UserAgent detection in WML Script - user-agent

I'm developing a WAP site for J2ME and low end Symbian phones. When the site is opened on non WAP browsers such as Chrome or Safari, the raw WML code is displayed.
I wanted to know if there's a way in WML to check the browser or user agent on which the page is opened. The objective is to detect the browser and redirect to WML or HTML pages based on the result.

This can not be done with pure WML. You can use PHP + WML and check the browser agent with PHP code:
echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n\n";


728x90 Ad Size not showing ads on https

We're in the middle of switching our website from http to https.
Our ads seem to be working on the https version of the website, we use DFP and we bring in competition via PreBid.
But for whatever reason, our 728x90 ads are always showing as house ads, whereas the 300x250, 320x250, and 300x600 ads are correctly working and showing ads.
Any idea why on the secure version of our website, the 728x90 ads wouldn't be working?
There is no generic response for that situation. There are too many possible issues.
The first thing you need to do is to:
Create a simple HTML file with the 728x90 slot inside it and of course the JavaScript code to call DFP.
Open this HTML file with Chrome.
Use the F12 key to open Chrome DevTools.
Check the Console.
For any unsecured resources, Chrome displays a “Mixed Content” message
in the Console. Some text will be in red or yellow.
Red: Errors that indicate the resource was blocked.
Yellow: Warnings that should be fixed.

How to redirect a page based on browser used

I have a page on my site that doesn't display well when viewed from Mozilla Firefox. I have some jQuery codes that don't work on Mozilla. It displays well on Some other browsers.
I am wondering if there is a way I can redirect my visitors who use Mozilla to an alternate URL where I will remove the jQuery code.
Pls any help?

Custom Web Browser - To Load only my URL - Firefox

I need a Portable web Browser, or any install-able (Windows) Browser, which will only load my URL.
Some thing Like I will have my Shortcut in the desktop, when User click, the Web browser with my URL loads.
Is it possible with portable Firefox to modify, I also need cookies to work along, thats the reason I need to find a custom Web browser.
I just found out a partial solution using
Mozilla Client Customization Kit , we can create a extension which allows to customize firefox upto certain limitations.

CS-Cart Banner Slideshow not working in https

Hi I have a question in regards to CS-cart version 2.2.4 Banners Slideshow.
It uses Nivo Slider and the banner works fine on the normal site ( but as soon as it goes to the secure URL it breaks (
The image to the links don't seem to be broken but it seems the javascript isn't running...
obviously, you include some javascript files from external domain by http, it causes the secure problem:
[blocked] The page at ran insecure content from
Try to read this question, it should help.
How to Include CSS and JS files via HTTPS when needed?

Windows Phone 7 Web Browser Only Load HTML

Hi i'm using the webbrowser control to download a html webpage. I only need the code, however the webbrowser is also downloading all the extra css/javascript/images linked to from the webpage, which is using up time and bandwidth. So is there a way to make the web browser only download the webpage and nothing else? I have to use this webbrowser because it's logged in to the site, so unfortunately a webclient would not work.
How is it logged into the site? Could you use GetCookies() API on the browser control and add that to the HttpWebRequest?
