Magento: Inventory increment qty attribute per store - magento

I have one simple question.
My problem is:
Is there are any free extensions that could turn "Enable Qty Increments" and "Qty Increments" from global scope to store view?
Also I have found this question inventory settings
It's have some kind of answer, but I need to confirm this.
If there are no free extension that could fulfill my needs, do I need to write my own extension (as answer in previous link says) or there is an easy way to change scope from global to store view. ?
My Magento version is CE

What you could do to achieve the same thing is create a new product text attribute called pack_size, give it a per store view scope, then set the order quantity against it per product, per store view.
Then, in your addtocart.phtml file, here;
Where XXX YYY is the name of your theme, and replace the quantity input box with;
<?php $pack = $_product->getData('pack_size'); ?>
<?php if(($pack == 1) || (!$pack)) { ?>
<input type="text" name="qty" id="qty" maxlength="4" value="1" />
<?php } else { ?>
<select name="qty" id="qty" maxlength="12">
$countme = 1;
while ($countme < 101) {
echo '<option value="'.($pack*$countme).'">'.($pack*$countme).'</option>';
$countme++; } ?>
Now if the value of pack_offer is set and greater than 1, the user will only be able to choose a multiple of that qty.
Depending on your theme, you may also need to implement this in the cart page.


Magento - add product to cart with fixed quantity

I'm adding a product programmatically in an action to the cart.
Is it possible to set a fixed quantity in this step, which the user can't change afterwards?
You cannot set a fixed quantity that can't be manipulated by the user in some way or another, however you can mask it from the users view.
There are two ways to achieve this, first option is the non coding way around it but won't be as user friendly as the second:
First option:
Goto products backend -> Inventory and set 'Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart' to the fixed quantity. You can use the above answer to set the fixed quantity.
Second option:
If not, then you can modify the default.phtml (cart item render) to prevent the quantity adjustment field being rendered. You could use anything here to define the product, you could attach some custom options to identify the product.
Your looking for the line with the following:
<input name="cart[<?php echo $_item->getId() ?>][qty]" value="<?php echo $this->getQty() ?>" size="4" title="<?php echo $this->__('Qty') ?>" class="input-text qty" maxlength="12" />
Wrap it in an if else statement to differentiate the product you are adding programatically (you could use for example, Sku, product ID or a custom option). Instead of rendering the input field, just render a static 1 instead with no option to modify the quantity.
You could also add an option to the quote item and then pull via getOptionByCode() for the differentiation.
Doing both options would be a complete solution to your problem.
public function addAction()
if (!$this->_validateFormKey()) {
$cart = $this->_getCart();
$params = $this->getRequest()->getParams();
try {
if (isset($params['qty'])) {
$filter = new Zend_Filter_LocalizedToNormalized(
array('locale' => Mage::app()->getLocale()->getLocaleCode())
$params['qty'] = $filter->filter($params['qty']);
As you can see, in your CartController you have add action.
The code above shows that this controller expects a param called "qty", that you can use.
I'm using magento1.8

Magento: Limit Product Max Quantity Per Customer (NOT per Order)

