CLP(FD)-ying Simultaneous Recursion for Fibonacci Lukas Numbers Possible? - prolog

There are some instances where recursive predicates can be CLP(FD)-fied with the benefit that the predicate turns bidirectional. What are the limits of this method? For example can the following computation CLP(FD)-fied:
Fn: n-th Fibonacci Number
Ln: n-th Lucas Number (starting with 2)
By this doubling recursion step:
F2n = Fn*Ln
L2n = (5*Fn^2+Ln^2)//2
And this incrementing recursion step:
Fn+1 = (Fn+Ln)//2
Ln+1 = (5*Fn+Ln)//2
The traditional Prolog realization works already from n to Fn. Can this be turned into a CLP(FD) program preserving the fast recursion and at the same time making it bidirectionally, for example figuring out the index n for Fn=377? If yes how? If not why?

Yes, it can be done by constraining the values. You can also move the recursion to be tail recursion, although it's not required to get the solutions:
fibluc(0, 0, 2).
fibluc(1, 1, 1).
fibluc(N, F, L) :-
N in 2..1000, % Pick a reasonable value here for 1000
[F, L] ins 1..sup,
N rem 2 #= 1,
M #= N-1,
F #= (F1 + L1) // 2,
L #= (5*F1 + L1) // 2,
fibluc(M, F1, L1).
fibluc(N, F, L) :-
N in 2..1000, % Pick a reasonable value here for 1000
[F, L] ins 1..sup,
N rem 2 #= 0,
M #= N // 2,
F #= F1 * L1,
L #= (5*F1*F1 + L1*L1) // 2,
fibluc(M, F1, L1).
Will yield:
?- fibluc(10, X, Y).
X = 55,
Y = 123 ;
?- fibluc(N, 55, Y).
N = 10,
Y = 123 ;
?- fibluc(N, X, 123).
N = 10,
X = 55 ;
?- fibluc(N, 55, 123).
N = 10 ;
?- fibluc(N, 55, 125).
?- fibluc(N, X, Y).
N = X, X = 0,
Y = 2 ;
N = X, X = Y, Y = 1 ;
N = 3,
X = 2,
Y = 4 ;
N = 7,
X = 13,
Y = 29 ;
N = 15,
X = 610,
Y = 1364 ;
N = 31,
X = 1346269,
Y = 3010349 ;
N = 63,
X = 6557470319842,
Y = 14662949395604 ;
This could be modified to generate results for increasing values of N when N is uninstantiated.
Here's a timed, compound query example, run in SWI Prolog 7.1.33 under Linux:
?- time((fibluc(100, X, Y), fibluc(N, X, Z))).
% 11,337,988 inferences, 3.092 CPU in 3.100 seconds (100% CPU, 3666357 Lips)
X = 354224848179261915075,
Y = Z, Z = 792070839848372253127,
N = 100 ;
% 1,593,620 inferences, 0.466 CPU in 0.468 seconds (100% CPU, 3417800 Lips)
Using SWI Prolog 7.2.3 with the same code above and the same compound query, the code does go off for a very long time. I waited at least 15 minutes without termination. It's still running right now... I may check on it in the morning. :)
I did, however, re-arrange the above code to move the recursive call back to where the original code had it as follows:
fibluc(0, 0, 2).
fibluc(1, 1, 1).
fibluc(N, F, L) :-
N in 2..1000, % Pick a reasonable value here for 1000
[F, L] ins 1..sup,
N rem 2 #= 1,
M #= N-1,
fibluc(M, F1, L1),
F #= (F1 + L1) // 2,
L #= (5*F1 + L1) // 2.
fibluc(N, F, L) :-
N in 2..1000, % Pick a reasonable value here for 1000
[F, L] ins 1..sup,
N rem 2 #= 0,
M #= N // 2,
fibluc(M, F1, L1),
F #= F1 * L1,
L #= (5*F1*F1 + L1*L1) // 2.
In this case, the favorable results returned:
?- time((fibluc(100, X, Y), fibluc(N, X, Z))).
