I have been trying to interface with the standard C library in Windows in assembler and I'm having trouble. For some reason, I can't make printf accept floating point variables, so something is wrong here.
This is the shortest program I can create that demonstrates the problem. I've included comments that explain my understanding of what is supposed to be happening.
; Hello64.asm
; A simple program to print a floating point number in windows
; assemble: nasm float64.asm -f win64
; link: golink /console /entry main float64.obj MSVCRT.dll
; tell assembler to generate 64-bit code
bits 64
; data segment
section .data use64
pi dq 3.14159
textformat: db "hello, %lf!",0x0a, 0x00 ; friendly greeting
; set up the .text segment for the code
section .text use64
; global main is the entry point
global main
; note that there is no _ before printf here, unlike in OS X
extern printf
mov rcx, textformat
movq xmm0, qword [pi]
mov rax, 1 ; need to tell printf how many floats
call printf
; note next step - this puts a zero in rax
xor rax,rax
ret ; this returns to the OS based on how Windows calls programs.
; this return causes a delay then the program exits.
You managed to mix the microsoft and the sysv convention. The correct way is:
mov rcx, textformat
movq xmm1, qword [pi]
movq rdx, xmm1 ; duplicate into the integer register
sub rsp, 40 ; allocate shadow space and alignment (32+8)
call printf
add rsp, 40 ; restore stack
xor eax, eax
According to MSDN, when using varargs:
For floating-point values only, both the integer and the floating-point register will contain the float value in case the callee expects the value in the integer registers.
I am trying to build an x86 program that reads a file into memory. It uses a few different syscalls, and messes with memory and such. There's a lot in there to figure out.
To simplify debugging and figuring this out, I wanted to add assert statements which, if there's a mismatch, it prints out a nice error message. This is the first step in learning assembly so I can print the numbers and strings that get placed on different registers and such after operations. Then I can print them out and debug them without any fancy tools.
Wondering if one could help me write an ASSERT AND PRINT in NASM for Mac x86-64. I have this so far:
%define a rdi
%define b rsi
%define c rdx
%define d r10
%define e r8
%define f r9
%define i rax
%define EXIT 0x2000001
%define EXIT_STATUS 0
%define READ 0x2000003 ; read
%define WRITE 0x2000004 ; write
%define OPEN 0x2000005 ; open(path, oflag)
%define CLOSE 0x2000006 ; CLOSE
%define MMAP 0x2000197 ; mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fildes, off_t offset)
%define PROT_NONE 0x00 ; no permissions
%define PROT_READ 0x01 ; pages can be read
%define PROT_WRITE 0x02 ; pages can be written
%define PROT_EXEC 0x04 ; pages can be executed
%define MAP_SHARED 0x0001 ; share changes
%define MAP_PRIVATE 0x0002 ; changes are private
%define MAP_FIXED 0x0010 ; map addr must be exactly as requested
%define MAP_RENAME 0x0020 ; Sun: rename private pages to file
%define MAP_NORESERVE 0x0040 ; Sun: don't reserve needed swap area
%define MAP_INHERIT 0x0080 ; region is retained after exec
%define MAP_NOEXTEND 0x0100 ; for MAP_FILE, don't change file size
%define MAP_HASSEMAPHORE 0x0200 ; region may contain semaphores
; Assert equals.
%macro ASSERT 3
cmp %1, %2
jne prepare_error
push %3
jmp throw_error
; Print to stdout.
%macro PRINT 1
mov c, getLengthOf(%1) ; "rdx" stores the string length
mov b, %1 ; "rsi" stores the byte string to be used
mov a, 1 ; "rdi" tells where to write (stdout file descriptor: 1)
mov i, WRITE ; syscall: write
; Read file into memory.
ASSERT PROT_READ, 0x01, "Something wrong with PROT_READ"
mov b, PROT_READ
xor a, b
mov f, 0
mov e, -1
mov c, a
mov b, 500000
mov a, 0
mov i, MMAP
PRINT "mmap output "
PRINT i ; check what's returned
PRINT "\n"
mov e, i
mov b, O_RDONLY
mov a, "Makefile"
mov i, OPEN
mov a, i
mov b, e
mov i, READ
; Exit status
mov a, EXIT_STATUS ; exit status
mov i, EXIT ; syscall: exit
PRINT pop() ; print error or something
jmp exit
mov rsi, "abcdefgh" is a mov-immediate of the string contents, not a pointer to it. It only exists as an immediate if you do that.
Your macro will need to switch to .rodata and back to put the string in memory; possibly you could turn it into a sequence of push-immediate onto the stack with NASM macros, but that sounds hard.
So you can use the usual msglen equ $ - msg to get the length. (Actually using NASM local labels so the macro doesn't create conflicts).
See NASM - Macro local label as parameter to another macro where I wrote basically this answer a couple weeks ago. But not exactly a duplicate because it didn't have the bug of using the string as an immediate.
