How to initiate global variable after log out? - spring

My project actual using spring + gradle system,
in some controller file, I added some global variable like this:
#RequestMapping(value = "/admin/question")
public class QuestionAdminController {
List<Question> questions;
String message;
Company company;
this is my WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter class:
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
http.csrf().disable(); // temporary disabled for testing file upload
http.headers().frameOptions().disable(); // disabled for h2 console
// Roles permissions
// Directories access permissions
// All user can access to new routes at the root
// Other requests need the login
// Configure the login page
// Default logout from Spring Security
Now when I logging with another user, these global variables keep still the same value.
So I want to know: How can I initiate these global variable after log out?

A controller is not the best place to initialize and store conversational state or user specific data. A Controller by default has a singleton scope hence its shared by all threads servicing user requests.
You need to extract the user specific data into a separate class which has a session scope in the application context. The bean is initialized every time a new user session is initiated. An example using Java config
public class UserData{
List<Questions> questions;
String message;
// etc
//in your #Configuration class
public UserData userData(){
//initialize and return user data
In your controller inject UserData as follows
#RequestMapping(value = "/admin/question")
public class QuestionAdminController {
private UserData userData;
NB.Your UserData bean needs to be a scoped proxy because the controller into which its injected has a longer scope.Hence the proxy has the responsibility of looking up the bean from the session or creating it if it does not exist

If you declare UserData a session scoped, then the #PostConstruct & #PreDestroy annotated methods will be executed when the session is created or destroyed. There you can manipulate global pareameters.
Might not be the best design however, but I need more details about what you want to achieve.


Request Attribute not found after Spring Security added to Spring Boot app

I have a Spring Boot application that is running. As soon as I added Spring Security, the app generated an error.
I have a form that is backed by a bean. When I enable Spring Security, the bean for the form cannot be found. Before I added Spring Security, the bean and form worked.
The error that I receive after making a GET request to the form is
Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name 'orderActive' available as request attribute
The form is using the ThymeLeaf package.
Spring Security Configuration
public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
Controller Method
public String orderForm() {
return "orderForm";
Test Class Annotations
class DesignTacoControllerTest {
Test Method
public void testProcessDesignGet() throws Exception {
.requestAttr("orderActive", new Order()))
<form method="POST" th:action="#{/orders}" th:object="${orderActive}">
I have tried adding a RequestAttribute to the controller method.
public String orderForm(#RequestAttribute("orderActive") Order orderActive) {
return "orderForm";
When I debug, the order has the same ID as the one that was added in the test method. The next step is to render the view. When I continue, the error appears.
Somewhere between the controller method and the view, the request parameter disappears. It has something to do with security, since the code runs without security enabled. The order form is found, so the page is not forbidden. Does security disable the request attributes?
You say it worked before Security, but, do you have a class (DTO) OrderForm with the fields you need in your form? I don't see one. If you don't create one and then add it to the model (that's the Binding part):
public String orderForm(Model model) {
model.addAttribute("orderForm", new OrderForm())
return "orderForm";

how override spring framework beans?

I want to customize some of the codes of OAuth authorization server provided by spring security. the code responsible for generating /oauth/authorize is a bean named AuthorizationEndpoint. in AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfiguration class the following code creates a bean of AuthorizationEndpoint class:
public AuthorizationEndpoint authorizationEndpoint() throws Exception {
AuthorizationEndpoint authorizationEndpoint = new AuthorizationEndpoint();
FrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping mapping = getEndpointsConfigurer().getFrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping();
authorizationEndpoint.setUserApprovalPage(extractPath(mapping, "/oauth/confirm_access"));
authorizationEndpoint.setErrorPage(extractPath(mapping, "/oauth/error"));
return authorizationEndpoint;
I want to override it by a new custom bean. I have created a class which extends AuthorizationEndpoint. for now I have pasted the same code inside this new class.
public class AuthorizationEndpointCustom extends AuthorizationEndpoint {
creating the bean:
private ClientDetailsService clientDetailsService;
AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfiguration asec;
// #Order(value = Ordered.LOWEST_PRECEDENCE)
public AuthorizationEndpoint authorizationEndpoint () {
AuthorizationEndpointCustom authorizationEndpoint = new AuthorizationEndpointCustom();
FrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping mapping = asec.getEndpointsConfigurer().getFrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping();
authorizationEndpoint.setUserApprovalPage(extractPath(mapping, "/oauth/confirm_access"));
authorizationEndpoint.setErrorPage(extractPath(mapping, "/oauth/error"));
return authorizationEndpoint;
private String extractPath(FrameworkEndpointHandlerMapping mapping, String page) {
String path = mapping.getPath(page);
if (path.contains(":")) {
return path;
return "forward:" + path;
when I try to create a bean of this new class I encounter the following error:
The bean 'authorizationEndpoint', defined in,
could not be registered. A bean with that name has already been
defined in class path resource
[com/example/demo/AuthorizationServerConfig.class] and overriding is
Consider renaming one of the beans or enabling overriding by setting
the error goes away by adding the suggested config to but the new bean does not replace the framework bean. in another part of my code I accessed the AuthorizationEndpoint from applicationContext. I called the .getClass() of this object and it is the same bean from the framework:
how can I force spring to use my bean?
You need a Configuration class
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
public class AppConfig {
public AuthorizationEndpoint authorizationEndpoint() {
if(...) return new AuthorizationEndpoint();
else return new AuthorizationEndpointCustom();
I red an article about overriding beans and it seems so messy and unpredictable. read here
it's best to avoid doing so. The solution to disable framework bean lies in excluding the configuration class which creates it. but this means we have to implement the hole thing ourselves.
but the solution to overriding the framework endpoints is much easier.all we have to do is create a controller with mapping for /oauth/authorize
Customizing the UI Most of the Authorization Server endpoints are used
primarily by machines, but there are a couple of resource that need a
UI and those are the GET for /oauth/confirm_access and the HTML
response from /oauth/error. They are provided using whitelabel
implementations in the framework, so most real-world instances of the
Authorization Server will want to provide their own so they can
control the styling and content. All you need to do is provide a
Spring MVC controller with #RequestMappings for those endpoints, and
the framework defaults will take a lower priority in the dispatcher.
In the /oauth/confirm_access endpoint you can expect an
AuthorizationRequest bound to the session carrying all the data needed
to seek approval from the user (the default implementation is
WhitelabelApprovalEndpoint so look there for a starting point to
copy). You can grab all the data from that request and render it
however you like, and then all the user needs to do is POST back to
/oauth/authorize with information about approving or denying the
grant. The request parameters are passed directly to a
UserApprovalHandler in the AuthorizationEndpoint so you can interpret
the data more or less as you please. The default UserApprovalHandler
depends on whether or not you have supplied an ApprovalStore in your
AuthorizationServerEndpointsConfigurer (in which case it is an
ApprovalStoreUserApprovalHandler) or not (in which case it is a
TokenStoreUserApprovalHandler). The standard approval handlers accept
the following:
read more here.
there is another question related to this subject: read here