% 10,070,701 inferences, 3.216 CPU in 3.222 seconds (100% CPU, 3131849 Lips)
X = 354224848179261915075,
Y = Z, Z = 792070839848372253127,
N = 100 ;
% 1,415,320 inferences, 0.493 CPU in 0.496 seconds (100% CPU, 2868423 Lips)
Note that the performance of CLP(FD) can be vastly different between different Prolog interpreters. It's interesting that, with SWI Prolog, the ability to handle the tail recursive case was temporarily there with version 7.1.33.


Incrementing value on backtrack

how can I do increment on backtracking ... so that goal(S) receives incremented number .. every time it fails on the next run I want to get the next number
S1 is S + 1,goal(S1)
does not work, because :
?- S=0, S1 is S+1.
S = 0,
S1 = 1.
?- S=0,between(1,3,_), S1 is S+1.
S = 0,
S1 = 1 ;
S = 0,
S1 = 1 ;
S = 0,
S1 = 1.
this work
baz(..,C) :- .... arg(...), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(...), goal(Y), ...
foo(..C) :- ....baz(....,C)..., foo(...C).
blah :-,counter(0))...
this is not working, i think cause the recursive foo() would force baz() to initialize counter(0)... but i'm good with #sligo solution above
baz(..) :- C = counter(0), .... arg(...), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(...), goal(Y), ...
foo(..) :- ....baz(....)..., foo(...).
so that goal(S) receives incremented number .. every time it fails on the next run I want to get the next number
That's what between/3 does? Every time on backtracking it makes the next number:
goal(X) :-
write('inside goal, X is '),
test :-
between(0, 3, S),
?- test.
inside goal, X is 0
true ;
inside goal, X is 1
true ;
inside goal, X is 2
true ;
inside goal, X is 3
true ;
Edit: From the help for between/3:
between(+Low, +High, ?Value)
Low and High are integers, High >=Low. If Value is an integer,
Low =<Value =<High. When Value is a variable it is successively
bound to all integers between Low and High. If High is inf or
infinite between/3 is true iff Value >=Low, a feature that is
particularly interesting for generating integers from a certain value.
(And see the comments on the help page by LogicalCaptain)
Use non-backtrackable destructive assignment predicate nb_setarg/3:
?- C = counter(0), between(1, 3, _), arg(1, C, X), Y is X + 1, nb_setarg(1, C, Y).
C = counter(1),
X = 0,
Y = 1 ;
C = counter(2),
X = 1,
Y = 2 ;
C = counter(3),
X = 2,
Y = 3.
foo(C) :-
between(1, inf, C),
baz(C) :-
C = counter(0),
arg(1, C, X),
Y is X + 1,
nb_setarg(1, C, Y),
goal(X) :-
X > 9.
?- foo(C).
C = 10.
?- baz(C).
C = counter(10).

CLPFD constraint: is a prime number

I'm not even sure if this is possible, but I'm trying to write a predicate prime/1 which constrains its argument to be a prime number.
The problem I have is that I haven't found any way of expressing “apply that constraint to all integers less than the variable integer”.
Here is an attempt which doesn't work:
prime(N) :-
N #> 1 #/\ % Has to be strictly greater than 1
N #= 2 % Can be 2
#\/ % Or
N #> 2 #/\ % A number strictly greater than 2
N mod 2 #= 1 #/\ % which is odd
K #< N #/\
K #> 1 #/\
(#\ (
N mod K #= 0 % A non working attempt at expressing:
“there is no 1 < K < N such that K divides N”
I hoped that #\ would act like \+ and check that it is false for all possible cases but this doesn't seem to be the case, since this implementation does this:
?- X #< 100, prime(X), indomain(X).
X = 2 ; % Correct
X = 3 ; % Correct
X = 5 ; % Correct
X = 7 ; % Correct
X = 9 ; % Incorrect ; multiple of 3
X = 11 ; % Correct
X = 13 ; % Correct
X = 15 % Incorrect ; multiple of 5
Basically this unifies with 2\/{Odd integers greater than 2}.
Expressing that a number is not prime is very easy:
composite(N) :-
I #>= J,
J #> 1,
N #= I*J.
Basically: “N is composite if it can be written as I*J with I >= J > 1”.
I am still unable to “negate” those constraints. I have tried using things like #==> (implies) but this doesn't seem to be implification at all! N #= I*J #==> J #= 1 will work for composite numbers, even though 12 = I*J doesn't imply that necessarily J = 1!
