preg_match(): No ending delimite - preg-match

My website shows the following error when host updates the php version
Warning: preg_match(): No ending delimiter '^' found in
in the following code:
$mid_str = " and mid != '0' and ";
mysql_select_db($database_myconn, $myconn);
$query_spages = "SELECT id, url, title, description, keywords, active, ip, catID, exp, pdate,
AGAINST ('$search_str' IN BOOLEAN MODE) AS score FROM pages
WHERE MATCH(title, description,keywords)
AGAINST ('$search_str' IN BOOLEAN MODE) " . $mid_str . " active = 'Yes' ORDER BY score DESC";
}else// not search fetch rand by catid
$query_spages = "SELECT * FROM pages where " . preg_match("^ and", "", $mid_str) . " active = 'Yes' and catID = '" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ORDER BY mid DESC";
mysql_select_db($database_myconn, $myconn);
$spages = mysql_query($query_spages, $myconn) or die(mysql_error());
//$row_spages = mysql_fetch_assoc($spages);
$settings = mysql_fetch_assoc(mysql_query('select * from settings where id = 1',$myconn));

preg_match expects a start and an end of the regular expression.
For example preg_match("/^ and/", "", $mid_str).
In your case, ^ is taken as start delimiter but the regex does not end with ^ so you get an error. Start and end delimiter can be anything, but most likely /is used to not clash with other specially treated characters.
Also, you probably mixed up preg_matchand preg_replace. I think you want to preg_replacehere, p.e.
$query_spages = "SELECT * FROM pages where " . preg_replace("/^ and/", "", $mid_str) . " active = 'Yes' and catID = '" . $_REQUEST['id'] . "' ORDER BY mid DESC";


Alias Column In Resultset

I have a query in backend spring project, where I create a field alias named agent_id but I don´t have that column in Model. What is the best approach for showing this as a field in table view in front end???.
Here´s the query:
Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT" +
" ips.*, " +
" s.mls_id AS imported," +
"FROM test1.ilist_property_summary ips " +
" LEFT JOIN test1.statistics s ON s.mls_id = ips.INTEGRATOR_PROPERTY_ID " +
"WHERE ips.AGENCY_ID = :agencyId AND (s.statistics_type = 1 OR s.statistics_type IS NULL) AND ips.ORIG_LISTING_DATE BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate");
query.setParameter("agencyId", agencyId)
.setParameter("startDate", DateUtil.asDate(startDate), TemporalType.DATE)
.setParameter("endDate", DateUtil.asDate(endDate), TemporalType.DATE);
return (List<PropertyVO>) query.getResultList().stream().map(o -> processProperty((Object[]) o)).collect(Collectors.<PropertyVO>toList());
I already have a field that shows agent_id, but not fetched with same field of table Person. I need to retrieve that field agent id alias fetched from left join.
I followed another approach:
Query query = em.createNativeQuery("SELECT" +
", ips.agency_id, ips.integrator_property_id, ips.orig_listing_date, ips.contract_type," +
" ips.transaction_type, ips.current_listing_price, ips.current_listing_currency, ips.apartment_number, ips.commercial_residential," +
" ips.commission_percent, ips.commission_value, ips.property_type, ips.street_name, ips.street_number," +
" s.mls_id AS imported," +
" FROM test1.ilist_property_summary ips " +
" LEFT JOIN test1.statistics s ON s.mls_id = ips.INTEGRATOR_PROPERTY_ID " +
"WHERE ips.AGENCY_ID = :agencyId AND (s.statistics_type = 1 OR s.statistics_type IS NULL) AND ips.ORIG_LISTING_DATE BETWEEN :startDate AND :endDate ");
Here field
is taken from table p, and not from ips. I just selected specific fields so this one could be taken from the other table.

How to prevent ducplicate tickets aqnd therads in osTicket

Since around March of this year our osTicket system started posting duplicate tickets and duplicate threads.
I've tried everything method I know of to troubleshoot and identity where and why this is occurring. I've even implemented a catch condition to check the db tables prior to inserting tickets and threads to see if the contents of the $vars[]'s match what is already in the DB tables.
No success to solve this problem whatsoever.
I've Googled it and see where this issue has been in existence and dates back a number of years.
Does any one have a solution on how to stop osTicket from consistently creating ducpliate tickets and threads?
I tried the following from piecing together suggestions others have made out there in the various osTicket up through v1.10. Here is the code I tried. It actually worked for 2-days straight, then began to fail again yesterday.
Inserted around line 2498 in ./include/class.ticket.php right before if($errors) return 0;.
* J.Doe added to intercept duplicate ticket entries.
* Updated: 2017-06-12
* #author John Doe <>
SELECT ticketID FROM ost_ticket
source = "' . $vars['source'] . '"
AND topic_id = "' . $vars['topicId'] . '"
AND url = "' . $vars['url'] . '"
AND priority_id = "' . $vars['priorityId'] . '"
AND duedate = "' . date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $vars['duedate'] . ' ' . $vars['time'] ) ) . '"
AND team_id = "' . $vars['assignId'] . '"
AND subject = "' . $vars['subject'] . '"
AND dept_id = "' . $vars['deptId'] . '"
AND email = "' . $vars['email'] . '"
AND name = "' . $vars['name'] . '"
SELECT id FROM ost_ticket_thread
staff_id = "' . $vars['assignId'] . '"
AND poster = "' . $vars['name'] . '"
AND title = "' . $vars['subject'] . '"
AND body = "' . $vars['message'] . '"
if( ( $res1 && db_num_rows( $res1 ) ) || ( $res2 && db_num_rows( $res2 ) ) ) {
header( 'Location:' );
//Any error above is fatal.
if($errors) return 0;