Spring Security using value of variable in class to authenticate

I am using Spring Security in my application. I am authenticating APIs based on the role (ADMIN, USER).
There is one API endpoint which I would like to restrict access using the value of a variable passed as parameter to it.
I have
protected void configure(HttpSecurity httpSecurity) throws Exception {
.antMatchers(HttpMethod.OPTIONS, "/**").permitAll()
httpSecurity.addFilterBefore(authenticationTokenFilterBean(), UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class);
I have a call
public ResponseEntity<BotResponse> handleRequest(#Valid #RequestBody SomeClass someClass) {
// if someClass.getSomeValue() is not present in the User permissions, then it should give an unauthorized response.
return value(someClass);
The User in Spring Security is :
public Class User {
String userId;
String userName;
String authorities;
List<String> someList;
//Getters and setters for variables
And the SomeClass used is :
public Class SomeClass {
String someValue;
String userName;
// Getters and Setters
How do I not allow users based on if the value of someClass.getSomeValue is present in User's someList?
As per your question, one approach would be to get the UserDetails stored in your Spring Security Authentication Context and then check the concerned data in this context object against the value passed as the parameter. I'm assuming that you have all the required values stored in the Security Context.
This check can be done in the endpoint code itself(if you have a small number of such APIs). If there are multiple APIs that need the same logic, you will have to implement either a filter that filters only these API(config can be written in web.xml) or a pointcut(through AOP).
Perhaps you could do such kind of authorization with spring's global method security.
To use Method Level Authorization you need to add the following annotation to your Security Configuration class.
#EnableGlobalMethodSecurity(prePostEnabled = true)
Then apply #PreAuthorize using Spring Expression Language, to your end point. Something like..
#PreAuthorize("#someService.checkUserAccess(principal, #someClass)")
public ResponseEntity<BotResponse> handleRequest(#Valid #RequestBody SomeClass someClass) {
// if someClass.getSomeValue() is not present in the User permissions, then it should give an unauthorized response.
return value(someClass);
#someService is a Bean which you would autowired in the Controller and define checkUserAccess() method in this been. Something like ..
public boolean checkUserAccess(Pricipal principal, SomeClass someClass) {
// here you can fetch your full user object from db or session (depending on your application architecture)
// apply what ever logic you want to apply, return true if user has access and false if no.
Note / Suggestion- You may add this checkUserAccess() method to your existing user service if your application design allows it, and autowire user service in the controller.

How to simulate session closing / expiring in Spring Boot tests?

