Yii2: ActiveRecord events that only trigger on a scenario - events

Has anyone ever needed to bind an ActiveRecord event handler in a way that it only triggers on certain scenarios?
In an ideal world the ActiveRecord on() method would also take a $scenarios parameter and trigger the handler only if the ActiveRecord is using that scenario at the time the event occurs. But since that is not the case I am looking for a clean, reliable way to implement this type of functionality.
Edit: This needs to work with any event, including built-in events triggered by the Yii framework (eg. ActiveRecord::EVENT_AFTER_INSERT).

This improvement of my first comment.
class ScenarioEvent extends \yii\base\Event
private static $_events = [];
public static function onScenario($scenario, $class, $name, $handler, $data = null)
// You may use foreach if you wil use many scenarios for event
if (!isset(self::$_scenarios)) {
self::$_scenarios[$scenario] = [];
self::$_scenarios[$scenario][$name][] = $class;
return static::on($class, $name, $handler, $data);
public static function trigger($class, $name, $event = null)
if (
// If event is null assumed that it has no sender with scenario
$event === null
|| empty(self::$_scenarios[$event->sender->scenario][$name])
) {
parent::trigger($class, $name, $event);
} else {
$classes = array_merge(
class_parents($class, true),
class_implements($class, true)
foreach ($classes as $class) {
if (in_array($class, self::$_scenarios[$event->sender->scenario][$name])) {
parent::trigger($class, $name, $event);


Laravel Create a request internally Resolved

I need to recreate a resquest so that it behaves like a call via api to go through the validator, but my $request->input('rps.number') always arrives empty, although I can see the data in the debug
I also couldn't get it to go through the laravel validator
I can't use a technique to make an http call, because I need to put this call in a transaction
$nota = new stdClass();
$rps = new stdClass();
$rps->numero = (int)$xml->Rps->IdentificacaoRps->Numero;
$rps->serie = (string)$xml->Rps->IdentificacaoRps->Serie;
$rps->tipo = (int)$xml->Rps->IdentificacaoRps->Tipo;
$nota->rps = $rps;
$controller = new NotaController(new Nota());
$content = new StoreNotaRequest();
$result = $controller->store($content);
class StoreNotaRequest extends FormRequest
public function authorize(): bool
return true;
public function rules(): array
$request = $this->request;
return [
'rps.numero' => 'required_with:rps|numeric|between:1,999999999999999',
'rps.serie' => 'required_with:rps|string|min:1|max:5',
'rps.tipo' => 'required_with:rps|integer|in:1,2,3'
class NotaController extends Controller
private Nota $nota;
public function __construct(Nota $nota)
$this->nota = $nota;
public function store(StoreNotaRequest $request): JsonResponse
// $validated = $request->validated();
try {
$nota = DB::transaction(function () use ($request) {
return response()->json($nota);
} catch (Throwable $e) {
return response()->json($data, 409);
the solution was a little too verbose, I believe it is possible to solve with less code.
more does what it needs to go through the validation of the data contained in the StoreNotaRequest
and it returns an http response, in addition to being able to put all these isolated calls in a single transaction
$errors = [];
foreach ($itens as $item) {
$controller = new NotaController(new Nota());
$request = new StoreNotaRequest();
$response = $controller->store($request);
if ($response->statusText() !== 'OK') {
$errors[$item->id] = 'ERROR';
if (count($errors) === 0) {
} else {

Modify all attributes of a Laravel model

Accessors will do their job on a single attribute perfectly, but I need a way to have a method to do an Accessor/Getter job on all attributes and automatically.
The purpose is that I want to replace some characters/numbers on getting attributes and then printing them out. I can do it from within controller and manually but I think it would be great to have it from model side and automatically.
Like overriding getAttributes() method:
public function getAttributes()
foreach ($this->attributes as $key => $value) {
$this->attributes[$key] = str_replace([...], [...], $value);
return $this->attributes;
But I have to call it every time on model $model->getAttributes();
Any way to do it automatically and DRY?
Try something like:
public function getAttribute($key)
if (array_key_exists($key, $this->attributes) || $this->hasGetMutator($key)) {
if($key === 'name') return 'modify this value';
return $this->getAttributeValue($key);
return $this->getRelationValue($key);
It's fully overriding the default method so be a bit careful.
Also check out: http://laravel.com/docs/5.1/eloquent-mutators
I would go with following approach and override the models __get method:
public function __get($key)
$excluded = [
// here you should add primary or foreign keys and other values,
// that should not be touched.
// $alternatively define an $included array to whitelist values
// if mutator is defined for an attribute it has precedence.
if(array_key_exists($key, $this->attributes)
&& ! $this->hasGetMutator($key) && ! in_array($key, $excluded)) {
return "modified string";
// let everything else handle the Model class itself
return parent::__get($key);
How about running it with each Creating and Updating events. So you can do something like that:
public function boot()
Model::creating(function ($model)
return $model->getAttributes(); //or $this->getAttributes()
Model::updating(function ($model)
return $model->getAttributes(); //or $this->getAttributes()

