global mini-cut algorithm which outputs exact edges - algorithm

I am looking for an algorithm to find global mini-cut in a undirected graph.
I want to input a graph and algorithm output minimum number of the edges by cutting them the given graph can be partitioned into two parts.
Here is requirement:
find exact edges, not only their number.
the min-cut edges should compute with 100% correctly.
it is an undirected graph.
the algorithm shall terminate by indicating it found the answer or not found the answer.
I searched some articles on Internet and find out that Karger's minimum cut algorithm is randomized one, its output maybe be not the exact min-cuts. I don't algorithm like that.
I want to compute exact edges(I need to know which edges they are) whose number is the smallest.
I would like to hear some advice, while I am looking for such algorithms.
It would be great if your advice comes with introduction to the algorithm with example codes.
Thanks in advance.

We can do this using max flow algorithm, when we calculate the max-flow of a graph the edges that are saturated when the algorithm finishes are part of the min-cut. You can read more about the Max flow Min cut theorem . Calculating the max flow is a fairly standard problem, there are a lot of polynomial time solutions available for that problem you can read more about them here.
So to summarize the algorithm, we first find the max flow of the graph, then the edges in the min cut are the ones where the flow on the edge is equal to the capacity of that edge (those edges that have been saturated).
So one of the ways to solve the max flow problem is using the Ford Fulkerson algorithm, it finds augmenting path in the graph, then using the minimum edge in the augmenting path tries to saturate that augmenting path, it repeats this process untill no augmenting path's are left.
To find the augmenting path we can either do a Depth first Search or a Breadth First Search. The Edmonds Karp's algorithm finds an augmenting path by using a simple Breadth first Search.
I have written c++ code below to find the max flow and min cut, the code to find max flow is taken from the book "Competetive Programming by Steven Halim".
Also note that since the graph is undirected all the edges that the min cut function print's would be twice as it prints a -- b and b -- a.
#define MAXX 100
#define INF 1e9
using namespace std;
int s, t, flow, n, dist[MAXX], par[MAXX], AdjMat[MAXX][MAXX]; //Adjacency Matrix graph
vector< pair<int, int> > G[MAXX]; //adjacency list graph
void minCut(){
for(int i = 0;i < n;i++){
for(int j = 0;j < G[i].size();j++){
int v = G[i][j].first;
if(AdjMat[i][v] == 0){ //saturated edges
cout << i << " " << v << endl;
void augmentPath(int v, int minEdge){
if(v == s){ flow = minEdge;return; }
else if(par[v] != -1){
augmentPath(par[v], min(minEdge, AdjMat[par[v]][v]));
AdjMat[par[v]][v] -= flow; //forward edges
AdjMat[v][par[v]] += flow; //backward edges
void EdmondsKarp(){
int max_flow = 0;
for(int i= 0;i < n;i++) dist[i] = -1, par[i] = -1;
flow = 0;
queue<int> q;
q.push(s);dist[s] = 0;
int u = q.front();q.pop();
if(u == t) break;
for(int i = 0;i < G[u].size();i++){
int v = G[u][i].first;
if(AdjMat[u][v] > 0 && dist[v] == -1){
dist[v] = dist[u] + 1;
par[v] = u;
augmentPath(t, INF);
if(flow == 0) break; //Max flow reached, now we have saturated edges that form the min cut
max_flow += flow;
int main(){
//Create the graph here, both as an adjacency list and adjacency matrix
//also mark the source i.e "s" and sink "t", before calling max flow.
return 0;


Using BFS based single source shortest path for a weighted undirected graph

Here is the link to the tutorial I followed:
Here is the code :
void BFS(vector<int> adj[], int N, int src)
int dist[N];
for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) dist[i] = INT_MAX;
queue<int> q;
dist[src] = 0;
int node = q.front();
for(auto it:adj[node]){
if(dist[node] + 1 < dist[it]){
for(int i = 0;i<N;i++) cout << dist[i] << " ";
In the for loop, where we are checking if(dist[node] + 1 < dist[it]), instead of +1, can we do the weight of the edge from node to it and use this code for calculating shortest paths from a vertex to every other vertex in an undirected weighted graph?
For most implementations of BFS, the answer is no, because the queue would end up being in the wrong order - BFS only guarantees shortest paths in unweighted graphs, because the queue order guarantees that the first time you see a node is necessarily via a shortest path to it.
For the specific implementation in your question, the answer is actually yes, because this implementation doesn't actually prohibit a node from being visited (and its neighbours added to the queue) more than once, except by comparing if the path found is longer than a previously-found one. This means that adding a node to the queue via a non-shortest path doesn't cause an incorrect result, because later the same node will be added via its shortest path, and its distance will be updated (causing its neighbours to also get updated, and so on). It just means that your algorithm can visit some nodes many times, making it inefficient; but it will actually find shortest paths.
If you fix this problem by using a priority queue instead of a queue, then you have Dijkstra's algorithm.

