ftp username and pasword automated in shell script - shell

I want to created .sh file
// Tried to connect to ftp server
ftp name_of_server
//input user name
//input password
link given below
Instead of login, it again asked to enter username and password
can any one help with this problem?

If you only need file transfers, you could use curl.
download a file:
curl -O -u user:password ftp://example.com/some-file
upload a file:
curl -T some-file -u user:password ftp://example.com
Note: This method may result in your credentials being saved in your command history.

The best solution is to look at your ftp command manual. It probably provides command line flags or can use environment variables to allow you to specify username and password.
If there is no such thing, an alternate way is to feed ftp standard input. I guess this is what you try to do, but instead here is what your script does:
Run ftp and wait for the command to return. That's where ftp asks about username.
Once ftp returned, run a command named after the username. There is probably no command of that name so it will complain about it.
Then, run a command named after the password. It will fail too, but depending on the special characters in the password, it could become a disaster :-)
So, to really feed stdin, you can use printf(1):
printf "username\npassword\n" | ftp name_of_website
Edit: Another way I forgot is to put those informations in the URL: ftp://username:password#name_of_website.

Try :
quote USER $USER
#put $FILE
exit 0
If you want to provide hostname from outside the script as commandline, then you can use,
HOST = $1 ,
So if you scriptname is serverftp.sh, you would provide hostname as;
serverftp.sh <ftp_server_name>

how about use expect in shell script?
expect <<EOF
spawn ftp $SERVER
expect ": "
send "$ID\r"
expect "Password:"
send "$PASSWD\r"
expect "ftp>"
send "ls\r
expect "ftp>"
send "quit\r


How to use signify in ubuntu 16.04?

I am trying to do a remote desktop connection between Ubuntu desktop and another Ubuntu system. I want to develop an application so it is necessary to use shell command.
ssh -X or -Y username#server_ip
I know this command is for trusted and untrusted connection between two systems but here username is necessary for connection so it is necessary to ask username and password to each user for connection. so I have created a bash file for getting input from the user. its name myscript.sh
read -p 'Username: ' uservar
read -sp 'Password: ' passvar
sleep 10
and I want to use this variable value in another file. I wrote below code and file name terminal.sh.
xterm -e /file_path/myscript.sh
sshpass -p $passvar ssh -X $uservar#$remote_ip /usr/bin/xfce4-session
but this code is not working. I want myscript.sh user input value in terminal.sh file. one person suggests me to use signify. how to use signify here? Can anyone suggest a solution? thanks in advance.
Normally, you should set-up public/private key authentication with ssh. Anything else is a hack to get the same result.
In this case, you have to store the credentials (uid/pw) somewhere to be able to use them in your second script. That could be:
read -p 'Username: ' uservar
read -sp 'Password: ' passvar
and call as . myscript.sh, or store them somewhere in a file for use (which is security-wise a little issue).
If you really cannot set-up your p/p-keys, you should probably put (as Inian suggests) put the prompting in the same script..

Shell script with mysqldump

I wrote a shell script to automate mysqldump.
I don't want my password to be entered in the script file. Can anyone suggest me an alternative way to do this?
If you are running the script interactively, then you can use read to read the password into an environmental variable, and then echo that password to mysqldump.
read -s -p 'password: ' password
echo "$password" | mysqldump ...
The password will be stored in plain text in memory but not elsewhere.
Alternatively as per the documentation you can use an option file to avoid giving the password on the command line. The file would contain something similar to the below:
# The following password will be sent to all standard MySQL clients

expect script unable to fetch server logs into the text file

I am trying to access remote ssh server from a unix client machine. For this i have used expect script which is calling a bash script to fetch some lines from server log file.
Below is my code:
#!/usr/local/bin/expect -f
set pass "password"
set prompt "(%|$|#)"
spawn ssh deployed#
expect "password:"
send "$pass\r"
expect -re $prompt
send -- "./access_srvr_log.sh\r"
send -- "exit\r"
code for access_srvr_log.sh file:
tail -n 100 $dir/development.log
echo "hello"
echo >> log.txt
i get this error :
-bash: ./access_srvr_log.sh: No such file or directory
Please help. I have tried lot many changes on the above code and finally reached here.
Friends don't let friends use SSH passwords. It's much less secure.
Use ssh-copy-id to copy your public key to the remote server. (It puts the client ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub into the server .ssh/authorized_keys) Now you can run "ssh deployer# ./access_srvr_log.sh", and it won't prompt for a password. That means you no longer need expect and all the odd problems that come with it.
In fact, it's highly recommended that you disable SSH passwords all together.
To make your script even simpler (maintenance-wise) do this:
1) run ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/scriptkey on your client (don't enter a password).
2) Put the public part of your key (~/.ssh/scriptkey.pub on the client) into .ssh/authorized_keys on the server. But this time, put command="/home/deployer/access_srvr_log.sh" just before your new key. This tells the server to run that command for that key.
3) Now your script doesn't even need to specify the command, just the private key. (i.e. scp -i ~/.ssh/scriptkey deployer# will run the script). This allows the server to change (i.e. move the script, change the script name) without changing the client. It also means someone stealing your (non-password-protected) key can't log in to the server, but only run your log script.
And there are no guessable passwords laying around in scripts. (You are checking your scripts into version control, right?)
You can simplify it down too
/usr/bin/expect <<- EOF
spawn ssh deployer# "tail -n 100 /home/deployer/Desktop/McKinsey-McKinsey-AdminPanel/log/development.log"
expect "password:"
send "deployer\r"
expect eof
} |grep -v "deployer#'s password:">> log.txt

