So, first off, I am using the Python Mode for Processing. And in my code I have something like this:
limit = millis() + 10
while millis() < limit:
I am trying to do something similar to Python's time.sleep function, but the value of limit increases as millis() does. limit is always 10 milliseconds greater than how long the window has been open. How do I get the value of limit to be a constant?
As #KevinWorkman already mentioned you should post MCVE otherwise is hard for us to help you.
Right now I can only suggest you 2 following options. But they are only hot fixes. Instead you should study more about draw function (furthermore: noLoop lopp reDraw frameRate) and how processing works so you can avoid problems like this. Use this documentation for descriptions.
1) You can use python function time.sleep(0.01) instead your limit while combo. Don't forget to import time
2) You can use busy-looping
t = millis()
limit = t + 1000000
while t < limit:
t += 1
I'm working in a program that it needs to get the current CPU Usage How i can achieve that in vb.Net
i tried like 4 codes but i still get 0% every time . here is one example of what i've used Link
Thanks In Advance ,
Though it is not allowed to answer such questions,but still , here's something that might help you get started :
Dim cpu as New System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounter
cpu.CategoryName = "Processor"
cpu.CounterName = "% Processor Time"
cpu.InstanceName = "_Total"
MessageBox(cpu.NextValue.ToString + "%")
If it doesn't work , here's a better version:
Dim cpu as PerformanceCounter '''Declare in class level
'On form load(actually you need to initialize it first)
cpu = new PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")
'''Finally,get the value :
MsgBox(cpu.NextValue & "%") '''Use .ToString if required
you can use LblCpuUsage.text = CombinedAllCpuUsageOfEachThread.NextValue()
.There is a helper library to get that information:
The Performance Data Helper (see Using the PDH Functions to Consume
Counter Data (Windows)[^])
Microsoft examples are in C but there are also corresponding VB (not .Net) functions:
Performance Counters Functions for Visual Basic (Windows)[^]
For me I wanted an average. There were a couple problems getting CPU utilization that seemed like there should be an easy package to solve but I didn't see one.
The first is of course that a value of 0 on the first request is useless. Since you already know that the first response is 0, why doesn't the function just take that into account and return the true .NextValue()?
The second problem is that an instantaneous reading may be wildly inaccurate when trying to make decisions on what resources your app may have available to it since it could be spiking, or between spikes.
My solution was to do a for loop that cycles through and gives you an average for the past few seconds. you can adjust the counter to make it shorter or longer (as long as it is more than 2).
public static float ProcessorUtilization;
public static float GetAverageCPU()
PerformanceCounter cpuCounter = new PerformanceCounter("Process", "% Processor Time", Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName);
for (int i = 0; i < 11; ++i)
ProcessorUtilization += (cpuCounter.NextValue() / Environment.ProcessorCount);
// Remember the first value is 0, so we don't want to average that in.
Console.Writeline(ProcessorUtilization / 10);
return ProcessorUtilization / 10;
I want this code to imitate a metronome. How do I get it to keep calling the timer instead of performing the final iteration and stopping?
-- main.lua
tempo = 60000/60
for i = 1, 100 do
local accomp = audio.loadStream("sounds/beep.mp3"), {channel = 1})
timer.performWithDelay(tempo, listener)
performWithDelay accepts 3rd parameter for number of loops, you don't need to do it manually.
local accomp = audio.loadStream("sounds/beep.mp3")
timer.performWithDelay(tempo, function(), {channel = 1}) end, 100)
Read the manual...
You are doing it completely wrong.
timer.performWithDelay calls the listener function after a given delay.
You don't have to load the file 100 times. Once is enough.
You call the timer function 100 times which does nothing as you don't have any listener function.
Please read the documentation of functions befor you use them so you know what they do and how to properly use them. You can't cook a tasty meal if you don't know anything about your ingredients.
Remove that for loop and implement a listener function.
Use the optional third parameter iterations to specify how often you want to repeat that. Use -1 for infinite repetitions...
