Opinion dynamics in Netlogo - probability

I have just discovered netlogo as a tool for modelling social processes. I need help for implementing a model I would like to test.
In my model, I have two types of agents, either angry or fearful.
Angry ones have a "risky" opinion between 6 and 10
Fearful ones have a "moderate" opinion between 1 and 5
They may change their opinion under the influence of their Moore neighbours, according to this rule:
to compute-influence
ask turtles
[ ask one-of turtles
[ set opinion ( sum [ opinion ] of turtles-on neighbors ) / count turtles-on neighbors
set opinion precision ( influencedOpinion) 1
set steps steps + 1
ifelse opinion < 6
[ set opinion "moderate" ]
[ set opinion "risky" ]
What I would like to do is modelling a different behaviour of angry and fearful agents, so that both follow the rule, but:
fearful agents update their opinion according to the rule with a probability of 65%
angry agents with a probability of 35%
Probably because of my inexperience, I did not find in the Netlogo manual anything about applying a probability to a rule...can anyone help?


Netlogo: how to create a network of turtles sharing the same feature in a random way?

I know how to create a network of turtles sharing the same feature (sds)
ask turtlel[
create-links-with other turtles with [
sds = [ sds ] of myself ]
My question is, it is possible to link just some of those? For example, a link is created given a random probability from zero to one between to turtles having the same sds
You need the primitive n-of. Try something like this (you could code in fewer lines, but I have stretched it out for readability:
let target-prop 0.2
ask turtles
[ let samesds other turtles with [sds = [sds] of myself]
let join-count ceiling target-prop * count samesds
if any? samesds
[ create-links-with n-of join-count samesds
Now that you have done a little bit of exploring with NetLogo, you might want to have another go at the tutorials and also look at the library models to get a feel for some of the primitives that are available.

Netlogo: choosing ranked n-of turtles to add to a certain value to a variable

I'm constructing a model to research opinion dynamics given certain network structures. In the model, there is a hypothetical 'dictator' who can hand out resources (or 'bribes') to certain nodes in the network. What I want is that the dictator can choose the top X% of nodes in the model who have the most positive opinions. (later I also want to the dictator to choose the nodes with the most network connections)
What's the best way to do this? I'm not sure how to use the n-of command for a 'ranked' n-of. Or is it better to use another term I'm not aware of?
ask n-of ??? turtles [set bribes (bribes + height-of-bribe)]
currently, I have:
foreach sublist sort-on [(- total-motivation)] nodes 0 10 ask nodes [
set bribes (bribes + height-of-bribes)]
but I'm still getting errors. Any thoughts?
Edit 2:
Nevermind. It works. Thanks!
I think you probably want the max-n-of primitive. There is no need to sort and take the first (or last) of the list. You probably want something like
ask max-n-of 10 turtles [total-motivation] [set bribes (bribes + height-of-bribes)]
When you later want the ones with the most links, just put [count my-links] instead of [total-motivation]

NetLogo: comparing neighbors' values

during my model set up on innovation diffusion, another little programming issue occured to me in NetLogo. I would like to model that people more likely learn from people they are alike. Therfore the model considers an ability value that allocated to each agent:
[set ability random 20 ]
In the go procedure I then want them to compare their own ability value with the values from their linked neighbors.
So for example: ability of turtle1 = 5, ability of neighbor1 = 10, ability of neighbor2 = 4. Hence the (absoulute) differences are [ 5, 1]. Hence he will learn more from neighbor2 than from neighbor1.
But I don't know how to approach the problem of asking each single neighbor for the difference. As a first idea, I thought of doing it via a list-variable like [difference1, ..., difference(n)].
So far I only got an aggregated approach using average values, but this is not really consistent with recent social learning theory and might overlay situtations on which the agent has many different neighbors but one who is quite similar to him:
ask turtles
set ability random 20
set ability-of-neighbor (sum [ability] of link-neighbors / count link-neighbors)
set neighbor-coefficient (abs (ability - ability-of-neighbor))
;;the smaller the coefficient the more similar are the neighbors and the more the turtle learns from his neighbor(s)
Thank you again for your help and advice, and I really appreciate any comments.
Kind regards,
I am having a bit of a time getting my head around what you want but here is a method of ranking link-neighbors.
let link-neighbor-rank sort-on [abs (ability - [ability] of myself)] link-neighbors
it produces a list of link neighbors in ascending order of difference of ability.
if you only want the closest neighbor use
let best min-one-of link-neighbors [abs (ability - [ability] of myself)]
I hope this helps.