laravel controller action structure

After watching many laracasts, one statement is everywhere: keep the controller as light as possible.
Ok, I am trying to familiarize myself with laravel concepts and philosophy, with the Repository and the separation of concerns patterns and I have some questions that bother me, let's assume the following:
Route::resource('/item', 'ItemController');
class Item extends \Eloquent {}
the repo
class EloquentItemRepo implements ItemRepo {
public function all()
return Item::all();
public function find($id)
return Item::where('id', '=', $id);
and the controller:
class ItemController extends BaseController {
protected $item;
public function __construct(ItemRepo $item)
$this->item = $item;
public function index()
$items = $this->item->all();
return Response::json(compact('items'))
For now, everything is simple and clean (assume that the repo is loaded by providers etc.) the controller is really simple and does nothing except loading and returning the data (I used json but anything will do).
Please assume that I am using an auth filter that checks that the user
is logged in and exists, or return an error if it doesn't, so I don't
have to do any further check in the controller.
Now, what if I need to do more checks, for instance:
response_* methods are helpers that format a Json response
public function destroy($id)
try {
if ($this->item->destroy($id)) {
return Response::json(['success' => true]);
return response_failure(
} catch (Exception $e) {
return response_failure(
In this case I have to test many things:
The desctuction worked? (return true)
The destruction failed? (return false)
There was an error during deletion ? (ex.: the item wasn't found with firstOrFail)
I have methods where many more tests are done, and my impression is that the controller is growing bigger and bigger so I can handle any possible errors.
Is it the right way to manage this ? The controller should be full of checks or the tests should be moved elsewhere ?
In the provider I often use item->firstOrFail() and let the exception bubble up to the controller, is it good ?
If someone could point me to the right direction as all the laracasts or other tutorials always use the simpler case, where not many controls are needed.
Edits: Practical case
Ok so here a practical case of my questioning:
* Update an order.
* #param int $id Order id.
* #return \Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse
public function update($id)
try {
$orderItem = $this->order->update($id, Input::all());
if (false === $orderItem) {
return response_failure(
return response_success();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return response_failure(
public function update($id, $input)
$itemId = $input['itemId'];
$quantity = $input['quantity'] ?: 1;
// cannot update without item id
if (!$itemId) {
return false;
$catalogItem = CatalogItem::where('hash', '=', $itemId)->firstOrFail();
$orderItem = OrderItem::fromCatalogItem($catalogItem);
// update quantity
$orderItem->quantity = $quantity;
return Order::findOrFail($id)->items()->save($orderItem);
In this case thare are 3 possible problems:
order not found
catalogItem not found
itemId not set in post data
In the way I have organized that, the problem is that the top level error message won't be clear, as it will alway state: "order not found" even if it's the catalog item that couldn't be found.
The only possibility that I see is to catch multiple exceptions codes in the controller and raise a different error message, but won't this overload the controller ?

