Invalid token after upgrading Joomla to 3.5 - joomla

After upgrading my site to J3.5, users can't login anymore.
They get the "invalid token" error.
I tried myself around 30 times and I also get the error, although I can login to the admin area.
I cleared Joomla cache, browser cache and truncated the #__session table.
But the problem persists.
This is critical! Users are paying to access certain areas of my site.
WHat more do I have to do to enable user login again????

This is not a core issue (our sites upgraded flawlessly) so should be an extension: read the apache error log and find out which is the offending one, rename its folder (i.e. plugins/system/yourstrangeplugin) and the frontend should load again. then go to the backend, disable the plugin, at that point you can restore its folder original name and update it.
in general, the developer will have issued an update by tomorrow if there are incompatibilities she'll know already.


Magento Site only works when ctrl + f5 is used

A Magento website is down in IE and in Firefox. Magento provides the following message: "There has been an error processing your request. Exception printing is disabled by default for security reasons."
However using Ctrl+F5 makes the site work.
The site works in Chrome and in Opera.
It also works if any page is requested other than the home page.
The error in the magento file in var/report lists:
a:4:{i:0;s:108:"SQLSTATE[HY000] [1203] User XXXXXXX already has more than 'max_user_connections' active
However it still works in chrome.
You have a problem with your database; Basically your database is hitting the limit for the amount of connections for that user. Check what your max_user_connections setting is at and increase it.
Be careful, as the higher that number, the more resources it will use. You have to find an even balance.
It was not a problem with Magento or the database. The web host was incorrectly caching the site. We found out when a file I uploaded still appeared in cPanel yet the file had been deleted several minutes before.
The web host flushed their cache of the site. The website immediately loaded without any error.

Joomla Upgrade 2.5 to 3

I am trying to upgrade Joomla from 2.5 to 3 but update button is not showing on administrator panel. It is showing “Joomla! is up-to-date”. How will I get update button. Following errors came when I try to troubleshoot.
I am not able to get response from Is it due to proxy applied on my connection. If yes then could you please let me know the step to overcome this issue.
When I get in touch to our technical support team then they provide me proxy URL with port number. Without any credential. And they told me that I have to surpass this URL after using the proxy URL. But I am not sure how I can use this proxy to get response. Please suggest and let me know the solution. Thank you!!
Errors :
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:/// ;
Update: :Collection: Could not open http:///
Within the administrator area navigate to the 'Joomla! Updater' component (under Components) - when there click on the 'Options' button in the top right of the screen. When the pop-up appears, change the 'Update server' to 'Short Term Support' and click the 'Save & Close' button within the pop-up. Once closed, the updater component should go off and check for the latest version on the 'Short Term Support' branch. The text that said 'Joomla is up to date' should be replaced with the option to install the 3.5.1 version.
Make sure you take a backup before updating. Your template and other extensions may not be compatible with the 3.5.x branch so it's best to either make sure that they are compatible or find an alternative solution.
For others that might have been scouring the internet to solve this problem, I had the same thing happening to me on a very old site that needed to be upgraded. I had an early 2.5 site which I managed to update to 2.5.28, but could not get any further due to these errors.
Most posts on this that you'll find will refer to the https version of the error, but in my case I had the same problem is the OP, where the file that could not be opened was on the http URL.
Trying to directly load the http site seemed to work, until I noticed that my browser was automatically redirecting to the https site. I don't know if that was the browser, or a server redirect causing this, but it let me to another solution to this problem, which is that these resources obviously are no longer hosted on an insecure site.
Open up the administrator/components/com_joomlaupdate/models/default.php file and around lines 37-47, modify the listed URLs from http to https. Then rerun the purge/udpate check cycle and you should now get the update found.
In addition to this, other sites that are listed as not being found on http links can be updated by modifying records in the #__update_sites table. YMMV with these, as most of them are going to be 3rd party sites that may/may not have changed hosting. In my case, most of them had just disappeared. Notably, the core update site is listed in this table, but it gets overwritten by the aforementioned script, so updating the DB doesn't help.

Magento Customer Login Issue - Login Page Keeps Reloading On Login

So I found several variations of this issue and tried the solutions; none worked.
So customers are not able to login with the correct username and password. The login screen ( just refreshes when the credentials are entered correctly -- should redirect to the My Account Dashboard.
The only thing that seems to temporarily work (few hours at a time before the problem comes back) is when we change back and forth the System > Config > Web > Session Cookie Management > Cookie Domain to "" and "" Then we flush the Magento Cache and we flush the Storage Cache and refresh the all Cache Types.
After this, Customers can login on Firefox, Safari and IE, but not Chrome (same login page looping issue).
We have exhausted everything we can think of. No errors in the logs and we have the correct getBlockHtml('formkey'); ?> code in the login.phtml files. We are using a custom theme and noticed this problem after migrating the site from Enterprise Edition to Community edition.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks for reading this article and opportunity to post my answer here.
I also faced same problem which AShah faced. I also googleing but did not find such proper result. Finally I removed or clean the session folder (root>var>session) and its works fine for my store.
Hope this trick will solve you. thanks
First check what are the values set for following path in core_config_data
Try by replacing any existing value by NULL.
Following should be set to 1

blank page when loging in to backend part to magento

I recently updated all of my features in Magento from 1.8 to 1.8.1 and after that I’m having problems to log in to the admin dashboard. If i go to “” i get a 500 Internal Server Error error and was googling around i wasn’t able to find a solution.
Then i noticed i can go to “” and then all it returns is a blank page. And after hosting the log in page locally sending the right information to the original hosting service i get logged in, but the dashboard is totally blank.
I’ve tried all of the mighty google advises I’ve found, for example, clearing catch, changing permission to folders, looking in log-files for solutions, changing in the .htaccess, etc. But still haven’t found out what the problem is. Anyone had the same problem and maybe has a solution or advice?
Thanks in advance!

magento keeps logging out

I am using magento and it keeps returning to to login screen every time I try to do an activity.
Things I have done:
My php.ini memory limits are set at 512Mb and my times set at 18000
checked the server time, php.ini time, and magento config time
Cleard the cache from magento. no joy
Cleared the cache and session from my plesk panel, no joy
Cleaned firefox and chrome history and page cache, not joy
reinstalled Mage_Core_Adminhtml, Mage_Core_Modules, Lib_Js_Mage, no joy
I reinstalled mage JS, no joy
The only changes recently have been the magento php 5.4 patch and had to reinstall Mage_GoogleShopping becase the new one would never complete loading the page.
Every time I try to change to something in the admin menu I have to log back in.
I checked the adminnotification_inbox in the database and it was reset to zero.
I get no errors in firebug, firefox or chrome and my cookies are working although it says
reinstalled magento.
It is like magento keeps resetting itself as my admin notifications keep coming back after delete
I have no error reports or folder.
I have run out of ideas?
I've came across this issue before... Give this a try...
system->configuration->admin -> select security tab and check session lifetime field
This is where you can define your time...
Also, if you use some .php extensions, some of their session encrypts can cause problems...
For Ex: sjusin.session.encrypt = On (This would need to be turned to Off in some cases)
This you can find in the config file by the way
Also if this doesn't help you check this out about quota.
