How to run load test case from Jmeter for signalR hub api - jmeter

I have SignalR hubs api , I have to do load testing for those Api from Jmeter tool.
I found there are some socket sampler plugin which I already integrate with jmeter but don't know how to run my signalR service.


Go Lang- Configure Swagger UI(http://localhost:4545/docs) and local host(http://localhost:4545) running at the same time on the same port

I'm trying to implement swagger for Go-lang project. How to configure both Swagger UI(http://localhost:4545/docs) and local host(http://localhost:4545) running at the same on same port 4545. I can get response only on one interface(either swagger UI or localhost via postman at a time. Even our Dev Rest API's are configured on port 4545. How to get swagger UI up and running when the API's are already using 4545?

Automated API testing project - Where to deploy framework - CI/CD Pipeline

Automation Test Suite Architecture
Hi. The project I am working on has the following micro service architecture:-
1 - HTTPS web app Frontend UI Client (REACT JS)
2 - Backend Java API microservice (connected to a Postgres database)
I have created a Cypress UI frontend UI testing project within the REACT JS frontend web app project.
I have created a separate repo project for the automated API testing framework i.e. this is a standalone project (it is not part of the backend Java project repo). I have decided to use Cypress for API testing.
The CI/CD pipeline will deploy the frontend and backend projects to two separate AWS instances running Linux operating systems.
My question is where is it best to deploy the automated API testing framework repo using the CI/CD pipeline? If it is deployed to the same server as the backend API then running the API tests from the same server would not be integration testing would it?
Is it best to deploy the automated API testing framework repo to its own separate AWS instance server?
Or is it best to deploy the automated API testing framework repo to either the frontend project AWS instance or the backend API micro service AWS instance?

Can we use Jmeter with Rest Assurred framework?

I need to know if we can implement Jmeter script with the RestAssured framework?
Theoretically yes, given you copy RestAssured .jar file along with dependencies to JMeter Classpath you should be able to use its methods from JSR223 Test Elements or reuse your existing tests via JUnit Request Sampler
However it would be much better to use JMeter's HTTP Request samplers as in this case you will be able to access networking metrics such as Connect Time and Latency, automatic failures on HTTP Status Codes above 399, Cookies, Headers, and Authorization management, etc.
See REST API Testing - How to Do it Right article to learn how to build an API test plan using JMeter

How to start with web service testing using jmeter?

I am trying to learn web service testing using jmeter.Can anyone tell me how to proceed which samplers and request should i use.How should i practice as I am not having any web service to test.
Thank you
The recommended test element for web service testing is "usual" HTTP Request sampler.
You can get a minimal web service test plan (it includes a web service endpoint by the way) in a couple of clicks like:
JMeter Main Menu -> File -> Templates -> Building a SOAP WebService Test Plan -> Create
Building a WebService Test Plan
Testing SOAP/REST Web Services Using JMeter

Using JMeter to test a Flex/Spring web app

i have a Flex/Spring web project where the client is a flexapp that runs in the browser and the server components(Spring/Hibernate) runs in tomcat.
The compile dcluient files also obviously reside in the tomcat server.
i want to use JMeter to do some performance testing on the application.
i am new to JMeter and don't know how to connect the JMeter with the application.
From what i understand i cant use the http request based test cases as i am using flex.
Any reference will help.
What kind of plugins do i need on the JMeter instance?
How to configure JMeter to be able to call the application via flex?
You will need a third-party JMeter plugin.
How to enable amf sampler type
Performance testing Flex applications