Bellman Ford Algorithm fails to compute shortest path for a directed edge-weighted graph

I was recently understanding shortest path algorithms when I encountered the problem below in the book Algorithms, 4th edition, Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne.
Suppose that we convert an EdgeWeightedGraph into a Directed EdgeWeightedGraph by creating two DirectedEdge objects in the EdgeWeightedDigraph (one in each direction) for each Edge in the EdgeWeightedGraph and then use the Bellman-Ford algorithm. Explain why this approach fails spectacularly.
Below is a piece of my code implementing Bellman Ford Algorithm (queue-based):
private void findShortestPath(int src) {
distTo[src] = 0;
edgeTo[src] = -1;
while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
int v = queue.poll();
onQueue[v] = false;
for (Edge e : adj(v)){
int w = e.dest;
if (distTo[w] > distTo[v] + e.weight) {
distTo[w] = distTo[v] + e.weight;
edgeTo[w] = v;
if (!onQueue[w]) {
onQueue[w] = true;
//Find if a negative cycle exists after every V passes
if (cost++ % V == 0) {
if (findNegativeCycle())
I've tried many examples on paper, but am unable to find scenarios where the directed graph generated would have new negative cycles in them, simply by converting an edge into two edges in opposite directions. I assume that there were no pre-existing negative cycles in the unweighted undirected edge-weighted graph.
Your algorithm & code has no problem.It can give the shortest distance in a graph without negative circle.And it's easy to find out negative circle only by a array 'number[i]' record the number that 'i' is put into the queue.
It can be proved that if a point is put into the queue for over |P|(points number) times,there is a negative circle in the graph.So you can add:
if (number[v] > |P|)
return -1;
The shortest distance in a graph with negative circle has no meaning.So for most of the situation you just need to print something while finding it.

Count triangles (cycles of length 3) in a graph

In an undirected graph with V vertices and E edges how would you count the number of triangles in O(|V||E|)? I see the algorithm here but I'm not exactly sure how that would be implemented to achieve that complexity. Here's the code presented in that post:
for each edge (u, v):
for each vertex w:
if (v, w) is an edge and (w, u) is an edge:
return true
return false
Would you use an adjacency list representation of the graph to traverse all edges in the outer loop and then an adjacency matrix to check for the existence of the 2 edges in the inner loop?
Also, I saw a another solution presented as O(|V||E|) which involves performing a depth-first search on the graph and when you encounter a backedge (u,v) from the vertex u you're visiting check if the grandparent of the vertex u is vertex v. If it is then you have found a triangle. Is this algorithm correct? If so, wouldn't this be O(|V|+|E|)? In the post I linked to there is a counterexample for the breadth-first search solution offered up but based on the examples I came up with it seems like the depth-first search method I outlined above works.
Firstly, note that the algorithm does not so much count the number of triangles, but rather returns whether one exists at all.
For the first algorithm, the analysis becomes simple if we assume that we can do the lookup of (a, b) is an edge in constant time. (Since we loop over all vertices for all edges, and only do something with constant time we get O(|V||E|*1). ) Telling whether something is a member of a set in constant time can be done using for example a hashtable/set. We could also, as you said, do this by the use of the adjacency matrix, which we could create beforehand by looping over all the edges, not changing our total complexity.
An adjacency list representation for looping over the edges could perhaps be used, but traversing this may be O(|V|+|E|), giving us the total complexity O(|V||V| + |V||E|) which may be more than we wanted. If that is the case, we should instead loop over this first, and add all our edges to a normal collection (like a list).
For your proposed DFS algorithm, the problem is that we cannot be sure to encounter a certain edge as a backedge at the correct moment, as is illustrated by the following counterexample:
A -- B --- C -- D
\ / |
E ----- F
Here if we look from A-B-C-E, and then find the backedge E-B, we correctly find the triangle; but if we instead go A-B-C-D-F-E, the backedges E-B, and E-C, do no longer satisfy our condition.
This is a naive approach to count the number of cycles.
We need the input in the form of an adjacency matrix.
public int countTricycles(int [][] adj){
int n = adj.length;
int count = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < n ;i++){
for(int j = 0; j < n; j++){
if(adj[i][j] != 0){
for(int k = 0; k < n; k++){
if(k!=i && adj[j][k] != 0 && adj[i][k] != 0 ){
return count/6;
The complexity would be O(n^3).