I know we can easily limit the max quantity of a given product a customer can purchase per order, but is it possible (natively or even with a plugin) to limit max quantity of a given product per CUSTOMER ??
I don't want to use a coupon nor modify the code: it needs to be a sale price with the help of native or extension functionality.
Magento 1.5.1
It is not possible native, but you can make a module that will perform such restrictions.
You need to create a resource model, that will retrieve not canceled and not refunded orders for product(s) with particular product id. Actually it just a simple select to sales/order and sales/order_item table. Method of resource model might look like the following:
public function getPurchasedProductQty(array $productIds, $customerId)
$select = $this->_getReadAdapter()->select();
->from(array('order_item' => $this->getTable('sales/order_item')),
'qty' => new Zend_Db_Expr('order_item.ordered_qty - order_item.canceled_qty - order_item.refunded_qty'),
// Joining order to retrieve info about item and filter out canceled or refunded orders
->join(array('order' => $this->getTable('sales/order')),
'order.entity_id = order_item.order_id',
// Limit it to the current customer
->where('order.customer_id = ?', $customerId)
// Filter out refunded and canceled orders
->where('order.state NOT IN(?)', array(
// Add Product Id Condition
->where('order_item.product_id IN(?)', $productIds);
return $this->_getReadAdapter()->fetchCol($select);
Then when you observe sales_quote_item_collection_products_after_load event you just can place your custom logic with checking the restrictions on products that are going to be used in the cart and remove that ones from loaded collection. This logic you should implement yourself.
Assuming that you are trying limit the product qty a registered customer who is currently log in can add to their cart.
(This is a one to one relationship, but could easily modify to accomodate many different products and qty per customer)
Create a custom module that will add a field in customer entity, so admin can set the appropriate qty for each customer.
Field name: [ModuleName]_product_id (see Adding attributes to customer entity)
Field name: [ModuleName]_max_cart_qty (see Adding attributes to customer entity)
In (copy files below to your local template folder) and update the qty input field.
<input type="text" class="input-text qty" name="qty" id="qty" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $this->getProductDefaultQty() * 1 ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Qty') ?>" />
to (Add a validation class to make sure the qty is less than or equal )
$addValidationClass = '';
if( Customer is login && ModuleName_product_id == $_product->getId() && [ModuleName]_max_cart_qty > 0){
$addValidationClass = ' validate-digits-range-1-' . [ModuleName]_max_cart_qty
<input type="text" class="input-text qty<?php echo $addValidationClass; ?>" name="qty" id="qty" maxlength="12" value="<?php echo $this->getProductDefaultQty() * 1 ?>" title="<?php echo $this->__('Qty') ?>" />
If you want to do server-side validation then create a observer for add to cart event, that compare the above logic to the item currently been add to cart
Below Extension Will Be help to achieve this
In this Extension give
Quite often store owners need to restrict the order product quantity with custom message at cart page. This is not possible while using the default admin settings. However, by using this extension you can set the limit for product quantity with custom error message. If maximum quantity limit exceeds the limit then error message will be shown at cart page.
You can set the maximum quantity for each product with custom error message. You can enable/disable globally them using the backend options.

Magento Special price validation

Sorry that I'm a total newbie in magento.
I have a multi-vendor magento site where vendors can create product. But when setting product price some users often do some mistakes. Some times special prices are higher than original price. I like to check this mistake. I want a validation script so that when vendors (who have limited admin access) create a new product then they should keep a minimum difference between special price and original price where special price is always lower than original price.
Can any body give some hints?
Hope following code will help you
$product= Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load(product_id);
$price = $product->getPrice();
$webprice = $product->getwebprice();
$specialprice = $product->getFinalPrice();
<span>$<?php echo number_format($price,2);?></span>
<?php } else if($specialprice<$price) { ?>
<span>Regular Price:</span>
<span>$ <?php echo number_format($price,2); ?></span>
<span>Web Special:</span>
<span>$ <?php echo number_format($specialprice,2); ?> </span>
<?php } ?>
Even if the user set special prices more than original price,Magento takes cares of it by not displaying that special price .However if you want to do some customization ,the path for price display is :app/design/frontend/default/default/template/catalog/product/price.phtmlIt would be wise if you copy the structure, paste it on your custom theme and continue with your modification.can add your javascript in list.phtml (same product folder).Hope it gives some hint.

