Determin whether slave nodes in hadoop cluster has been assigned tasks - hadoop

I'm new to Hadoop and MapReduce. I just deployed a Hadoop cluster with one master machine and 32 slave machines. However when I start to run an example program, it seems that it just runs to slow. How can I determine whether a map/reduce task has really been assigned to a slave node for execution?
The example program is executed like that:
hadoop jar ${HADOOP_HOME}/share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.7.2.jar pi 32 100

okay lots of possibilities there. Hadoop comes out to help in distributed task.
So if your code is written in way that everything is dependent then there is no use of 32 slaves. rather it will take overhead time to manage connection.
check your hadoopMasterIp:50070 if if all the datanodes(slave) is running or not. obviously if you did not change dfs.http.address in your core-site.xml.

The easiest way to take a look at Yarn Web UI. By default it uses port 8088 on your master node (change master in the URI by your own IP address):
There you can see total resources of your cluster and list of all applications. For every application you can find out how many mappers/reducers were used and where (on what machine) they were executed.


Is there a significant performance difference between Pseudo-Distributed and Fully-distributed mode in Hadoop?

I was reading the document of Hadoop, and I found this:
"Both standalone mode and pseudo-distributed mode are provided for the purposes of small-scale testing".
I have 2 questions.
First, how big is considered as small-scale, more specifically, I'm going to use at most 32 nodes, is this ok for me to run it in the pseudo-distributed mode?
Second, even for small-scale, is there any performance difference between Pseudo-Distributed and Fully-distributed mode? Since, I'm running hadoop on my Mac, and it's kind difficult for me to find a really cluster system. Anything that I have to pay attention?
at most 32 nodes, is this ok for me to run it in the pseudo-distributed mode?
Pseudo distributed specifically means you only have one node. It means all Hadoop services are capable of talking to each other as if they were on an external interface (not all localhost) connection, and using HDFS, not just the local filesystem.
In order to create a "distributed mode" cluster, you can add additional nodes to your single node by using the correct configurations. Tip: Apache Ambari would make this process much easier.
However, HDFS will want to be able to replicate blocks at least three times by default, and in order to accommodate for downtime in these services, 5 nodes is a good minimum. I also recommend that you setup High Availability in your cluster using a standalone installation of 3-5 Zookeeper servers

Should the HBase region server and Hadoop data node on the same machine?

Sorry that I don't have the resource to set up a cluster to test it, I'm just wondering to know:
Can I deploy hbase region server on a separated machine other than the hadoop data node machine? I guess the answer is yes, but I'm not sure.
Is it good or bad to deploy hbase region server and hadoop data node on different machines?
When putting some data into hbase, where is this data eventually stored in, data node or region server? I guess it's data node, but what is the StoreFile and HFile in region server, isn't it the physical file to store our data?
Thank you!
RegionServers should always run alongside DataNodes in distributed clusters if you want decent performance.
Very bad, that will work against the data locality principle (If you want to know a little more about data locality check this:
Actual data will be stored in the HDFS (DataNode), RegionServers are responsible of serving and managing regions.
For more information about HBase architecture please check this excelent post from Lars' blog:
BTW, as long as you have a PC with decent RAM you can set up a demo cluster with virtual machines. Do not ever try to set up a production environment without properly test the platform first in a development environment.
To go in more detail about this answer:
RegionServers should always run alongside? DataNodes in distributed clusters if you want decent performance."
I'm not sure how anyone would interpet the term alongside, so let's try to be even more precise:
What makes any physical server an "XYZ" server is that it's running a program called a daemon (think "eternally-running background event-handling" program);
What makes a "file" server is that it's running a file-serving daemon;
What makes a "web" server is that it's running a web-serving daemon;
What makes a "data node" server is that it's running the HDFS data-serving daemon;
What makes a "region" server then is that it's running the HBase region-serving daemon (program);
So, in all Hadoop Distributions (eg Cloudera, MAPR, Hortonworks, others), the general best practice is that for HBase, the "RegionServers" are "co-located" with the "DataNodeServers".
This means that the actual slave (datanode) servers which form the HDFS cluster are each running the HDFS data-serving daemon (program)
and they're also running the HBase region-serving daemon (program) as well!
This way we ensure locality - the concurrent processing and storing of data on all the individual nodes in an HDFS cluster, with no "movement" of gigantic loads of big data from "storage" locations to "processing" locations. Locality is vital to the success of a Hadoop cluster, such that HBase region servers (data nodes running the HBase daemon as well) must also do all their processing (putting/getting/scanning) on each data node containing the HFiles which make up HRegions which make up HTables which make up HBases (Hadoop-dataBases) ... .
So, servers (VMs or physical on Windows, Linux, ..) can run multiple daemons concurrently, often, they run dozens of them regularly.

Is it possible to add node automatically when hadoop program is on running application

I'm beginner programmer and hadoop learner.
I'm testing hadoop full distribute mode using 5 PC(has Dual-core cpu and ram 2G)
before starting maptask and hdfs, I knew that I must configure file(etc/hosts on Ip, hostname and hadoop folder/conf/masters,slaves file) so I finished configured that file
and when debating on seminar in my company, my boss and chief insisted that even if hadoop application running state, if hadoop need more node or cluster, automatically, hadoop will add more node
Is it possible? When I studied about hadoop clusturing, Many hadoop books and community site insisted that after configuration and running application, We can't add more node or cluster.
But My boss said to me that Amazon said adding node on running application is possible.
Is really true?
hadoop master users on stack overflow community, Please tell me detail about the truth.
Yes it indeed is possible.
Here is the explanation in hadoop's wiki.
Also Amazon's EMR enables one to add 100s of nodes on-the-fly in an alreadt running cluster and as soon as the machines are up they are delegated tasks(unstarted mapper and/or reducer tasks) by the master.
So, yes, it is very much possible and is in use and not just in theory.