This took me quite a while and I'm sure it's far from being very efficient but this seems to work, so here goes nothing:
We create a custom constraint propagator (following this example) for the constraint prime/1, as such:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- multifile clpfd:run_propagator/2.
prime(N) :-
clpfd:make_propagator(prime(N), Prop),
clpfd:init_propagator(N, Prop),
clpfd:run_propagator(prime(N), MState) :-
nonvar(N) -> clpfd:kill(MState), prime_decomposition(N, [_])
clpfd:fd_get(N, ND, NL, NU, NPs),
clpfd:cis_max(NL, n(2), NNL),
clpfd:update_bounds(N, ND, NPs, NL, NU, NNL, NU)
If N is a variable, we constrain its lower bound to be 2, or keep its original lower bound if it is bigger than 2.
If N is ground, then we check that N is prime, using this prime_decomposition/2 predicate:
prime_decomposition(2, [2]).
prime_decomposition(N, Z) :-
N #> 0,
SN is ceiling(sqrt(N)),
prime_decomposition_1(N, SN, 2, [], Z).
prime_decomposition_1(1, _, _, L, L) :- !.
prime_decomposition_1(N, SN, D, L, LF) :-
0 #= N mod D -> !, false
D1 #= D+1,
D1 #> SN ->
LF = [N |L]
prime_decomposition_2(N, SN, D1, L, LF)
prime_decomposition_2(1, _, _, L, L) :- !.
prime_decomposition_2(N, SN, D, L, LF) :-
0 #= N mod D -> !, false
D1 #= D+2,
D1 #> SN ->
LF = [N |L]
prime_decomposition_2(N, SN, D1, L, LF)
You could obviously replace this predicate with any deterministic prime checking algorithm. This one is a modification of a prime factorization algorithm which has been modified to fail as soon as one factor is found.
Some queries
?- prime(X).
X in 2..sup,
?- X in -100..100, prime(X).
X in 2..100,
?- X in -100..0, prime(X).
?- X in 100..200, prime(X).
X in 100..200,
?- X #< 20, prime(X), indomain(X).
X = 2 ;
X = 3 ;
X = 5 ;
X = 7 ;
X = 11 ;
X = 13 ;
X = 17 ;
X = 19.
?- prime(X), prime(Y), [X, Y] ins 123456789..1234567890, Y-X #= 2, indomain(Y).
X = 123457127,
Y = 123457129 ;
X = 123457289,
Y = 123457291 ;
X = 123457967,
Y = 123457969
?- time((X in 123456787654321..1234567876543210, prime(X), indomain(X))).
% 113,041,584 inferences, 5.070 CPU in 5.063 seconds (100% CPU, 22296027 Lips)
X = 123456787654391 .
Some problems
This constraint does not propagate as strongly as it should. For example:
?- prime(X), X in {2,3,8,16}.
X in 2..3\/8\/16,
when we should know that 8 and 16 are not possible since they are even numbers.
I have tried to add other constraints in the propagator but they seem to slow it down more than anything else, so I'm not sure if I was doing something wrong or if it is slower to update constaints than check for primeness when labeling.

How to find the biggest digit in a number in Prolog?

I have an easy task, but somehow I haven't solved it in over an hour. This recursion I am doing isn't working, I'm stuck in an infinte loop. It should compare the last digit of a number with every other and remember the biggest one. Would really like to know why is my logic faulty and how to solve this problem.
This is my try on it:
X1 is X//10,
X2 is X mod 10,
N is N1.
X1 is X//10,
X2 is X mod 10,
N is X2.
Using SICStus Prolog 4.3.3 we simply combine n_base_digits/3 and maximum/2 like so:
?- n_base_digits(12390238464, 10, _Digits), maximum(Max, _Digits).
Max = 9.
A comment suggested stopping as soon as the maximum digit is encountered. This is how we do:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(reif)).
#=(X, Y, T) :- X #= Y #<==> B, bool10_t(B, T).
bool10_t(1, true).
