How do we connect to ActiveMQ using failover stomp connection URI in Go?
Using Go-Stomp client, I tried below code and it fails to connect.
if conn, err = stomp.Dial("tcp", "failover:(tcp://,tcp://"); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not connect to ActiveMQ using brokerUri %v. Can not continue.", Config.Broker.URI))
Due to lack of support for failover, had to write some code to achieve the desired result.
//connect to ActiveMQ using failover approach
var err error
for _, uri := range ["","", {
if err = connect(uri); err == nil {
if conn == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("Could not connect to ActiveMQ using brokerUri. Can not continue."))
func connect(brokerIp string) (err error) {
log.Printf("Attempting to connect to ActiveMQ node %v", brokerIp)
if conn, err = stomp.Dial("tcp",
stomp.ConnOpt.Login(Broker.User, Broker.Password)); err != nil {
log.Printf("Faild to connect to ActiveMQ using %v", brokerIp)
if err == nil {
log.Printf("Successfully connected to ActiveMQ node %v", brokerIp)
What is the err you are receiving?
I do not believe the format of your Dial is correct:
The Go-Stomp Dial uses the underlying net.Dial
func Dial(network, addr string, opts ...func(*Conn) error) (*Conn, error) {
c, err := net.Dial(network, addr)
The underlying net.Dial documentation states
For TCP and UDP networks, addresses have the form host:port. If host is a literal IPv6 address it must be enclosed in square brackets as in "[::1]:80" or "[ipv6-host%zone]:80". The functions JoinHostPort and SplitHostPort manipulate addresses in this form. If the host is empty, as in ":80", the local system is assumed.
There is no failover: syntax
I am attempting to create an SMTP server using the SOCKS5 proxy using the net library in golang
Trying to establish a connection to the address via proxy protocol
//addr :
//proxyURI = "socks5://"
func establishProxyConnection(addr, proxyURI string) (net.Conn, error) {
return socks.Dial(proxyURI)("tcp", addr)
Using the returned connection from step 1, trying to create SMTP connection.
client, err := smtp.NewClient(conn, host)
Further debugging the NewClient method I am getting error EOF at text.ReadResponse(220)
// NewClient returns a new Client using an existing connection and host as a
// server name to be used when authenticating.
func NewClient(conn net.Conn, host string) (*Client, error) {
text := textproto.NewConn(conn)
_, _, err := text.ReadResponse(220)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c := &Client{Text: text, conn: conn, serverName: host, localName: "localhost"}
_, c.tls = conn.(*tls.Conn)
return c, nil
I am a novice to all networking concepts, please let me know if any more information needs to be added.
Thanks in advance!
I am trying to make a TCP connection where 2 hosts are on different networks. I have made a client and server in go lang
func main() {
l, err := net.Listen("tcp",":8000")
if err != nil{
conn,err := l.Accept()
if err != nil{
go serve(conn)
func serve(connection net.Conn){
defer connection.Close()
buffer := make([]byte,1024)
_,err := connection.Read(buffer[:])
if err != nil{
func main() {
c, err := net.Dial("tcp",":8000")
if err != nil{
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(os.Stdin)
for scanner.Scan(){
_,err := c.Write([]byte(scanner.Text()))
if err != nil{
when I run my server.go and use telnet on a device that is on the same network to send messages to the server, it works without any problem. I can send messages and it will show up in the console.
But when I try to run telnet on a device with a different network, it does not work. I try to send a message and nothing appears in the console. I then get a message something along the lines of connection closed by the foreign host.
I am a bit of a newbie in networking, I don't understand why is it not able to show any messages from another device on another network.
How do I achieve a TCP connection between 2 different hosts on different connections in go lang?
You should call through an external address, not a local address:
Find the external address of your server application host. Put it in client code:
For example:
c, err := net.Dial("tcp","")
That's it
I currently am working on vendor go balancer code. I need to remove the tcp dial call and emulate a successful connection without the call. In the code below, there is
this line:
ds, err := net.Dial("tcp", backend.String());if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to dial %s: %s", backend, err)
What this does is make a dial to the tcp server and then return connection
response in ds, which is defined here:
What i need is to obtain the ds without doing the tcp dialer. I'm
trying to test the load balancer without any actual tcp calls. So,
when we enter handleConnection wed create a net connection prior to the tcp dial and use this net conn, which should emulate 100% net connection before the tcp dialing begins.