SELECT * INTO Incomplete Query Clause

I seem to be doing something wrong in my OleDbCommand, but I don't know what it is. I am trying to create another table in my access database that is exactly the same as the first but with a different name, by copying everything from one and using SELECT INTO. I don't know why it doesn't work.
OleDbCommand copyAttendanceCommand = new OleDbCommand("SELECT * INTO '" + "Attendance " + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/" + DateTime.Now.Year + "' FROM Attendance",loginForm.connection);
The Error message that I get says "Syntax error in query. Incomplete query clause." Does anyone know what that means?
Table or field names with spaces are not specified with '' around them, but with square brackets.
Your command should be:
"SELECT * INTO [Attendance " + DateTime.Now.Day + "/" + DateTime.Now.Month + "/"
+ DateTime.Now.Year + "] FROM Attendance"
You may even format your date to make the code more readable:
string today = DateTime.Today.ToString("d'/'M'/'yyyy");
string sql ="SELECT * INTO [Attendance " + today + "] FROM Attendance";
OleDbCommand copyAttendanceCommand = new OleDbCommand(sql, loginForm.connection);

Unable to get out of ORA-00907 error

I am getting the missing right paranthesis error. If I remove the comments around statement, its working fine. Unable to figure out whats wrong. There is NO "(" in the data I pass.
String ORACLE_SUM_QUERY = "select item_number, sum(system_quantity) from ITEMS " +
"where sndate = ? and item_id in" +
" (select item_id from ap.system_items where org_id = 4 " +
" and segment1 in ";
while (iterator.hasNext()) {
String oracleQuery = String.format(ORACLE_SUM_QUERY + "(%s)) GROUP BY item_number",;
preparedStat = connection.prepareStatement(oracleQuery);
preparedStat.setDate(1, getSnDate());
The error seems to indicate that the SQL statement you are building up in oracleQuery has an incorrect number of parenthesis. It would probably be helpful to print that SQL statement out before passing it to the prepareStatement call to make debugging easier.
My guess is that the string that is returned by is not what you expect.
Try rewriting your code as
String ORACLE_SUM_QUERY = "select item_number, sum(system_quantity) from ITEMS " +
"where sndate = ? and item_id in" +
" (select item_id from ap.system_items where org_id = 4 " +
" and segment1 in (";
while (iterator.hasNext())
ORACLE_SUM_QUERY = ORACLE_SUM_QUERY + String.format("%s",;
preparedStat = connection.prepareStatement(ORACLE_SUM_QUERY);
preparedStat.setDate(1, getSnDate());
This may not get it exactly as I can't test it, but it might get you closer.
Share and enjoy.

Error getting too many character literals

var query = from s in bv.baParticularHeaders
from v in bv.baPlanColumnStructures
where x.Contains(s.Particular_Num)
select new LevelList
Value = 'Level ' + LTRIM(Rtrim(Convert(Char,P.Level_Num))) + ' - ',
id = 'Column ' + LTRIM(Rtrim(Convert(Char,P.Column_Num))) + ' ',
Text = v.Column_Description
return query.Distinct().OrderBy(o => o.Value).AsQueryable<LevelList>();
Error getting this both lines of code.
Value = 'Level ' + LTRIM(Rtrim(Convert(Char,P.Level_Num))) + ' - ',
id = 'Column ' + LTRIM(Rtrim(Convert(Char,P.Column_Num))) + ' ',
Can any body help me out how to convert this in LINQ?
You can't just cut and paste SQL, rearrange it and hope to get a valid LINQ query. The aim is to write the appropriate C# code, which is translated into SQL. In this case I suspect you want:
var query = from s in bv.baParticularHeaders
from v in bv.baPlanColumnStructures
where x.Contains(s.Particular_Num)
select new LevelList
Value = "Level " + P.Level_Num + " - ";
id = "Column " + p.Column_Num + " ",
Text = v.Column_Description
return query.Distinct().OrderBy(o => o.Value).AsQueryable();
Note the string literals - "Level " not 'Level '. The code has to be valid C# first.
(Assuming Level_Num and Column_Num are numbers, I can't see why it would make sense to trim them.)
