Windows Batch: findstr not setting ERRORLEVEL within a for loop - windows

Can anyone explain to me why the following snippet prints 0:
#echo off
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
While adding another, equivalent statement outside of the for-loop makes it print 1 1:
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
I'm a bit of a newbie to Batch, so this is kinda mysterious to me since the two statements seem to be unrelated. Any help with this would be appreciated, thanks!

The issue is that within a code block (parenthesised series of statements) any %var%will be replaced by the actual value of the variable at parse time.
Hin your first example, %errorlevel% 0 and echoed as such. In second example, it is 1 when the for is encountered, hence it it replaced by 1.
If you want to display a value of an environment variable that may be changed within a loop, then you need to do one of three things:
Invoke setlocal enabledelayedexpansion and echo !var! instead of %var% - noting that the number of nested setlocal instructions you can have active is limited.
Call a subroutine
Employ a syntax-exploit.
There are many, many articles about delayedexpansion on SO.
Crudely, you could simply use (note - case is largely irrelevant in batch, except for the case of the loop-control variable (metavariable - %%i in this instance)
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
Another way is to dynamically invoke setlocal
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
The disadvantage of this is that the endlocal backs out any changes made to the environment since that last setlocal. Also note that if delayedexpansion is not in effect, ! is no longer a special character.
Or, you can use errorlevel in its traditional manner:
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
if errorlevel 1 (echo errorlevel is 1 or greater
) else (echo errorlevel is 0
Note that this looks at the run-time value of errorlevel and if errorlevel n means "if errorlevel is n or greater than n"
Or - call a subroutine:
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
call :show
goto :eof
goto :eof
Note here that goto :eof (here the colon is important - this means "go to the physical end-of-file"
Or, a special version of using a subroutine - a syntax-exploit
#echo off
echo blah | findstr bin > NUL
echo %ERRORLEVEL% or !errorlevel!
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
call echo %%errorlevel%%

If you put your echo %ERRORLEVEL% statement after the closing ) of the for statement it works as expected.
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
I'm kind of guessing here, for the exact 'definitive' reason, but setlocal is definitely causing it. I'm assuming the value of the ERRORLEVEL within the for loop is the result of the cmd /c ... statement. It seems like a strange behavior, but I've seen worse in batch files.
If you remove the setlocal at the beginning it works as one would normally expect it to..
The findstr sets the errorlevel when it runs. So, echo %errorlevel% will always output 0.
For example the following findstr statement is successful, so it outputs the line with the match (the only line passed to it):
C:\>echo blahbin | findstr bin
C:\>echo %errorlevel%
0 ; success / found it..
While this statement is not successful (findstr doesn't output anything) and the errorlevel is set to 1:
C:\>echo blah_in | findstr bin
C:\>echo %errorlevel%
1 ; failed

#echo off
for /f %%i in ('cmd /c echo blah') do (
echo %%i | findstr bin > NUL
this should work.
A for loop in cmd is technically one line, so the variable gets expanded only once. Using exclamation marks instead of percent and "ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION" should fix it.

#echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
:::This part is not exactly necessary but it creates the file dictionary.txt and the var - this
set this=notaword
:::So instead of checking for errorlevel just check for a space in the output
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ('findstr /n /b /c:%this% dictionary.txt') do (
set "output=%%a"
goto :yeah
if exist %output% (""," "
goto :oops
) else (
goto :nice
echo.%this% is NOT a word
pause & set this=word & goto :middle