shell script to check ftp and sftp communication

First I have to say you that I'm a newbie, but I wanna learn!
I need a script which suppose to check the ftp and sftp communication. This is for 26 ftp and sftp.
Script has to execute just 1 times and script suppose to login to ftp and sftp servers using username with password, easy from an extern list.
If ftp works also it has to send an mail and even if it is fail also it suppose to send the mail. Or just a print on screen with status : alive or not alive should be ok.
I am starting with the below script:
I found something like :
"You can use your script with a regular user, creating the file .netrc in the user's homedir (~/.netrc), with the following contents:
login usename
password user-passwd"
ftp -v -n <<EOF > ${LOG_FTP} 2>&1
I need now to understand how I can send the email to my email adres or just print on screen the results.
Please can you suggest me the right way or help me write the script.
It would be great help for me.
Thanks in advance for all your help!
you can use sendmail for sending emails to your email id. IF you're working on bash, then pre-pend this line to your script:
Then do this on terminal:
chmod +x <scriptname> #setting executable permission for script
./<scriptname> #executing the script

Shell script to automate SonicWall firewall SSH session not working

I'm trying to write a shell script (Bash) to log into a SonicWall firewall device and issue a command to perform automated backups of the devices ruleset. I prefer to do this in Bash but I will accept a python, perl, except, or applescript solution. If it cannot be done in bash please mention that.
1.) SSH server on firewall is custom, a user name and password has to be specified after issuing a
$ ssh server.com
so no matter what username you issue e.g.
$ ssh admin#server.com
the SSH server still presents a username and password box after
2.) The SSH server is minimal and I cannot use public-keys
I tried using a here-document but it isn't working and it results in an immediate "connection closed by remote host".
The command I need to execute takes the form of this:
export preferences ftp "ftp.server.com" "user1" "mypassword" "output.exp"
Connecting gives me this:
$ ssh admin#server.com
Copyright (c) 2010 SonicWALL, Inc.
After a username is issued it brings up the password prompt:
I tried a here-document to no avail.
$ ssh server <<+
export preferences ftp "ftp.server.com" "user1" "mypassword" "output.exp"
Pseudo-terminal will not be allocated because stdin is not a terminal.
Connection to closed by remote host.
I tried using echo to pipe in commands too but that doesn't work either.
Typing the commands in manually works just fine.
Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
As others have suggested, expect is probably what you want to use here.
Here's a short example of how to work with it from bash to get you started:
# +whatever variables you need to use
# Run the expect script from bash
expect_sh=$(expect -c "
spawn ssh $login#$IP
expect \"password:\"
send \"$password\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"cd $dest_dir\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"chmod +x $server_side_script $other_script\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"./$device_side_script\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"cat results_file\r\"
expect \"#\"
send \"exit\r\"
# Output or do something with the results
echo "$expect_sh"
You can automate the ssh session using the original expect, here is a nice article discussing it in detail: http://solar1.net/drupal/automating%20SSH%20with%20expect or the Python module pexepect: http://linux.byexamples.com/archives/346/python-how-to-access-ssh-with-pexpect/
I'm not a BASH expert but i had to do something where interactive password prompts was causing me a problem.
Basically your script needs to wait to be asked to enter login credentials, and pass them when prompted in order to login, once logged in you can issue the command.
I recommend looking at spawning "expect" sessions. Basically in your script you use expect to basically say "i expect to see password: in the response, when i do, i need to pass in the following data".
Here's the wiki page which helps explain it http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expect
and if you google around you will find lots of help.
that didn't work for me.
I had to pass the variables to the script at launch.
Example launch script login2.sh, with three arguments:
-bash-4.1$ ./login2.sh Jan2**** HIE_SUPER
