What is the PHPDoc Eclipse multitype: and how do I use it? - phpdoc

When I document my methods in PDT Eclipse, if the return of a method might be an array, it generates the following kind of documentation / type hinting:
* #return multitype:Ambigous <\CodeBase\Node\DataNode, NULL>
I have looked for this documentation and found a few good ones, but nothing good on the "multitype" and "Ambiguous".
Is there any documentation which covers how to best make use of this in order to use the type hinting? Is it maybe possible to define the array structure returned: e.g. that the returned array contains a string key and a certain kind of object - would be useful for "foreach" loops?

PDT since 3.6 (Mars.1) no longer generate multitype / amiguous and follow phpdoc standard:
multitype:ClassName => ClassName[]
Amiguous< ClassName,ClassName2 > => ClassName|ClassName2
See also:


TypedSort 'by' in Spring Data as described in reference docs does not compile

I am a newbee with Spring data and I try to implement a TypeSort 'by'.
The reference docs (https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/jpa/docs/current/reference/html/#repositories.paging-and-sorting) show the following example:
TypedSort<Person> person = Sort.sort(Person.class);
TypedSort<Person> sort = person.by(Person::getFirstname).ascending()
This does not compile on my computer (Type mismatch: cannot convert from Sort to Sort.TypedSort). I am using OpenJDK version 13.
After some trying, the following code (a little bit simplified for testing) seems to work ok:
TypedSort<Person> sorter = Sort.sort(Person.class);
Sort sorted = sorter.by(Person::getFirstName).descending();
Did I miss something in the documentation or is this a documentation flaw?
It's an error in the reference documentation or something they forgot to implement.
As soon as you call .ascending() or .descending(), it's a Sort and no longer a TypedSort.
I guess TypedSort it was only tested/implemented to be used as a 'fluent' API:
Sort sort = Sort.sort(Person.class)
So the following should work, but it's not like in the documentation:
TypedSort<Person> person = Sort.sort(Person.class);
Sort sort = person.by(Person::getFirstname).ascending()

Accessing Ruby Threads

Probably not even a valid question but how can I see what this block contains:
spec = Thread.current[:spec]
print spec # gives => #<RSpec::Core::ExampleGroup::Nested_1:0x7f61991d90c8>
Can I see any of the methods assigned to this or whatever is in it?
If more context is needed, I'm trying to understand what spec is doing here in function here but not being used anywhere (at least directly)
To view properties do:
If you want to access those properties:

Is it possible to use Jasmine's toHaveBeenCalledWith matcher with a regular expression?

I have reviewed Jasmine's documentation of the toHaveBeenCalledWith matcher in order to understand whether it's possible to pass in a regular expression for an argument, if that argument is expected to be a string. Unfortunately, this is unsupported functionality. There's also an issue open on github requesting this functionality.
I've dug a bit into the codebase, and I see how it might be possible to implement this inside the existing matcher. I think it would be more appropriate to implement it as a separate matcher though, so that the abstraction is captured individually.
In the meantime, what might be a good workaround?
After doing some digging, I've discovered that Jasmine spy objects have a calls property, which in turn has a mostRecent() function. This function also has a child property args, which returns an array of call arguments.
Thus, one may use the following sequence to perform a regexp match on call arguments, when one wants to check that the string arguments match a specific regular expression:
var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
mySpy("bar", "baz");
Pretty straightforward.
As of Jasmine 2.2, you can use jasmine.stringMatching:
var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
mySpy('bar', 'baz');
In Jasmine 2.0 the signature changed a bit. Here it would be:
var mySpy = jasmine.createSpy('foo');
mySpy("bar", "baz");
And the Documentation for Jasmine 1.3 has moved.
Alternatively, if you are spying on a method on an object:
spyOn(obj, 'method');
obj.method('bar', 'baz');
Sometimes it is more readable to write it this way:
spyOn(obj, 'method').and.callFake(function(arg1, arg2) {
obj.method('bar', 'baz');
It give more clear visibility of method arguments (instead of using array)
As jammon mentioned, the Jasmine 2.0 signature has changed. If you are spying on the method of an object in Jasmine 2.0, Nick's solution should be changed to use something like -
spyOn(obj, 'method');
obj.method('bar', 'baz');

How to do an upsert / push with mongoid / moped

I'm using Mongoid (v3) to access MongoDB, and want to perform this action:
{sessionid: '12345'}, /* selection criteria */
{'$push':{rows: "new set of data"}}, /* modification */
true /* upsert */
This works fine in the mongo shell. It's also exactly what I want since it's a single atomic operation which is important to me as I'm going to be calling it a lot. I don't want to have to do two operations -- a fetch and then an update. I've tried a bunch of things through mongoid, but can't get it to work.
How can I get MongoID out of the way and just send this command to MongoDB? I'm guessing there's some way to do this at the Moped level, but the documentation of that library is basically non-existent.
[Answer found while writing the question...]
criteria = Sessionlogs.collection.find(:sessionid => sessionid)
criteria.upsert("$push" => {"rows" => datarow})
Here is one way to do it:
session_log = SessionLog.new(session_id: '12345')
session_log.push(:rows, "new set of data")
Or another:
SessionLog.find_or_create_by(session_id: '12345').
push(:rows, "new set of data")
#push performs an atomic $push on the field. It is explained on the
Atomic Persistence page.
(Note: the examples use UpperCamelCase and snake_case as is Ruby convention.)
Don't go down to moped just yet, you can use find and modify operation to achieve the same thing (with all the default scope and inheritance goodies)
Sample to save an edge in a graph if not existed
edge = {source_id: session[:user_id],dest_id:product._id, name: edge_name}

Rally API using Ruby: How do I reference the testcase method (Automated/Manual)?

I am using Ruby to work with the Rally API. I am trying to reference the testcase method. The method being Manual or Automated, but I always get an error. I am using Ruby, so I don’t know if method is a reserved word in Ruby, or what is happening. Could you please let me know how to reference the test case method?
I am able to do:
But I can’t do
I always get this error.
‘method’: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1) (ArgumentError)
Are you using rally_rest_api or rally_api?
If you are using rally_rest_api - Charles is correct. try testcase.elements[:method]
(fieldname downcased and underscored as a symbol)
If you are using rally_api - http://rubygems.org/gems/rally_api -
Getting fields can just be:
Hope that helps.
You just need to capitalize the names when trying to access built-in fields (i.e. fields that are not custom). I came across this problem myself and using tc.Method instead of tc.method fixed it.
The reason this error shows up can be seen in the docs for Object#method which, as you've likely figured out by now, causes your code to call the method method instead of access the field named method.