Algorithm complexity for minimum number of clique in a graph

I have written an algorithm which solves the minimum number of clique in a graph. I have tested my backtracking algorithm, but I couldn't calculate the worst case time complexity, I have tried a lot of times.
I know that this problem is an NP hard problem, but I think is it possible to give a worst time complexity based on the code. What is the worst time complexity for this code? Any idea? How you formalize the recursive equation?
I have tried to write understandable code. If you have any question, write a comment.
I will be very glad for tips, references, answers.
Thanks for the tips guys:).
As M C commented basically I have tried to solve this problem Clique cover problem
function countCliques(graph, vertice, cliques, numberOfClique, minimumSolution)
for i = 1 .. number of cliques + 1 new loop
if i > minimumSolution then
end if
if (fitToClique(cliques(i), vertice, graph) then
addVerticeToClique(cliques(i), vertice);
if (vertice == 0) then //last vertice
minimumSolution = numberOfClique
if (i == number of cliques + 1) then // if we are using a new clique the +1 always a new clique
countCliques(graph, vertice - 1, cliques, number of cliques + 1, minimum)
countCliques(graph, vertice - 1, cliques, number of cliques, minimum)
end if
end if
deleteVerticeFromClique(cliques(i), vertice);
end if
end loop
end function
bool fitToClique(clique, vertice, graph)
for ( i = 1 .. cliqueSize) loop
verticeFromClique = clique(i)
if (not connected(verticeFromClique, vertice)) then
return false
end if
end loop
return true
end function
int countCliques(int** graph, int currentVertice, int** result, int numberOfSubset, int& minimum) {
// if solution
if (currentVertice == -1) {
// if a better solution
if (minimum > numberOfSubset) {
minimum = numberOfSubset;
printf("New minimum result:\n");
print(result, numberOfSubset);
} else {
// if not a solution, try to insert to a clique, if not fit then create a new clique (+1 in the loop)
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfSubset + 1; i++) {
if (i > minimum) {
//if fit
if (fitToSubset(result[i], currentVertice, graph)) {
// insert
result[i][result[i][0]] = currentVertice;
// try to insert the next vertice
countCliques(graph, currentVertice - 1, result, (i == numberOfSubset) ? (i + 1) : numberOfSubset, minimum);
// delete vertice from the clique
return c;
bool fitToSubset(int *subSet, int currentVertice, int **graph) {
int subsetLength = subSet[0];
for (int i = 1; i < subsetLength + 1; i++) {
if (graph[subSet[i]][currentVertice] != 1) {
return false;
return true;
void print(int **result, int n) {
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
int m = result[i][0];
for (int j = 1; j < m; j++) {
printf("%d, ",result[i][j] + 1);
printf("%d]\n", result[i][m] + 1);
int** readFile(const char* file, int& v, int& e) {
int from, to;
int **graph;
FILE *graphFile;
fopen_s(&graphFile, file, "r");
fscanf_s(graphFile,"%d %d", &v, &e);
graph = (int**)malloc(v * sizeof(int));
for (int i = 0; i < v; i ++) {
graph[i] = (int*)calloc(v, sizeof(int));
while(fscanf_s(graphFile,"%d %d", &from, &to) == 2) {
graph[from - 1][to - 1] = 1;
graph[to - 1][from - 1] = 1;
return graph;
The time complexity of your algorithm is very closely linked to listing compositions of an integer, of which there are O(2^N).
The compositions alone is not enough though, as there is also a combinatorial aspect, although there are rules as well. Specifically, a clique must contain the highest numbered unused vertex.
An example is the composition 2-2-1 (N = 5). The first clique must contain 4, reducing the number of unused vertices to 4. There is then a choice between 1 of 4 elements, unused vertices is now 3. 1 element of the second clique is known, so 2 unused vertices. Thus must be a choice between 1 of 2 elements decides the final vertex in the second clique. This only leaves a single vertex for the last clique. For this composition there are 8 possible ways it could be made, given by (1*C(4,1)*1*C(2,1)*1). The 8 possible ways are as followed:
The above example shows the format required for the worst case, which is when the composition contains the as many 2s as possible. I'm thinking this is still O(N!) even though it's actually (N-1)(N-3)(N-5)...(1) or (N-1)(N-3)(N-5)...(2). However, it is impossible as it would as shown require a complete graph, which would be caught right away, and limit the graph to a single clique, of which there is only one solution.
Given the variations of the compositions, the number of possible compositions is probably a fair starting point for the upper bound as O(2^N). That there are O(3^(N/3)) maximal cliques is another bit of useful information, as the algorithm could theoretically find all of them. Although that isn't good enough either as some maximal cliques are found multiple times while others not at all.
A tighter upper bound is difficult for two main reasons. First, the algorithm progressively limits the max number of cliques, which I suppose you could call the size of the composition, which puts an upper limit on the computation time spent per clique. Second, missing edges cause a large number of possible variations to be ignored, which almost ensures that the vast majority of the O(N!) variations are ignored. Combined with the above paragraph, makes putting the upper bound difficult. If this isn't enough for an answer, you might want to take the question to math area of stack exchange as a better answer will require a fair bit of mathematical analysis.

