counting leaf nodes in a tree - algorithm

Assume we have a tree where every node has pre-decided set of outgoing nodes. Is it possible to come up with a fast way/optimizations to count the number of leaf nodes given a level value? Would be great if someone could suggest any ideas/links/resources to do the same.

No. you'd still have to traverse the entire tree. There's no way of predicting the precise structure - or approximating it - from only the number of childnodes of each node of the tree.
Apart from that: just keep a counter and update it on each insertion. Far simpler and wouldn't change time-complexity of any operation, except for counting leaves, which would be reduced to O(1).

This can actually get pretty tough thing. As it varies of what is the programming language, what is the input data structure, is the tree binary or general tree (arbitrary number of children), size of the tree.
The most general idea is to run a DFS or BFS, starting from the root, to get every node level and then make a list of sets where each set contains the nodes of a single level. The set can be any structure, standard list is fine.
Let's say you are working in C++ which is good, if not the best practical choice if you need performance (even better than C).
Let's say we have a general tree and the input structure is adjacency list as you mentioned.
//nodes are numbered from zero to N-1
vector<vector<int>> adjList;
Then you run either a BFS or DFS, either will do for a tree, keeping a level for each node. The level for a next node is the level of it's parent plus one.
Once you discover the level, you put the node in like this.
vector<vector<int>> nodesPartitionedByLevels(nodeCount);
//run bfs here
//inside it you call
That's about it.
Then when you have the levels, you iterate all the nodes on that level and you check the adjaceny list if it contans any nodes.
basically you call adjList[node].empty(). If true than that is a leaf node.


How to check if two binary trees share a node

Given an array of binary trees find whether any two trees share a node, not value wise, but "pointer" wise. At the bottom I provided an example.
My approach was to iterate through all the trees and store all the leaves (pointers) from each tree into a list, then check if list has any duplicates, but that's a rather slow approach. Is there perhaps a quicker way to solve this?
In the worst case you will have to traverse all nodes (all pointers) to find a shared node (pointer), as it might happen to be the last one visited. So the best time complexity we can expect to have is O(𝑚+𝑛) where 𝑚 and 𝑛 represent the number of nodes in either tree.
We can achieve this time complexity if we store the pointers from the first tree in a hash set and then traverse the pointers of the second tree to see if any of those is in the set. Assuming that get/set operations on a hash set have an amortized constant time complexity, the overal time complexity will be O(𝑚+𝑛).
If the same program is responsible for constructing the trees, then a reuse of the same node can be detected upon insertion. For instance, reuse of the same node in multiple trees can be completely avoided by having the insert method of your tree only take a value as argument, never a node instance. The method will then encapsulate the actual creation of the node, guaranteeing its uniqueness.
An idea for O(#nodes) time and O(1) space. It does more traversal work than simple traversals using a hash table, but it doesn't have the cost of using a hash table. I don't know what's better. Might depend on the language.
For two trees
Create one extra node. Do a Morris traversal of the first tree. It only modifies right child pointers, so we can use left child pointers for marking nodes as seen. For every tree node without left child, set our extra node as left child. Whenever checking a left child pointer, treat our extra node like a null pointer, i.e., don't visit it. After the traversal, the tree structure is restored, and all originally left-child-less tree nodes now point to our extra node as left child. That includes all leaf nodes.
Do a Morris traversal of the second tree. Again treat pointers to our extra node like null pointers. If we ever do encounter our extra node, we know the trees share a node. If not, then we know the trees don't share a node, since if they did share any, they'd also share a leaf node (just go down from any shared node to a leaf node, that's also shared), and all leafs nodes of the first tree are marked. After the traversal, the second tree is restored.
Do a Morris traversal of the first tree again, this time removing our extra node, restoring the original null pointers.
For an array of more than two trees
Mark the first tree as above. Check the second tree as above. Mark the second tree. Check the third. Mark the third. Check the fourth. Mark the fourth. Etc. When you found a shared node or there are no more trees, unmark the marked trees.
Every shared node must have two parents, or an ancestor with two parents.
LOOP over nodes
IF node has two parents
MARK node as shared
Mark all descendants as shared.

