Promises without `.then` - promise

Is there any downside to using a promise with only .catch section, but without .then at all?
I'm asking about the cases where the resolution result is not needed, only error handling.
Is this a good pattern to rely on .catch only and skip .then?
Or is it something that depends on which promise implementation it is?

Conceptually, there's nothing wrong with an operation that only has an error handler and has nothing else to do upon successful completion. If that's all it needs, then that's fine. For example, suppose you're updating a server with some new data from the client. If the data is successfully sent to the server, there's nothing else to do because the operation is complete, but if there's an error, then there is perhaps something else to do (retry, inform the user, correct the data based on the error code, etc...).
To comment on whether that's the right way to design your specific code, we'd have to see the actual code and understand what it is doing and then form an opinion on whether that is the best way to structure that specific code.
If I was designing a general purpose function, I'd certainly provide both completion (resolving the promise) and error (rejecting the promise) so the caller could hook into either one. But it is really up to the caller which events they want to know about and if only the error matters, then just having a .catch() is fine.


Spring-integration: keep a context for a Message throught a chain

I am using spring-integration, and I have messages that goes through an int:chain with multiple elements: int:service-activator, int:transformers, etc. In the end, a message is sent to another app's Rest endpoint. There is also an errorHandler that will save any Exception in a text file.
For administration purpose, I would like to keep some information about what happened in the chain (ex: "this DB call returned this", "during this transformation, this rule was applied", etc.). This would be equivalent to a log file, but bound to a Message. Of course there is already a logger, but in the end, I need to create (either after the Rest called is made, or when an error occurs) a file for this specific Message with the data.
I was wondering if there was some kind of "context" for the Message that I could call through any part of the chain, and where I could store stuff. I didn't found anything in the official documentation, but I'm not really sure about what to look for.
I've been thinking about putting it all in the Message itself, but:
It's an immutable object, so I would need to rebuild it each time I want to add something to its header (or the payload).
I wouldn't be able to retrieve any new data from the error handler in case of Exception, because it takes the original message.
I can't really add it to the payload object because some native transformers/service-activators are directly using it (and that would also mean rewriting a lot of code ...)
I've been also thinking to some king of "thread-bound" bean that would act as a context for each Message, but I see too many problem arising from this.
Maybe I'm wrong about some of these ideas. Anyway, I just need a way to keep data though multiple element of a Spring integration chain and also be able to access it in the error handler.
Add a header, e.g. a map or list, and add to it in each stage.
The framework does something similar when message history is enabled.

Error Handler with Flux

I have a React.js application that I am refactoring to use the Flux architecture, and am struggling to figure out how error handling should work while sticking to the Flux pattern.
Currently when errors are encountered, a jQuery event 'AppError' is triggered and a generic Error Handling helper that subscribes to this event puts a Flash message on the user's screen, logs to the console, and reports it via an API call. What is nice is I can trigger an error for any reason from any part of the application and have it handled in a consistant way.
I can't seem to figure out how to apply a similar paradigm with the Flux architecture. Here are the two particular scenarios I'm struggling with.
1) An API call fails
All of my API calls are made from action creators and I use a promise to dispatch an error event (IE 'LOAD_TODOS_FAILED') on failure. The store sees this event and updates it's state accordingly, but I still dont have my generic error behavior from my the previous iteration (notifications, etc).
Possible resolution:
I could create an ErrorStore that binds to the 'LOAD_TODOS_FAILED' action, but that means every time I have a new type of error, I need to explicitly add that action to the ErrorStore, instead of having all errors be automatically handled.
2) Store receives an unexpected action
This is the one I'm really confused about. I want to handle cases when an action is dispatched to a Store that does not make sense given the Store's current state. I can handle the error within the Store to clean up the state, but still may want to trigger an error that something unexpected happen.
Possible resolutions:
Dispatch a new action from the store indicating the error.
I believe Stores are not suppose to dispatch actions (let me know if I'm wrong), and I still have the same issue as with an API error above.
Create a ControllerView for Error Handling that subscribes to every Store
I could define an errors property on every store, then have a View watching every Store and only act on the errors property. When the errors property is not null, it could dispatch new actions, etc. The disadvantages are that I need to remember to add every Store to this view whenever new ones are created, and every store has to have an error property that behaves the same way. It also does nothing to address API call failures.
Does anyone have a suggested approach for a generic Error Handler that fits into the Flux architecture?
I need to handle errors in most Action Creators and Stores. How do I setup consistent error handling that will occur for any type of generic error?
API call fails
If you want to avoid listing every error action in the ErrorStore, you could have a generic APP_ERROR action, and have properties of that action that describe it in more detail. Then your other stores would simply need to examine those properties to see if the action is relevant to them. There is no rule that the registered callback in the stores needs to be focused on the action's type, or only on the type -- it's just often the most convenient and consistent way of determining if an action is relevant.
Store receives an unexpected action
Don't issue a new action in response to an action. This results in a dispatch-within-a-dispatch error, and would lead to cascading updates. Instead, determine what action should be dispatched ahead of time. You can query the stores before issuing an action, if that helps.
Your second solution sounds good, but the dangerous thing you mentioned is "When the errors property is not null, it could dispatch new actions, etc" -- again, you don't want to issue actions in response to other actions. That is the path of pain that Flux seeks to avoid. Your new controller-view would simply get the values from the stores and respond by presenting the correct view.

