How to deal with the error "render(Object...) in Controller cannot to be applied to ()" - render

I'm using Intellij to edit a play1 project. The project is build by command play new helloworld and play idealize helloworld
public class Application extends Controller {
public static void index() {
Everything is OK except this error
render(Object...) in Controller cannot to be applied to ()
Any ideas?

File->Project Structure->Project->Project Language Level
Set it to an appropriate level, I set it to 9 and the problem is settled down :)


setUp/tearDown fixtures when unit testing in Laravel

I'm trying to write a unit test that checks attribute method that uses base_path() helper, however, I'm getting an exception: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Container\Container::basePath().
The full stacktrace is below:
I've tracked it down to using setUp and tearDown fixtures - even if I've got:
public function setUp()
//$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../..";
public function tearDown()
I'm getting the abovementioned error. If I remove the fixtures entirely, the error goes away.
After I've replaced the given methods with setUpBeforeClass and tearDownAfterClass the error goes away, but I'd like to know what is causing it.
As far as I'm aware of this is vanilla Laravel 5.4 installation (5.4.36 exactly), but it has additional libraries installed (and I'm not really able to say what libraries). I've not setup the phpunit.xml file, but to be fair I'd not know what to look for.
I've tested it with fresh installation of Laravel (same version) and it does happen straight out of the box (with untouched phpunit.xml file); on version 5.5 it doesn't.
Try calling the parent class setUp and tearDown methods inside your own.
Like so:
public function setUp()
//$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../..";
public function tearDown()
Make sure that you are calling the parent setUp() and tearDown() first before you continue down. See code down here
public function setUp()
//$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] = dirname(__FILE__) . "/../..";
public function tearDown()

UWP - Inherit from Base Page C#

I'm one of the many windows app developers. I'm sure someone other ran in this problem too. I want to have a base page (c#) where I add methods and use it in some pages without coding it over and over.
I've tried it like this:
public class BasicPage : Page
public void Test() {
public sealed partial class SettingsPage : BasicPage{
public SettingsPage () {
On the bold "BasicPage" there are the errors:
Base class of "...SettingsPage" differs from declared in other parts
Base type 'BasicPage' is already specified in other parts
Does someone know a solution?
I assume SettingsPage has a XAML part, which also needs to be derived from BasicPage:
<local:BasicPage x:Class="MyNamespace.SettingsPage" ...>
<!-- settings page content -->

MVVMCross - Navigate ViewModel

When I try to open a new viewmodel I'm receiving the following error:
Failed to load ViewModel for type EasyBudget.Core.ViewModels.GridCategoryViewModel from locator MvxDefaultViewModelLocator
It´s also shows:
No symbols found.
And shows that cannot find or open the PDB file.
My viewmodel:
public class HomeViewModel
: MvxViewModel
private Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand _listCommandCategory;
public System.Windows.Input.ICommand ListCommandCategory
_listCommandCategory = _listCommandCategory ?? new Cirrious.MvvmCross.ViewModels.MvxCommand(DoListCategory);
return _listCommandCategory;
private void DoListCategory()
And my other viewmodel:
public partial class GridCategoryView : MvxPhonePage
public GridCategoryView()
Does anyone knows what may I be forgeting?
Best regards
Wilton Ruffato Wonrath
I believe the problem will most likely be somewhere in the construction of the ViewModel:
perhaps the constructor itself isn't public?
perhaps one or more of the parameters for the constructor couldn't be found?
perhaps some code inside the constructor has thrown an exception
Where you posted 'my other viewmodel' you actually posted code only for your other view. Can you post the code for the ViewModel that accompanies that view?
If you enable your debugger to break on all Exceptions, then this will possibly help you to find the problem that occurs during loading (inside
If you want to a pdb for debugger symbols, then these can be found inside the folders of - inside the VS2012/Release folders. We are also currently trying to work out how to distribute these via (first got the request/suggestion this week)
Finally, if you want to see trace from a Windows build and are using the release packages from nuget then you can do this by overriding CreateDebugTrace() in your Setup.cs file - e.g. try:
protected override IMvxTrace CreateDebugTrace()
return new MvxDebugTrace();
This will also allow you to add some debug trace to your Core code if you want to using:
Mvx.Trace(format, args...)
Mvx.Warning(format, args...)
Mvx.Error(format, args...)
Perhaps, you forgot about adding ViewModel type to your generic MvxPhonePage.
Try this:
public partial class GridCategoryView : MvxPhonePage<GridCategoryViewModel>