Magento: Category Lock/Warning or T&C

I wonder if there is a way to add a Warning/Advisory or Terms & Conditions (preferably) to a category or a landing page to warn users about adult content. On the shop I'm working on there is an "Adult Section" Category for Erotic Toys, Lingerie, cosplay, etc. and I need to warn users about such content before they access the section in case they're less than 18.
I've searched the web and only found paid extensions which I cannot afford. Does anyone know how to do this?
I'm using Magento CE 1.7.
Ok, so I've been trying to figure out how to do this and I just figured that the best way to do it would be to just create a Category Landing Page and adding a java script for T&C redirect to the page I want it to.
This is the code I would use for the Category Landing Page with blank content would be this.
<?php $_categories = $this->getCurrentChildCategories() ?>
<?php $_collectionSize = $_categories->count() ?>
<?php $i=0; foreach ($_categories as $_category): ?>
$layer = Mage::getSingleton(‘catalog/layer’);
$helper = Mage::helper(‘catalog/category’);
Then I found a code snippet that would redirect the user to a page of my liking after clicking accept but I'm not sure how to implement it and/or if this is the best choice. Here's the code.
<form action="url-to-go-to" method="GET" onsubmit="return checkCheckBox(this)">
I accept: <input type="checkbox" value="0" name="agree">
<input type="submit" value="Continue">
<input type="button" value="Exit" onclick="document.location.href='BACKTOWHAT.html';">
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkCheckBox(f){
if (f.agree.checked == false )
alert("Please tick the box to continue");
return false;
} else
return true;
Now I was thinking that it would be best to just create a simple CMS page and point the category on the top menu to that page and once they have agreed and clicked on continue, they could be taken to the actual category by simply pointing the 'onclick' to the URL of the actual category.
Not sure if this is the best way but it's the only way I could come up. The other way I thought of would've required me to take the "agreements" during checkout that already comes with magento and make an extension that would allow me to place it on any page and call the "Agreement ID" from the Sales/Terms and Conditions tab but I don't know how to actually do that, it was just a thought.
If anyone has a better solution, I'd be happy to hear it.
I would add some sort of JavaScript that shows a div over the top of the whole page, that will create a session cookie when you accept to watch the category. Otherwise, make a back() in the history navigation. This way you don't need another page, just JS.
On another note, could you please post the extensions you found that do this?

Magento share cart between websites

I have a Magento store which needs different prices for each site, which restricts me to using different websites for each, as stores or views won't let me set different prices for the same items.
However, I need to be able to allow the customer to switch store, and for their current basket to stay with them. This would include updating the prices to those in the new website.
I've set Share Customer Accounts to Global and Catalog Price Scope to Website.
I also have an initial changer:
<?php $websites=Mage::app()->getWebsites();?>
<?php if(count($websites)>1): ?>
<fieldset class="store-switcher">
<label for="select-store"><?php echo $this->__('Select Store') ?>:</label>
<select id="select-store" onchange="location.href=this.value">
<?php foreach ($websites as $website): ?>
<?php $_selected = ($website->getCode() == Mage::app()->getWebsite()->getCode()) ? ' selected="selected"' : '' ?>
<option value="<?php echo $website->getDefaultStore()->getBaseUrl()?>"<?php echo $_selected ?>><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($website->getName()) ?></option>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
Is this achievable? Or is it back to the drawing board?
Info: Magento ver.
Also: The websites I wish to share the cart between are on the same domain, and have the same frontend cookie value. (which I assume is the SID).
This is an old fix to share cart contents (1.3 or 1.4) I used and may no longer be valid for 1.6, but give it a shot.
Edit the following template for your theme: template/page/switch/stores.phtml
Add to stores.phtml
$sessionID = Mage::getModel('core/session')->getSessionId();
Paste the new option value I included below over the the existing option value
<option value="<?php if(strpos($_group->getHomeUrl(),"?")===false){ echo $_group->getHomeUrl()."?SID=".$sessionID; }else{ if(strpos($_group->getHomeUrl(),"&SID=")===false){ echo $_group->getHomeUrl()."&SID=".$sessionID; }else{ echo $_group->getHomeUrl();}} ?>" <?php echo $_selected ?>><?php echo $this->htmlEscape($_group->getName()) ?></option>
Then create or modify a template to include static links to the individual stores to switch back and forth (eg: in the header). This fix did not work for the store switcher itself, but worked fine with these links.
You are in store A. Goto Store B.
As best I can tell it is not possible to share carts between websites by design. Though by store within a website works fine.