Based on if_/3, (;)/3 and (#=)/3 we then define:
n_base_maxdigit(N, Base, D) :-
N #> 0, % positive integers only
Base #> 1, % smallest base = 2
D #>= 0,
D #< Base,
n_base_maxdigit0_maxdigit(N, Base, 0, D).
n_base_maxdigit0_maxdigit(N, Base, D0, D) :-
D1 #= N mod Base,
N0 #= N // Base,
D2 #= max(D0,D1),
if_(( D2 + 1 #= Base ; N0 #= 0 ),
D = D2,
n_base_maxdigit0_maxdigit(N0, Base, D2, D)).
Sample query using SWI-Prolog 7.3.22 with Prolog lambda:
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- Max+\ ( N is 7^7^7 * 10+9, time(n_base_maxdigit(N,10,Max)) ).
% 663 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (100% CPU, 1022162 Lips)
Max = 9.
You have just to use if/then/else :
!. % added after false's remark
X1 is X//10,
X2 is X mod 10,
( X2<N1
-> N = N1
; N = X2).
in SWI-Prolog could be:
maxDigit(N,M) :- number_codes(N,L), max_list(L,T), M is T-0'0.

Inverse factorial in Prolog

Can someone helping me to find a way to get the inverse factorial in Prolog...
For example inverse_factorial(6,X) ===> X = 3.
I have been working on it a lot of time.
I currently have the factorial, but i have to make it reversible. Please help me.
Prolog's predicates are relations, so once you have defined factorial, you have implicitly defined the inverse too. However, regular arithmetics is moded in Prolog, that is, the entire expression in (is)/2 or (>)/2 has to be known at runtime, and if it is not, an error occurs. Constraints overcome this shortcoming:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
n_factorial(0, 1).
n_factorial(N, F) :-
N #> 0, N1 #= N - 1, F #= N * F1,
n_factorial(N1, F1).
This definition now works in both directions.
?- n_factorial(N,6).
N = 3
; false.
?- n_factorial(3,F).
F = 6
; false.
Since SICStus 4.3.4 and SWI 7.1.25 also the following terminates:
?- n_factorial(N,N).
N = 1
; N = 2
; false.
See the manual for more.
For reference, here is the best implementation of a declarative factorial predicate I could come up with.
Two main points are different from #false's answer:
It uses an accumulator argument, and recursive calls increment the factor we multiply the factorial with, instead of a standard recursive implementation where the base case is 0. This makes the predicate much faster when the factorial is known and the initial number is not.
It uses if_/3 and (=)/3 extensively, from module reif, to get rid of unnecessary choice points when possible. It also uses (#>)/3 and the reified (===)/6 which is a variation of (=)/3 for cases where we have two couples that can be used for the if -> then part of if_.
factorial(N, F) :-
factorial(N, 0, 1, F).
factorial(N, I, N0, F) :-
F #> 0,
N #>= 0,
I #>= 0,
I #=< N,
N0 #> 0,
N0 #=< F,
if_(I #> 2,
( F #> N,
if_(===(N, I, N0, F, T1),
if_(T1 = true,
N0 = F,
N = I
( J #= I + 1,
N1 #= N0*J,
factorial(N, J, N1, F)
if_(N = I,
N0 = F,
( J #= I + 1,
N1 #= N0*J,
factorial(N, J, N1, F)
#>(X, Y, T) :-
zcompare(C, X, Y),
greater_true(C, T).
greater_true(>, true).
greater_true(<, false).
greater_true(=, false).
===(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, T1, T) :-
( T1 == true -> =(X1, Y1, T)
; T1 == false -> =(X2, Y2, T)
; X1 == Y1 -> T1 = true, T = true
; X1 \= Y1 -> T1 = true, T = false
; X2 == Y2 -> T1 = false, T = true
; X2 \= Y2 -> T1 = false, T = false
; T1 = true, T = true, X1 = Y1
; T1 = true, T = false, dif(X1, Y1)
Some queries
?- factorial(N, N).
N = 1 ;
N = 2 ;
false. % One could probably get rid of the choice point at the cost of readability
?- factorial(N, 1).
N = 0 ;
N = 1 ;
false. % Same
?- factorial(10, N).
N = 3628800. % No choice point
?- time(factorial(N, 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518286253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000)).
% 79,283 inferences, 0.031 CPU in 0.027 seconds (116% CPU, 2541106 Lips)
N = 100. % No choice point
?- time(factorial(N, 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217599993229915608941463976156518284253697920827223758251185210916864000000000000000000000000)).
