Library is not registered on new project - visual-studio

Good morning.
I've searched over the web and Microsoft's documentantion and didn't see any matches for the same error. When I click New Project, on Visual Studio 2015, I receive the following error:
Library is not registered. (Exception from HTRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPE_E_LIBNOTREGISTERED))
There are evidences that the error may be on .NET 4.6, which VS 2015 requires, but reinstalling it didn't solve the problem.
I've found no matches and no way to solve it. Did anybody here deal with the same problem?
Footnote: It's not about removing libraries. The error happens by a simple click on New Project.


'DJI.WindowsSDK.DJISDKManager' threw an exception

I recently downloaded the most recent DJI Windows SDK (2.0) in hopes to update my DLLs and be able to move forward with the new SDK. I can build the project but when I try to execute my app, it errors with the following:
'DJI.WindowsSDK.DJISDKManager' threw an exception. - Inner Exception.
FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
I've re-pulled the repo, using both Visual Studio 2017 and the 2019 Preview, I then tried the sample SDK and got the same error. I'm currently on Windows Build 17763.292. Is there something I'm missing? Anyone else with similar issues?
First thing to check is your references; here's mine from a working project:
Solution References
Note my project uses JSON, so you may ignore the Newtonsoft NUGET. Also note the DJIWindowsWrapper reference is to the winmd file. Your project will probably build fine without this reference (mine does), but won't run.

Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) in visual studio

Am a newbie to windows 10 uwp having migrated from wpf applications. I know this question has been asked before but none has been able to solve my problem.
Recently, I attempted recreating the Hamburger menu for a uwp application I am creating by following the instructions on a GitHub page.
Everything was going on well till I encountered the error "Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) ". After debugging, I realized the following line of code caused the error
<Setter Property="BorderBrush" Value="{x:Null}" />
Just to explain the project from the GitHub page; assuming you have a blank uwp xaml page, you have to add 2 files shell.xaml and shell.xaml.cs to your project as well as modifying the app.xaml. Further instructions are on the Github page. I added this but after running this I encountered the error.
I also tried the instructions from here but to no avail. Am quite confused with the explanation because I could not find the COMPONENTS as described on the page.
Please any suggestion will be helpful.
I encountered this Error: Catastrophic failure (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8000FFFF (E_UNEXPECTED)) in Visual Studio 2017 when just changing the Solution Configuration from Debug to Release.
Fortunately, reopening Visual Studio eliminate this error.
Seems various causes lead to this error: in Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (Studio Version 16.5.3) I added a Windows Form to an existing project, named it including the ending .cs - did not like that at all. I was not able to save the project, neither that specific file nor the project but was confronted with the 'catastrophic error...'. Luckly copy/past to Visual studio 2017 and past into newly added, blank form (that worked smoothly!) although the same problem occurred until I added the new form without suffix .cs!
No sure if this will help but I had the same error when creating a project in Visual Studio 2019.
So I tried changing the location where the project is created and it worked. Seemed the path was too long but Visual Studio gave this super unhelpful error instead of just saying the path is too long.
Anyways hope this helps atleast someone.
I faced the Same error in Visual Studio 2022; it took me 3 hours to resolve this problem.
I had no idea why this error occurred when I opened the View Designer of myForm.h file.
To resolve the problem, I deleted unnecessarily debug build folders from the project's repository. I only kept the single Debug directory and deleted the Release 64X and 84 directories. If you face the same problem, you can delete the unnecessary directory from your project repository and rebuild the project.

Can not reference Error when creating project

I am using Visual Studio 2015 Enterprise to generate Coded UI Tests. Things have been working well until this morning. When I attempt to create a new Solution/Project, I am given the following error:
I am then able finish loading the project. However, I see another issue in solution explorer:
Note that there is no path given for the selected reference. If I try to remove it/add it back as a reference manually, I still do not see a path or version. I have tried the following:
Selected different .Net framework versions when creating the solution/project
Tried different project types: Window Forms, Class Library
Repaired visual studio
Repaired .Net Framework 4.6.1
So far I have been unable to make the error go away. Any other suggestions?
I was not able to resolve this issue. I ended up performing a reinstall of the OS/Visual Studio to get things working again.

Installing VS 2015 Community edition makes VS 2013 to throw errors

I have downloaded and installed the free Community Edition of VS 2015 from Microsoft. After the install, I am unable to use VS 2013 Professional, which was working fine before the install. The start page shows, "Content Load Error". The solution explorer shows the following errors:
An exception was encountered while constructing the content of this frame. This information is also logged in "C:\Users\VeluMain\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\12.0\ActivityLog.xml".
Exception details:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop.IVsShell5.LoadPackageWithContext(Guid& packageGuid, Int32 reason, Guid& context)
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Platform.WindowManagement.WindowFrame.GetPackage()
at Microsoft.VisualStudio.Platform.WindowManagement.WindowFrame.ConstructContent()
I searched in Google, but couldn't find any solution.
It's possible that one of your plugins for VS2013 has been broken by the VS2015 installer. For example I had an issue where VS2015 installer also installed .NET Framework 4.6 which alters the .NET Framework 4.5.1 DLLs, I guess there's a chance it could be the same kind of thing...
Try running VS2013 in Safe Mode (i.e. without plugins). If this works fine then you know it's one of your plugins that is causing the issue, you should then use a process of elimination to determine which one is the culprit. If it doesn't work then you might want to reinstall VS2013.

Error updating service references: Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework 'Silverlight, Version=v4.0'

I've recently ported over a Silverlight project into TFS 2010. I am using VS2010. After porting the project over to TFS we noticed the following error every time we attempt to update the service references in the Silverlight project: "Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework 'Silverlight, Version=v4.0'. This can happen if the target framework is not installed or if the framework moniker is incorrectly formatted."
Everything was working fine when the Solution was in Visual SourceSafe. I've read some forums that suggest this may be some kind of path length issue. Any ideas?
This was as expected related to the length of my new TFS paths. Some of the paths were greater than 259 characters. See