NASM's mechanism for letting macros switch sections and then return to whatever section they expanded in is to have section foo define a macro __?SECT?__ as [SECTION foo]. See the manual and the above linked Q&A.
; write(1, string, sizeof(stringarray))
; clobbers: RDI, RSI, RDX, RCX,R11 (by syscall itself)
: output: RAX = bytes written, or -errno
%macro PRINT 1
[section .rodata] ; change section without updating __?SECT?__ macro
;; NASM macro-local labels
%%str db %1 ; put the string in read-only memory
%%strln equ $ - %%str ; current position - string start
__?SECT?__ ; change back to original sectoin
mov edx, %%strlen ; len
lea rsi, [rel %%str] ; buf = the string. (RIP-relative for position-independent)
mov edi, 1 ; fd = stdout
mov eax, WRITE
This doesn't attempt to combine duplicates of the same string. Using it many times with the same message will be inefficient. This doesn't matter for debugging.
I could have left your %defines for RDI, and let NASM optimize mov rdi, 1 (7 bytes) into mov edi, 1 (5 bytes). But YASM won't do that so it's better to make it explicit if you care about anyone building your code with YASM.
I used a RIP-relative LEA because that's the most efficient way to put a static address into a register in position-independent code. In Linux non-PIE executables, use mov esi, %%str (5 bytes and can run on any port, more than LEA). But on OS X, the base virtual address where an executable is mapped/loaded is always above 2^32, and you never want mov r64, imm64 with a 64-bit absolute address.
See How to load address of function or label into register
On Linux, where system-call numbers are small integers, you could use lea eax, [rdi-1 + WRITE] to do eax = SYS_write with a 3 byte instruction vs. 5 for mov.
The standard names for call-number constants are POSIX SYS_foo from sys/syscall.h or Linux __NR_foo from asm/unistd.h. But NASM can't #include C preprocessor #define macros, so you'd need to mechanically convert one of those headers to NASM syntax, e.g. with some script.
Or if manually defining names, just choose %define SYS_write 1
I found an implementation of unsigned integer conversion in x86 assembly, and I tried plugging it in but being new to assembly and not having a debugging env there yet, it's difficult to understand why it's not working. I would also like it to work with signed integers so it can capture error messages from syscalls.
Wondering if one could show how to fix this code to get the signed integer to print, without using printf but using strprn provided by this answer.
%define a rdi
%define b rsi
%define c rdx
%define d r10
%define e r8
%define f r9
%define i rax
%define EXIT 0x2000001
%define EXIT_STATUS 0
%define READ 0x2000003 ; read
%define WRITE 0x2000004 ; write
%define OPEN 0x2000005 ; open(path, oflag)
%define CLOSE 0x2000006 ; CLOSE
%define MMAP 0x2000197 ; mmap(void *addr, size_t len, int prot, int flags, int fildes, off_t offset)
; szstr computes the lenght of a string.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length (returned)
xor rcx, rcx ; zero rcx
not rcx ; set rcx = -1 (uses bitwise id: ~x = -x-1)
xor al,al ; zero the al register (initialize to NUL)
cld ; clear the direction flag
repnz scasb ; get the string length (dec rcx through NUL)
not rcx ; rev all bits of negative -> absolute value
dec rcx ; -1 to skip the null-term, rcx contains length
mov rdx, rcx ; size returned in rdx, ready to call write
; strprn writes a string to the file descriptor.
; rdi - string address
; rdx - contains string length
push rdi ; push string address onto stack
call strsz ; call strsz to get length
pop rsi ; pop string to rsi (source index)
mov rax, WRITE ; put write/stdout number in rax (both 1)
mov rdi, 1 ; set destination index to rax (stdout)
syscall ; call kernel
; mov ebx, 0xCCCCCCCD
xor rdi, rdi
call itoal
; itoa loop
mov ecx, eax ; save original number
mul ebx ; divide by 10 using agner fog's 'magic number'
shr edx, 3 ;
mov eax, edx ; store quotient for next loop
lea edx, [edx*4 + edx] ; multiply by 10
shl rdi, 8 ; make room for byte
lea edx, [edx*2 - '0'] ; finish *10 and convert to ascii
sub ecx, edx ; subtract from original number to get remainder
lea rdi, [rdi + rcx] ; store next byte
test eax, eax
jnz itoal
mov a, EXIT_STATUS ; exit status
mov i, EXIT ; exit
mov rdi, msg
call strprn
mov ebx, -0xCCCCCCCD
call itoa
call strprn
jmp exit
section .text
msg: db 0xa, " Hello StackOverflow!!!", 0xa, 0xa, 0
With this working it will be possible to properly print signed integers to STDOUT, so you can log the registers values.
