Does Spring support 'dependency injection by convention' similar to Grails? - spring

Spring only autowires beans to fields/setters/constructors which are annotated with #Resource, #Autowired (not considering Java Config and XML configuration).
Is there a way to configure Spring to automatically guess where the #Resource/ #Autowired annotations could be placed and do the autowiring based on that?
Here's how it works in Grails:
class BookController {
def bookService
How can I make it working in Spring?
public class BookController {
BookService bookService


why #Autowired work without #Component when inside #Configuration

I am configuring the shiro-spring-starter.
public class ShiroConfig {
public Realm realm() {
return new UserRealm();
\\Without #Component
public class UserRealm extends AuthorizingRealm {
private UserMapper userMapper;
UserRealm was create using "new UserRealm()",without #Component.
why the #Autowired work?
In your code, the #Component annotation is not required because you've created the UserRealm object as a spring bean in the ShiroConfig class. Since it's a spring bean, spring will manage the object and perform the dependency injections specified by the #Autowired annotation.
If you didn't create the UserRealm object as a spring bean in the ShiroConfig class, you would then need the #Component annotation on the UserRealm class. The #Component annotation would cause spring to automatically create an instance of the UserRealm class as a spring bean, assuming component scanning is enabled.
So you either don't use a #Component annotation and manually create spring beans in your configuration class, or use the #Component annotation and let spring automatically create the spring bean. The result is the same.

Spring #Bean will it be autowired if the class auto scanned

I read about the component scan and as I understood that configuration classes are auto-scanned. my question if I have the following:
public class AppConfig {
public AuthenticationService getAuthenticationService(){
return new AuthenticationService();
if the #Configuration is already scanned (so the app config will be available ), wouldn't be the bean inside it created? I'm little confused as they say the #Bean is not auto scanned
No. Spring won't scan #Bean methods.
Here, you are creating the bean of AuthenticationService just like in any other java program using new keyword.
It is same as AuthenticationService authenticationService = new AuthenticationService();
If you want spring to create a bean of AuthenticationService in AppConfig class, use #Autowired annotation
private AuthenticationService authenticationService;
Hope this helps!
#M.Deinum corrected me that spring doesn't create beans based on #Autowired annotation. Beans are created automatically by spring if their classes are annotated with #Component/ #Configuration / #Service annotations.
#M.Deinum, Thank you.

Spring Boot Autowired failed - null

I have 3 classes which are found in different packages in a spring boot application as follows:
Why does #Autowired work in certain classes only?Anything I am doing wrong?
public class Configurations{
Prop prop; //works fine
//other bean definitions
public class Prop{
public void method(){};
public class User{
Prop prop; //does not work, null
public void doWork(){
I have also tried the #PostConstruct, but same result
public class User{
Prop prop; //does not work, null
public void doWork(){
The #Autowired annotation works only if Spring detects that the class itself should be a Spring bean.
In your first example you annotated Configurations with the #Configuration annotation. Your User class on the other hand does not have an annotation indicating that it should be a Spring bean.
There are various annotations (with different meanings) to make your class being picked up by the Spring container, some examples are #Service, #Component, #Controller, #Configuration, ... . However, this only works if your class is in a package that is being scanned by the Spring container. With Spring boot, the easiest way to guarantee that is by putting your User class in a (sub)package of your main class (the class annotated with #SpringBootApplication).
You can also manually create your bean by writing the following method in your Configurations:
public User user() {
return new User();
In this case you don't have to annotate your User class, nor do you have to make sure that it is in a package that is being scanned.

Spring #Autowired annotaion

Spring #Autowired
I have a doubt on Spring #Autowired annotation.Please Help...
In Spring mvc ,when I tried #Autowired in this order
ie,In Controller I autowired Service Class Object , In Service Class Autowire Dao Object.
This Injection chain works perfectly.
Similliarly In strutrs2+Spring ,I applied #Autowired Annotation in this way
This Injection chain also works fine.
If I call a funtion from outside this chain (eg:Custom Taglib class (from jsp)) to funtion in Service class Then in this Service class the Autowired dao object is null(ie,this call braks the chain).
My questions is
Is this #Autowired works in a Injection chain Only?
Beans that have #Autowired fields only have them set if they are sent through the Spring Bean Postprocessor -- that is, like you said, if you autowire them yourself. That is a big reason that constructor injection is much more preferred than field injection. Instead of doing
public class MyService {
private MyDao dao;
you should do
public class MyService {
private final MyDao dao;
public MyService(MyDao dao) {
this.dao = dao;
That way, when you're in a situation where you can't rely on a service to be post-processed (as in your case of using the jsp tag library), you can simply instantiate a new instance with a MyDao object and be on your merry way.

Spring : autowiring inside non spring class

I have this HTTP listener subclass
public class MigificSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
private NotificationThread notificationThread;
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent hse) {
// here notificationThread value is null
Value of notificationThread inside sessionDestroyed() is null.
How can i autowire sessionDestroyed inside this class ?
Your MigificSessionListener in not in your spring conext, spring even do not know it exists.
You can use WebApplicationContextUtils to get your spring context from ServletContext
You can enable Spring AOP with #EnableSpringConfigured and annotate your class with #Configurable. This let spring manage instances which are created outside the spring context with new. You will also need to enable either load-time weaving or compile-time weaving. This is documented in 9.8.1 Using AspectJ to dependency inject domain objects with Spring.
public class AppConfig {
public class MigificSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
private NotificationThread notificationThread;
Convert your non-Spring managed class MigificSessionListener into a Spring-managed one by annotating it with #Configurable.
For this annotation to be recognised you need <context:spring-configured/> in your Spring XML config or #EnableSpringConfigured if you are using Spring Java config.
The #Autowired or injection of other dependencies will then succeed.