NetLogo: ask link-neighbors for a tick-counter value

At the moment I am working on an agent-based model about successful innovation diffusion in social networks. So far I am a newbie in agent-based-modeling and programing.
The main idea is to model social learning among farmers, hence the agents decision to adopt an innovation mainly depends on his personal network, meaning that if he is well connected and his neighbours are using the innovation successfully, he will more likely adopt than if he is located remotely in the network.
Beside the network related arguments about social learning, I would like to implement a time dimension, for example the longer the neighbors of an agent use the innovation successfully, the more likely the agent will adopt the innovation as well. But this is exactly the point where I am stuck right at the moment. My goal is to implement the following argument. The Pseudo Code looks like the following so far.
1) a turtles-own tick counter
ask turtles
ifelse [adopted? = true]
[set ime-adopted time-adopted + 1] [set time-adopted 0]
2) In a second precedure each agent should check how long his neighbours use this innovation (in terms of "check time-adopted of neighbors").
ask turtles with [not adopted?]
[ask link-neigbhors with [adopted?]
[...*(Here I dont know how to ask for the time adopted value)*]
;the agent will then sum up all values he got from his neighbors from "time-adopted"
set time-neighbors-adopted [sum all "time-adopted" values of neighbors]
;The agent will then implement these values into his personal utility
;function which determines if he adopts the innovation or not
set utility utiltiy + 0.3 * time-neighbors-adopted
Many thanks for your help and advice.
Kind regards,
To get the sum of time the neighbors have adopted the innovation you only need one line because Netlogo is amazing.
set time-neighbors-adopted sum [time-adopted] of link-neighbors with [adopted?]
like that

Optimizing Netlogo Code - too much ticks each run?

I would like to optimize my netlogo code and did this by using the profiler extension to track down bottlenecks. Furthermore, I am running my model in headless mode, which I give 2 GB of RAM (-Xmx2048m), and have 2601 patches with around 100-1500 agents. I use the time extension for netlogo.
Now, I have four general questions.
1) Is it better to write the exit conditions (see down below) within the model (in .nlogo) or in BehaviorSearch (which I use with the .xml file in headless mode), or does it not make any difference?
Within the Model:
if count turtles = 0 [ stop ]
if time:is-equal dt (time:create "1722-04-05") [ stop ] ;using the time extension
Within BehaviorSpace:
<exitCondition>count turtles = 0</exitCondition>
<exitCondition>time:is-equal dt (time:create "1722-04-05")</exitCondition>
2) I think I could optimize my model to the extent that it hardly runs faster by optimizing the code (see screenshot which I took after 6,5 hours of simulations running):
But, I am getting more and more doubtful about the way I scale each tick to represent a day in my model (which is actually a crucial element). I am getting doubtful because the maximal time span possible in my model would be 472 years. That would make 172280 ticks for a complete run of the model! I do not know if having a lot of ticks per run in Netlogo can be a huge bottleneck given the performance I have (see profiler output above).
3) Would it be reasonable to add the gpu extension into the model to gain more speed or is it not so easy to implement that? I ask because I have not found any documentation about that. This possibility(?) seems to be largely ignored, see this thread.
4) Would it make sense and would it be technically possible to run netlogo-headless in RAM? You might already see upon these questions that I am not really firm about such technicalities but interested about the possibilities.
Down below you find the code snippet of orientation as requested:
to orientation
ifelse (energy < 4) [ ;if hungry
let nearest-resource min-one-of (patches with [pcolor = green] in-radius 3 ) [ distance myself ] ;check distance between you and nearest resource (3 fields 360 degrees view)
if is-patch? nearest-resource [ ;if green patch exist at all
move-to nearest-resource ]
[ rt random-float 30 - random-float 30 ] ;otherwise just walk randomly around
This part of the code has been subject of a recent discussion here on stackoverflow.
Thanks for posting your code! Luckily, it can be optimized! patches with [pcolor = green] will iterate through every single patch, checking to see which are green. ... in-radius 3 will iterate through all the green ones, checking to see which are close enough. However, if you do patches in-radius 3 first, NetLogo can compute exactly which patches are in that radius without having to check them all. Then, there are far fewer patches to check the color of as well. I got an almost 10x speedup from swapping the order of those:
to orientation
ifelse (energy < 4) [ ;if hungry
let nearest-resource min-one-of (patches in-radius 3 with [pcolor = green] ) [ distance myself ] ;check distance between you and nearest resource (3 fields 360 degrees view)
if is-patch? nearest-resource [ ;if green patch exist at all
move-to nearest-resource ]
[ rt random-float 30 - random-float 30 ] ;otherwise just walk randomly around
You have to be careful with querying on patches since there are typically a lot of patches. Doing in-radius checks before other checks can help a lot, since NetLogo can optimize patches in-radius.
Quick answers to your questions:
Shouldn't make a difference, but I like to put mine in BehaviorSpace.
More ticks alone is not necessarily bad. See Ising for example.
Haven't used it, but I would be really surprised if it worked. The last commit was over 4 years ago, which is many NetLogo versions ago. That said, if you get it working, I'd love to know!
Not exactly sure what you mean, but NetLogo runs entirely RAM. That said, if NetLogo and other programs running at the same time are using more memory than you have RAM, the OS will offload memory onto the hard drive, which can cause a serious slowdown in some cases. This is unlikely, but can definitely be a concern with super huge models (which yours is not). How much RAM does your computer have?
Finally, make sure you're letting BehaviorSpace use one thread per core on your machine. This is the default, so unless you're setting the number of threads, it should be happening. To be sure, each core should be close to 100% when running NetLogo. Your OSes activity monitor should be able to give you this information. If this is not happening (perhaps NetLogo is incorrectly detecting the number of cores), you can try setting the --threads option explicitly.
