ZeroMQ reliability on bad links - zeromq

I am wondering how ZeroMQ behaves if messages are delivered over a bad quality link, e.g. a very unstable, low level serial connection which might drop individual bytes.
Of course in such a case the affected message will be lost, but will ZeroMQ be able to recover with the next message? Does it find the start again in any case?
Thank you!

The connection reliability is mostly the responsibility of the TCP protocol - if a socket believes it's connected, then the message is getting through. If packets are lost, then TCP detects that and attempts to retransmit them (see here for more info). This all happens "for free" as far as ZMQ is concerned, any connection type using TCP will behave the same way.
When the TCP connection is lost, which, presumably, could occur if the connection is very unreliable and the message never gets through after repeated attempts by TCP, then ZMQ adds another, separate layer of reliability on top of that, allowing your application to reconnect.
What happens with the original or subsequent messages during this outage depends on the ZMQ socket type you've chosen. Some socket types drop messages, some socket types queue them. If the message was already in transit, it may be lost because the sending socket has relinquished control over it.
Generally, if you want absolute reliability in message delivery, you'll be writing that yourself in your application, with your own confirmations that messages have been received. In most cases, something less than total reliability is needed and you'll just rely on TCP and ZMQ to get the job mostly done. If you're so focused on performance that even the reliability of TCP will slow you down too much and you'd rather just discard that data and move on, you'll need to use UDP - I've heard of people using UDP with ZMQ, but I haven't tried it and I don't believe it's fully supported across the board.

Related data loss when Internet speed drop

I am using 1.4 and I want to know that what happens in this scenario:
The client Emits like this:
The client does 3 emits to server but suddenly Internet speed drops and those emits may not get to server
But after a while the Internet speed rises again but what will happen to previous failed emits?
They will be emitted again automatically?
How should I handle that
Websockets use TCP, which is in general a reliable protocol. There is not exactly such a thing as "The internet speed dropped and I lost some messages." If some messages are lost they will be automatically retransmitted at the TCP level. If retransmission fails completely, the connection will be reset.
So what you really are asking is how handles this. And the answer is that it has some amount of reconnecting logic, and you may also want to monitor the connection in case it resets (hook up a listener for the disconnect event on the socket), if you want to take some extra action (like notify the user).

WebSphere MQ DISC vs KAINT on SVRCONN channels

we have a major problem with many of our Applications making improper connections (SVRCONN) with queue manager and not issuing MQDISC when connection not required. This causes lot of idle stale connections and prevents Application from making new connections and fails with CONNECTION BROKEN (2009) error. We have been restricting Application connections with clientidle parameter in our Windows MQ on version but when we migrated to MQ v7.5.0.2 in Linux platform we are deciding on the best option available in the new version. We do not have clientidle anymore in ini file for v7.5 but has DISCINT & KAINT in SVRCONN channels. I have been going through the advantages and disadvantages of both for our scenario of Application making connections through SVRCONN channels and leave connections open without issuing a disconnect. Which of these above channel attributes is ideal for us. Any suggestions? Does any of these take precedence over the other??
First off, KAINT controls TCP functions, not MQ functions. That means for it to take effect, the TCP Keepalive function must be enabled in the qm.ini TCP stanza. Nothing wrong with this, but the native HBINT and DISCINT are more responsive than delegating to TCP. This addresses the problem that the OS hasn't recognized that a socket's remote partner is gone and cleaned up the socket. As long as the socket exists and MQ's channel is idle, MQ won't notice. When TCP cleans the socket up, MQ's exception callback routine sees it immediately and closes the channel.
Of the remaining two, DISCINT controls the interval after which MQ will terminate an idle but active socket whereas HBINT controls the interval after which MQ will shut down an MCA attached to an orphan socket. Ideally, you will have a modern MQ client and server so you can use both of these.
The DISCINT should be a value longer than the longest expected interval between messages if you want the channel to stay up during the Production shift. So if a channel should have message traffic at least once every 5 minutes by design, then a DISCINT longer than 5 minutes would be required to avoid channel restart time.
The HBINT actually flows a small heartbeat message over the channel, but only will do so if HBINT seconds have passed without a message. Thsi catches the case that the socket is dead but TCP hasn't yet cleaned it up. HBINT allows MQ to discover this before the OS and take care of it, including tearing down the socket.
In general, really low values for HBINT can cause lots of unnecessary traffic. For example, HBINT(5) would flow a heartbeat every five second interval in which no other channel traffic is passed. chances are, you don't need to terminate orphan channels within 5 seconds of the loss of the socket so a larger value is perhaps more useful. That said, HBINT(5) would cause zero extra traffic in a system with a sustained message rate of 1/second - until the app died, in which case the orphan socket would be killed pretty quick.
For more detail, please go to the SupportPacs page and look for the Morag's "Keeping Channels Running" presentation.

