Depth of a grid map when represented as a tree - algorithm

I have a nxn grid map. I want to represent this as a tree where each node is a block in the grid and each edge is the movement(left,right,up,and down) from one block to another. I want to know, if this grid was represented as a tree, what would be its depth.
I came up this formula but I am not sure if this is correct:
Since there are at most 4 movements possible from each block, at each level t of the tree there are at most 4^t nodes. So total number of nodes in tree is at most
4^0 + 4^1 + 4^2+.....4^d where d is the depth of the tree and this is greater than or equal to n^2(actual number of blocks in the grid).
When I solve this equation(by taking sum of the geometric series on the left side and then taking log base 4 on both sides) I get the following result:
d >= log(3n^2 + 1) - 1 (log is base 4)
But this still does not give me the exact depth of the tree.
Is there a way to find exact depth of the tree?


Color a tree such that the weight multiplied with time is minimized

Given a binary tree, with n nodes and each node having weight wi (i denotes the weight for ith node),we have to color each node of the tree . The cost of coloring the node is equal to the weight of the node multiplied by the time it was colored. The time starts with 1 and increments by 1 as you continue coloring the nodes . While coloring its mandatory that the parent gets colored before the child . Calculate the minimum cost for coloring the whole tree ?
In the research literature, this problem is to schedule jobs with precedence on a single machine to minimize total weighted completion time. There's an O(n log n) algorithm for series-parallel precedence due to Lawler. Let me summarize it below in the special case of trees.
If there were no requirement that parents be scheduled before their children, then we'd want to color in order of non-increasing weight. Lawler's procedure works bottom-up, combining nodes into what I'll call composite nodes. The output at each node x is a set of composite nodes that (1) contains each descendant of x exactly once (2) can be colored in non-decreasing order of weight (where the weight of a composite node is the mean weight of its constituent nodes) without violating the parent-child ordering constraints.
At each node x in post order, first merge the sets from x's children. While there exists a composite node in the merged set that's at least as heavy as x, pop that node out and replace x by a composite consisting of x and that node. For efficiency, represent the sets as as mergeable priority queue (e.g., pairing heaps).
Finally, sort the composite nodes and flatten them into a list.
What you can do is that you can traverse the tree level by level. Sort the entire level, then colour each of the nodes in such a way that their sum is minimum. Repeat this for every level.
For illustration, if you have the following tree:
/ \
3 7
/ \
1 9
Retrieve the first level: 4.
Sort it in descending order. and Multiply by time: 4*1. Cost = 4.
Retrieve 2nd level: 3 7.
Sort it in descending order. and multiply each node by time: 7*2 + 3*3 = 23. Cost = 4 + 23 = 27.
Retrieve 3rd level: 1 9
Sort it in descending order. and multiply each node by time: 9*4+1*5 = 41. Cost = 27 + 41 = 68.
Retrieve 4th level: 2
Sort it in descending order. and multiply each node by time: 2*6 = 12. Cost = 68 + 12 = 80.
How to traverse a binary tree in level order fashion. Please refer this:

Finding the minimum and maximum height in a AVL tree, given a number of nodes?