% 78,907 inferences, 0.031 CPU in 0.025 seconds (125% CPU, 2529054 Lips)
?- F #> 10^100, factorial(N, F).
F = 11978571669969891796072783721689098736458938142546425857555362864628009582789845319680000000000000000,
N = 70 ;
F = 850478588567862317521167644239926010288584608120796235886430763388588680378079017697280000000000000000,
N = 71 ;
F = 61234458376886086861524070385274672740778091784697328983823014963978384987221689274204160000000000000000,
N = 72 ;
a simple 'low tech' way: enumerate integers until
you find the sought factorial, then 'get back' the number
the factorial being built is greater than the target. Then you can fail...
Practically, you can just add 2 arguments to your existing factorial implementation, the target and the found inverse.
Just implement factorial(X, XFact) and then swap arguments
factorial(X, XFact) :- f(X, 1, 1, XFact).
f(N, N, F, F) :- !.
f(N, N0, F0, F) :- succ(N0, N1), F1 is F0 * N1, f(N, N1, F1, F).

Faster implementation of verbal arithmetic in Prolog

I already made a working generalized verbal arithmetic solver in Prolog but it's too slow. It takes 8 minutes just to run the simple expression S E N D + M O R E = M O N E Y. Can someone help me make it run faster?
/* verbalArithmetic(List,Word1,Word2,Word3) where List is the list of all
possible letters in the words. The SEND+MORE = MONEY expression would then
be represented as
verbalArithmetic([S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],[S,E,N,D],[M,O,R,E],[M,O,N,E,Y]). */
validDigit(X) :- member(X,[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).
validStart(X) :- member(X,[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]).
assign([H|[]]) :- validDigit(H).
assign([H|Tail]) :- validDigit(H), assign(Tail), fd_all_different([H|Tail]).
findTail(List,H,T) :- append(H,[T],List).
convert([T],T) :- validDigit(T).
convert(List,Num) :- findTail(List,H,T), convert(H,HDigit), Num is (HDigit*10+T).
verbalArithmetic(WordList,[H1|Tail1],[H2|Tail2],Word3) :-
validStart(H1), validStart(H2), assign(WordList),
convert([H1|Tail1],Num1),convert([H2|Tail2],Num2), convert(Word3,Num3),
Sum is Num1+Num2, Num3 = Sum.
Consider using finite domain constraints, for example, in SWI-Prolog:
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
puzzle([S,E,N,D] + [M,O,R,E] = [M,O,N,E,Y]) :-
Vars = [S,E,N,D,M,O,R,Y],
Vars ins 0..9,
S*1000 + E*100 + N*10 + D +
M*1000 + O*100 + R*10 + E #=
M*10000 + O*1000 + N*100 + E*10 + Y,
M #\= 0, S #\= 0.
Example query:
?- time((puzzle(As+Bs=Cs), label(As))).
% 5,803 inferences, 0.002 CPU in 0.002 seconds (98% CPU, 3553582 Lips)
As = [9, 5, 6, 7],
Bs = [1, 0, 8, 5],
Cs = [1, 0, 6, 5, 2] ;
% 1,411 inferences, 0.001 CPU in 0.001 seconds (97% CPU, 2093472 Lips)
Poor performance here is due to forming all possible letter assignments before checking if any are feasible.
My advice is "fail early, fail often". That is, push as many checks for failure as early as possible into the assignment steps, thus pruning the search tree.
Klas Lindbäck makes some good suggestions. As a generalization, when adding two numbers the carry is at most one in each place. So the assignment of distinct digits to letters from left to right can be checked with allowance for the possibility of an as-yet-undetermined carry in the rightmost places. (Of course in the final "units" place, there is no carry.)
It's a lot to think about, which is why constraint logic, as mat suggests (and which you've already broached with fd_all_different/1), is such a convenience.
Added: Here's a Prolog solution without constraint logic, using just one auxiliary predicate omit/3:
omit(X,[H|T],[H|Y]) :- omit(X,T,Y).
which both selects an item from a list and produces the shortened list without that item.