Golang mgo errors

Can mgo return error different than QueryError or ErrNotFound? What with database connection errors?
Is it a good practise to panic on error different than ErrNotFound and recover on the top of http handlers stack with something like pretty response with status 500?
The set of errors returned by mgo is not constrained, because it does a number of operations underneath that may also return errors (DNS resolution, connection establishment, timeouts, etc). So the proper way to handle errors with mgo is the same as most places: handle the ones you do know about and have custom logic for, and bail out on the ones you don't. Good bailing out encompasses undoing any local side-effects (close/remove locally created files, etc), and then returning the error to the caller, perhaps decorated or wrapped with custom context information.
I wouldn't panic on such errors. Panics are usually for abnormal situations, when the developer did something wrong with the API, or the environment is seriously damaged and the best course of action is to stop altogether, for example. A connection with the database (or anything network related) should be expected to fall down every once in a while, and handled appropriately rather than just logging an undistinguishable crash.
If you have more details and would like to talk further, please come over to the mailing list.
I believe you can check any error with LastError. Most of the error returning functions return a standard Go error that should be checked upon function return.
Usually, in Go, you'd want some very special use case before resorting to panic / recover. It's best practice to handle the errors as they arise.
For more info see Error handling and Go and Defer, Panic, and Recover from The Go Blog.

boost msm library newbi in firing events

When we call fsm.process_event('eventname');
is there a way to return true if the transition occured and false if "no_transition" was called or an exception occurred?
Seeing as no one has answered so far I'll post my quite humble suggestion. You could try calling the current_state() method before and after calling fsm.process_event() and compare the results. This however would not cover the case of self transitions or internal transitions and is not something I would use if there are other alternatives (its a hack at best).
If you are trying to catch the case of an event not being handled by any state and just propagating through you could add one more bottom layer superstate which reports events that reach it (i.e. are ignored by all states they propagated through).
I have had situations where I needed to know if some event actually did something and when it did it (maybe it was deferred first and then executed). In that case I made my MSM post "ACK" messages to an outside queue, I'm not sure if this applies to your problem.
In my humble knowledge interrupts and state machines don't mix very well, I usually either simply swallow them or try and turn them into some event depending on the context. You should never allow you sates (the underlying function objects) to throw.

Assuming that GetDC(hWnd) is called as the first instruction on WM_CREATE, for window hWnd, is it possible for GetDC() to return NULL?

Assuming that GetDC(hWnd) is called as the first instruction on WM_CREATE, for window hWnd, is it possible for GetDC() to return NULL?
I am concerned about the possibility of GetDC() failing due to lack of resources. When that happens should I check for errors? And what should I do if the call fails? Do the Win32 API function raise exceptions or should I raise exceptions?
GetDC() can indeed fail, no matter when or where you call it. You ought to take a rather pessimistic view when dealing with the API and be prepared for any API function to fail. As you suggest, one possible reason for failure is exhaustion of system resources, e.g. kernel handles, GDI objects etc.
So you should always check for errors. And not just GetDC(), every single call to an API function should have its return value checked.
The Windows API does not signal errors by raising exceptions. Instead the errors are always signalled through the values returned by the API function. You need to consult the documentation to understand how each individual function reports errors.
If you encounter a failure in a GDI function like GetDC() then there's not a lot you can do. In the scenario you describe I would log the error or report it to the user, and then terminate execution. There's generally no recovery from a failure of GetDC().
The pain of checking for errors every time an API function is called is one of the reasons why we have so many frameworks that wrap the low level API. A good framework will do the error checking for you and convert any errors into exceptions. Using a good framework allows you to concentrate on the normal flow of execution and not littering your code with handling code for exceptional cases.