Add Aspects to ASP.NET MVC controller using AspectMap

We're looking at using an AOP framework for handling things like logging, tracing, and exception handling. I've built a prototype using PostSharp and now I'm trying to build the same functionality using AspectMap.
In a nutshell, I have an ASP.NET MVC 3 application and I want an aspect that I can easily attach to my controller methods that shows the entry, exit, execution time, and argument values. My PoC is the basic MVC 3 Internet Application template (File > New > Project > Web > ASP.NET MVC 3 Web Application > Internet). What I've done so far...
Created an AspectsRegistry
public class PoCRegistry : AspectsRegistry
public PoCRegistry()
Created a StructureMapControllerFactory
public class StuctureMapControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
protected override IController GetControllerInstance( RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType )
if( controllerType == null ) return null;
return ObjectFactory.GetInstance( controllerType ) as Controller;
catch( StructureMapException )
Debug.WriteLine( ObjectFactory.WhatDoIHave() );
Registered everything in Application_Start
protected void Application_Start()
RegisterGlobalFilters( GlobalFilters.Filters );
RegisterRoutes( RouteTable.Routes );
ObjectFactory.Initialize( ie => ie.AddRegistry( new PoCRegistry() ) );
ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory( new StuctureMapControllerFactory() );
At this point the application works, and I can see it's using my StructureMapControllerFactory to build the controller (debugger steps into that code). The problem is that I can't figure out where or how to "enrich" the controller that is generated. In the tutorial it says I need to use something like the following:
.EnrichWith( AddAspectsTo<CaseController> );
But in the tutorial that goes in the AspectRegistry, which doesn't seem like the right place in this situation because the registry isn't responsible for resolving the controller request, the controller factory is. Unfortunately the GetInstance() method in the controller factory returns an object and the EnrichWith() method needs a SmartInstance.
At this point I'm stuck. Any hints, pointers, or assistance would be appreciated.
This is a use case I hadn't thought about to be honest. I'll setup a test project today and see what I can come up with. Bear with me!
I've been playing around with the backend code (you can get a complete copy of the code from and the relevant part is this:
public T AddAspectsTo<T>(T concreteObject)
ProxyGenerator dynamicProxy = new ProxyGenerator();
return (T)dynamicProxy.CreateInterfaceProxyWithTargetInterface(typeof(T), concreteObject,
new[] { (IInterceptor)new AspectInterceptor(attributeMap) });
This is using the castle dynamic proxy stuff. Unfortunately the CreateInterfaceProxy... methods require that an interface is passed in (rather than a base class like I'd hoped). Now I've found this question:
C# Dynamic Proxy 2 generate proxy from class with code in constructor ? How to?
That seems to show that it could be possible to use CreateClassProxy. I've not had chance to try this out yet and I'm going away for a week away from the computer. If you want to try and wire it up though you're welcome to get the source from codeplex and give it a try though. If not I'll put something together when I return.
Action filters can be used to provide such AOP functionality.

Selenium RC User Defined Functions

Trying to do something simple -
I have a set of statements to clear browser cookies:
public void clearCookies () {"");
Now, if I use this function in a test script (using TestNG), calls to this work perfectly. However, if I moved this function to a separate class and change the declaration to include "static", the "selenium" keyword is not recognized.
In a configuration class (say configClass),
public static void clearCookies () {"");
Now, in my test script, if I call configClass.clearCookies();, I get a runtime error
I tried declaring DefaultSelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium(null);, in the clearCookies() function, but that too results in a runtime error.
I do have the import com.thoughtworks.selenium.*; import in my configClass.
Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
You can do two things.
Refer to the same selenium object in both the classes i.e. in configClass and the class you are calling configClass.clearCookies().
or else
send selenium object to the clearCookies. So the code would be like this
public static void clearCookies (DefaultSelenium selenium) {"");
