Speed up gnuplot column iteration on input piped through a shell command - caching

I have a script that converts raw data for interactive use with gnuplot. The scipt takes arguments that let me apply some filtering on the data. In principle, it could be emulated by this script:
import time, sys
print('Generating data...', file=sys.stderr)
print('x', '100*x', 'x**3', '2**x')
for x in range(*map(int, sys.argv[1:3])):
print(x, 100*x, x**3, 2**x)
I plot the series of data in columns by piping the shell command to gnuplot and iterating over columns:
gnuplot> plot for [i=2:4] '< python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w l t columnhead(i)
Generating data...
Generating data...
Generating data...
Currently, when I notice that the script takes too long to run it multiple times, I execute it outside of gnuplot and save the output to a file. However, it is cumbersome having to do it whenever I want to change the arguments to the script.
I would like gnuplot to execute '< python3 pipe_data.py' only once, so that only one Generating data... is printed on the screen. Is this possible?
Ideally, gnuplot would cache contents of special filenames starting with a <. This way it would be possible to tweak the appearance of the plot, without regenerating the data, e.g.:
gnuplot> plot for [i=2:4] '< python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w l t columnhead(i)
Generating data...
gnuplot> plot for [i=2:4] '< python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w lp t columnhead(i)
gnuplot> plot for [i=2:4] '< python3 pipe_data.py 5 12' u 1:i w lp t columnhead(i)
Generating data...
gnuplot> plot for [i=2:4] '< python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w p t columnhead(i)
This could become problematic when the raw data changes, gnuplot would have no way of knowing this. But I still hope there is some way to achieve this effect. If not with just gnuplot, then maybe with some external tools?
For the record, I use gnuplot v4.6.

The following command should do what you want. I am generating a ona-data-point file that takes two parameters, i and j. The file is generated automatically when you call plot data(i,j) and then it's reused every subsequent time. Change my sleep 5; echo %i %i by your command. You'll also need to change the formats if you're not using integers.
data(i,j) = system(sprintf('name="temp_%i_%i"; if [ ! -s $name ]; then sleep 5; echo %i %i > $name; fi; echo $name', i, j, i, j))
Example usage:
# You'll notice a 5-second pause here while the command is running:
plot data(1,1)
# Now it will run at once because the file already exists:
plot data(1,1)

I came up with a bash script that solves all the issues for me:
when iterating over columns, the script for crunching data is run only once
when tweaking plot display, there's no need to wait for the script to run anymore
I can pass other arguments to the script and have the results cached
I can come back to previous arguments without having to wait
it works with any script, regardless of what and how many arguments it may take
if any file (script or data) changes, it will be picked up and re-run
it is completely transparent, there's no additional set-up nor tuning needed
I don't have to worry about cleaning up, because the system will do it for me
I named it $ (for cash/cache), chmod u+x'd it, and placed it within PATH:
# hash all arguments
# hash last modified dates of any files
for arg in "$#"
if [ -f $arg ]
KEY+=`date -r "$arg" +\ %s`
# use the hash as a name for temporary file
FILE="/tmp/command_cache.`echo -n "$KEY" | md5sum | cut -c -10`"
# use cached file or execute the command and cache it
if [ -f $FILE ]
cat $FILE
$# | tee $FILE
Now I can take advantage of it using <$ instead of <:
> plot for [i=2:4] '<$ python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w l t columnhead(i)
Generating data...
> plot for [i=2:4] '<$ python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w lp t columnhead(i)
> plot for [i=2:4] '<$ python3 pipe_data.py 5 12' u 1:i w lp t columnhead(i)
Generating data...
> plot for [i=2:4] '<$ python3 pipe_data.py 1 11' u 1:i w p t columnhead(i)


"invalid expression" running gnuplot in bash script

I am running this program SCRIPT.sh,
FFT_FILE="$(find . -type f -iname "HR*.fft")"
od -f -v -w8 $FFT_FILE > $FFT_FILE1
gnuplot -persist <<-EOFMarker
set term postscript enh
set out 'FFT_1.ps'
set xlabel 'Frequency (Hz)'
set key box
stats filename nooutput
max_row = STATS_records
plot [(1000.0/4880.0):(1000.0/59.0)] filename u ($0/(max_row*81.92e-6)):(sqrt(($2*$2)+($3*$3))) w l lw 3 title "FFT"
but the output comes as
gnuplot> plot [(1000.0/4880.0):(1000.0/59.0)] filename u (./SCRIPT.sh/(max_row*81.92e-6)):(sqrt((*)+(*))) w l lw 3 title "FFT"
line 0: invalid expression
May I request for detailed explanation and help regarding this situation?
The "HR*.fft" file contains the results of Fast Fourier Transform from PRESTO in binary.

