Starting forever running background jobs with Django Celery? - django-celery

I am using Django Framework to accept Http Request, where user can start a service or Stop service etc.
When user issues a start service command, I would like to start job in background which will keep running until user stops it. is it possible to achieve same with celery?
I tried to achieve it using celery but since its a blocking job, worker won't be able to accept next job. Hence seems like its not a scalable approach. Am i missing something? Or How can i achieve this?


AWS - Load Balanced Instances & Cron Jobs

I have a Laravel application where the Application servers are behind a Load Balancer. On these Application servers, I have cron jobs running, some of which should only be run once (or run on one instance).
I did some research and found that people seem to favor a lock-system, where you keep all the cron jobs active on each application box, and when one goes to process a job, you create some sort of lock so the others know not to process the same job.
I was wondering if anyone had more details on this procedure in regards to AWS, or if there's a better solution for this problem?
You can build distributed locking mechanisms on AWS using DynamoDB with strongly consistent reads. You can also do something similar using Redis (ElastiCache).
Alternatively, you could use Lambda scheduled events to send a request to your load balancer on a cron schedule. Since only one back-end server would receive the request that server could execute the cron job.
These solutions tend to break when your autoscaling group experiences a scale-in event and the server processing the task gets deleted. I prefer to have a small server, like a t2.nano, that isn't part of the cluster and schedule cron jobs on that.
Check out this package for Laravel implementation of the lock system (DB implementation):
Also, this pull request solves this problem using the lock system (cache implementation):
If you need to run stuff only once globally (so not once on every server) and 'lock' the thing that needs to be run, I highly recommend using AWS SQS because it offers exactly that: run a cron to fetch a ticket. If you get one, parse it. Otherwise, do nothing. So all crons are active on all machines, but tickets are 'in flight' when some machine requests a ticket and that specific ticket cannot be requested by another machine.

Start a background task from a Web Api request

I have an ASP.WEB Web Api controller that needs to fire and forget some slow code. What would be a good way to do that? That is I want the controller to return an HTML response to the browser, while the slow code keeps running somewhere.
Is it a good idea to grab a worker thread from the tread pool and pass in a complex object created by the controller? Or do I need to write a separate windows service to do the work?
Your solution depends on the specifics or your situation and your workload.
You can certainly start of a new task Factory.StartNew when you receive a request.
There is nothing wrong with this technically.
Things you should think about though:
Do I have to return data back to the customer?
This task will use up web server resources so if those tasks take very long time and you get a lot of traffic you may run into situation where your customers are waiting in line to just start being processed. In this situation I think backend server with Windows Service be a much better idea.
All tasks above are subject to IIS Resets. They may be killed during processing your background task.

Sending Email from Django at Heroku and not having idle workers

I have a django application in heroku and one thing I need to do sometimes that take a little bit of time is sending emails.
This is a typical use case of using workers. Heroku offers support for workers, but I have to leave them running all the time (or start and stop them manually), which is annoying.
I would like to use a one-off process to send every email. One possibility I first thought of was using IronWorker, since I thought that I could simply add the job to ironworker's queue and it would be exectuted with a mex of 15 min delay, which is ok for me.
The problem is that with ironworker, I need to put in a zip file all the modules and their dependencies in order to run the job, so in my email use case, as I use "EmailMultiAlternatives" from "django.core.mail.message", I would need to include all the django framework in my zip file in order to be able to use it.
According to this link, it's possible to add/remove workers from the app. Is it possible to start one-off processes from the app?
Does anyone has a better solution?
Thanks in advance

Monitor server, process, services, Task scheduler status

I am wondering if there is a way to monitor these automatically. Right now, in our production/QA/Dev environments - we have bunch of services running that are critical to the application. We also have automatic ETLs running on windows task scheduler at a set time of the day. Currently, I have to log into each server and see if all the services are running fine or not, or check event logs for any errors, or check task scheduler to see if ETLs ran well etc etc... I have to do all the manually... I am wondering if there is a tool out there that will do the monitoring for me and send emails only in case something needs attention (like ETLs fail to run, or service get stopped for whatever reason or errors in event log etc). Thanks for the help.
Paessler PRTG Network Monitor can do all that. we have very good experience with it.
Nagios is the best tool for monitoring. It checks for the server status as well the defined services in it and if any service goes down or system goes down, sends the mail to specified mail id.
Refer the :
Thanks for the above information. I looked at the above options but they have a price.. what I did is an inexpensive way to address my concerns..
For my windows task scheduler jobs that run every night - I installed this tool/service from codeplex that is working great.
For Windows services - I am just setting the "Recovery" Tab in each service "property" with actions to do when it fails. (like restart, reboot, or run a program which could be an email that will notify)
I built a simple tool ( for monitoring periodic/scheduled tasks. The name is a play on "cron" from the unix world, but it is system/task agnostic. All you have to do is make an http request to a unique tracking URL whenever your job runs. If your job doesn't check-in according to the rules you define then it will send you an email/sms message.
It also allows you to track the duration of your jobs by making calls at the beginning and end of your task. This can be really useful for long running jobs since you can be alerted if they start taking too long to run. For example, I once had a backup task that was scheduled every hour. About six months after I set it up it started taking longer than an hour to run!
There is - which is for monitoring server cron tasks, queues and websites. It makes sure each of your cron jobs run when they are supposed to, and alerts you if they failed to be run.

Is it a bad idea to create worker threads in a server process?

My server process is basically an API that responds to REST requests.
Some of these requests are for starting long running tasks.
Is it a bad idea to do something like this?
get "/crawl_the_web" do do # this will take many many days to complete
get "/status" do
"going well" # this can be run while there are active Crawler threads
The server won't be handling more than 1000 requests a day.
Not the best idea....
Use a background job runner to run jobs.
POST /crawl_the_web should simply add a job to the job queue. The background job runner will periodically check for new jobs on the queue and execute them in order.
You can use, for example, delayed_job for this, setting up a single separate process to poll for and run the jobs. If you are on Heroku, you can use the delayed_job feature to run the jobs in a separate background worker/dyno.
If you do this, how are you planning to stop/restart your sinatra app? When you finally deploy your app, your application is probably going to be served by unicorn, passenger/mod_rails, etc. Unicorn will manage the lifecycle of its child processes and it would have no knowledge of these long-running threads that you might have launched and that's a problem.
As someone suggested above, use delayed_job, resque or any other queue-based system to run background jobs. You get persistence of the jobs, you get horizontal scalability (just launch more workers on more nodes), etc.
Starting threads during request processing is a bad idea.
Besides that you cannot control your worker threads (start/stop them in a controlled way), you'll quickly get into troubles if you start a thread inside request processing. Think about what happens - the request ends and the process gets prepared to serve the next request, while your worker thread still runs and accesses process-global resources like the database connection, open files, same class variables and global variables and so on. Sooner or later, your worker thread (or any library used from it) will affect the main thread somehow and break other requests and it will be almost impossible to debug.
You're really better off using separate worker processes. delayed_job for example is a really small dependency and easy to use.