How to drop inactive/disconnected peers in ZMQ

I have a client/server setup in which clients send a single request message to the server and gets a bunch of data messages back.
The server is implemented using a ROUTER socket and the clients using a DEALER. The communication is asynchronous.
The clients are typically iPads/iPhones and they connect over wifi so the connection is not 100% reliable.
The issue I’m concern about is if the client connects to the server and sends a request for data but before the response messages are delivered back the communication goes down (e.g. out of wifi coverage).
In this case the messages will be queued up on the server side waiting for the client to reconnect. That is fine for a short time but eventually I would like to drop the messages and the connection to release resources.
By checking activity/timeouts it would be possible in the server and the client applications to identify that the connection is gone. The client can shutdown the socket and in this way free resources but how can it be done in the server?
Per the ZMQ FAQ:
How can I flush all messages that are in the ZeroMQ socket queue?
There is no explicit command for flushing a specific message or all messages from the message queue. You may set ZMQ_LINGER to 0 and close the socket to discard any unsent messages.
Per this mailing list discussion from 2013:
There is no option to drop old messages [from an outgoing message queue].
Your best bet is to implement heartbeating and, when one client stops responding without explicitly disconnecting, restart your ROUTER socket. Messy, I know, this is really something that should have a companion option to HWM. Pieter Hintjens is clearly on board (he created ZMQ) - but that was from 2011, so it looks like nothing ever came of it.
This is a bit late but setting tcp keepalive to a reasonable value will cause dead sockets to close after the timeouts have expired.
Heartbeating is necessary for either side to determine the other side is still responding.
The only thing I'm not sure about is how to go about heartbeating many thousands of clients without spending all available cpu just on dealing with the heartbeats.

SockJS multiple sockets

I have spring + SockJS application, that is using ActiveMQ as message broker.
Can I have two sockets on same JSP page, one with sending and receiving ,and the other one only for receiving stomp messages(with lot of traffic).Is it guaranteed taht all messages will be delivered and received from both of sockets?
While connected, yes. If you lose the connection at any point, you will lose everything between disconnecting and reconnecting. A related discussion of this issue comes to this conclusion.
Keep in mind that SockJS may result in different connections types on different clients, such as websocket, xhr, xdr, etc. On any connection SockJS will still use TCP and will still guarantee in-order delivery. However, non-websocket connections can take longer to trigger the close event, so you'll have longer black-out periods at the client. Almost any service needs to worry about this, because SockJS will sometimes fail to connect a websocket and "downgrade" to xhr (in my experience under high instantaneous load).
A good pattern is to add a reconnect in the close event handler. The close even is fired even when a connection fails to be established, which means you'll want a back-off latency on the reconnect to prevent a self-inflicted DDoS on your server. Separately, I add sequential packet numbers, and treat any client that detects a missing packet as a late joiner. (See this related ZMQ discussion on late joiners.) Your application needs may vary.