shell script of gnuplot: about various input files in a single graph for compare the lines

I am trying to plot a graph and save it as file using gnuplot. I have various text files. The number of text files is not sure. Each text file contains two columns. The text file is about linear absorption spectrum. The first column is the frequency and the second is the intensity. I want to compare the difference between the spectra by plot them in a single graph for all the files. I am using this script to do that.
# plot linear absorption spectrum (las)
# Usage:
# ./lasplot.sh a.ods b.ods c.ods ..
for i in $*
echo "Normalization $i"
maxle=`cat $i|tr -s "," " "|awk 'BEGIN{max=0} {if($2>max) max=$2}END{print max}'`
echo " The max value is $maxle"
((j=$j + 1))
echo ${filename[*]}
echo $num
read -p "Please select set data range (1) or auto set(2): " setrange
case $setrange in
read -p "set min x range: " minx
read -p "set max x range: " maxx
# call gnuplot to plot the 1D map
gnuplot << EOF
set datafile separator ","
set title 'Linear Absorption Spectra'
set xlabel '{/Symbol w} (cm^{-1})'
set ylabel 'Intensity (a.u.)'
#set data range
if (${setrange}==1){
set xrange [$minx:$maxx]
set yrange [0:1.1]
} else {
#set xrange [0:50]
#set yrange [0:50]
set size 1,1
set key right top
plot "${filename[1]}" using 1:(column(2)/${max[1]}) with lines linewidth 2 ,\
"${filename[2]}" using 1:(column(2)/${max[2]}) with points pointtype 21
pause mouse keypress "Type a letter"
set term pdfcairo font "arial,12"
set term pdfcairo enh
set term pdfcairo size 6,5
set output "las.pdf"
plot "${filename[1]}" using 1:(column(2)/${max[1]}) with lines linewidth 2 ,\
"${filename[2]}" using 1:(column(2)/${max[2]}) with points pointtype 21
My script can only plot two text files? How can change it to plot multiple input files?
you could prepare the plot command in your script before invoking gnuplot, store it into a variable and then reuse it in the gnuplot input (also avoiding thus repetition):
if [ $i -eq 1 ]; then
join=" "
join=", "
plotCmd="${plotCmd}${join}\"${filename[$i]}\" using 1:2 with lines"
and then:
gnuplot << EOF
... some other stuff ...

How to automate saving plots with Shell scripting

I have 10 .txt files that contain my data as in output1.txt, output2.txt, output3.txt and so on. I plot this data with the following commands:
set o "output1.png"
p "output1.txt" u 1:2 with lines
set o "output2.png"
p "output2.txt" u 1:2 with lines
set o "output3.png"
p "output3.txt" u 1:2 with lines
and so on.
Obviously when I have like 100 data files, this approach is not very useful. How can I write a shell script that basically automates saving my data into files with a for loop in a script? Is it even possible or should I turn somewhere else like a python script?
I guess you require something like this:
for each in output*.txt
BASE_NAME=$(basename $each .txt)
echo ${BASE_NAME}
gnuplot <<- EOF
set o "${BASE_NAME}.png"
p "$each" u 1:2 with lines
Completely untested:
for fn in $(ls output*.txt); do
# Extract file "ID"
# Build output png
# Echo the commands
echo set o "${out}"
echo p "${fn}" u 1:2 with lines
Which you'd either pipe directly into gnuplot:
./abovescript.sh | gnuplot
Or redirect into a script file, then call using gnuplot
./abovescript.sh > myscript
gnuplot myscript
Updated per Mark Setchell's suggestions:
for fn in output*.txt; do
# Extract the file "base"
# Build output png
# Echo the commands
echo set o \"${out}\"
echo p \"${fn}\" u 1:2 with lines
done | gnuplot
This also assumes that your "input" files are named exactly outputX.txt where X doesn't contain any whitespace.
Added by Mark Setchell... just for fun, the plots look kind of more professional if you label them a little bit, by adding the following:
# Echo the commands
echo set title \"${out} - plotted with gnuplot\"
echo set ylabel \"y axis\"
echo set xlabel \"x axis\"

Xcode bad coloring with shell script?

