Laravel get values for Authenticated User only - laravel

Does laravel provide a more efficient way to only get values for the authenticated user instead of repeating the following line for every model type.
$cards = Auth::user()->cards;
$books = Auth::user()->books;
$friends = Auth::user()->friends;
I can see how this can be accomplished by a middleware but wanted to see if laravel provides anything out of the box.

You can eager load relationships using eloquent's "with" method.


How do the "has" and "whereHas" methods work in Eloquent?

I have a relationship defined between users and permisson, a user can have many permissions.
When I use "with" I get the data normally.
I get the user with their permissions.
When I use "has" it only returns the user.
For what I've read, I should get the permissons if the user contains at least one permission.
I am using Postgres driver.
with is used for eager loading a relationship. You'd use it to fetch all of the specified relationships for each model (individually, or in a collection).
has is for using the relationship as a constraint or filter. As you said, using something like has('permission') will add a constraint to the query that says "only get Users that have at least one permission". This does not automatically load the relations like with(), it only creates the constraint.
You can combine the two if you want to take advantage of both the constraint and eager loading the results.
Seems a bit redundant, I know.
From laravel docs:
If you wish to limit your results based on the existence of a relationship, you should use the has method. For example, if you want to retrieve all blog posts taht have at least one comment, yo may pass the name of the relationship to the has and orHas methods:
$posts = Post::has('comments')->get();
So, when you use the has method, it will not return the relationship, but just the post models which has at least one comment.
The whereHas and orWhereHas methods allows you to add customized constraints to a relationship constraint, such as checking the content of a comment (using the laravel example):
$posts = App\Post::whereHas('comments', function (Builder $query) {
$query->where('content', 'like', 'foo%');
When you use the with method, you are loading the realtionship with the model:
This code will load the user and the permission relationship, while this one
will load the user who has some permission.
Hope it helps.

Which relation to use in Laravel?

Which relation to use in Laravel to bind two table through third?
When Doctors can be assigned to some Centers. The intermediate table will be as:
doctor_id | center_id
How to create model in Laravel for this case?
You don't need a model for the intermediate table, simply use attach
$center = Center::create();
$doctor = Doctor::find(1);
This is a very simple example but should give you the idea, of how to approach it.
All of it of course requires you have set up your Center and Doctor model with the correct many to many relations
Doctor.php model:
public function centers()
return $this->belongsToMany(Doctor::class);
See the documentation, for more information.
You could obviously create a model called DoctorsCenter and create it manually by doing this, whenever you want to attach a relation.
DoctorsCenter::create(['center_id' => $center->id, 'doctor_id' => $doctor->id]);
I don't see any good reason for doing this, and would not recommend it.
You can use hasMany or belongsTo relationship of Laravel.
See the laravel documentation, for more information

Where to process data in Laravel

Back when I was using CodeIgniter I had functions in my models like
public function GetArticlesFormatted($inactive = FALSE)
and then in my controller I could have had
And so on.
How should I achieve the same with Laravel 5.4? The database of the app I'm building is already built and full and is a mess so most of the "automated" super-restrictive things that Laravel has don't work out of the box.
For example there is a Country Code that I'm retrieving and I need it as is, but in some instances I need it converted in a Country Name which I had in another table.
Right now I just have in my controller wherever I am retrieving data from the model:
$countryResult = Country::where('country_code', $item['country_code'])->first();
$countryArray = $countryResult->toArray();
$item['country'] = $countryArray['country_name'];
Can I somehow achieve that in a more elegant way?
I tried accessors but for some reason couldn't get anything to work for my purposes.
A select query can be used to limit selection to a particular column.
$countryName = Country::select('country_name')
->where('country_code', $item['country_code'])

How to get M:1 relation in Yii2

I am trying to get related model however i cannot seem to find correct documention. In yii 1.x i can do $jobsprocess->category0, but yii 2.x tell me to do $jobsprocess->getCategory(). This does not return a model but an ActiveQuery. How can I return a model object?
In your query use $model = YourModel::find()->with(['category])->all().
All relations using the getRelation() functions can be access with the with() function, but without the get and lowercase first letter.
You can then access the relational data with $model->category.

Laravel Sentry limits

Anybody know how to get limited number of sentry users. I have admin panel in my laravel application and I make a user management. For display data (groups table, user table, permission table, ...) I use jqgrid. So if I have half million users I want to get limited list of users with specific data.
For use limitation in Laravel, I use standard function skip and take, but I cannot use these method on Sentry findAllUsers().
What solution is the best in this case?
There are some ways, one of them is to get an empty Sentry user model, which is based on Eloquent:
$model = Sentry::getUserProvider()->getEmptyUser();
And use it as you would with Eloquent:
$all = $model->all();
$paginated = $model->paginate();
$selected = $model->where('age', '<', 21)->get();