I would like to add a couple of tests to the example shown here:
to be able to verify that a user can no longer access resources requiring authentication when session closes or expires. I would like to simulate both the following conditions in my tests:
a) the user voluntarily ends their session (e.g. close their browser);
b) the session times out;
I don't know how to reproduce those conditions using MockMvc.
I managed to do the following:
public void sessionIsInvalid() throws Exception {
FormLoginRequestBuilder login = formLogin()
.andDo(mvcResult -> {
MockHttpSession session = (MockHttpSession)mvcResult.getRequest().getSession();
...which seems to work but I am not totally sure what invalidate does in this context and whether it matches condition a) above.
To emulate the session timeout, I've done instead:
public void sessionExpires() throws Exception {
FormLoginRequestBuilder login = formLogin()
.andDo(mvcResult -> {
MockHttpSession session = (MockHttpSession)mvcResult.getRequest().getSession();
...but this doesn't work. Can someone help me understand what I am doing wrong?
When using Spring Boot with Spring Security (which is all about in you link), my approach is this:
create a custom spring security filter that is able to "convince" spring security that the session is expired (whatever it believes a session is)
add the custom filter just before ConcurrentSessionFilter
create an inner static #TestConfiguration class which could, in theory, just configure the HttpSecurity to add the custom filter (that's all we want). In practice I found that usually I have to have the class annotated with #TestConfiguration to extend my project's security configuration class (or at least the main one, if having many, e.g. SecurityConfiguration for my project); because in SecurityConfiguration I usually declare other #Bean too (e.g. CorsConfigurationSource) I usually have to also use #WebMvcTest(properties = "spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true", ...) to avoid the bean overriding error; have the class annotated with #TestConfiguration to be annotated with #Order(HIGHEST_PRECEDENCE) too.
create a simple web mvc test trying to GET some project-existing endpoint, e.g.:
void sessionExpired() {
run the test and expect for your configured session expiration strategy to kick in; see HttpSecurity.sessionManagement(session -> session...expiredUrl(...)) or HttpSecurity.sessionManagement(session -> session...expiredSessionStrategy(...))
The below spring security configuration provided as a #TestConfiguration works with Spring Boot 2.3.12.RELEASE (and probably many more).
static class Config extends SecurityConfiguration {
public Config(SessionInformationExpiredStrategy expiredSessionStrategy, InvalidSessionStrategy invalidSessionStrategy) {
super(expiredSessionStrategy, invalidSessionStrategy);
protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {
// the custom filter as a lambda expression
http.addFilterBefore((request, response, chain) -> {
// preparing some objects we gonna need
HttpServletRequest httpRequest = (HttpServletRequest) request;
HttpSession session = httpRequest.getSession(false);
Authentication authentication = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
// getting our hands on the object that Spring Security believes
// is the "session" and which is in ConcurrentSessionFilter
List<Filter> filters = (List) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(chain, "additionalFilters");
int currentPosition = (int) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(chain, "currentPosition");
ConcurrentSessionFilter concurrentSessionFilter = (ConcurrentSessionFilter) filters.get(currentPosition);
SessionRegistry sessionRegistry = (SessionRegistry) ReflectionTestUtils.getField(concurrentSessionFilter, "sessionRegistry");
// the "session" does not exist (from Spring Security's PoV),
// we actually have to create (aka "register") it
sessionRegistry.registerNewSession(session.getId(), authentication.getPrincipal());
// the actual session expiration (from Spring Security's PoV)
// let the filters continue their job; ConcurrentSessionFilter
// follows and it'll determine that the "session" is expired
chain.doFilter(request, response);
}, ConcurrentSessionFilter.class);
session.setMaxInactiveInterval(1); // in seconds
Thread.sleep(3); // in milliseconds

Not understanding Spring SessionAttribute and Autowiring

I'm not a Spring expert and I'm facing a behavior I don't understand...
I have a SessionAttribute "user" in my Controller, that is autowired to my bean User.
When I log in, my User is populated with some values etc.
When I log out, I am expecting that my session attribute "user" would be reset, but it keeps its values.
So where is the problem? Is my log out not working properly? Or is it normal and so, could someone explain me what is happening inside Spring please?
Here is a code Sample to understand my question:
public class HomeController
private User user;
// Session Attribute
public User setSessionAttribute()
LOGGER.debug("Adding user to session...");
return user;
Edit: logout sample code and user declaration
My User is declared like this:
public class User
To log out I have a link pointing to /myapp/j_spring_security_logout and I have implemented a logout handler:
public class MyLogoutSuccessHandler extends SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler
public void onLogoutSuccess(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Authentication authentication)
throws IOException, ServletException
//to check if user is in session, but it's not
Enumeration<String> e = request.getSession().getAttributeNames();
//some code needed to log out from my custom security manager
//kill the session (not spring session) and redirect to the specified url
super.onLogoutSuccess(request, response, authentication);
Now that you've posted User
public class User
you will notice that it is has Singleton scope. The bean autowired here
private User user;
is that singleton instance. It will always be the same regardless of what Session or request you're processing and regardless of you logging out. So up to now, all your users have been sharing the same User instance.
You can change it to have Session scope.
#Scope(value = WebApplicationContext.SCOPE_SESSION, proxyMode = ScopedProxyMode.TARGET_CLASS)
public class User
Now each Session will have its own instance to work with.
I believe SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler is not clearing the content of the session.
SimpleUrlLogoutSuccessHandler only invokes the handle() method in AbstractAuthenticationTargetUrlRequestHandler and it's Javadoc says:
Invokes the configured RedirectStrategy with the URL returned by the determineTargetUrl method.
The redirect will not be performed if the response has already been committed.
Simplest solution would be to remove this attribute from the session by:
