImageSessionRepository;
class YourController extends Controller
* #var ImageSessionRepository
protected $imageSessionRepository;
public function __construct(ImageSessionRepository $imageSessionRepository)
$this->imageSessionRepository = $imageSessionRepository;
public function getImages()
$selectedImages = $this->imageSessionRepository->getSelectedImages();
//or if you want to pass a Session id
$selectedImages = $this->imageSessionRepository->getSelectedImages($sessionID = 1234);
//return the selected images as json
return response()->json($selectedImages);
Another option is adding that code directly into your Model, using scopes, more info here
So on your ImageSession Model just add this function:
public function scopeSessionFolder($query, $session)
$constraint = function ($constraintQuery) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
return $query->with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint);
And on your controller just do this:
$selectedImages = ImageSession::sessionFolder(Session::getId())
->where('type', 'single')
Or you can include everything in your scope if that's your case
public function scopeSessionFolder($query, $session)
$constraint = function ($constraintQuery) use ($sessionId){
$query->where('session', $sessionId);
return $query->with(['folder' => $constraint])
->whereHas('folder', $constraint);
->where('type', 'single');
And then again on your controller you will have something like this:
$selectedImages = ImageSession::sessionFolder(Session::getId())
Just a side note I haven't tested this code, so if you just copy and paste it it's possible that you find some errors.

Symfony 1.4 doctrine model object data retrieve issue

In my symfony 1.4 application i'm using doctrine data models.I'm new to symfony and doctrine.I generated doctrine models from command-line after defining database table information in the schema.yml file.Those generated successfully.Then i created a custom function inside Table.class.php file.Following is that.
class Table extends BaseTable
public function getuname()
$user=new Table();
return $uname;
I want to know how to call this inside the controller ? I called it normal MVC application's way.But i don't know whether it's correct in symfony.In symfony 1.4 manual also i couldn't find a proper way to do this.
This is my controller.
class loginActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$this->userdata = User::getuname();
Then i tried to print this inside view.
echo $userdata;
But view is showing an empty page.
Update with exception details--------------------------------
stack trace
at ()
in SF_SYMFONY_LIB_DIR\plugins\sfDoctrinePlugin\lib\vendor\doctrine\Doctrine\Connection.php line 1082 ...
$message .= sprintf('. Failing Query: "%s"', $query);
$exc = new $name($message, (int) $e->getCode());
if ( ! isset($e->errorInfo) || ! is_array($e->errorInfo)) {
$e->errorInfo = array(null, null, null, null);
When using Doctrine you retrieve objects from the database using the ...Table classes (in your case it will be a TableTable class. You can use its' methods to fetch objects from DB (e.g. find($id)) and then access them. So in your case your classes should something like this:
class Table extends BaseTable
public function getuname()
return $this->getUsername();
Now it effectively becomes just an alias of getUsername().
Then in your action:
class loginActions extends sfActions
public function executeIndex(sfWebRequest $request)
$user = Doctrine_Core::getTable('Table')->find(123);
$this->userdata = $user->getuname();
This will print the username in your template (assuming of course that you have a user with id 123).