It seems that Xcode really sucks at coloring the shell script. For example, if you copy the following snippet into your Xcode, most of the whole chunk is colored red.
### Creation of the GM template by averaging all (or following the template_list for) the GM_nl_0 and GM_xflipped_nl_0 images
cat <<stage_tpl3 > fslvbm2c
if [ -f ../template_list ] ; then
template_list=\`cat ../template_list\`
template_list=\`\$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext \$template_list\`
template_list=\`echo *_struc.* | sed 's/_struc\./\./g'\`
template_list=\`\$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext \$template_list | sort -u\`
echo "WARNING - study-specific template will be created from ALL input data - may not be group-size matched!!!"
for g in \$template_list ; do
mergelist="\$mergelist \${g}_struc_GM_to_T"
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmerge -t template_4D_GM \$mergelist
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths template_4D_GM -Tmean template_GM
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslswapdim template_GM -x y z template_GM_flipped
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths template_GM -add template_GM_flipped -div 2 template_GM_init
chmod +x fslvbm2c
fslvbm2c_id=`fsl_sub -j $fslvbm2b_id -T 15 -N fslvbm2c ./fslvbm2c`
echo Creating first-pass template: ID=$fslvbm2c_id
### Estimation of the registration parameters of GM to grey matter standard template
/bin/rm -f fslvbm2d
for g in `$FSLDIR/bin/imglob *_struc.*` ; do
echo "${FSLDIR}/bin/fsl_reg ${g}_GM $T ${g}_GM_to_T_init $REG -fnirt \"--config=GM_2_MNI152GM_2mm.cnf\"" >> fslvbm2d
chmod a+x fslvbm2d
fslvbm2d_id=`$FSLDIR/bin/fsl_sub -j $fslvbm2c_id -T $HOWLONG -N fslvbm2d -t ./fslvbm2d`
echo Running registration to first-pass template: ID=$fslvbm2d_id
### Creation of the GM template by averaging all (or following the template_list for) the GM_nl_0 and GM_xflipped_nl_0 images
cat <<stage_tpl4 > fslvbm2e
if [ -f ../template_list ] ; then
template_list=\`cat ../template_list\`
template_list=\`\$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext \$template_list\`
template_list=\`echo *_struc.* | sed 's/_struc\./\./g'\`
template_list=\`\$FSLDIR/bin/remove_ext \$template_list | sort -u\`
echo "WARNING - study-specific template will be created from ALL input data - may not be group-size matched!!!"
for g in \$template_list ; do
mergelist="\$mergelist \${g}_struc_GM_to_T_init"
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmerge -t template_4D_GM \$mergelist
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths template_4D_GM -Tmean template_GM
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslswapdim template_GM -x y z template_GM_flipped
\$FSLDIR/bin/fslmaths template_GM -add template_GM_flipped -div 2 template_GM
chmod +x fslvbm2e
fslvbm2e_id=`fsl_sub -j $fslvbm2d_id -T 15 -N fslvbm2e ./fslvbm2e`
echo Creating second-pass template: ID=$fslvbm2e_id
It would look like this.
Is there a way whereby I can fix the Xcode coloring issue?
What's confusing Xcode's syntax highlighting here is specifically the combination of heredocs (<<EOF) and escaped backticks (\`).
There's no way to fix it as-is, but, so long as there is no substituted content in the heredocs, you can use a quoted heredoc to remove the requirement for escaped backticks in the first place:
cat <<'stage_tpl3' > fslvbm2c
template_list=`cat ../template_list`
When the terminating label for a heredoc is enclosed in quotes, substitutions within the heredoc are disabled. It works the exact same way, and Xcode is able to highlight it more gracefully. (As a bonus, it's also easier to read and write the script without all the backslashes in the way!)
As an aside, note that it's conventional to always use the label "EOF" for heredocs. Some editors special-case this for syntax highlighting. It's also easier to spot than something specific to the document.

Bash user prompt while reading file

I am trying to create a user prompt while reading a file a line by line in Bash. The idea is for me to plot various files one-by-one using Gnuplot. Here is what I have:
echo "Enter filename that contains the filenames:"
read fname
while read line
echo -e "reset\nset log\nset xrange$xr\nset yrange$yr\nset xlabel \"Frequency [Hz]\"\nset ylabel \"F_{/Symbol n} [Jy Hz]\"\nset key top left\nplot \"$line.dat\" u 3:(\$3*\$4)*1e26 w l ti \"$line^o\" \n"> plt.gp
gnuplot plt.gp
done < $fname
I would like to enter a user input/"continue?" type thing before "gnuplot plt.gp" command, because at the moment it just plots everything rapidly and then exits. The standard read -p command does not work here. I read somewhere I may need to use file descriptor exec 5 command, but I don't understand. Thanks.
read -p 'Enter filename that contains the filenames: ' fname
while read line
echo -e "reset\nset log\nset xrange$xr\nset yrange$yr\nset xlabel \"Frequency [Hz]\"\nset ylabel \"F_{/Symbol n} [Jy Hz]\"\nset key top left\nplot \"$line.dat\" u 3:(\$3*\$4)*1e26 w l ti \"$line^o\" \n"> plt.gp
gnuplot plt.gp
read -p 'Do you want to continue? [Y/n]: ' want_to_continue </dev/tty
case "${want_to_continue}" in
echo "OK. Bye!"
done < ${fname}