Its all there. You just have to RTFM.
I would like to get the running maximum by writing Stata code.
I think I am quite close:
gen ctrhigh`iv' = max(ctr, L1.ctr, L2.ctr, L3.ctr, ..., L`iv'.ctr)
As you can see, my data are time series and `iv' represents the window (e.g. 5, 10 or 200 days)
The only problem is that you cannot pass a varlist or string containing numbers to max. E.g. the following is not possible:
local ivs 5 10 50 100 200
foreach iv in `ivs' {
local vals
local i = 1
while (`i' <= `iv') {
vals "`vals' `i'"
local ++i
gen ctrhigh`iv' = max(varlist vals) //not possible
How would I achieve this instead?
Example of quickly computing a running standard deviation
* standard deviation of ctr, see *
gen ctr_sq = ctr^2
by tid: gen ctr_cum = sum(ctr) if !missing(ctr)
by tid: gen ctr_sq_cum = sum(ctr_sq) if !missing(ctr_sq)
foreach iv in $ivs {
if `iv' == 1 continue
by tid: gen ctr_sum = ctr_cum - L`iv'.ctr_cum if !missing(ctr_cum) & !missing(L`iv'.ctr_cum)
by tid: gen ctr_sq_sum = ctr_sq_cum - L`iv'.ctr_sq_cum if !missing(ctr_sq_cum) & !missing(L`iv'.ctr_sq_cum)
by tid: gen ctrsd`iv' = sqrt((`iv' * ctr_sq_sum - ctr_sum^2) / (`iv'*(`iv'-1))) if !missing(ctr_sq_sum) & !missing(ctr_sum)
label variable ctrsd`iv' "Rolling std dev of close ticker rank by `iv' days."
drop ctr_sum ctr_sq_sum
drop ctr_sq ctr_cum ctr_sq_cum
Note: this is not an exact sd, it's an approximation. I realize that this is very different from a maximum, but this may serve as an illustration on how to deal with large data computations.
Your example is time series data and implies that you have tsset the data. You don't say whether you also have panel or longitudinal structure. I will assume the worst and assume the latter as it doesn't make the code much worse. So, suppose tsset id date. In fact, that's irrelevant to the code here except to make explicit my assumption that id is an identifier and date a time variable.
An unattractive way to do this is to loop over observations. Suppose window is set to 42.
local window = 42
gen max = .
tsset id date
quietly forval i = 1/`=_N' {
su ctr if inrange(date, date[`i'] - `window', date[`i']) & id == id[`i'], meanonly
replace max = r(max) in `i'
So, in words as well: summarize values of ctr if date within window and it's in the same panel (same id), and put the maximum in the current observation.
The meanonly option is not well named. It calculates some other quantities besides the mean, and the maximum is one. But you do want the meanonly option to make summarize go as fast as possible.
See my 2007 paper on events in intervals, freely available at
I say unattractive, but this approach does have the advantage that it is easy to work with once you understand it.
I am not setting up an expression with lots of arguments to max(). You said 200 as an example and nothing stated that you might not ask for more, so far as I can see there may be no upper limit on window length, but there will be a limit on how complicated that expression can be.
If I think of a better way to do it, I'll post it. Or someone else will....
It seems like I can pass a string of arguments to max, like so:
* OPTION 1: compute running max by days *
foreach iv in $ivs {
* does not make sense for less than two days *
if `iv' < 2 continue
di "computing running max for ctr interval `iv'"
* set high for this amount of days *
local vars "ctr"
forval i = 1 / `iv' {
local vars "`vars', L`i'.ctr"
by tid: gen ctrh`iv' = max(`vars')
* OPTION 2: compute running max by days, ensuring that entire range is nonmissing *
foreach iv in $ivs {
* does not make sense for less than two days *
if `iv' < 2 continue
di "computing running max for ctr interval `iv'"
* set high for this amount of days *
local vars "ctr"
local condition "!missing(ctr)"
forval i = 1 / `iv' {
local vars "`vars', L`i'.ctr"
local condition "`condition' & !missing(L`i'.ctr)"
by tid: gen ctrh`iv' = max(`vars') if `condition'
This computes very quickly and does exactly what I need.