Here then is the code for sendMoreMoney/3 that searches by evaluating the sum from left to right:
sendMoreMoney([S,E,N,D],[M,O,R,E],[M,O,N,E,Y]) :-
M = 1,
(CarryS = 0 ; CarryS = 1),
%% CarryS + S + M = M*10 + O
O is (CarryS + S + M) - (M*10),
(CarryE = 0 ; CarryE = 1),
%% CarryE + E + O = CarryS*10 + N
N is (CarryE + E + O) - (CarryS*10),
(CarryN = 0 ; CarryN = 1),
%% CarryN + N + R = CarryE*10 + E
R is (CarryE*10 + E) - (CarryN + N),
%% D + E = CarryN*10 + Y
Y is (D + E) - (CarryN*10),
We get off to a quick start by observing that M must be the nonzero carry from the leftmost digits sum, hence 1, and that S must be some other nonzero digit. The comments show steps where additional letters may be deterministically assigned values based on choices already made.
Added(2): Here is a "general" cryptarithm solver for two summands, which need not have the same length/number of "places". Code for length/2 is omitted as a fairly common built-in predicate, and taking up the suggestion by Will Ness, calls to omit/3 are replaced by select/3 for convenience of SWI-Prolog users.
I've tested this with Amzi! and SWI-Prolog using those alphametics examples from which involve two summands, each of which has a unique solution. I also made up an example with a dozen solutions, I + AM = BEN, to test proper backtracking.
solveCryptarithm([H1|T1],[H2|T2],Sum) :-
operandAlign(Add1,Add2,Sum,AddTop,AddPad,Carry,TSum,Pool) :-
( Size = Length
-> ( Carry = 0, Sum = TSum , Pool = [1|Peel] )
; ( Size is Length+1, Carry = 1, Sum = [Carry|TSum], Pool = Peel )
Peel = [2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0].
operandSwapPad(List1,List2,Length,Longer,Padded) :-
( Length1 >= Length2
-> ( Length = Length1, Longer = List1, Shorter = List2, Pad is Length1 - Length2 )
; ( Length = Length2, Longer = List2, Shorter = List1, Pad is Length2 - Length1 )
zeroPad(L,K,P) :-
K > 0,
M is K-1,
solveCryptarithmAux(NZ1,NZ2,[H1|T1],[H2|T2],CarryOut,[H3|T3],Pool) :-
( CarryIn = 0 ; CarryIn = 1 ), /* anticipatory carry */
( var(H1)
-> select(H1,Pool,P_ol)
; Pool = P_ol
( var(H2)
-> select(H2,P_ol,P__l)
; P_ol = P__l
( var(H3)
-> ( H3 is H1 + H2 + CarryIn - 10*CarryOut, select(H3,P__l,P___) )
; ( H3 is H1 + H2 + CarryIn - 10*CarryOut, P__l = P___ )
NZ1 \== 0,
NZ2 \== 0,
I think this illustrates that the advantages of left-to-right search/evaluation can be attained in a "generalized" solver, increasing the number of inferences by roughly a factor of two in comparison with the earlier "tailored" code.
Note: This answer discusses an algorithm for reducing the number of combinations that need to be tried. I don't know Prolog, so I can't provide any code snippets.
The trick to speed up a brute force solution is shortcuts. If you can identify a range of combinations that are invalid you can reduce the number of combinations substantially.
Take the example in hand. When a human solves it, she immediately notices that MONEY has 5 digits while SEND and MORE only have 4, so the M in MONEY must be the digit 1. 90% of the combinations gone!
When constructing an algorithm for a computer, we try to use shortcuts that apply to all possible input first. If they fail to give the required performance we start looking at shortcuts that only apply to specific combinations of input.
So we leave the M=1 shortcut for now.
Instead, I would focus on the last digits.
We know that (D+E) mod 10 = Y.
That's our 90% reduction in the number of combinations to try.
That step should bring exacution to just under a minute.
What can we do if that's not enough?
Next step:
Look at the second to last digit!
We know that (N+R+carry from D+E) mod 10 = E.
Since we are testing through all valid combinations of the last digit, for each test we will know whether the carry is 0 or 1.
A complication (for the code) that further reduces the number of combinations to be tested is that we will encounter duplicates (a letter gets mapped to a number that is already assigned to another letter). When we encounter a duplicate, we can advance to the next combination without going further down the chain.
Good luck with your assignment!
