Sending different requests to different servers based on protocal via dns - websocket

Is it possible to route dns to different servers based on the protocol of the request without using a proxy server?
For example wss:// goes to 1 server and goes to a different one.

In principle no, this is not possible. Although there are exceptions.
When you an application and request a network address, e.g. the application will (typically) pass on a request to the OS to open a connection to that address.
Because the OS can only make a connection to an IP Address, the first thing it does is to make a DNS request to find out the address it can connect to. There is no mechanism at all, to tell that DNS request what protocol is being requested. At the point the OS makes the DNS request it is simply, 'What is the address for' there is no space in the body of the message for more information.
In that sense it is not possible.
However there are a few services that use SRV records to find the server they need to connect to.
In these cases the application will say to the OS 'get me the SRV record for' When it has that record, it will then send another request to the OS to open a connection the whatever it found in the SRV record.
So you could, in theory, write an application that performed the SRV record query first, and then opened a connection to whatever was returned.
I wrote a more detailed answer specifically about wss, which you may find interesting.


How to get the IP address of a connected WebSocket-client?

I'm currently working on a ABAP Push Channel server to WebSocket client connection and I need the IP-address of the client in order to identify whether this client is the one I want to send the message to. In my scenario there could be multiple WebSocket connections.
Now there is the ssi_websocket_table table and the ssi_websocket_table_row row with the the field caller_ip, however this gives me the IP address of the DNS-Server of the network I'm connected to, and I expected the IP address of my local PC since the WebSocket-client is running on this machine.
Is there any other way to get the clients IP address from an active WebSocket connection in ABAP?
P.S. Looking at all the table entries, it shows the correct IP when using a different server configuration, as soon as I know why that's the case I will report back.
As pointed out by vwegert it makes no sense to use the IP to tell the WebSockets apart, I think it would probably be better to use an ID for each WebSocket connection instead.
You could get the IP from the WebSocket server context which gets the IP header apparently from the opening HTTP handshake for the connection:
DATA(lo_context) = i_context. " IF_APC_WSP_SERVER_CONTEXT type
DATA(lo_request) = lo_context->get_initial_request( ).
DATA(lv_id) = lo_request->get_header_field( if_http_header_fields_sap=>remote_addr ).
the sample is taken from the SAP standard class CL_APC_WS_EXT_ABAP_ONLINE_COMM, ON_MESSAGE method.

Is there a way to make a websocket reachable through a SRV DNS record?

I swear I googled this. I was wondering if there is any way to connect to a WebSocket service by resolving a SRV DNS query. In principle, this sounds reasonable to me, e.g., in a situation where the port where the service is going to be listening depends on the host and there is not a fixed port.
For example:
Server A listens with a WebSocket on port 1234.
Server B listens with a WebSocket on port 1235.
Server NS assigns a CNAME to A, and a CNAME to B. It also adds a SRV entry that points to A's and B's CNAMEs, and also points to each port.
When connecting, an user should then connect to something like srvws://websockethost rather than ws://aorbcname:aorbport.
Is it even possible to do such a thing? Is there any planning at all about this? Is there any alternative to solve this kind of problem, where I need to communicate ports along with the DNS query?
Update: looking around I found this draft:
But I am not really sure how to interpret this. Is this a standard? Was this even approved? Is this just a proposal?
In RFC 2782 A DNS RR for specifying the location of services (DNS SRV) it states
Currently, one must either know the exact address of a server to
contact it, or broadcast a question.
The SRV RR allows administrators to use several servers for a single
domain, to move services from host to host with little fuss, and to
designate some hosts as primary servers for a service and others as
The format of a SRV RR is
_Service._Proto.Name TTL Class SRV Priority Weight Port Target
There is no technical reason that you couldn't use a SRV record to point to a WS. As you point out it has been the subject of an IETF draft. That doesn't appear to have gone any further, though the reasons aren't clear from its history it does appear to have been merged with RFC 6455 The WebSocket Protocol There is a discussion concerning the inclusion of IETF draft DNS SRV Resource Records for the WebSocket Protocol that has the following
SRV would be a perfect choice for many people
[...] It would be fully optional from the admin and user
perspective. The website owner could decide to use SRV or not. The
only requeriment, of course, os that WS clients support it
So while there is no technical specification, there is certainly no reason why you can't / shouldn't. The idea has been proposed and allowed to die because ultimately it is up to you if you want to use a SRV record to find a WS service that is perfectly within protocol.
And in my opinion, it would solve a number of problems.
Edited to add
After some more digging around on the IETF message boards. (curiosity as to why it wasn't implemented got the better of me) I found this message from the guy who proposed it
I was proposing it, but after long discussions in the maillist I've
understood that mandating DNS SRV in WS clients would break too much
assumptions in HTTP world (which commonly just sees above HTTP layer
and not below).
The existence of HTTP proxies is also a big handicap since those
proxies should be upgraded/modified in order to perform DNS SRV
resolution just in case the HTTP request is a WebSocket handshake.
This last argument is enough to not mandate SRV resolution.
So while it sounds a good idea, the people who really understand this stuff (and write the standards for it) found some issues that suggested simply using standard HTTP / A record look ups.

Ruby TCPSocket Server - Can I tell to what host a client was connecting?

I have a ruby server based on TCPSocket (non-HTTP).
I have 2 different domains, both pointing with an A-Record to my servers IP Address (the same one). So, there are clients connecting to one of those domains.
Is it possible to tell which domain a client was connecting to?
I saw that this is possible in other protocols, but I'm not sure if this is based on manually added headers or really extracted from the basic tcp/ip connection. E.g. in PHP there is $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] which shows to which domain a client was connecting.
At the TCP socket level, the only things that are known are the source and destination IP addresses (and ports) of the connection. How the IP address was resolved via DNS is not possible to know at this layer. Even though HTTP works on top of TCP, HTTP servers have to look at the HTTP headers from the client to know which domain they are making a request to. (That's how the HTTP_HOST value gets filled in.)
One possible solution is to configure your server to have an additional IP address. This can be by assigning an additional IP address to the NIC or adding an additional NIC. Then have each domain use a different IP address. Otherwise, this is not possible and you may want to consider your application protocol on top of TCP to convey this information.

Socket connection rerouting

Most proxy servers perform the job of forwarding data to an appropriate "real" server. However, I am in the process of designing a distributed system in which when the "proxy" receives a TCP/IP socket connection, the remote system actually connects with a real server which the proxy nominates. All subsequent data flows from remote to the real server.
So is it possible to "forward" the socket connection request so that the remote system connects with the real server?
(I am assuming for the moment that nothing further can be done with the remote system. Ie the proxy can't respond to the connection by sending the IP address of the actual server and the remote connections with that. )
This will be under vanilla Windows (not Server), so can't use cunning stuff like TCPCP.
I assume your "remote system" is the one that initiates connection attempts, i.e. client of the proxy.
If I get this right: when the "remote system" wants to connect somewhere, you want the "proxy server" to decide where the connection will really go ("real server"). When the decision is made, you don't want to involve the proxy server any further - the data of the connection should not pass the proxy, but go directly between the "remote system" and the "real server".
Problem is, if you want the connection to be truly direct, the "remote system" must know the IP address of of the "real server", and vice versa.
(I am assuming for the moment that nothing further can be done with
the remote system. Ie the proxy can't respond to the connection by
sending the IP address of the actual server and the remote connections
with that. )
Like I said, not possible. Why is it a problem to have the "proxy" send back the actual IP address?
Is it security - you want to make sure the connection really goes where the proxy wanted? If that's the case, you don't have an option - you have to compromise. Either the proxy forwards all the data, and it knows where the data is going, or let the client connect itself, but you don't have control where it connects.
Most networking problems can be solved as long as you have complete control over the entire network. Here, for instance, you could involve routers on the path between the "remote system" and the "real client", to make sure the connection is direct and that it goes where the proxy wanted. But this is complex, and probably not an option in practice (since you may not have control over those routers).
A compromise may be to have several "relay servers" distributed around the network that will forward the connections instead of having the actual proxy server forward them. When a proxy makes a decision, it finds the best (closest) relay server, tells it about the connection, then orders the client to connect to the relay server, which makes sure the connection goes where the proxy intended it to go.
There might be a way of doing this but you need to use a Windows driver to achieve it. I've not tried this when the connection comes from an IP other than localhost, but it might work.
Take a look at NetFilter SDK. There's a trial version which is fully functional up to 100000 TCP and UDP connections. The other possibility is to write a Windows driver yourself, but this is non-trivial.
Basically it works as follows:
1) You create a class which inherits from NF_EventHandler. In there you can provide your own implementation of methods like tcpConnectRequest to allow you to redirect TCP connections somewhere else.
2) You initialize the library with a call to nf_init. This provides the link between the driver and your proxy, as you provide an instance of your NF_EventHandler implementation to it.
There are also some example programs for you to see the redirection happening. For example, to redirect a connection on port 80 from process id 214 to, you can run:
TcpRedirector.exe -p 80 -pid 214 -r
For your proxy, this would be used as follows:
1) Connect from your client application to the proxy.
2) The connection request is intercepted by NetFilterSDK (tcpConnectRequest) and the connection endpoint is modified to connect to the server the proxy chooses. This is the crucial bit because your connection is coming from outside and this is the part that may not work.
Sounds like routing problem, one layer lower than TCP/IP;
You're actually looking for ARP like proxy:
I'd say you need to manage ARP packets, chekcing the ARP requests:
Then normal socket connection via TCP/IP from client to server.

Setting up a server

One of my real weak points in programming is networking, so I admit that I may be a little over my head with this project. Please feel free to tell me if what I'm trying to do doesn't make any sense
What I am trying to do, basically, is run a program on my laptop (Node.JS, probably) that handles requests from a website, does some functions, and serves data back to a client running on the website. (Research tells me this is called an RPC server)
When you listen for requests in Node.JS, you specify a port and optionally an IP Address- localhost,, is what all the tutorials I've read have used, but that's not sufficient for what I'm trying to do
I've read that I'll need to set up a static IP Address? But I think those are relative to my LAN, so they'll be like 192.168.0.X. So then what would I specify for the IP for the server and the client? (I don't think the port particularly matters). Do I need a DNS?
I hope this makes sense, sorry for so many questions, thank you for your help
You can run a server on your local machine, and you will specify your local IP address for the script, like 192.168.0.x. But for this server to ever receive a connection, your client must connect to your external IP address. It is the IP address that you get from your Internet provider when you connect to Internet. If your external IP is static, i.e. it does not change, then you can use it in your client script. If the external IP changes, you must setup a DNS record that would resolve the name of your computer. DynDNS can be used for that purpose.
If you have a router, it must be setup so that it forwards connections to your laptop where the server runs. And your firewall must be configured to allow connections.