Single line nested loop

I am experimenting with a single line cmd /c to get an inner loop without branching. (Actually i have the showLines routine which performs the loop.) I know its worst for performance but i want to know if its possible to get it run without quotes. Currently it raises "%G was unexpected at this time" error. So, it needs some correct escaping or expansion of variables.
#echo off
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "param=%~1"
netstat -aonb | findstr /n $ > tmpFile_Content
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('type tmpFile_Content ^| findstr /r /c:"%param%" /i') do (
SET line=%%A
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%I in ("!line!") DO (
set /a LineNum=%%I
rem set /a NextLineNum=LineNum+1
set /a lineNum=!LineNum!-1
if !lineNum!==0 ( set param="tokens=*" ) else ( set param="tokens=* skip=!lineNum!" )
cmd /q /v:on /c "#echo off && setlocal enableDelayedExpansion && set cnt=2 && for /F %%param%% %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%B && set /a cnt-=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b )"
rem Following does not work even though cmd should take the rest of arguments after /c
cmd /q /v:on /c setlocal enableDelayedExpansion && FOR /F "tokens=*" %%C IN ('echo !param!') DO ( for /F %%C %%G in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%G && set /a cnt-^=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b ))
rem call :showLines !LineNum!
del tmpFile_Content
goto :eof
set /a lineNum=%1-1
set cnt=2
for /F "tokens=* skip=%lineNum%" %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (
echo %%B
set /a cnt-=1
if !cnt!==0 goto exitLoop
exit /b
to construct for loops with variable parameters, you essentially need to define and execute them as a macro. Eg:
#Echo Off & Setlocal ENABLEdelayedExpasnion
Set param="tokens=* delims="
Set "test=string line"
Set For=For /F %param% %%G in ("^!test^!") Do echo %%G
Of course you could go even further, and build the entire for loop with another for loop macro on the fly.
Method for defining conditional concatenation of commands now exampled
Syntax simplified to allow the same usage form for regular expansion and within codeblocks by having the constructor macro call a subroutine to expand the new for loop once it's constructed.
delayed concatenation variable usage simplified to avoid the escaping requirement
#Echo off
::: { Macro Definition
Setlocal DisabledelayedExpansion
(set \n=^^^
%= This creates an escaped Line Feed - DO NOT ALTER =%
::: [ For Loop Constructor macro. ] For advanced programmers who need to use dynamic for loop options during code blocks.
::: - usage: %n.For%{For loop options}{variable set}{For Metavariable}{commands to execute}
::: - use delayed !and! variable to construct concatenated commands in the new for loop.
Set n.For=For %%n in (1 2) Do If %%n==2 (%\n%
Set FOR=%\n%
For /F "tokens=1,2,3,4 Delims={}" %%1 in ("!!") Do (%\n%
Set "FOR=For /F %%1 %%3 in ("!%%2!") Do (%%~4)"%\n%
Call :Exc.For%\n%
)Else Set
Set "and.=&&"
Set "and=!and.!"
::: } End macro definition.
Setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion& rem // required to expand n.For constructor macro
::: - Usage examples:
Set "example=is a string line"
%n.For%{"tokens=* delims="}{example}{%%G}{Echo/%%~G}
%n.For%{"tokens=1,2,3,4 delims= "}{example}{%%G}{"Echo/%%~J %%~G %%~H %%~I !and! Echo/%%~I %%~G %%~H %%~J"}
Set "example2=Code block example"
For %%a in (1 2 3) do (
%n.For%{"Tokens=%%a Delims= "}{example2}{%%I}{"For /L %%# in (1 1 4) Do (Set %%I[%%#]=%%a%%#) !and! Set %%I[%%#]"}
Pause > Nul
Goto :EOF
Exit /B
Example output:
is a string line
line is a string
string is a line
Finally, i came up with following to execute code given in string for anyone interested experimentally and may be for some insight about escaping and expansion.
I use macro instead of cmd which will be much more faster i think(not sure because its said that "call" also causes launch of cmd).
So, it is a simple one-liner without a lot of extra code. But things easily become complicated and when extra escaping and special characters used then #T3RR0R's macro routine would be a necessity.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "param=%~1"
netstat -aonb | findstr /n $ > tmpFile_Content
for /F "tokens=*" %%A in ('type tmpFile_Content ^| findstr /r /c:"%param%" /i') do (
SET line=%%A
for /F "tokens=1 delims=:" %%I in ("!line!") DO (
set /a LineNum=%%I
rem set /a NextLineNum=LineNum+1
set /a lineNum=!LineNum!-1
if !lineNum!==0 ( set "param="tokens=*"" ) else ( set "param="tokens=* skip=!lineNum!"" )
rem cmd /q /v:on /c "set cnt=2 && for /F ^!param^! %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do ( echo %%B && set /a cnt-=1 >nul && if ^!cnt^!==0 exit /b )"
rem For reading !cnt! use !x!cnt!x!.
rem Only one extra variable used, and in routine its replaced with !(exclamation) for our "cnt" variable.
set "x=^!x^!"
call :ExecCode "set cnt=2 && for /F ^!param^! %%%%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (echo %%%%B && set /a cnt=!x!cnt!x!-1 >nul && if !x!cnt!x!==0 (exit /b) )"
rem call :showLines !LineNum!
del tmpFile_Content
goto :eof
rem Replace with exclamation for variable
set "x=^!"
set "s=%~1"
exit /b
set /a lineNum=%1-1
set cnt=2
for /F "tokens=* skip=%lineNum%" %%B in (tmpFile_Content) do (
echo %%B
set /a cnt-=1
if !cnt!==0 goto exitLoop
exit /b