However, if you need an arbitrarily large window I think you should resort to Nick's answer.
Update: I've provided a brief analysis of the three answers at the bottom of the question text and explained my choices.
My Question: What is the most efficient method of building a fixed interval dataset from a random interval dataset using stale data?
Some background: The above is a common problem in statistics. Frequently, one has a sequence of observations occurring at random times. Call it Input. But one wants a sequence of observations occurring say, every 5 minutes. Call it Output. One of the most common methods to build this dataset is using stale data, i.e. set each observation in Output equal to the most recently occurring observation in Input.
So, here is some code to build example datasets:
TInput = 100;
TOutput = 50;
InputTimeStamp = 730486 + cumsum(0.001 * rand(TInput, 1));
Input = [InputTimeStamp, randn(TInput, 1)];
OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001)';
Output = [OutputTimeStamp, NaN(TOutput, 1)];
Both datasets start at close to midnight at the turn of the millennium. However, the timestamps in Input occur at random intervals while the timestamps in Output occur at fixed intervals. For simplicity, I have ensured that the first observation in Input always occurs before the first observation in Output. Feel free to make this assumption in any answers.
Currently, I solve the problem like this:
sMax = size(Output, 1);
tMax = size(Input, 1);
s = 1;
t = 2;
%#Loop over input data
while t <= tMax
if Input(t, 1) > Output(s, 1)
%#If current obs in Input occurs after current obs in output then set current obs in output equal to previous obs in input
Output(s, 2:end) = Input(t-1, 2:end);
s = s + 1;
%#Check if we've filled out all observations in output
if s > sMax
%#This step is necessary in case we need to use the same input observation twice in a row
t = t - 1;
t = t + 1;
if t > tMax
%#If all remaining observations in output occur after last observation in input, then use last obs in input for all remaining obs in output
Output(s:end, 2:end) = Input(end, 2:end);
Surely there is a more efficient, or at least, more elegant way to solve this problem? As I mentioned, this is a common problem in statistics. Perhaps Matlab has some in-built function I'm not aware of? Any help would be much appreciated as I use this routine a LOT for some large datasets.
THE ANSWERS: Hi all, I've analyzed the three answers, and as they stand, Angainor's is the best.
ChthonicDaemon's answer, while clearly the easiest to implement, is really slow. This is true even when the conversion to a timeseries object is done outside of the speed test. I'm guessing the resample function has a lot of overhead at the moment. I am running 2011b, so it is possible Mathworks have improved it in the intervening time. Also, this method needs an additional line for the case where Output ends more than one observation after Input.
Rody's answer runs only slightly slower than Angainor's (unsurprising given they both employ the histc approach), however, it seems to have some problems. First, the method of assigning the last observation in Output is not robust to the last observation in Input occurring after the last observation in Output. This is an easy fix. But there is a second problem which I think stems from having InputTimeStamp as the first input to histc instead of the OutputTimeStamp adopted by Angainor. The problem emerges if you change OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001)'; to OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.0001:TOutput * 0.0001 - 0.0001)'; when setting up the example inputs.
Angainor's appears robust to everything I threw at it, plus it was the fastest.
I did a lot of speed tests for different input specifications - the following numbers are fairly representative:
My naive loop: Elapsed time is 8.579535 seconds.
Angainor: Elapsed time is 0.661756 seconds.
Rody: Elapsed time is 0.913304 seconds.
ChthonicDaemon: Elapsed time is 22.916844 seconds.
I'm +1-ing Angainor's solution and marking the question solved.