Efficient Graph Traversal for Node Editor Evaluation

I have a directed acyclic graph created by users, where each node (vertex) of the graph represents an operation to perform on some data. The outputs of a node depend on its inputs (obviously), and that input is provided by its parents. The outputs are then passed on to its children. Cycles are guaranteed to not be present, so can be ignored.
This graph works on the same principle as the Shader Editor in Blender. Each node performs some operation on its input, and this operation can be arbitrarily expensive. For this reason, I only want to evaluate these operations when strictly required.
When a node is updated, via user input or otherwise, I need to reevaluate every node which depends on the output of the updated node. However, given that I can't justify evaluating the same node multiple times, I need a way to determine the correct order to update the nodes. A basic breadth-first traversal doesn't solve the problem. To see why, consider this graph:
A traditional breadth-first traversal would result in D being evaluated prior to B, despite D depending on B.
I've tried doing a breadth-first traversal in reverse (that is, starting with the O1 and O2 nodes, and traversing up the graph), but I seem to run into the same problem. A reversed breadth-first traversal will visit D before B, thus I2 before A, resulting in I2 being ordered after A, despite A depending on I2.
I'm sure I'm missing something relatively simple here, and I feel as though the reverse traversal is key, but I can't seem to wrap my head around it and get all the pieces to fit. I suppose one potential solution is to use the reverse traversal as intended, but rather than avoiding visiting each node more than once, just visiting each node each time it comes up, ensuring that it has a definitely correct ordering. But visiting each node multiple times and the exponential scaling that comes with that is a very unattractive solution.
Is there a well-known efficient algorithm for this type of problem?
Yes, there is a well known efficient algorithm. It's topological sorting.
Create a dictionary with all nodes and their corresponding in-degree, let's call it indegree_dic. in-degree is the number of parents/or incoming edges to that node. Have a set S of the nodes with in-degree equal to zero.
Taken from the Wikipedia page with some modification:
L ← Empty list that will contain the nodes sorted topologically
S ← Set of all nodes with no incoming edge that haven't been added to L yet
while S is not empty do
remove a node n from S
add n to L
for each child node m of n do
decrement m's indegree
if indegree_dic[m] equals zero then
delete m from indegree_dic
insert m into S
if indegree_dic has length > 0 then
return error (graph is not a DAG)
return L (a topologically sorted order)
This sort is not unique. I mention that because it has some impact on your algorithm.
Now, whenever a change happens to any of the nodes, you can safely avoid recalculation of any nodes that come before the changed node in your topologically sorted list, but need to nodes that come after it. You can be sure that all the parents are processed before their children if you follow the sorted list in your calculation.
This algorithm is not optimal, as there could be nodes after the changed node, that are not children of that node. Like in the following scenario:
/ \
One correct topological sort would be [A, B, C]. Now, suppose B changes. You skip A because nothing has changed for it, but recalculate C because it comes after B. But you actually don't need to, because B has no effect on C whatsoever.
If the impact of this isn't big, you could use this algorithm and keep the implementation easier and less prone to bugs. But if efficiency is key, here are some ideas that may help:
You can do a topological sort each time and include the which node has change as a factor. When choosing nodes from S in the above algorithm, choose every other node that you can before you choose the changed node. In other words, you choose the changed node from S only when S has length 1. This guarantees that you process every node that isn't below the hierarchy of the changed node before it. This approach helps when the sorting is much cheaper then processing the nodes.
Another approach, which I'm not entirely sure is correct, is to look after the changed node in the topological sorted list and start processing only when you reach the first child of the changed node.
Another way relies on idea 1 but is helpful if you can do some pre-processing. You can create topological sorts for each case of one node being changed. When a node is changed, you try to put it in the ordering as late as possible. You save all these ordering in a node to ordering dictionary and based on which node has changed you choose that ordering.