Is there a formula to calculate what the maximum and minimum height for an AVL tree, given a certain number of nodes?
For example:
Textbook question:
What is the maximum/minimum height for an AVL tree of 3 nodes, 5 nodes, and 7 nodes?
Textbook answer:
The maximum/minimum height for an AVL tree of 3 nodes is 2/2, for 5 nodes is 3/3, for 7 nodes is 4/3
I don't know if they figured it out by some magic formula, or if they draw out the AVL tree for each of the given heights and determined it that way.
The solution below is appropriate for working things out by hand and gaining an intuition, please see the exact formulas at the bottom of this answer for larger trees (54+ nodes).1
Well the minimum height2 is easy, just fill each level of the tree with nodes until you run out. That height is the minimum.
To find the maximum, do the same as for the minimum, but then go back one step (remove the last placed node) and see if adding that node to the opposite sub-tree (from where it just was) violates the AVL tree property. If it does, your max height is just your min height. Otherwise this new height (which should be min height+1) is your max height.
If you need an overview of what the properties of an AVL tree are, or just a general explanation of an AVL tree, Wikipedia is a great place to start.
Let's take the 7 node example case. You fill in all levels and find a completely filled tree of height 3. (1 at level 1, 2 at level 2, 4 at level 3. 1+2+4=7 nodes.) That means 3 is your minimum.
Now find the max. Remove that last node and place it on the left subtree instead of the right. The right subtree still has height 3, but the left subtree now has height 4. However these values differ by less than 2, so it is still an AVL tree. Therefore your max height is 4. (Which is min+1)
All three examples worked out below (note that the numbers correspond to order of placement, NOT value):
The technique shown above doesn't hold if you have a tree with a very large number nodes. In this case, one can use the following formulas to calculate the exact min/max height2.
Given n nodes3:
Minimum: ceil(log2(n+1))
Maximum: floor(1.44*log2(n+2)-.328)
If you're curious, the first time max-min>1 is when n=54.
1Thanks to Jamie S for bringing this failure at larger node counts to my attention.
2Technically, the height of a tree is the longest path length (in edges) between the root and any leaf node. However the OP's textbook uses a common alternate definition of height as the number of levels in a tree. For consistency with the OP and Wikipedia, we use that definition in this post as well.
3These formulas are from the Wikipedia AVL page, with constants plugged in. The original source is Sorting and searching by Donald E. Knuth (2nd Edition).
It's important to note the following defining characteristics of an AVL Tree.
AVL Tree Property
The nodes of an AVL tree abide by the BST property
AND The heights of the left and right sub-trees of any node differ by no more than 1.
Theorem: The AVL property is sufficient to maintain a worst case tree height of O(log N).
Note the following diagram.
- T1 is comprised of a T0 + 1 node, for a height of 1.
- T2 is comprised of T1 and a T0 + 1 node, giving a height of 2.
- T3 is comprised of a T2 for the left sub-tree and a T1 for the right
sub-tree + 1 node, for a height of 3.
- T4 is comprised of a T3 for the left sub-tree and a T2 for the right
sub-tree + 1 node, for a height of 4.
If you take the ceiling of O(log N), where N represents the number of nodes in an AVL tree, you get the height.
Example) T4 contains 12 nodes. [ceiling]O(log 12) = 4.
See the pattern developing here??
**The worst-case height is
Lets assume the number of nodes is n
Trying to find out the minimum height of an AVL tree would be the same as trying to make the tree complete i.e. fill all the possible nodes at each level and then move to the next level.
So at each level the number of eligible nodes increases by 2^(h-1) where h is the height of the tree.
So at h=1, nodes(1) = 2^(1-1) = 1 node
for h=2, nodes(2) = nodes(1)+2^(2-1) = 3 nodes
for h=3, nodes(3) = nodes(2)+2^(3-1) = 7 nodes
so just find the smallest h, for which nodes(h) is greater than the given number of nodes n.
Now for the problem of maximum height of an AVL tree:-
lets assume that the AVL tree is of height h, F(h) being the number of nodes in the AVL tree,
for its height to be maximum lets assume that its left subtree FL and right subtree FR have a difference in height of 1(as it satisfies the AVL property).
Now assuming FL is a tree with height h-1 and FR be a tree with height h-2.
now the number of nodes in
F(h)=F(h-1)+F(h-2)+1 (Eq 1)
Adding 1 on both sides :
F(h)+1=(F(h-1)+1)+ (F(h-2)+1) (Eq 2)
So we have reduced the maximum height problem to a Fibonacci sequence. And these trees F(h) are called Fibonacci Trees.
So, F(1)=1 and F(2)=2
so in order to get the maximum height just find the index of the the number in the fibonacci sequence which is less than or equal to n.
So applying (Eq 1)
F(3)= F(2) + F(1)+ 1=4, so if n is between 2 and 4 tree will have height 3.
F(4)= F(3)+ F(2)+ 1 = 7, similarly if n is between 4 and 7 tree will have height 4.
and so on.
It is roughly 1.44 * log n, where n is the number of nodes.
For a more detailed description on how that was derived. You can refer to this link starting on the middle of page 13:

What is the minimum number of items in a B-tree of order m and height h?

The maximum number of items in a B-Tree of order m and height h is defined by the equation
Or, in text format:
m^h+1 - 1
But I am looking for the formula for the minimum number of items.
I've seen this question, but the answer isn't related.
The following solution uses the definitions by Thomas Cormen.
For a tree of the height 0 you will get 1 as a minimum, of course.
For a tree of the height 1 you will get 2 successors for your single node with each containing
nodes at minimum.
So you can say, that in each layer greater than 1 you will have at least
2*(ceil(t/2)**(h-1)) * (ceil(t/2)-1)
The 2 comes from the first layer where a single element with two successors is allowed. Every node i between has at least ceil(t/2) successors. In the base layer you will have ceil(t/2)-1 nodes. That is the third part of the formula.
Using the geometric sum formula for all heights from one to h, you will get:
t being the order of your tree and h being the height.
Its. 2.Ceil(m/2)^h-1