Optimizations for longest path problem in cyclic graph

What optimizations exist for trying to find the longest path in a cyclic graph?
Longest path in cyclic graphs is known to be NP-complete. What optimizations or heuristics can make finding the longest path faster than DFSing the entire graph? Are there any probabilistic approaches?
I have a graph with specific qualities, but I'm looking for an answer to this in the general case. Linking to papers would be fantastic. Here is a partial answer:
Confirm it is cyclic. Longest path in acyclic graphs is easily computed using dynamic programming.
Find out if the graph is planar (which algorithm is best?). If it is, you might see if it is a block graph, ptolemaic graph, or cacti graph and apply the methods found in this paper.
Find out how many simple cycles there are using Donald B Johnson's algorithm (Java implementation). You can change any cyclic graph into an acyclic one by removing an edge in a simple cycle. You can then run the dynamic programming solution found on the Wikipedia page. For completeness, you would have to do this N times for each cycle, where N is the length of the cycle. Thus, for an entire graph, the number of times you have to run the DP solution is equal to the product of the lengths of all cycles.
If you have to DFS the entire graph, you can prune some paths by computing the "reachability" of each node in advance. This reachability, which is mainly applicable to directed graphs, is the number of nodes each node can reach without repetitions. It is the maximum the longest path from that node could possibly be. With this information, if your current path plus the reachability of the child node is less than the longest you've already found, there is no point in taking that branch as it is impossible that you would find a longer path.
Here is a O(n*2^n) dynamic programming approach that should be feasible for up to say 20 vertices:
m(b, U) = the maximum length of any path ending at b and visiting only (some of) the vertices in U.
Initially, set m(b, {b}) = 0.
Then, m(b, U) = max value of m(x, U - x) + d(x, b) over all x in U such that x is not b and an edge (x, b) exists. Take the maximum of these values for all endpoints b, with U = V (the full set of vertices). That will be the maximum length of any path.
The following C code assumes a distance matrix in d[N][N]. If your graph is unweighted, you can change every read access to this array to the constant 1. A traceback showing an optimal sequence of vertices (there may be more than one) is also computed in the array p[N][NBITS].
#define N 20
#define NBITS (1 << N)
int d[N][N]; /* Assumed to be populated earlier. -1 means "no edge". */
int m[N][NBITS]; /* DP matrix. -2 means "unknown". */
int p[N][NBITS]; /* DP predecessor traceback matrix. */
/* Maximum distance for a path ending at vertex b, visiting only
vertices in visited. */
int subsolve(int b, unsigned visited) {
if (visited == (1 << b)) {
/* A single vertex */
p[b][visited] = -1;
return 0;
if (m[b][visited] == -2) {
/* Haven't solved this subproblem yet */
int best = -1, bestPred = -1;
unsigned i;
for (i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
if (i != b && ((visited >> i) & 1) && d[i][b] != -1) {
int x = subsolve(i, visited & ~(1 << b));
if (x != -1) {
x += d[i][b];
if (x > best) {
best = x;
bestPred = i;
m[b][visited] = best;
p[b][visited] = bestPred;
return m[b][visited];
/* Maximum path length for d[][].
n must be <= N.
*last will contain the last vertex in the path; use p[][] to trace back. */
int solve(int n, int *last) {
int b, i;
int best = -1;
/* Need to blank the DP and predecessor matrices */
for (b = 0; b < N; ++b) {
for (i = 0; i < NBITS; ++i) {
m[b][i] = -2;
p[b][i] = -2;
for (b = 0; b < n; ++b) {
int x = subsolve(b, (1 << n) - 1);
if (x > best) {
best = x;
*last = b;
return best;
On my PC, this solves a 20x20 complete graph with edge weights randomly chosen in the range [0, 1000) in about 7s and needs about 160Mb (half of that is for the predecessor trace).
(Please, no comments about using fixed-size arrays. Use malloc() (or better yet, C++ vector<int>) in a real program. I just wrote it this way so things would be clearer.)