Best 'order' traversal to copy a balanced binary tree into an AVL tree with minimum rotations

I have two binary trees. One, A which I can access its nodes and pointers (left, right, parent) and B which I don't have access to any of its internals. The idea is to copy A into B by iterating over the nodes of A and doing an insert into B. B being an AVL tree, is there a traversal on A (preorder, inorder, postorder) so that there is a minimum number of rotations when inserting elements to B?
The tree A is balanced, I just don't know the exact implementation;
Iteration on tree A needs to be done using only pointers (the programming language is C and there is no queue or stack data structure that I can make use of).
Rebalancing in AVL happens when the depth of one part of the tree exceeds the depth of some other part of the tree by more than one. So to avoid triggering a rebalance you want to feed nodes into the AVL tree one level at a time; that is, feed it all of the nodes from level N of the original tree before you feed it any of the nodes from level N+1.
That ordering would be achieved by a breadth-first traversal of the original tree.
OP added:
Iteration on tree A needs to be done using only pointers (the
programming language is C and there is no queue or stack data
structure that I can make use of).
That does not affect the answer to the question as posed, which is still that a breadth-first traversal requires the fewest rebalances.
It does affect the way you will implement the breadth-first traversal. If you can't use a predefined queue then there are several ways that you could implement your own queue in C: an array, if permitted, or some variety of linked list are the obvious choices.
If you aren't allowed to use dynamic memory allocation, and the size of the original tree is not bounded such that you can build a queue using a fixed buffer that is sized for the worst case, then you can abandon the queue-based approach and instead use recursion to visit successively deeper levels of the tree. (Imagine a recursive traversal that stops when it reaches a specified depth in the tree, and only emits a result for nodes at that specified depth. Wrap that recursion in a while or for loop that runs from a depth of zero to the maximum depth of the tree.)
If the original tree is not necessarily AVL-balanced, then you can't just copy it.
To ensure that there is no rebalancing in the new tree, you should create a complete binary tree, and you should insert the nodes in BFS/level order so that every intermediate tree is also complete.
A "complete" tree is one in which every level is full, except possibly the last. Since every complete tree is AVL-balanced, and every intermediate tree is complete, there will be no rebalancing required.
If you can't copy your original tree out into an array or other data structure, then you'll need to do log(N) in-order traversals of the original tree to copy all the nodes. During the first traversal, you select and copy the root. During the second, you select and copy level 2. During the third, you copy level 3, etc.
Whether or not a source node is selected for each level depends only on its index within the source tree, so the actual structure of the source tree is irrelevant.
Since each traversal takes O(N) time, the total time spent traversing is O(N log N). Since inserts take O(log N) time, though, that is how long insertion takes as well, so doing log N traversals does not increase the complexity of the overall process.

Find a loop in a binary tree

How to find a loop in a binary tree? I am looking for a solution other than marking the visited nodes as visited or doing a address hashing. Any ideas?
Suppose you have a binary tree but you don't trust it and you think it might be a graph, the general case will dictate to remember the visited nodes. It is, somewhat, the same algorithm to construct a minimum spanning tree from a graph and this means the space and time complexity will be an issue.
Another approach would be to consider the data you save in the tree. Consider you have numbers of hashes so you can compare.
A pseudocode would test for this conditions:
Every node would have to have a maximum of 2 children and 1 parent (max 3 connections). More then 3 connections => not a binary tree.
The parent must not be a child.
If a node has two children, then the left child has a smaller value than the parent and the right child has a bigger value. So considering this, if a leaf, or inner node has as a child some node on a higher level (like parent's parent) you can determine a loop based on the values. If a child is a right node then it's value must be bigger then it's parent but if that child forms a loop, it means he is from the left part or the right part of the parent.
3.a. So if it is from the left part then it's value is smaller than it's sibling. So => not a binary tree. The idea is somewhat the same for the other part.
Testing aside, in what form is the tree that you want to test? Remeber that every node has a pointer to it's parent. An this pointer points to a single parent. So depending of the format you tree is in, you can take advantage from this.
As mentioned already: A tree does not (by definition) contain cycles (loops).
To test if your directed graph contains cycles (references to nodes already added to the tree) you can iterate trough the tree and add each node to a visited-list (or the hash of it if you rather prefer) and check each new node if it is in the list.
Plenty of algorithms for cycle-detection in graphs are just a google-search away.

Is there an effient way of determining whether a leaf node is reachable from another arbitrary node in a Directed Acyclic Graph?

