Cannot create a Parse account - parse-platform

I can not find a SignUp Button or a register button on parse. Is it possible new users to register on the site? All I want is to save an android data to a cloud/server with very simple way.

Yeah, You cannot currently setup a new account with This is because the entire platform offering is being shutdown.
They have however open source a majority of the technology behind the platform.
Visit for how to setup your self-hosted instance of the parse-server.
You can however check out Their offering is similar to Parse


Is it possible to launch Word 365 in a browser from a web app to edit documents regardless whether the user has an office 365 license?

My local school allows me to log in to their online portal and access an email account using Outlook 365 within the browser, despite the fact I do not have a license for outlook/office 365.
Is it possible to create a web application where users of this app could click a link to edit a document directly in their browser using Word 365, with us/the developers of such app being the licensee of Word and not the end-user? The remote document would be held in a Sharepoint/Webdav capable service.
If this is possible, which MS-technologies should we investigate to develop such a system? Is it the MS-Graph API or something else?
A pointer in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
You can use the Graph to create a sharing link to a document. But the user will have to sign in to view the document I believe. I'm not sure what licensing they need but you can try this with your users to see.
You can use the Google Docs API to work with documents stored in Google Drive. If you are using Java there is a "Quickstart" at the following link:

How can I build a webapp which uses google calendar api without having to become verified?

What I want to build:
I want to build a website where users can connect their google calendars (this will use Google Calendar API's)
and view their calendar events, as well as edit them, and create new ones.
My problem:
In order to do so, google says my app needs to be verified, which can take weeks, and I also need to set up terms of services pages, privacy policy pages
I also need to supply authorised javascript origins which MUST start with https, which of course is a problem during development, since my origin is http://localhost
I also need to set up support emails and homepage link
I just want to start building my application without having to set up a whole production-ready website eco system.
Is there anyway I can use these Google Calendar APIs for editing/creating calendar events locally, without having to set up everything mentioned above first?
Unverified apps can still be used by the developer who created the project on google developer console.
Unverified app screen
The app or script might display an "unverified app" screen before it displays the consent screen. This is based on the specific scopes that your app includes in the request.
You can still work on your app while you are going though the verification process. However that being said i would start that process asap it can take a long time to get verified.
Yes, you can. As far as I am able to tell, all the verification step does is remove the "unverified app" screen. As long as you click Advanced > Go To ... (unsafe), you should be able to create and edit calendar events for that user in your application.
In order to be able to create and edit calendar events, you need to use the most sensitive scope, which is I couldn't figure out how to edit and create calendar events in my web app until I changed my scope from to calendar.
Creating Events:

How can I let others read and edit a google sheet (not shared with them) using googleapi, without them having to download credential?

I am a beginner trying out api for fun.
The problem is, lets say, I want to write a simple windows program with golang to let my friends read and edit one of the sheets saved on my google drive. How can I do this without having them download a credential file?
What I want it to do is simply redirect them to the Oauth Page right away, and if their email address is one recognized by the app it will grant them access to that google sheet.
What i think you need is to integrate your go app with Oauth protocol.
More specifically, with the Google provider.
This is mainly 3 steps:
add the oauth client to your application
something like this:
See their docs on how to do it.
go to google dev documentation and see how to integrate google auth flow into the client:
I'm not sure if google has something more specific for google drive integration and/or go-lang client in particular. Please do some searching.
make the glue code on your go app so that the user can interact with this (the login button (or command, if it is terminal based), error messages, logout, etc)
More questions will appear when you start to do this, however it is a great example to learn Oauth as well.
General guidelines:
https all the queries or oauth is basically useless
oatuh has many auth-flows and you must choose which one(s) you support. use whatever google documentation recommends for m2m scenario (machine 2 machine)
log errors so that your friends can send you a log file for you to debug issues
maybe set some feature flag so that you can simply disable this feature to run/test localhost ? maybe useful? you decide.

How can I create an account on ? There is no signup button?

I cannot find any signup button.
I gave right to Parse to access my Facebook and GitHub account to login with that but nothing happens and it keeps going back to the main page.
Any suggestion ?
Yes, you cannot currently setup a new account with, because of some platform issues.
They have however open source a majority of the technology behind the platform. Check to setup your self-hosted instance of the parse-server.
You can also check out for similar service.
You will not be able to create anymore. Parse is moving down.
But you can keep using Parse. At the same time Parse announced it will be shutdown, it also announced the Parse Server open source project. Parse Server community is growing and it is becoming even better than original Parse. In a short time, Parse Server will become the best framework for backend and API development.
My recommendation to you is to start using a Parse Hosting provider. Using this kind of solution you will use same Parse APIs and features. It will not require you learn other technology nor rewrite any frontend code.
You can find some options in parse server repository:
For a full disclaimer, I am co-founder of
Try logging in using their login page:
Parse will be fully retired after a year-long period ending on January 28, 2017.
You cannot sign up or create new accounts, but you can use Parse Server in your own infrastructure.

Is Parse the right choice if your app does not need Facebook integration?

I want to build something similar to a poll service for mobile but it doesn't need Facebook.
After Facebook's acqusition, is still a viable option if your web app does not need Facebook integration? Could app developers (customers) log in to my backend without a Facebook account?
Is it possible to build premium features with Parse and then charge for them?
Do you own your data when using I.e., can you export it in case you decide to move to another service in the future?
I am hoping someone with experience can shed some light on this. Thank you!
After Facebook's acqusition, is still a viable option if
your web app does not need Facebook integration? Could app developers
(customers) log in to my backend without a Facebook account?
yes,for now.
Is it possible to build premium features with Parse and then charge
for them?
Do you own your data when using I.e., can you export it in
case you decide to move to another service in the future?
I'd suggest you always have a backup plan,when using a BAAS.I pity Stackmob users that didnt.You dont know if parse will still be there in 3 years or their features and pricing will change.Never rely on a BAAS on the long run.
Yes parse has standalone login features with username, and password, in addition to twitter, and facebook. They even handle lost password reset's via email as long as the user has the email field entered. You can check if the user's email has been verified via the emailVerified field.
I'm using's payment system via parse's cloud code. I will admit this is not a complete drop in feature for parse yet, but maybe in the future. stripe is made for developers, and I find it to be a very powerful payment system. I can answer some basic stripe/parse questions as I have written myself basically a semi-complete API for handling customers, card, and charges.