Here's my take on it. I use clpfd, dcg,
and meta-predicate mapfoldl/5:
:- meta_predicate mapfoldl(4,?,?,?,?).
mapfoldl(P_4,Xs,Zs, S0,S) :-
list_mapfoldl_(Xs,Zs, S0,S, P_4).
:- meta_predicate list_mapfoldl_(?,?,?,?,4).
list_mapfoldl_([],[], S,S, _).
list_mapfoldl_([X|Xs],[Y|Ys], S0,S, P_4) :-
list_mapfoldl_(Xs,Ys, S1,S, P_4).
Let's put mapfoldl/5 to good use and do some verbal arithmetic!
:- use_module(library(clpfd)).
:- use_module(library(lambda)).
digits_number(Ds,Z) :-
Ds = [D0|_],
Ds ins 0..9,
D0 #\= 0, % most-significant digit must not equal 0
numlist(1,N,Es), % exponents (+1)
maplist(\E1^V^(V is 10**(E1-1)),Es,Ps),
list([]) --> [].
list([E|Es]) --> [E], list(Es).
cryptarithexpr_value([V|Vs],X) -->
{ digits_number([V|Vs],X) },
cryptarithexpr_value(T0,T) -->
{ functor(T0,F,A) },
{ dif(F-A,'.'-2) },
{ T0 =.. [F|Args0] },
{ T =.. [F|Args] }.
crypt_arith_(Expr,Zs) :-
( member(Z,Zs0), \+var(Z)
-> throw(error(uninstantiation_error(Expr),crypt_arith_/2))
; true
Quick and dirty hack to dump all solutions found:
solve_n_dump(Opts,Eq) :-
( crypt_arith_(Eq,Zs),
format('Eq = (~q), Zs = ~q.~n',[Eq,Zs]),
; true
solve_n_dump(Eq) :- solve_n_dump([],Eq).
Let's try it!
?- solve_n_dump([S,E,N,D]+[M,O,R,E] #= [M,O,N,E,Y]).
Eq = ([9,5,6,7]+[1,0,8,5]#=[1,0,6,5,2]), Zs = [9,5,6,7,1,0,8,2].
?- solve_n_dump([C,R,O,S,S]+[R,O,A,D,S] #= [D,A,N,G,E,R]).
Eq = ([9,6,2,3,3]+[6,2,5,1,3]#=[1,5,8,7,4,6]), Zs = [9,6,2,3,5,1,8,7,4].
?- solve_n_dump([F,O,R,T,Y]+[T,E,N]+[T,E,N] #= [S,I,X,T,Y]).
Eq = ([2,9,7,8,6]+[8,5,0]+[8,5,0]#=[3,1,4,8,6]), Zs = [2,9,7,8,6,5,0,3,1,4].
?- solve_n_dump([E,A,U]*[E,A,U] #= [O,C,E,A,N]).
Eq = ([2,0,3]*[2,0,3]#=[4,1,2,0,9]), Zs = [2,0,3,4,1,9].
?- solve_n_dump([N,U,M,B,E,R] #= 3*[P,R,I,M,E]).
% same as: [N,U,M,B,E,R] #= [P,R,I,M,E]+[P,R,I,M,E]+[P,R,I,M,E]
Eq = (3*[5,4,3,2,8]#=[1,6,2,9,8,4]), Zs = [5,4,3,2,8,1,6,9].
?- solve_n_dump(3*[C,O,F,F,E,E] #= [T,H,E,O,R,E,M]).
Eq = (3*[8,3,1,1,9,9]#=[2,4,9,3,5,9,7]), Zs = [8,3,1,9,2,4,5,7].
Let's do some more and try some different labeling options:
?- time(solve_n_dump([],[D,O,N,A,L,D]+[G,E,R,A,L,D] #= [R,O,B,E,R,T])).
Eq = ([5,2,6,4,8,5]+[1,9,7,4,8,5]#=[7,2,3,9,7,0]), Zs = [5,2,6,4,8,1,9,7,3,0].
% 35,696,801 inferences, 3.929 CPU in 3.928 seconds (100% CPU, 9085480 Lips)
?- time(solve_n_dump([ff],[D,O,N,A,L,D]+[G,E,R,A,L,D] #= [R,O,B,E,R,T])).