Wikipedia: Directed Acyclic Graph
Not sure if leaf node is still proper terminology since it's not really a tree (each node can have multiple children and also multiple parents) and also I'm actually trying to find all the root nodes (which is really just a matter of semantics, if you reverse the direction of all the edges it'd they'd be leaf nodes).
Right now we're just traversing the entire graph (that's reachable from the specified node), but that's turning out to be somewhat expensive, so I'm wondering if there's a better algorithm for doing this. One thing I'm thinking is that we keep track of nodes that have been visited already (while traversing a different path) and don't recheck those.
Are there any other algorithmic optimizations?
We also thought about keeping a list of root nodes that this node is a descendant of, but it seems like maintaining such a list would be fairly expensive as well if we need to check if it changes every time a node is added, moved, or removed.
This is more than just finding a single node, but rather finding ALL nodes that are endpoints.
Also there is no master list of nodes. Each node has a list of it's children and it's parents. (Well, that's not completely true, but pulling millions of nodes from the DB ahead of time is prohibitively expensive and would likely cause an OutOfMemory exception)
May or may not change possible solutions, but the graph is bottom-heavy in that there's at most a few dozen root nodes (what I'm trying to find) and some millions (possibly tens or hundreds of millions) leaf nodes (where I'm starting from).
There are a few methods that each may be faster depending on your structure, but in general what youre going to want is a traversal.
A depth first search, goes through each possible route, keeping track of nodes that have already been visited. It's a recursive function, because at each node you have to branch and try each child node of it. There's no faster method if you dont know which way to look for the object you just have to try each way! You definitely need to keep track of where you have already been because it would be wasteful otherwise. It should require on the order of the number of nodes to do a full traversal.
A breadth first search is similar but visits each child of the node before "moving on" and as such builds up layers of distance from the chosen root. This can be faster if the destination is expected to be close to the root node. It would be slower if it is expected to be all the way down a path, because it forces you to traverse every possible edge.
Youre right about maybe keeping a list of known root nodes, the tradeoff there is that you basically have to do the search whenever you alter the graph. If you are altering the graph rarely this is acceptable, but if you alter the graph more frequently than you need to generate this information, then of course it is too costly.
EDIT: Info Update.
It sounds like we are actually looking for a path between two arbitrary nodes, the root/leaf semantic keeps getting switched. The DepthFirstSearch (DFS) starts at one node, and then for each unvisited child, recurse. Break if you find the target node. Due to the way recursion evaluates, this will traverse all the way down the 'left' path, then enumerate nodes at this distance before ever getting to the 'right' path. This is time costly and inefficient if the target node is potentially the first child on the right. BreadthFirst walks in steps, covering all children before moving forward. Because your graph is bottom heavy like a tree, both will be approximately the same execution time.
When the graph is bottom heavy you might be interested in a reverse traversal. Start at the target node and walk upwards, because there are relatively fewer nodes in this direction. So long as the nodes in general have more parents than children, this direction will be much faster. You can also combine the approaches, stepping one up and one down , then comparing lists of nodes, and meeting somewhere in the middle. (this combination might seem the fastest if you ignore that twice as much work is done at each step).
However, since you said that your graph is stored as a list of lists of children, you have no real way of traversing the graph backwards. A node does not know what its parents are. This is a problem. To fix it you have to get a node to know what its parents are by adding that data on graph update, or by creating a duplicate of the whole structure (which you have said is too large). It will need the whole structure to be rewritten, which sounds probably out of the question due to it being a large database at this point.
There's a lot of work to do.
Just color (keep track of) visited nodes.
Sample in Python:
def reachable(nodes, edges, start, end):
color = {}
for n in nodes:
color[n] = False
q = [start]
while q:
n = q.pop()
if color[n]:
color[n] = True
for adj in edges[n]:
return color[end]
For a vertex x you want to compute a bit array f(x), each bit corresponds to a root vertex Ri, and 1 (resp 0) means "x can (resp can't) be reached from root vertex Ri.
You could partition the graph into one "upper" set U containing all your target roots R and such that if x in U then all parents of x are in U. For example the set of all vertices at distance <=D from the closest Ri.
Keep U not too big, and precompute f for each vertex x of U.
Then, for a query vertex y: if y is in U, you already have the result. Otherwise recursively perform the query for all parents of y, caching the value f(x) for each visited vertex x (in a map for example), so you won't compute a value twice. The value of f(y) is the bitwise OR of the value of its parents.