This "stale data" approach is known as a zero order hold in signal and timeseries fields. Searching for this quickly brings up many solutions. If you have Matlab 2012b, this is all built in to the timeseries class by using the resample function, so you would simply do
TInput = 100;
TOutput = 50;
InputTimeStamp = 730486 + cumsum(0.001 * rand(TInput, 1));
InputData = randn(TInput, 1);
InputTimeSeries = timeseries(InputData, InputTimeStamp);
OutputTimeStamp = 730486.002 + (0:0.001:TOutput * 0.001 - 0.001);
OutputTimeSeries = resample(InputTimeSeries, OutputTimeStamp, 'zoh'); % zoh stands for zero order hold
Here is my take on the problem. histc is the way to go:
% find Output timestamps in Input bins
N = histc(Output(:,1), Input(:,1));
% find counts in the non-empty bins
counts = N(find(N));
% find Input signal value associated with every bin
val = Input(find(N),2);
% now, replicate every entry entry in val
% as many times as specified in counts
index = zeros(1,sum(counts));
index(cumsum([1 counts(1:end-1)'])) = 1;
index = cumsum(index);
val_rep = val(index)
% finish the signal with last entry from Input, as needed
val_rep(end+1:size(Output,1)) = Input(end,2);
% done
Output(:,2) = val_rep;
I checked against your procedure for a few different input models (I changed the number of Output timestamps) and the results are the same. However, I am still not sure I understood your problem, so if something is wrong here let me know.
How can you measure the amount of time a function will take to execute?
This is a relatively short function and the execution time would probably be in the millisecond range.
This particular question relates to an embedded system, programmed in C or C++.
The best way to do that on an embedded system is to set an external hardware pin when you enter the function and clear it when you leave the function. This is done preferably with a little assembly instruction so you don't skew your results too much.
Edit: One of the benefits is that you can do it in your actual application and you don't need any special test code. External debug pins like that are (should be!) standard practice for every embedded system.
There are three potential solutions:
Hardware Solution:
Use a free output pin on the processor and hook an oscilloscope or logic analyzer to the pin. Initialize the pin to a low state, just before calling the function you want to measure, assert the pin to a high state and just after returning from the function, deassert the pin.
*io_pin = 1;
*io_pin = 0;
Bookworm solution:
If the function is fairly small, and you can manage the disassembled code, you can crack open the processor architecture databook and count the cycles it will take the processor to execute every instructions. This will give you the number of cycles required.
Time = # cycles * Processor Clock Rate / Clock ticks per instructions
This is easier to do for smaller functions, or code written in assembler (for a PIC microcontroller for example)
Timestamp counter solution:
Some processors have a timestamp counter which increments at a rapid rate (every few processor clock ticks). Simply read the timestamp before and after the function.
This will give you the elapsed time, but beware that you might have to deal with the counter rollover.
Invoke it in a loop with a ton of invocations, then divide by the number of invocations to get the average time.
// begin timing
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) {
// end time
// divide by 10000 to get actual time.
if you're using linux, you can time a program's runtime by typing in the command line:
time [funtion_name]
if you run only the function in main() (assuming C++), the rest of the app's time should be negligible.
I repeat the function call a lot of times (millions) but also employ the following method to discount the loop overhead:
start = getTicks();
repeat n times {
lap = getTicks();
repeat n times {
finish = getTicks();
// overhead + function + function
elapsed1 = lap - start;
// overhead + function
elapsed2 = finish - lap;
// overhead + function + function - overhead - function = function
ntimes = elapsed1 - elapsed2;
once = ntimes / n; // Average time it took for one function call, sans loop overhead
Instead of calling function() twice in the first loop and once in the second loop, you could just call it once in the first loop and don't call it at all (i.e. empty loop) in the second, however the empty loop could be optimized out by the compiler, giving you negative timing results :)
start_time = timer
exec_time = timer - start_time
Windows XP/NT Embedded or Windows CE/Mobile
You an use the QueryPerformanceCounter() to get the value of a VERY FAST counter before and after your function. Then you substract those 64-bits values and get a delta "ticks". Using QueryPerformanceCounterFrequency() you can convert the "delta ticks" to an actual time unit. You can refer to MSDN documentation about those WIN32 calls.