How to print a string to the terminal in x86-64 assembly (NASM) without syscall?
How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library?
How to get length of long strings in x86 assembly to print on assertion
My answer on How do I print an integer in Assembly Level Programming without printf from the c library? which you already linked shows that serializing an integer into memory as ASCII decimal gives you a length, so you have no use for (a custom version of) strlen here.
(Your msg has an assemble-time constant length, so it's silly not to use that.)
To print a signed integer, implement this logic:
if (x < 0) {
print('-'); // or just was_negative = 1
x = -x;
Unsigned covers the abs(most_negative_integer) case, e.g. in 8-bit - (-128) overflows to -128 signed. But if you treat the result of that conditional neg as unsigned, it's correct with no overflow for all inputs.
Instead of actually printing a - by itself, just save the fact that the starting number was negative and stick the - in front of the other digits after generating the last one. For bases that aren't powers of 2, the normal algorithm can only generate digits in reverse order of printing,
My x86-64 print integer with syscall answer treats the input as unsigned, so you should simply use that with some sign-handling code around it. It was written for Linux, but replacing the write system call number will make it work on Mac. They have the same calling convention and ABI.
And BTW, xor al,al is strictly worse than xor eax,eax unless you specifically want to preserve the upper 7 bytes of RAX. Only xor-zeroing of full registers is handled efficiently as a zeroing idiom.
Also, repnz scasb is not fast; about 1 compare per clock for large strings.
For strings up to 16 bytes, you can use a single XMM vector with pcmpeqb / pmovmskb / bsf to find the first zero byte, with no loop. (SSE2 is baseline for x86-64).
With online help, I was able to write nasm code in Mac OS X resulting in an executable that prints its own filename, argv[0] in equivalent C code. When I use the same code in Windows, I want it to print the programs name:
C:\> nasm -f win32 -o scriptname.obj scriptname.asm
C:\> golink /fo scriptname.exe scriptname.obj /console kernel32.dll Msvcrt.dll
GoLink.Exe Version - Copyright Jeremy Gordon 2002/12 - JG#JGnet.co.uk
Output file: scriptname.exe
Format: win32 size: 2,048 bytes
C:\> scriptname.exe
Program: scriptname.exe
But what it actually prints is emptiness:
C:\> scriptname.exe
nasm 2.10.05
Windows 7 Professional x64
MacBook Pro 2009
You call GetStdHandle and save the returned value to ecx, ecx is a volatile register, the value will not be saved across calls unless you push/pop it. Your first call to WriteConsoleA uses it and clobbers it so the next call, ecx is not what you expect.
* EDIT *
I was bored so here is working code:
[bits 32]
section .data
program db "Program: ", 0
programlen equ $-program
nl db "", 13, 10, 0
nllen equ $-nl
section .bss
buf resd 1
argc resd 1
argv resb 255
section .text
global Start
extern GetStdHandle
extern __getmainargs
extern WriteConsoleA
extern ExitProcess
strlen: ; eax: a string ending in 0
push eax ; cache eax
mov bl, byte [eax]
cmp bl, 0
je .strret ; return len if bl == 0
inc eax ; else eax++
jmp .strloop
pop ebx ; ebx = cached eax
sub eax, ebx ; eax -= ebx
ret ; eax = len
push 0
push buf
push argv
push argc
call __getmainargs
add esp, 16 ; clear stack (4 * 4 arguments)
push -11 ; get stdout
call GetStdHandle
mov esi, eax
add esp, 4 ; clear stack (4 * 1 argument)
push 0 ; null
push buf ; [chars written]
push programlen
push program
push esi ; stdout
call WriteConsoleA
add esp, 20 ; clear stack (4 * 5 arguments)
mov edx, [argv]
mov eax, [edx] ; <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
call strlen
push 0 ; null
push buf ; [chars written]
push eax ; len argv[0]
push dword [edx] ;<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< ; argv[0]
push esi ; stdout
call WriteConsoleA
add esp, 20 ; clear stack (4 * 5 arguments)
push 0 ; null
push buf ; [chars written]
push nllen
push nl
push esi ; stdout
call WriteConsoleA
add esp, 20 ; clear stack (4 * 5 arguments)
push 0
call ExitProcess
D:\NASM Projects\ReadArgs>ReadArgs.exe
Program: ReadArgs.exe
D:\NASM Projects\ReadArgs>
The argc and argv arguments are for C based programs only. Assembly based programs are must use __getmainargs or __wgetmainargs functions from the C library to generate those variables like they are internally used by C based programs. See below MSDN article for details:
Well, yes and no. In Linux, at the _start: label, argc is at [esp] and argv[0] is at [esp + 4]. If your code works, this must also be true of Mac OSX. By doing -e main on the ld command line, essentially main is lying about its name. It isn't really a "C style main". This label is jumped to, not called. If main (or _main, for 'doze and Mac OSX) is called by "C startup code" (crt2.o), then there's a return address on the stack, so argc is at [esp + 4] and argv[0] is at [esp + 8]. Also, as Tim tells you at news:comp.lang.asm.x86 argv is a ** - a "pointer to pointer" - so you also need the mov ebx, [ebx] (a "de-reference"). I'm pretty sure in Windows, our code is called regardless of what we name the entrypoint. Can you get it to work that way?