Enumerate search trees

According to this question the number of different search trees of a certain size is equal to a catalan number. Is it possible to enumerate those trees? That is, can someone implement the following two functions:
Node* id2tree(int id); // return root of tree
int tree2id(Node* root); // return id of tree
(I ask because the binary code for the tree (se one of the answers to this question) would be a very efficient code for representing arbitrarily large integers of unknown range, i.e, a variable length code for integers
0 -> 0
1 -> 100
2 -> 11000
3 -> 10100
4 -> 1110000
5 -> 1101000
6 -> 1100100
7 -> 1011000
8 -> 1010100
notice that the number of integers of each code length is 1, 1, 2, 5,.. (the catalan sequence). )
It should be possible to convert the id to tree and back.
The id and bitstrings being:
0 -> 0
1 -> 100
2 -> 11000
3 -> 10100
4 -> 1110000
5 -> 1101000
6 -> 1100100
7 -> 1011000
8 -> 1010100
First consider the fact that given a bitstring, we can easily move to the tree (a recursive method) and viceversa (preorder, outputting 1 for parent and 0 for leaf).
The main challenge comes from trying to map the id to the bitstring and vice versa.
Suppose we listed out the trees of n nodes as follows:
Left sub-tree n-1 nodes, Right sub-tree 0 nodes. (Cn-1*C0 of them)
Left sub-tree n-2 nodes, Right sub-tree 1 node. (Cn-2*C1 of them)
Left sub-tree n-3 nodes, right sub-tree 2 nodes. (Cn-3*C2 of them)
Left sub-tree 0 nodes, Right sub-tree n-1 nodes. (C0*Cn-1 of them)
Cr = rth catalan number.
The enumeration you have given seems to come from the following procedure: we keep the left subtree fixed, enumerate through the right subtrees. Then move onto the next left subtree, enumerate through the right subtrees, and so on. We start with the maximum size left subtree, then next one is max size -1, etc.
So say we have an id = S say. We first find an n such that
C0 + C1 + C2 + ... + Cn < S <= C0+C1+ C2 + ... +Cn+1
Then S would correspond to a tree with n+1 nodes.
So you now consider P = S - (C0+C1+C2+ ...+Cn), which is the position in the enumeration of the trees of n+1 nodes.
Now we figure out an r such that Cn*C0 + Cn-1*C1 + .. + Cn-rCr < P <= CnC0 + Cn-1*C1 + .. + Cn-r+1*Cr-1
This tell us how many nodes the left subtree and the right subtree have.
Considering P - Cn*C0 + Cn-1*C1 + .. + Cn-r*Cr , we can now figure out the exact left subtree enumeration position(only considering trees of that size) and the exact right subtree enumeration position and recursively form the bitstring.
Mapping the bitstring to the id should be similar, as we know what the left subtree and right subtrees look like, all we would need to do is find the corresponding positions and do some arithmetic to get the ID.
Not sure how helpful it is though. You will be working with some pretty huge numbers all the time.
For general (non-search) binary trees I can see how this would be possible, since when building up the tree there are three choices (the amount of children) for every node, only restricted by having the total reach exactly N. You could find a way to represent such a tree as a sequence of choices (by building up the tree in a specific order), and represent that sequence as a base-3 number (or perhaps a variable base would be more appropriate).
But for binary search trees, not every organisation of elements is acceptable. You have to obey the numeric ordering constraints as well. On the other hand, since insertion into a binary search tree is well-defined, you can represent an entire tree of N elements by having a list of N numbers in a specific insertion order. By permuting the numbers to be in a different order, you can generate a different tree.
Permutations are of course easily counted by using variable-base numbers: You have N choices for the first item, N-1 for the second, etc. That gives you a sequence of N numbers that you can encode as a number with base varying from N to 1. Encoding and decoding from variable-base to binary or decimal is trivially adapted from a normal fixed-base conversion algorithm. (The ones that use modulus and division operations).
So you can convert a number to and from a permutation, and given a list of numbers you can convert a permutation (of that list) from and to a binary search tree. Now I think that you could get all the possible binary search trees of size N by permuting just the integers 1 to N, but I'm not entirely sure, and attempting to prove that is a bit too much for this post.
I hope this is a good starting point for a discussion.

Total number of nodes in a tree data structure?