Other embedded systems
Without operating systems or with only basic OSes you will have to:
program one of the internal CPU timers to run and count freely.
configure it to generate an interrupt when the timer overflows, and in this interrupt routine increment a "carry" variable (this is so you can actually measure time longer than the resolution of the timer chosen).
before your function you save BOTH the "carry" value and the value of the CPU register holding the running ticks for the counting timer you configured.
same after your function
substract them to get a delta counter tick.
from there it is just a matter of knowing how long a tick means on your CPU/Hardware given the external clock and the de-multiplication you configured while setting up your timer. You multiply that "tick length" by the "delta ticks" you just got.
VERY IMPORTANT Do not forget to disable before and restore interrupts after getting those timer values (bot the carry and the register value) otherwise you risk saving incorrect values.
This is very fast because it is only a few assembly instructions to disable interrupts, save two integer values and re-enable interrupts. The actual substraction and conversion to real time units occurs OUTSIDE the zone of time measurement, that is AFTER your function.
You may wish to put that code into a function to reuse that code all around but it may slow things a bit because of the function call and the pushing of all the registers to the stack, plus the parameters, then popping them again. In an embedded system this may be significant. It may be better then in C to use MACROS instead or write your own assembly routine saving/restoring only relevant registers.
Depends on your embedded platform and what type of timing you are looking for. For embedded Linux, there are several ways you can accomplish. If you wish to measure the amout of CPU time used by your function, you can do the following:
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define SEC_TO_NSEC(s) ((s) * 1000 * 1000 * 1000)
int work_function(int c) {
// do some work here
int i, j;
int foo = 0;
for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
for (j = 0; j < 1000; j++) {
for ^= i + j;
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
struct timespec pre;
struct timespec post;
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &pre);
clock_gettime(CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID, &post);
printf("time %d\n",
(SEC_TO_NSEC(post.tv_sec) + post.tv_nsec) -
(SEC_TO_NSEC(pre.tv_sec) + pre.tv_nsec));
return 0;
You will need to link this with the realtime library, just use the following to compile your code:
gcc -o test test.c -lrt
You may also want to read the man page on clock_gettime there is some issues with running this code on SMP based system that could invalidate you testing. You could use something like sched_setaffinity() or the command line cpuset to force the code on only one core.
If you are looking to measure user and system time, then you could use the times(NULL) which returns something like a jiffies. Or you can change the parameter for clock_gettime() from CLOCK_THREAD_CPUTIME_ID to CLOCK_MONOTONIC...but be careful of wrap around with CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
For other platforms, you are on your own.
I always implement an interrupt driven ticker routine. This then updates a counter that counts the number of milliseconds since start up. This counter is then accessed with a GetTickCount() function.
#define TICK_INTERVAL 1 // milliseconds between ticker interrupts
static unsigned long tickCounter;
interrupt ticker (void)
tickCounter += TICK_INTERVAL;
unsigned in GetTickCount(void)
return tickCounter;
In your code you would time the code as follows:
int function(void)
unsigned long time = GetTickCount();
do something ...
printf("Time is %ld", GetTickCount() - ticks);
In OS X terminal (and probably Unix, too), use "time":
time python
If the code is .Net, use the stopwatch class (.net 2.0+) NOT DateTime.Now. DateTime.Now isn't updated accurately enough and will give you crazy results
If you're looking for sub-millisecond resolution, try one of these timing methods. They'll all get you resolution in at least the tens or hundreds of microseconds:
If it's embedded Linux, look at Linux timers:
Embedded Java, look at nanoTime(), though I'm not sure this is in the embedded edition:
If you want to get at the hardware counters, try PAPI:
Otherwise you can always go to assembler. You could look at the PAPI source for your architecture if you need some help with this.