How to separate Hadoop MapReduce from HDFS?

I'm curious if you could essentially separate the HDFS filesystem from the MapReduce framework. I know that the main point of Hadoop is to run the maps and reduces on the machines with the data in question, but I was wondering if you could just change the *.xml files to change the configuration of what machine the jobtracker, namenode and datanodes are running on.
Currently, my configuration is a 2 VMs setup: one (the master) with Namenode, Datanode, JobTracker, Tasktracker (and the SecondaryNameNode), the other (the slave) with DataNode, Tasktraker. Essentially, what I want to change is have the master with NameNode DataNode(s), JobTracker, and have the slave with only the TaskTracker to perform the computations (and later on, have more slaves with only TaskTrackers on them; one on each). The bottleneck will be the data transfer between the two VMs for the computations of maps and reduces, but since the data at this stage is so small I'm not primarily concerned with it. I would just like to know if this configuration is possible, and how to do it. Any tips?
You don't specify this kind of options in the configuration files.
What you have to do is to take care of what kind of deamons you start on each machine(you call them VMs but I think you mean machines).
I suppose you usually start everything using the script which you can find in the bin directory under the hadoop installation dir.
If you take a look at this script you will see that what it does is to call a number of sub-scripts corresponding to starting the datanodes, tasktrackers and namenode, jobtracker.
In order to achive what you've said, I would do like this:
Modify the masters and slaves files as this:
Master file should contain the name of machine1
Slaves should contain the name of machine2
Modify the masters and slaves files as this:
Master file should contain the machine1
Slaves file should contain machine1
I have to tell you that I've never tried such a configuration so I'm not sure this is going to work but you can give it a try. Anyway the solution is in this direction!
Essentially, what I want to change is have the master with NameNode DataNode(s), JobTracker, and have the slave with only the TaskTracker to perform the computations (and later on, have more slaves with only TaskTrackers on them; one on each).
First, I am not sure why to separate the computation from the storage. The whole purpose of MR locality is lost, thought you might be able to run the job successfully.
Use the dfs.hosts, dfs.hosts.exclude parameters to control which datanodes can connect to the namenode and the mapreduce.jobtracker.hosts.filename, mapreduce.jobtracker.hosts.exclude.filename parameters to control which tasktrackers can connect to the jobtracker. One disadvantage of this approach is that the datanodes and tasktrackers are started on the nodes which are excluded and aren't part of the Hadoop cluster.
Another approach is to modify the code to have a separate slave file for the tasktracker and the datanode. Currently, this is not supported in Hadoop and would require a code change.

Hadoop on Amazon Cloud

I'm trying to get set up on the Amazon Cloud to run some hadoop MapReduce jobs but I'm struggling to successfully create a cluster. I have downloaded the ec2 files, have my certificates and keypair file, but I believe it's the AMIs that are causing me trouble. If I'm trying to run a cluster with a master node and n slave nodes, I start n+1 instances using standard compatible AMIs and then run the code "hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster name n" in the terminal. The master node is successful, but I get an error when the slave nodes start to launch, saying "missing parameter -h (AMI missing)" and I'm not entirely sure how to progress.
Also, some of my jobs will require an alteration in hadoops parameter settings (specifically the mapred-site.xml config file), is it possible to alter this file, and if so, how do I gain access to it? Is hadoop already installed on amazon machines, with this file accessible and alterable?
Have you tried Amazon Elastic MapReduce? This is a simple API that brings up Hadoop clusters of a specified size on demand.
That's easier then to create own cluster manually.
But once the jobflow is finished by default it shuts the cluster down, leaving you with outputs on S3. If what you need is simply to do some crunching, this may be the way to go.
In case you need HDFS contents stored permanently (e.g. if you are running HBase on top of Hadoop) you may actually need own cluster on EC2. In this case you may find Cloudera's distribution of Hadoop for Amazon EC2 useful.
Altering Hadoop configuration on nodes it will start is possible using EC2 Bootstrap Actions:
Q: How do I configure Hadoop settings for my job flow?
The Elastic MapReduce default Hadoop configuration is appropriate for most workloads. However, based on your job flow’s specific memory and processing requirements, it may be appropriate to tune these settings. For example, if your job flow tasks are memory-intensive, you may choose to use fewer tasks per core and reduce your job tracker heap size. For this situation, a pre-defined Bootstrap Action is available to configure your job flow on startup. See the Configure Memory Intensive Bootstrap Action in the Developer’s Guide for configuration details and usage instructions. An additional predefined bootstrap action is available that allows you to customize your cluster settings to any value of your choice. See the Configure Hadoop Bootstrap Action in the Developer’s Guide for usage instructions.
About the way you are starting the cluster, please clarify:
If I'm trying to run a cluster with a master node and n slave nodes, I start n+1 instances using standard compatible AMIs and then run the code "hadoop-ec2 launch-cluster name n" in the terminal. The master node is successful, but I get an error when the slave nodes start to launch, saying "missing parameter -h (AMI missing)" and I'm not entirely sure how to progress.
How exactly you are trying start it? What exactly AMIs are you using?