func copy(wc io.WriteCloser, r io.Reader) { defer wc.Close()
io.Copy(wc, r)
func handleConnection(us net.Conn, backend BA.Backend) {
if backend == nil {
log.Printf("no backend available for connection from %s",
host, _, _ := net.SplitHostPort(us.RemoteAddr().String())
_, ok := dbAuthTokenData[host]; if !ok {
w := bufio.NewWriter(us)
ds, err := net.Dial("tcp", backend.String());if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to dial %s: %s", backend, err)
// Ignore errors
go copy(ds, us)
go copy(us, ds)
func tcpBalance(bind string, backends BA.Backends) error {
log.Println("using tcp balancing")
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", bind)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to bind: %s", err)
log.Printf("listening on %s, balancing %d backends", bind, backends.Len())
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to accept: %s", err)
go handleConnection(conn, backends.Choose())
return err
I tried commenting out go handleConnection(conn, backends.Choose()) but that failed.
The pattern you could refactor your code is to create a Dialer interface. In your code example you are using the returned ds just as an io.ReadWriteCloser. So you don't need to implement the whole net.Conn interface. As net.Conn has the read and write method inside everything works
type Dialer interface{
Dial(network, address string) (io.ReadWriteCloser, error)
Now let's change your function:
func handleConnection(us net.Conn, backend BA.Backend, d Dialer) {
// ...
// Code here stays
ds, err := d.Dial("tcp", backend.String());if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to dial %s: %s", backend, err)
// ...
That your production code works you now need to define a type netDialer which wraps the net.Dial() function. In your test you can use a testDialer which uses a bytes.Buffer.
This answers your question:
Emulate net connection without entering net dial
I'm working with someone else's code and I need some assistance.
Here we have a tcp load balancer. What I need is access to the request uri from this piece of code before we do the net dial.
I looked through the API Documentation here: but was unable to find any relevant methods under the net.Conn namespace for retrieving the current request path.
func copy(wc io.WriteCloser, r io.Reader) {
defer wc.Close()
io.Copy(wc, r)
func handleConnection(us net.Conn, backend BA.Backend) {
if backend == nil {
log.Printf("no backend available for connection from %s", us.RemoteAddr())
//w := bufio.NewWriter(us)
ds, err := net.Dial("tcp", backend.String())
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to dial %s: %s", backend, err)
// Ignore errors
go copy(ds, us)
go copy(us, ds)
func tcpBalance(bind string, backends BA.Backends) error {
log.Println("using tcp balancing")
ln, err := net.Listen("tcp", bind)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("failed to bind: %s", err)
log.Printf("listening on %s, balancing %d backends", bind, backends.Len())
for {
conn, err := ln.Accept()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("failed to accept: %s", err)
go handleConnection(conn, backends.Choose())
return err
This is not possible because not every TCP connection is an HTTP connection and the TCP protocol has no concept of URIs. Many other protocols are built on TCP and it's not that protocol's responsibility to know about them.
HTTP is an Application Layer (layer 7) protocol which uses the TCP Transport Layer (layer 4) protocol. As such, TCP connections have no concept of HTTP because lower layer protocols have no concept of the layers that may be built on top of them.
You can learn more by reading about the OSI model.
I have an app in Go that's connecting to XMPP host using tcp and then xml Decoder to talk XMPP. How can I make net.Dial reconnect if tcp connection is dropped?
I am getting the following error on my error channel when the connection is dropped:
write tcp client:port->xmpp_server:5222: write: broken pipe. However I'm not sure how to properly handle it in my Dial function to make it reconnect.
// package xmpp
// Conn represents a connection
type Conn struct {
incoming *xml.Decoder
outgoing net.Conn
errchan chan error
// SetErrorChannel sets the channel for handling errors
func (c *Conn) SetErrorChannel(channel chan error) {
c.errchan = channel
// Dial dials an xmpp host
func Dial(host string) (*Conn, error) {
c := new(Conn)
var err error
c.outgoing, err = net.Dial("tcp", host+":5222")
if err != nil {
log.Printf("Can't dial %s:5222: %s", host, err)
return c, err
// TCP Keep Alive
err = c.outgoing.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlive(true)
if err != nil {
c.errchan <- err
err = c.outgoing.(*net.TCPConn).SetKeepAlivePeriod(30 * time.Second)
if err != nil {
c.errchan <- err
c.incoming = xml.NewDecoder(c.outgoing)
log.Printf("Connected to: %s", c.outgoing.RemoteAddr())
return c, nil
// In a separate package
func NewXMPPClient(config) (*Client, error) {
errchannel := make(chan error)
connection, err := xmpp.Dial(host)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// Do XMPP auth, receive messages, etc...
Figured it out. I just started to close the current tcp connection on any error in my error channel and re-create both TCP and XMPP (auth+listen) connections.