I have Seeed ReSpeaker v2.0 and it comes with Mozilla already installed. It is not starting and it gave me this error:
I tried different browsers and all not starting
I also tried to reinstall Mozilla and clear and same result
I had the same problem after upgrading (apt-get upgrade), so I downgraded Firefox:
sudo apt-get install firefox-esr=52.9.0esr-1~deb9u1
Then I was able to run the demo install and use Firefox to register the device with Amazon.
Hope this helps.
I'm not able to install Firefox 45.0.2 on my Debian system. I have downloaded the .tar file and followed the steps. While checking the version, I'm getting the below error. I'm not able to launch Firefox with
firefox -v
Error: bash: /usr/bin/firefox: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
I was able to install and use other Firefox versions without any issues.
try this
sudo apt-get install firefox=45.0.2+build1-0ubuntu1
Recently got a mac and was able to run Mozilla without any issues but having trouble installing chrome extensions and running it for selenium. Can someone guide me through the process of installing the extension and running selenium on Mac chrome.
If you want to use Selenium WebDriver with Chrome, first download ChromeDriver - WebDriver for Chrome. This can be installed via Homebrew with brew install chromedriver, or manually by downloading, extracting, moving and setting the PATH as follows:
$ cd $HOME/Downloads
$ wget http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/2.22/chromedriver_mac32.zip
$ unzip chromedriver_mac32.zip
$ mkdir -p $HOME/bin
$ mv chromedriver $HOME/bin
$ echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
Source: install and set path to chromedriver on mac or linux
You should then read Getting started with ChromeDriver on Desktop, in particular the sample code which shows how you map the path to the executable and instantiate ChromeDriver. If you have a reference to the driver in the PATH variable, you can omit the configuration line.
You can install both packed (.crx file) and unpacked (directory) extensions via ChromeDriver. See the code snippets for setting either up here.
If you were using Selenium IDE for FireFox instead, there is no version available for Chrome. The best alternative I know of is iMacros for Chrome.
Sometimes you will face a problem with the old version of chromedriver and when you try to install it using this command:
brew cask install chromedriver
It shows you the following:
Error: It seems there is already a Binary at '/usr/local/bin/chromedriver'; not linking.
However, you can the following step:
brew cask reinstall chromedriver
If it still shows you the same error, you can remove it with the following command
rm /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
and install it again
brew cask install chromedriver
You should have the last updated version of chrome driver
I think that the easy way for running mac osx, chrome and selenium together is like this on mac os terminal:
# download selenium jar
curl -L0 https://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/3.9/selenium-server-standalone-3.9.1.jar -o selenium-server-standalone.jar
# install chromedriver using cask
brew cask install chromedriver
# start chrome driver
brew services start chromedriver
#==> Successfully started `chromedriver` (label:homebrew.mxcl.chromedriver)
# start selenium server
java -jar selenium-server-standalone.jar
#14:38:20.684 INFO - Selenium build info: version: '3.9.1', revision: '63f7b50'
#14:38:20.685 INFO - Launching a standalone Selenium Server on port 4444
I guess you have a couple of options.
either manually downloading chrome driver and adding it to your PATH,
or using webdriver_manager package
Manually downloading chromedriver
The first option is to manually download chromedriver and add it your PATH:
Step 1: Download chromedriver
# You can find more recent/old versions at http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/
wget http://chromedriver.storage.googleapis.com/81.0.4044.69/chromedriver_mac64.zip
Step 2: Add chromedriver to your PATH (e.g. /usr/local/bin)
unzip chromedriver_mac64.zip
cp chromedriver /usr/local/bin
You should now be able to run
from selenium import webdriver
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
without any issues
Using webdriver_manager
Alternatively, you can use webdriver_manager that contains most web drivers.
First install it with pip:
pip install webdriver_manager
And for Chrome in particular, you should do
from webdriver_manager.chrome import ChromeDriverManager
browser = webdriver.Chrome(ChromeDriverManager().install())
One way is if you have homebrew on your mac, then on terminal, use this command
brew install chromedriver
Then you need to download chromedriver on your machine, do it from
Download latest version
It will look like, "chromedriver_mac32.zip"
(doesn't matter if its 32 bit, it will work for 64 bit MAC as well)
Use this code for open Chrome if your chromedriver that you downloaded is inside your project folder and looks like this
..Project folder/Chrome/chromedriver
driver=new ChromeDriver();
Use chrome driver, download from here
Add the file in pycharm project, then use this cmd to disable permission pop up
xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver
Also in python program, use these lines, make sure chrome is installed in Applications
import selenium
from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
options.binary_location = '/Applications/Google Chrome.app/Contents/MacOS/Google Chrome'
driver = webdriver.Chrome('/Users/<Username>/PycharmProjects/selenium_py/chromedriver')
Install chromedriver directly with brew install chromedriver.
The chrome driver is located in /usr/local/bin/chromedriver.
If you reload your terminal with source ~/.bashrc or source ~/.zshrc, depending on your setup or restart the terminal if should work.
If it does not work add the chrome driver to your PATH. You need to add /usr/local/bin/chromedriverto your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc by adding the line: export PATH=$HOME/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH.
The easiest way to do this after downloading the right chromedriver is with the oneliner:
sudo chmod a+x chromedriver && sudo mv chromedriver /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
I have been trying to install PyQt on my mac (OSX 10.6.8), but I still having this problem:
When I try to install PyQt-mac-gpl-4.9.6, I get this
Error: This version of PyQt requires SIP v4.14.2 or later.
The weird thing is that when I want to check for sip version on the console and write
sip -V
,I get the correct version: 4.14.2
I have checked my PATH but non of the online tips that I have found have helped me. How do I fix this?
I would recommend checking to see if you have sip installed in different locations, with the newer version being in a path that is not at the head of your PATH.
mdfind -name sip | grep '/bin/'
This should tell you all of the sip binaries on your computer. Check the version of all of them, and then make sure that path is at the front of PATH
What it could actually be, regardless of it seeming like you only have one sip, is a leftover .pyc file that is getting picked up before your intended sip. Try this to confirm:
$ python
>>> import sipconfig
>>> print sipconfig
This will tell you where it is finding sipconfig. If it looks like the wrong spot, or if you check it and all that is left is the pyc file, remove it. Then your newer sip should be found properly.
I had a similar issue after installing sip 4.14.2 over a previous version of 4.13.1 on Mac OSX 10.7.4 and Python 2.7. Strangely, the version of sip from the command line was different from the version from the Python sipconfig module.
$ sip -V
$ python -c "import sipconfig; print sipconfig.version_to_string(sipconfig.Configuration().sip_version)"
I ran through the install again, this time with running the install step as 'sudo make install' and the two versions matched at 4.14.2 and the PyQt instal was successful.
$ cd ~/Downloads/sip-4.14.2/
$ python configure.py
$ make
$ sudo make install
I was using Firefox 12 with Selenium::WebDriver (ver 2.22) and everything was working fine. Then I, stupidly, upgraded to Firefox 13 via the Ubuntu weekly updates. Selenium (2.22) could not control FF 13 so I went out and got Selenium 2.23. Then I started getting some weird behavior and thought it was my hard drive.
Stupid mistake number #2 I did a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10 on my primary hard drive (thinking I was actually doing it to a backup drive but the backup only held backups of my scripts not an entire image of my primary).
So I installed Ubuntu 11.10 and I didn't think upgrading would be such a big deal (I believe I was using 11.04 previously but it might have been 10 something). In the past upgrading Ubuntu versions has solved most issues for me not crated new ones. Prior to 11.10 I used the command
sudo gem update --system
to upgrade all the gems and got Selenium 2.23 when I did it. Now in 11.10 I get a message about update --system having been removed in Debian blah, blah, blah use apt-get. However, apt-get leaves me with Selenium 2.22 not 2.23 and Selenium still can't control FF 13.
I tried guessing and used the command
sudo gem install selenium-webdriver-2.23.0
hoping to upgrade my selenium that way but no luck.
So after multiple attempts at getting Selenium 2.23 I downgraded FF to 12 and tested that FF 12 could be controlled via the IRB. FF 12 immediately upgraded itself to FF 13.0.1 and now I'm back to square one.
Is there a way to get Selenium 2.23 on Ubuntu 11.10?
You can install a specific version of Selenium using:
pip install selenium==2.23.0
To verify the version installed from pip, use (will list all installed libraries and their version number):
pip freeze
or to just list selenium:
pip freeze | grep selenium
Have you tried downloading Selenium from the official site?
Try upgrading to a stand alone selenium library (jar in my case) , that might help as you might be missing on updating the dependencies.