Compare documents in Elasticsearch - elasticsearch

I am new to Elasticsearch and I am trying to get all documents which have same mobile type. I couldn't find a relevant question and am currently stuck.
curl -XPUT 'http://localhost:9200/sessions/session/1' \
-d '{"useragent": "1121212","mobile": "android", "browser": "mozilla", "device": "computer", "service-code": "1112"}'
I need Elasticsearch equivalent of following -
SELECT * FROM session s1, session s2
where s1.device == s2.device

What you are trying to achieve is simple grouping docs on a field via self-join.
The similar notion of grouping can be achieved by terms aggregation in elasticsearch. Although this aggregation returns only the group level metrics like count, sum etc. It does not return the individual records.
However, there is another aggregation which can be applied as a sub-aggregation to the terms aggregation, top-hits aggregations.
The top_hits aggregator can effectively be used to group result sets
by certain fields via a bucket aggregator. One or more bucket
aggregators determines by which properties a result set get sliced
from - The offset from the first result you want to fetch.
size - The maximum number of top matching hits to return per bucket. By default the top three matching hits are returned.
sort - How the top matching hits should be sorted. By default the hits are sorted by the score of the main query.
Here is a sample query
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"aggs": {
"top-mobiles": {
"terms": {
"field": "device"
"aggs": {
"top_device_hits": {
"top_hits": {}


elasticsearch: count appearance of terms aggregation on other fields

I want to count how many times, unique values (result of terms aggragation) have appeared in other fields in the same query. Let's say:
"size": 0,
"query": {
"match_all": {}
"aggs": {
"unique_products": {
"terms": {
"field": "",
"min_doc_count": 10
What I want is to count, how many time each of the keys returned in the bucket, appeared in another field.
My ideal output is:
"aggregations": {
"product_stat": {
"key": "<product_name>"
"sold": "<#>" #I want to know how many times the key is appeared in another field like sold
"bought": "<#>"
Elasticsearch cannot do terms aggregations over multiple fields. In short, if they would, aggregations would not be blazing fast.
As documentation suggests, there are two options:
use script terms aggregation (with performance penalty),
change how the documents are indexed so a normal terms aggregation can be used.
Depending on the structure of your data and your use-cases, you might get by with a complex aggregation + some processing on the client side. This can be done with sub aggregations like here, for example.
Hope that helps!

How to find all duplicate documents in ElasticSearch

We have a need to walk over all of the documents in our AWS ElasticSearch cluster, version 6.0, and gather a count of all the duplicate user ids.
I have tried using a Data Visualization to aggregate counts on the user ids and export them, but the numbers don't match another source of our data that is searchable via traditional SQL.
What we would like to see is like this:
userid1 4
userid22 3
I am not an advanced Lucene query person and have yet to find an answer to this question. If anyone can provide some insight into how to do this, I would be appreciative.
The following query will count each id, and filter the ids which have <2 counts, so you'll get something in the likes of:
id:2, count:2
id:4, count:15
GET /index
More here:
If you want to get all duplicate userids with count
First you get to know maximum size of aggs.
find all maximum matches record via aggs cardinality.
GET index/type/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"maximum_match_counts": {
"cardinality": {
"field": "userid",
"precision_threshold": 100
get value of maximum_match_counts aggregations
Now you can get all duplicate userids
GET index/type/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"userIds": {
"terms": {
"field": "userid",
"size": maximum_match_counts,
"min_doc_count": 2
When you go with terms aggregation (Bharat suggestion) and set aggregation size more than 10K you will get a warning about this approach will throw an error for the feature releases.
Instead of using terms aggregation you should go with composite aggregation to scan all of your documents by pagination/afterkey method.
the composite aggregation can be used to paginate all buckets from a multi-level aggregation efficiently. This aggregation provides a way to stream all buckets of a specific aggregation similarly to what scroll does for documents.

Elasticsearch Terms aggregation ordering

We are currently working on a multi-language document CMS. Therefore we have documents which are translated into different languages.
For searching with Elasticsearch, we are currently using one index per language (german, english, french, ...) where all translations of the same document share the same ID.
When a user searches for specific terms we would like to search among all languages, but only return a list of distinct IDs. As far as I know this is only possible by using terms aggregations like the following:
curl localhost:9200/german,english,french/_search?pretty=1 -d
"aggs": {
"asset_ids": {
"terms": {
"field": "_id"
This works fine, but as the elasticsearch documentation
states, this will return a list of distinct IDs ordered by the number of documents per bucket.
My question is: Is it possible to retrieve a list of distinct IDs from multiple indices where said ids are ordered by the relevance of the documents they represent? Or is there maybe a better approach for our scenario?
In case anyone is interested in how we solved this problem, I will now give a possible solution. This is probably not the best solution to the problem.
Adding a top_hits aggregation to the terms aggregation includes the top scoring documents and their corresponding scores to the buckets:
curl localhost:9200/german,english,french/_search?pretty=1 -d
"aggs": {
"asset_ids": {
"terms": {
"field": "_id"
"aggregations": {
"top_id_hits": {
"top_hits": {}
Sorting the retrieved buckets by their best scoring document (aka max_score) finally does the trick.

Elasticsearch and aggregation of subqueries

I know that elasticsearch allows sub-aggregations (ie. nested aggregation), however I would like to apply aggregation on the result of "first" aggregation (or in generic any query - aggregation or not).
Concrete example: I log events about user actions (for simplicity I have documents with user_id and action). I can make a query that counts number of actions executed by each user. However I would like to find out percentage (or count) of "active users" (e.g. users that have executed more than 10 actions). Ideal result would be a histogram over all users showing how active the users are.
Is there a way how to create such query? Or is there any other approach I can take other than store aggregated results of subquery and compute the histogram out of that?
Note: I have seen Elastic Search and "sub queries" question, but it was about something else and it is over one and half year old and elasticsearch is being actively developed.
Additionally it seems that in version 1.4 there will be available scripted metric aggregation, but anyway that would require to store counter for every user until reduce phase. And some "approximate solution" is good for me - similar to what ES uses internally for its aggregations.
Here is the query I have used, notice the "min_doc_count" in the aggregation.
"query": {
"filtered": {
"filter": {
"and": [
{ "term" : { "name": "did x" } },
{ "range": { "created_at": { "gte": "now-7d", "lte": "now" } } }
"aggregations": {
"my_agg": {
"terms": {
"field": "user_id",
"min_doc_count": 10,
"size": 0
This query returns the list of buckets (users) with more than 9 events in the specified time period. Just 'count' results to get the number of active users.
I have tested this approach with thousands of events and it works well. At a certain scale you will have to use Hadoop.

Elasticsearch delete duplicates

Some of the records are duplicated in my index identified by a numeric field recordid.
There is delete-by-query in elasticsearch, Can I use it to delete any one of the duplicate record?
Or some other way to achieve this?
Yes, you can find duplicated document with an aggregation query:
curl -XPOST http://localhost:9200/your_index/_search -d '
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"duplicateCount": {
"terms": {
"field": "recordid",
"min_doc_count": 2,
"size": 10
"aggs": {
"duplicateDocuments": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 10
then delete duplicated documents preferably using a bulk query. Have a look at es-deduplicator for automated duplicates removal (disclaimer: I'm author of that script).
NOTE: Aggregate queries could be very expensive and might lead to crash of your nodes (in case that your index is too large and number of data nodes too small).
Elasticsearch recommends "use(ing) the scroll/scan API to find all matching ids and then issue a bulk request to delete them".
The first challenge here would be to identify the duplicate documents. For that you need to run a terms aggregation on the fields that defines the uniqueness of the document. On the second level of aggregation use top_hits to get the document ID too. Once you are there , you will get the ID of documents having duplicates.
Now you can safely remove them , may be using Bulk API.
You can read of other approaches to detect and remove duplicate documents here.