I have a tree data structure that is L levels deep each node has about N nodes. I want to work-out the total number of nodes in the tree. To do this (I think) I need to know what percentage of the nodes that will have children.
What is the correct term for this ratio of leaf nodes to non-leaf nodes in N?
What is the formula for working out the total number nodes in the three?
Update Someone mention Branching factor in one of the answer but it then disappeared. I think this was the term I was looking for. So shouldn't a formula take the branching factor into account?
Update I should have said an estimate about a hypothetical datastructure, not the exact figure!
Ok, each node has about N subnodes and the tree is L levels deep.
With 1 level, the tree has 1 node.
With 2 levels, the tree has 1 + N nodes.
With 3 levels, the tree has 1 + N + N^2 nodes.
With L levels, the tree has 1 + N + N^2 + ... + N^(L-1) nodes.
The total number of nodes is (N^L-1) / (N-1).
Ok, just a small example why, it is exponential:
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
/ | \
Just to correct a typo in the first answer: the total number of nodes for a tree of depth L is (N^(L+1)-1) / (N-1)... (that is, to the power L+1 rather than just L).
This can be shown as follows. First, take our theorem:
1 + N^1 + N^2 + ... + N^L = (N^(L+1)-1)/(N-1)
Multiply both sides by (N-1):
(N-1)(1 + N^1 + N^2 + ... + N^L) = N^(L+1)-1.
Expand the left side:
N^1 + N^2 + N^3 + ... + N^(L+1) - 1 - N^1 - N^2 - ... - N^L.
All terms N^1 to N^L are cancelled out, which leaves N^(L+1) - 1. This is our right hand side, so the initial equality is true.
If your tree is approximately full, that is every level has its full complement of children except for the last two, then you have between N^(L-2) and N^(L-1) leaf nodes and between N^(L-1) and N^L nodes total.
If your tree is not full, then knowing the number of leaf nodes doesn't help as a totally unbalanced tree will have one leaf node but arbitrarily many parents.
I wonder how precise your statement 'each node has about N nodes' is - if you know the average branching factor, perhaps you can compute the expected size of the tree.
If you are able to find the ratio of leaves to internal nodes, and you know the average number of children, you can approximate this as (n*ratio)^N = n. This won't give you your answer, but I wonder if someone with better maths than me can figure out a way to interpose L into this equation and give you something soluble.
Still, if you want to know precisely, you must iterate over the structure of the tree and count nodes as you go.
The formula for calculating the amount of nodes in depth L is: (Given that there are N root nodes)
To calculate the number of all nodes one needs to do this for every layer:
for depth in (1..L)
nodeCount += N ** depth
If there's only 1 root node, subtract 1 from L and add 1 to the total nodes count.
Be aware that if in one node the amount of leaves is different from the average case this can have a big impact on your number. The further up in the tree the more impact.
* * * N ** 1
*** *** *** N ** 2
*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** N ** 3
This is community wiki, so feel free to alter my appalling algebra.
Knuth's estimator [1],[2] is a point estimate that targets the number of nodes in an arbitrary finite tree without needing to go through all of the nodes and even if the tree is not balanced. Knuth's estimator is an example of an unbiased estimator; the expected value of Knuth's estimator will be the number of nodes in the tree. With that being said, Knuth's estimator may have a large variance if the tree in question is unbalanced, but in your case, since each node will have around N children, I do not think the variance of Knuth's estimator should be too large. This estimator is especially helpful when one is trying to measure the amount of time it will take to perform a brute force search.
For the following functions, we shall assume all trees are represented as lists of lists.
For example, [] denotes the tree with the single node, and [[],[[],[]]] will denote a tree with 5 nodes and 3 leaves (the nodes in the tree are in a one-to-one correspondence with the left brackets). The following functions are written in the language GAP.
The function simpleestimate gives an output an estimate for the number of nodes in the tree tree. The idea behind simpleestimate is that we randomly choose a path x_0,x_1,...,x_n from the root x_0 of the tree to a leaf x_n. Suppose that x_i has a_i successors. Then simpleestimate will return 1+a_1+a_1*a_2+...+a_1*a_2*…*a_n.
point:=tree; prod:=1; count:=1; list:=[];
while Length(point)>0 do prod:=prod*Length(point); count:=count+prod; point:=Random(point); od;
return count; end;
The function estimate will simply give the arithmetical mean of the estimates given by applying the function simpleestimate(tree) samplesize many times.
estimate:=function(samplesize,tree) local count,i;
for i in [1..samplesize] do count:=count+simpleestimate(tree); od;
return Float(count/samplesize); end;
Example: simpleestimate([[[],[[],[]]],[[[],[]],[]]]); returns 15 while
estimate(10000,[[[],[[],[]]],[[[],[]],[]]]); returns 10.9608 (and the tree actually does have 11 nodes).
Estimating Search Tree Size.
Estimating the Efficiency of Backtrack Programs. Donald E. Knuth
If you know nothing else but the depth of the tree then your only option for working out the total size is to go through and count them.