find where or which line error is occur while running in Batch Script?

I want to know error line number where error was occure by batch script and also i want to print whole line in batch script?
set t=%date%_%time%
set a="%m%\%x%"
cd /d "C:\PRQA\PRQA-Framework-2.1.2\common\bin"
qacli admin --set-license-server 5055# || goto :error
qacli admin --debug-level DEBUG || goto :error
goto :EOF
set remark= %ERRORLEVEL%
set status= Failure
echo ProjectName: %x%
echo Status: %status%
echo Remark: %remark%
echo Date: %t%
echo %x%,%status%,traceback(),%t% > "C:\Test\Build.csv"
echo Failed with error #%errorlevel%.
exit /b %errorlevel%
can any one help me out?
jeb has described how the search for the right line works. in the event of an error, a call is triggered and the parameters are a unique string and an offset, which points to the number of missing lines to the correct line. Findstr looks for the unmistakable string and prints that line number. With the settlement that's right again.
I've put together some macros to show that there are other ways to read the right line.
#echo off
set prompt=$g$s
call :setAllmacros
rem begin in echo off - what line is it please ?
(call )
%ID-1:##==001% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
echo 2
(call) || %ID-0:##==2% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
echo %errorlevel%
find /n || %ID-0:##==003% call :Errorlogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%%errorlevel%%
pushG 556
%ID-1:##==004% call :ErrorLogging Line:%%L Errorlevel:%errorlevel%
exit /b
#echo on
rem %*
#echo off
exit /b
(set ^"lf=^
%== define LF + CR ==%
for /f %%i in ('copy /z "%~f0" nul') do set "CR=%%i"
rem Prints the fullline itself with LineNumber into stderr
rem usage: %Line#print%:UniqueID"
rem command || %Line#print%:01"
set "Line#print= # <"%~f0" >&2 find /n "%%Line#print%%"
rem Read the fullline BEFORE into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command 1 line before
rem %ID-1:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-1= if errorlevel 1 for /f "usebackQtokens=1*delims=:" %%L in (^
`cmd /v /c ^"findstr /n /r /c:"..*^!CR^!*^!LF^!.*ID-1:.#^=^##%%" "%~f0"^"`) do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
rem Read the fullline itself into Variables with LineNumber; do something ...
rem usage: command || %ID-0:##==01% [command %%L ... %%M ...]
set ID-0= # for /f "tokens=1*delims=:" %%L in ('findstr /n /r /c:"ID-0:.#=##%%" "%~f0"') do ^>^&2 echo BatchLine: %%L -- %%M ^&
exit /b
hope it helps

Batch script help, script exiting after parentheses

I wrote a very simple script to output the host machine's MAC addresses to a text file.
The script is exiting right after line 3 - 'IF DEFINED WRITEOK ('.
#echo off
copy /Y NUL "%CD%\.writable" > NUL 2>&1 && set WRITEOK=1
rem ---- we have write access ----
set DIR=%CD%\interfaces
echo DIR '%DIR%' was created
) else (
echo DIR '%DIR%' already exists
) for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('ipconfig /all ^| findstr /i "Physical Host"') do (
echo %%i >> "%FILE%"
echo OUTPUT written to '%FILE%'
) else (
rem ---- we don't ----
echo DIR '%DIR%' is not writable
echo DONE!
Try to put the FOR one line after the closing parenthesis :
for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%i in ('ipconfig /all ^| findstr /i "Physical Host"') do (...
you can't start a FOR with a closing parenthesis in front :
This will not work :
(echo 1
) for /l %%a in (1,1,10) do echo %%a
and this will work :
(echo 1
for /l %%a in (1,1,10) do echo %%a
EDIT 1 :
For the path variables containing space use double quote :
when using it.