How to change existing tag information in Magento

I am trying to update the popularity count of Magento's Tag module by interacting with this core function in Mage_Tag_Model_API
public function update($tagId, $data, $store)
$data = $this->_prepareDataForUpdate($data);
$storeId = $this->_getStoreId($store);
/** #var $tag Mage_Tag_Model_Tag */
$tag = Mage::getModel('tag/tag')->setStoreId($storeId)->setAddBasePopularity()->load($tagId);
if (!$tag->getId()) {
// store should be set for 'base_popularity' to be saved in Mage_Tag_Model_Resource_Tag::_afterSave()
if (isset($data['base_popularity'])) {
if (isset($data['name'])) {
if (isset($data['status'])) {
// validate tag status
if (!in_array($data['status'], array(
$tag->getApprovedStatus(), $tag->getPendingStatus(), $tag->getDisabledStatus()))) {
try {
} catch (Mage_Core_Exception $e) {
$this->_fault('save_error', $e->getMessage());
return true;
In my controller I have this :
public function clickAction()
$tagString = $this->getRequest()->getParam('tag');
$tagByName = Mage::getModel('tag/tag')->loadByName($tagString);
$tagId = $tagByName->getTagId();
$basePopularity = ['base_popularity' => '13']; // hard coding while testing
Mage::getModel('tag/api')->update($tagId, $basePopularity, 1);
If I put a log statement in this part of the update function :
try {
// log stuff
I can see it makes it to that try but there is no change in the data. What did I screw up? Any other ideas on how I can update the popularity of a tag through a controller? Using this same method and adding 'name' => 'blah' to that $data array parameter works fine..
I also found in Mage_Tag_Model_Indexer_Summary.php this method defined in the PHPdoc * #method Mage_Tag_Model_Indexer_Summary setPopularity(int $value) Maybe that is what I need... can someone provide an example showing how I could use that magic setter?
Try adding Mage::app()->setCurrentStore(Mage_Core_Model_App::ADMIN_STORE_ID); at the start of your clickAction function. base_popularity can only be updated from admin store.

Sort columns in joomla via populateState method

I'm sorting table columns in Joomla Backend. I adjust settings according to this tutorial.
As we can see it is suggested to override populateState method and manually obtain sorting options.
public function populateState() {
$filter_order = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order');
$filter_order_Dir = JRequest::getCmd('filter_order_Dir');
$this->setState('filter_order', $filter_order);
$this->setState('filter_order_Dir', $filter_order_Dir);
But I noticed that the native component com_content does not set these options explicitly in the model file administrator/components/com_content/models/articles.php.
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
// Initialise variables.
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$session = JFactory::getSession();
// List state information.
parent::populateState('a.title', 'asc');
Instead it just invokes parent populateState. And in fact JModelList::populateState() includes this:
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
// If the context is set, assume that stateful lists are used.
if ($this->context) {
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context.'.ordercol', 'filter_order', $ordering);
if (!in_array($value, $this->filter_fields)) {
$value = $ordering;
$app->setUserState($this->context.'.ordercol', $value);
$this->setState('list.ordering', $value);
// Check if the ordering direction is valid, otherwise use the incoming value.
$value = $app->getUserStateFromRequest($this->context.'.orderdirn', 'filter_order_Dir', $direction);
if (!in_array(strtoupper($value), array('ASC', 'DESC', ''))) {
$value = $direction;
$app->setUserState($this->context.'.orderdirn', $value);
$this->setState('list.direction', $value);
else {
$this->setState('list.start', 0);
$this->state->set('list.limit', 0);
So I'm trying to imitate the code of the native com_content. Thus I assume that
class CompViewData extends JView
function display($tpl = null)
$this->state = $this->get('State');
Will invoke parent JModelList::populateState() (so I'm not overriding it in the modal class) and set $this->setState('list.ordering', $value);. But for some reason when I invoke $this->state->get() in getListQuery() to build my SQL query with ordering
protected function getListQuery()
$orderCol = $this->state->get('list.ordering', 'id');
$orderDirn = $this->state->get('list.direction', 'asc');
This variables happen to be not defined.
What am I missing? I assume it is somehow connected with proper user session, but I don't have evidence whatsoever.
After just coming across the same issue I found that, as you said, the superclass populateState() does indeed have the behaviour defined. However, it also does a check to ensure your field is in the "whitelist".
if (!in_array($value, $this->filter_fields))
If you look at com_content you will see this section at the top of the model class (in your case models/articles.php):
public function __construct($config = array())
if (empty($config['filter_fields']))
$config['filter_fields'] = array(
'id', 'a.id',
'title', 'a.title',
//...(more fields here)
'publish_up', 'a.publish_up',
'publish_down', 'a.publish_down',
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$assoc = isset($app->item_associations) ? $app->item_associations : 0;
if ($assoc)
$config['filter_fields'][] = 'association';
You will need to include this section so that the ModelList class knows that the 'ordering' field is in the whitelist. Obviously substitute the fields with those on which you wish to filter.
The Joomla JModelList defines populateState like this
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null)
It means that if you do not have populateState override in you class, this will be called but it gets no values. The minimum requirement is to set default values if you want to use ordering. You may completely delete this method from your class if you are not planning to use ordering at all.
So, minimum what you need is to interpolate in your class
protected function populateState($ordering = null, $direction = null) {
parent::populateState('id', 'ACS');
Otherwise you will not get anything in $state->get() or $this->state->get() unless you click on ordering column. Then parent's populateState will take variables from request.