EDIT: Well this has pretty much been beaten to death, and "solved"(?), but I got bored, too. This works in Linux, and "might" be portable.
; prints its own name (possibly portable?)
; nasm -f elf32 myprog.asm
; nasm -f macho myprog.asm --prefix _
; nasm -f win32 myprog.asm --prefix _
; gcc -o myprog myprog.o(bj) (-m32 for 64-bit systems)
global main
extern printf
section .data
prog db `Program: %s \n`, 0
section .text
mov eax, [esp + 8]
mov eax, [eax]
push eax
push prog
call printf
add esp, 4 * 2
I'm writing a Forth inner interpreter and getting stuck at what should be the simplest bit. Using NASM on Mac (macho)
msg db "k thx bye",0xA ; string with carriage return
len equ $ - msg ; string length in bytes
dw xt_bye ; <- SI Starts Here
dw 0
db 3,'bye'
xt_bye dw $+2 ; <- Should point to...
push dword len ; <-- code here
push dword msg ; <--- but it never gets here
push dword 1
mov eax, 0x4 ; print the msg
int 80h
add esp, 12
push dword 0
mov eax, 0x1 ; exit(0)
int 80h
mov si,xt_test ; si points to the first xt
lodsw ; ax now points to the CFA of the first word, si to the next word
mov di,ax
jmp [di] ; jmp to address in CFA (Here's the segfault)
I get Segmentation Fault: 11 when it runs. As a test, I can change _main to
mov di,xt_bye+2
jmp di
and it works
EDIT - Here's the simplest possible form of what I'm trying to do, since I think there are a few red herrings up there :)
a dw b
b dw c
c jmp _my_actual_code
mov si,a
mov di,ax
jmp [di]
EDIT - After hexdumping the binary, I can see that the value in b above is actually 0x1000 higher than the address where label c is compiled. c is at 0x00000f43, but b contains 0x1f40
First, it looks extremely dangerous to use the 'si' and 'di' 16-bit registers on a modern x86 machine which is at least 32-bit.
Try using 'esi' and 'edi'. You might be lucky to avoid some of the crashes when 'xt_bye' is not larger than 2^16.
The other thing: there is no 'RET' at the end of xt_bye.
One more: see this linked question Help with Assembly. Segmentation fault when compiling samples on Mac OS X
Looks like you're changing the ESP register to much and it becomes unaligned by 16 bytes. Thus the crash.
One more: the
jmp [di]
may not load the correct address because the DS/ES regs are not used thus the 0x1000 offset.
I'm one day into learning ASM and I've done a few tutorials, and even successfully modified the tutorial content to use jmp and cmp, etc instead of the MASM .if and .while macros.
I've decided to try and write something very, very simple to begin with before I continue with more advanced tutorials. I'm writing a Fibonacci number generator. Here is the source I have so far:
.model flat, stdcall
option casemap :none
include \masm32\include\windows.inc
include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
mov eax, 1
mov ecx, 1
push eax
add eax, ecx
pop ecx
; Jump to _b if there is an overflow on eax
; Print Values Here
jmp _a
push 0
call ExitProcess
end start
I intend to check for overflows on eax/ecx but right now I'm just interested in displaying the values of eax/ecx on the screen.
I know how to push the address of a constant string from .data and call StdOut which was the first example in the hello world tutorial, but this appears to be quite different (?).
There is this code provided by Microsoft itself
Note that this code outputs AX register on 16 bit systems. But you can get the idea, you just need to convert AX value into ASCII characters by looping through each character. Skip the interrupts part and use your StdOut function.
mov dx, 4 ; Loop will print out 4 hex characters.
push dx ; Save the loop counter.
mov cl, 4 ; Rotate register 4 bits.
rol ax, cl
push ax ; Save current value in AX.
and al, 0Fh ; Mask off all but 4 lowest bits.
cmp al, 10 ; Check to see if digit is 0-9.
jl decimal ; Digit is 0-9.
add al, 7 ; Add 7 for Digits A-F.
add al, 30h ; Add 30h to get ASCII character.
mov dl, al
;Use StdOut to print value of dl
;mov ah, 02h ; Prepare for interrupt.
;int 21h ; Do MS-DOS call to print out value.
pop ax ; Restore value to AX.
pop dx ; Restore the loop counter.
dec dx ; Decrement loop counter.
jnz nexthex ; Loop back if there is another character
; to print.
See here as well: