Vagrant machine events - vagrant

I'm trying to understand if there is the possibility to develop a vagrant plugin that permits through the vagrantfile to attach custom beahviours to vm events, such the execution of shell commands.
For example a vagrant rsync after a command like composer install has been run on the virtual machine.
Any ideas?

You can use the vagrant-triggers


Can you perform a vagrant provision from inside the VM?

Usually you have to run vagrant provision from outside your VM to create the VM to begin with. I then do a vagrant ssh to inspect the resultant VM.
If I wish to make small tweaks to the VM (using chef zero recipes in my case), I have to either switch to an other tab that is on my physical host, or exit the SSH session. it would be nice if you could do this run-and-inspect inside the previously created VM.
Why I'm asking: I have too many terminal tabs open for development and am looking for ways to prune, and avoid mental context switching (not to mention trying to figure out which tab is which).
No, you can not run a vagrant provision from inside the same vagrant machine.
Vagrant is running on your host and provisioning the VM according to the specified vagrantfile. Any changes that you want to have applied during the provisioning must somehow come from the vagrantfile.
What you can do is modify a running vagrant machine in any way you want from inside the vagrant machine, and then export the VM using vagrant package to a new vagrant box which then can be used as base for new vagrant VMs.
PS: Not sure how you're dev environment looks like, but I suggest you look into terminal multiplexers like GNU screen or tmux, that might be able to help you with your "tab issues".

Can cloud-config be used to provision a Vagrant box?

I'd like set up a development Vagrant VM using the same could-config file I'd use to provision a production VM. Vagrant doesn't have a built-in cloud-init/cloud-config provisioner, though. Is there still some way to do that?
Cloud-Init is not nativelly supported on Vagrant box images, instead the included vagrant provision do the job.
However there is a way to do it with VirtualBox
Install from scratch a VM using the distro ISO
Install cloud-init on the VM.
Stop and convert the VM to template.
Then the deployment of a new VM
Save the user-data and meta-data as an iso file
Clone the template and start it with the iso attached

Use Windows with Virtual Box as Host and VM guest for managing with Vagrant and Ansible

Is there a way for next scenario as I am planing to setup lab environment:
physical desktop running Windows 8 platform
on Windows 8, I plan to install ONLY Virtual Box 5.1
then on VirtualBox to setup CentOS system
and then on CentOS will be running Vagrant and Ansible (no VirtualBox installation)
Question: Is there any way that this setup will work to create new environments via CentOS as Vagrant-Ansible manage servers?
Thank you for your answer. I try to setup as I mentioned above without luck. I am new user of Vagrant and Ansible so I am having trouble to make it work. I setup Linux system on VB, install vagrant, install Ansible but when I hit 'vagrant up' I am getting error that "No usable default provider could be found for your". I am following documentation form official sites but can;t make it work. Then I try to install VirtualBox inside Linux system and now it is working but defined machines with Vagrant installs inside Linux machine (where are Vagrant and Ansible installed) and not on Host VirtualBox. Any advice? I hope it is clearer now. Thanks
I have had some success in using a Windows Ansible Host and running using Vagrant with this host.
I have scripted how to setup Win Ansible and the shims at:
The important bit is to setup shims that call bash scripts running under cygwin.
Another important thing to consider is, is that it is probably better to generate your own inventory file (put it in the vagrant file before you create VMs) then to use an auto-generated inventory file.
If you environment is not simple consider not using Vagrant provisioner for Ansible, but rather call Ansible via command line at the end of the vagrant file (after you have created the VMs).

Create a virtual machine for development with Vagrant

I am using nodejs with ansible and vagrant
I need to create a new machine for development with such things:
on every vagrant up I need to do:
run this script (to install all needed soft for development):
bash <(wget -qO-
NPM install on every submodule in my project
install and run mongodb service
How I can set these stuff to do automatically in vagrant or ansible?
You have a few options:
vagrant up, install your dependencies and repackage it as a box with: vagrant package or vagrant box repackage
Use chef/puppet/ansible provisioners, or even the shell provisioner. This will allow it to happen on vagrant up or vagrant provision
Roll your own in ruby and have vagrant run it (a vagrantfile is basically just ruby). I don't recommend this way.
I personally recommend 2 even though its the slowest (requires you to do all the owrk every time you destroy and up). 1 is a really good choice but I tend to keep vagrant as close to base state as possible so that no surprises pop up during deployment. And it makes it easier to share across people if you don't have to constantly re-package it and maintain that .box

How to install ansible-playbook on windows as host with vagrant

I am trying to orchestrate server with LEMP stack and other configuration. For this I'm using vagrant to up(manage) servers and Ansible for auto configuration and package installations. I'm using windows as host machine where ansible need to be installed and all *Nix machine would be guest which are going to be configured.
With pip I have successfully installed ansible in C:\Python27\Scripts
I am facing Problem in running ansible and ansible-playbook on windows. If any one has done this for windows machine, Please share article or way to accomplish.
I had gone through above article but its not working, Error
==> default: Running provisioner: ansible...
zsh:1: no such file or directory: /bin/ansible-playbook
Ansible failed to complete successfully. Any error output should be
visible above. Please fix these errors and try again.
In *Nix as guest all working excellent. But looking for support to do same in windows machine.
Using windows as the control machine is not supported. But you can have a pleasant experience using docker with boot2docker.
This will install a virtualbox VM guest on the windows machine, which you will be able to use to configure you vagrant boxes, for which you will have to configure the networking properly.
You can achieve this with cygwin. For scripts to do this have a look at:
As an added bonus it adds the shims required to use Ansible from windows command prompt and from Vagrant.
From the documentation:
Currently Ansible can be run from any machine with Python 2 (version 2.7) or Python 3 (versions 3.5 and higher) installed. Windows isn’t supported for the control machine.
Generally speaking, if you are using a Windows host, you have 3 options. Listed in order of (my) preference:
Run Ansible from a Docker container
Run Ansible from WSL (if you're running on Windows 10). This Gist can help you with some further setup so that you don't have to invoke WSL to run Ansible.
Run Ansible from Cygwin