WebSockets, UDP, and benchmarks

HTML5 websockets currently use a form of TCP communication. However, for real-time games, TCP just won't cut it (and is great reason to use some other platform, like native). As I probably need UDP to continue a project, I'd like to know if the specs for HTML6 or whatever will support UDP?
Also, are there any reliable benchmarks for WebSockets that would compare the WS protocol to a low-level, direct socket protocol?
On a LAN, you can get Round-trip times for messages over WebSocket of 200 microsec (from browser JS to WebSocket server and back), which is similar to raw ICMP pings. On MAN, it's around 10ms, WAN (over residential ADSL to server in same country) around 30ms, and so on up to around 120-200ms via 3.5G. The point is: WebSocket does add virtually no latency to the one you will get anyway, based on the network.
The wire level overhead of WebSocket (compared to raw TCP) is between 2 octets (unmasked payload of length < 126 octets) and 14 octets (masked payload of length > 64k) per message (the former numbers assume the message is not fragmented into multiple WebSocket frames). Very low.
For a more detailed analysis of WebSocket wire-level overhead, please see this blog post - this includes analysis covering layers beyond WebSocket also.
More so: with a WebSocket implementation capable of streaming processing, you can (after the initial WebSocket handshake), start a single WebSocket message and frame in each direction and then send up to 2^63 octets with no overhead at all. Essentially this renders WebSocket a fancy prelude for raw TCP. Caveat: intermediaries may fragment the traffic at their own decision. However, if you run WSS (that is secure WS = TLS), no intermediaries can interfere, and there you are: raw TCP, with a HTTP compatible prelude (WS handshake).
WebRTC uses RTP (= UDP based) for media transport but needs a signaling channel in addition (which can be WebSocket i.e.). RTP is optimized for loss-tolerant real-time media transport. "Real-time games" often means transferring not media, but things like player positions. WebSocket will work for that.
Note: WebRTC transport can be over RTP or secured when over SRTP. See "RTP profiles" here.
I would recommend developing your game using WebSockets on a local wired network and then moving to the WebRTC Data Channel API once it is available. As #oberstet correctly notes, WebSocket average latencies are basically equivalent to raw TCP or UDP, especially on a local network, so it should be fine for you development phase. The WebRTC Data Channel API is designed to be very similar to WebSockets (once the connection is established) so it should be fairly simple to integrate once it is widely available.
Your question implies that UDP is probably what you want for a low latency game and there is truth to that. You may be aware of this already since you are writing a game, but for those that aren't, here is a quick primer on TCP vs UDP for real-time games:
TCP is an in-order, reliable transport mechanism and UDP is best-effort. TCP will deliver all the data that is sent and in the order that it was sent. UDP packets are sent as they arrive, may be out of order, and may have gaps (on a congested network, UDP packets are dropped before TCP packets). TCP sounds like a big improvement, and it is for most types of network traffic, but those features come at a cost: a delayed or dropped packet causes all the following packets to be delayed as well (to guarantee in-order delivery).
Real-time games generally can't tolerate the type of delays that can result from TCP sockets so they use UDP for most of the game traffic and have mechanisms to deal with dropped and out-of-order data (e.g. adding sequence numbers to the payload data). It's not such a big deal if you miss one position update of the enemy player because a couple of milliseconds later you will receive another position update (and probably won't even notice). But if you don't get position updates for 500ms and then suddenly get them all out once, that results in terrible game play.
All that said, on a local wired network, packets are almost never delayed or dropped and so TCP is perfectly fine as an initial development target. Once the WebRTC Data Channel API is available then you might consider moving to that. The current proposal has configurable reliability based on retries or timers.
Here are some references:
WebRTC Introduction
WebRTC Data Channel Proposal
To make a long story short, if you want to use TCP for multiplayer games, you need to use what we call adaptive streaming techniques. In other words, you need to make sure that the amount of real-time data sent to synchronize the game world among the clients is governed by the currently available bandwidth and latency for each client.
Dynamic throttling, conflation, delta delivery, and other mechanisms are adaptive streaming techniques, which don't magically make TCP as efficient as UDP, but make it usable enough for several types of games.
I tried to explain these techniques in an article: Optimizing Multiplayer 3D Game Synchronization Over the Web (
I also gave a talk on this topic last month at HTML5 Developer Conference in San Francisco. The video has just been made available on YouTube:
There's no UDP support for Websockets (there really should be), however you can apparently use WebRTC's RTCDataChannel API for UDP-like communication. There's a good article here:
RTCDataChannel actually uses SCTP which has configurable reliability and ordered delivery. You can get it to act like UDP by telling it to deliver messages unordered, and setting the maximum number of retransmits to 0.
I haven't tried any of this though.
I'd like to know if the specs for HTML6 or whatever will support UDP?
WebSockets won't. One of the benefits of WebSockets is that it piggybacks the existing HTTP connection. This means that to proxies and firewalls WebSockets looks like HTTP so they don't get blocked.
It's likely arbitrary UDP connections will never be part of any web specification because of security concerns. The closest thing to what you're after will likely come as part of WebRTC and it's associated JSEP protocol.
are there any reliable benchmarks ... that .. compare the WS protocol to a low-level, direct socket protocol?
Not that I'm aware of. I'm going to go out on a limb and predict WebSockets will be slower ;)