Eq = ([5,2,6,4,8,5]+[1,9,7,4,8,5]#=[7,2,3,9,7,0]), Zs = [5,2,6,4,8,1,9,7,3,0].
% 2,902,871 inferences, 0.340 CPU in 0.340 seconds (100% CPU, 8533271 Lips)
Will Ness style, generalized (but assuming length(A) <= length(B)) solver:
money_puzzle(A, B, C) :-
maplist(reverse, [A,B,C], [X,Y,Z]),
numlist(0, 9, Dom),
swc(0, Dom, X,Y,Z),
A \= [0|_], B \= [0|_].
swc(C, D0, [X|Xs], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
peek(D0, X, D1),
peek(D1, Y, D2),
peek(D2, Z, D3),
S is X+Y+C,
( S > 9 -> Z is S - 10, C1 = 1 ; Z = S, C1 = 0 ),
swc(C1, D3, Xs, Ys, Zs).
swc(C, D0, [], [Y|Ys], [Z|Zs]) :-
peek(D0, Y, D1),
peek(D1, Z, D2),
S is Y+C,
( S > 9 -> Z is S - 10, C1 = 1 ; Z = S, C1 = 0 ),
swc(C1, D2, [], Ys, Zs).
swc(0, _, [], [], []).
swc(1, _, [], [], [1]).
peek(D, V, R) :- var(V) -> select(V, D, R) ; R = D.
?- time(money_puzzle([S,E,N,D],[M,O,R,E],[M,O,N,E,Y])).
% 38,710 inferences, 0.016 CPU in 0.016 seconds (100% CPU, 2356481 Lips)
S = 9,
E = 5,
N = 6,
D = 7,
M = 1,
O = 0,
R = 8,
Y = 2 ;
% 15,287 inferences, 0.009 CPU in 0.009 seconds (99% CPU, 1685686 Lips)
?- time(money_puzzle([D,O,N,A,L,D],[G,E,R,A,L,D],[R,O,B,E,R,T])).
% 14,526 inferences, 0.008 CPU in 0.008 seconds (99% CPU, 1870213 Lips)
D = 5,
O = 2,
N = 6,
A = 4,
L = 8,
G = 1,
E = 9,
R = 7,
B = 3,
T = 0 ;
% 13,788 inferences, 0.009 CPU in 0.009 seconds (99% CPU, 1486159 Lips)
You have
convert([A,B,C,D]) => convert([A,B,C])*10 + D
=> (convert([A,B])*10+C)*10+D => ...
=> ((A*10+B)*10+C)*10+D
So, you can express this with a simple linear recursion.
More importantly, when you pick one possible digit from your domain 0..9, you shouldn't use that digit anymore for subsequent choices:
selectM([A|As],S,Z):- select(A,S,S1),selectM(As,S1,Z).
select/3 is available in SWI Prolog. Armed with this tool, you can select your digits gradually from your thus narrowing domain:
money_puzzle( [[S,E,N,D],[M,O,R,E],[M,O,N,E,Y]]):-
Dom = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9],
selectM([D,E], Dom,Dom1), add(D,E,0, Y,C1), % D+E=Y
selectM([Y,N,R],Dom1,Dom2), add(N,R,C1,E,C2), % N+R=E
select( O, Dom2,Dom3), add(E,O,C2,N,C3), % E+O=N
selectM([S,M], Dom3,_), add(S,M,C3,O,M), % S+M=MO
S \== 0, M \== 0.
We can add two digits with a carry, add produce a resulting digit with new carry (say, 4+8 (0) = 2 (1) i.e. 12):
add(A,B,C1,D,C2):- N is A+B+C1, D is N mod 10, C2 is N // 10 .
Thus implemented, money_puzzle/1 runs instantaneously, thanks to the gradual nature in which the digits are picked and tested right away:
?- time( money_puzzle(X) ).
% 27,653 inferences, 0.02 CPU in 0.02 seconds (100% CPU, 1380662 Lips)
X = [[9, 5, 6, 7], [1, 0, 8, 5], [1, 0, 6, 5, 2]] ;
?- time( (money_puzzle(X),fail) ).
% 38,601 inferences, 0.02 CPU in 0.02 seconds (100% CPU, 1927275 Lips)
The challenge becomes now to make it generic.