batch script still holding the file after execution

set num=0
for /f "tokens=1-3 delims=;" %%a in (server.conf) do (
findstr /b "^#" %%a >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 start /B check.bat %%a %%b %num% > check!num!.log
set /A num=num+1
exit /b 2
set svr=%1
set log=%2
set num=%3
echo %svr% %log% !num!
copy /y NUL output!num!.tmp >NUL
powershell -command "& {Get-Content %log% | Select-Object -last 1}">> output!num!.tmp
type output!num!.tmp | findstr /m "STUCK" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto action)
type output!num!.tmp | findstr /m "shut" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto action)
type output!num!.tmp
del output!num!.tmp
exit /b 2
Two problems with the script
1) the process keeps holding to the log file check0.log
2) In the hc.bat, I'm trying to use the findstr to ignore lines that start with #, but it doesn't seem to be working
Expand num like !num! (delayed expansion).
I modified the set /A statement to avoid (immediate) expansion right to =.
The redirection > means to overwrite data. Hence I changed it to >> in order to append data.
Insert cmd /C into start /B argument.
At findstr, the /b switch and ^ being the first char. in the search string are redudant. I gave the /r switch to force regular expression mode.
The 3rd for /F token was not used, so I simply removed it.
set num=0
for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=;" %%a in (server.conf) do (
findstr /r "^#" %%a >nul 2>&1
if errorlevel 1 start /B cmd /C "check.bat %%a %%b !num! >> check!num!.log"
set /A num=+1
exit /b 2
Actually you do not need delayed expansion here (although it does no harm).
set svr=%1
set log=%2
set num=%3
echo %svr% %log% %num%
copy /y NUL output%num%.tmp >NUL
powershell -command "& {Get-Content %log% | Select-Object -last 1}">> output%num%.tmp
type output%num%.tmp | findstr /m "STUCK" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto action)
type %output%num%.tmp | findstr /m "shut" >nul 2>&1
if %errorlevel%==0 (goto action)
type output%num%.tmp
del output%num%.tmp
exit /b 2

Windows batch Nested for loop issue

I need to read a file in outer loop line by line, take this value and use it in inner loop. But currently I am able to read first line from this file and do some required processing in inner loop but outer loop runs only once.
Why does the outer loop run only once?
myfile.txt contains:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
for /F %%D in (myfile.txt) do (
echo %D%
cd \#vantage\AFG\AWC\AWCU\simulation\WRO_Regression_results\%%D
echo %%D
FOR /F %%i IN ('dir /b /ad-h /o-d') DO (
echo After Nested For
echo %%D
SET test=%%D
SET b=%%i
GOTO found
echo No subfolder found
goto done
echo %D%
echo Most recent subfolder: %b%
cd %b%
echo %%D
find /c "O K"
echo %D%
if %errorlevel% equ 1 goto notfound
echo found
goto done
echo notfound
goto done
echo %D%
echo now go up
echo !test!
echo %test%
I am getting following output:
ECHO is off.
After Nested For
ECHO is off.
Most recent subfolder: 20141103_170658_wro_awc
____________ TOOLING.REPORT: 0
ECHO is off.
ECHO is off.
now go up
Press any key to continue . . .
Your code has one big problem and one thing to change
The problem is that it is not possible to use goto while inside a for loop and keep the loop iterating. goto cancels the for looping.
The thing to change is your use of variables. You have the information you need inside the for replaceable parameters. Use them. Move the value to a variable when the replaceable parameters does not offer what you need, but this is not the case
#echo off
setlocal enableextensions disabledelayedexpansion
for /F "delims=" %%D in (myfile.txt) do (
cd /d "s:\#vantage\AFG\AWC\AWCU\simulation\WRO_Regression_results\%%D"
for /d %%a in (.) do echo Current folder is "%%~fa"
set "file="
FOR /F "delims=" %%i IN ('dir /b /ad-h /o-d 2 >nul ') DO if not defined file (
set "file=1"
echo subfolder found : %%i
find /c "O K" ".\%%i\" >nul 2>nul
if errorlevel 1 (
echo O K found
) else (
echo O K not found or file does not exist
if not defined file (
echo subfolder not found
