Jersey Response for Exception not working as Expected - jersey

I am authenticating user with name and password from my database.
If the user name or password is incorrect then I am throwing a custom Exception.
but I am not getting expected status code and response.
I am new to Jersey and web services.
This is my function which creates a response :
public static Response error(int Status_code, String Request_status ,String data, String Response_error){
ResponseBuilder response = new ResponseBuilder();
response.Status_code = Status_code;
response.Request_status = Request_status; =data;
response.Response_error = Response_error;
return Response.status(Status_code).entity(response).build();
This is my custom Exception class code :
public class InvalidcredentialsException extends WebApplicationException {
public InvalidcredentialsException(Response response ) {
This is how I am throwing this exception in my code if credentials are wrong(user name and password) in AuthenticateUser function in my Model.
throw new InvalidcredentialsException(ResponseBuilder.error(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode(),"success","","invalid credentials"));
When I am checking my API I am getting 204 as response , but I am expecting a JSON with the parameters which I have provided.
I have implemented my API in the following way :
public class User {
public void UserAuthentication(UserCredentials user) {
UserModel userAuthentication = new UserModel();
I have used the following link to create Exception and throw :
JAX-RS / Jersey how to customize error handling?
This is my authenticate function :
public void AuthenticateUser(UserCredentials user) {
Database db = new Database();
Connection con = null;
PreparedStatement preparedStatement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
try {
String username = user.getUsername();
String password = user.getPassword();
con = db.getConnection();
if (con != null) {
String selectQuery_UserDetails = "SELECT name,password FROM user WHERE name=? AND password = ?";
preparedStatement = con.prepareStatement(selectQuery_UserDetails);
preparedStatement.setString(1, username);
preparedStatement.setString(2, password);
rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
if (!rs.isBeforeFirst()) {
throw new InvalidcredentialsException(ResponseBuilder.error(Response.Status.UNAUTHORIZED.getStatusCode(),"success","","invalid credentials"));
}}catch (SQLException e) {
} finally {

You are catching but not handling the SQLException. When an error occurs, while accessing or trying to access the database, the exception is ignored and no error response is created. Maybe the database is not accessible or configured incorrectly.
You should wrap the exception into a RuntimeException like or just remove the catch statement. And you should log the error here or in an exception mapper, so that you are able to analyze and fix the problem.
I suggest to wrap the exception and log it like that:
}catch(SQLException e){
logger.log(Level.SEVERE, "db error while authenticate user", e);
throw new InternalServerErrorException("db error while authenticate user", e);
Now the runtime exception will be handled by a default exception mapper, which will generate the error response. Additional the error is logged. In this code I used java.util.logging - if necessary adjust it to the logging api you use.


How to handle exceptions thrown in the service layer?

I'm working on a spring-boot application. I tried handling exceptions .But i guess there is something wrong about how I'm doing it because it always throws internal server error 500.
I tried setting up custom exception classes and also used response status codes with #ResponseStatus. But regardless of what the exception is it throws an internal server error only.
I'm using intellij and the message i've given in the exception is printed there but the response body is empty.This i guess must be because it is throwing an internal server error.
Controller class
#RequestMapping(value = "/attendance",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> enterAttendance(#RequestBody ViewDTO viewDTO) throws CustomException{
return new ResponseEntity<>(tempResultServices.handleAttendance(viewDTO),HttpStatus.OK);
Service layer
public TempResult handleAttendance(ViewDTO viewDTO) throws CustomException {
TempIdentity tempIdentity=new TempIdentity();
User user=userService.findByUserId(viewDTO.getUserId());
TempResult tempResultUser =new TempResult(tempIdentity,viewDTO.isAttendance(),0);
ResultIdentity resultIdentity=new ResultIdentity(tempIdentity.getRegistrationNo(),tempIdentity.getCourseId(),tempIdentity.getYear(),tempIdentity.getSemester());
Result result=new Result(resultIdentity,0,"E*");
AttendanceDraft attendanceDraft=atteDraftService.findDraft(viewDTO.getRegistrationNo(),viewDTO.getCourseId(),viewDTO.getYear(),viewDTO.getSemester(),viewDTO.getUserId());
return tempResultUser;
throw new CustomException("No draft available");
TempResult tempResultUser =new TempResult(tempIdentity,viewDTO.isAttendance());
AttendanceDraft attendanceDraft=atteDraftService.findDraft(viewDTO.getRegistrationNo(),viewDTO.getCourseId(),viewDTO.getYear(),viewDTO.getSemester(),viewDTO.getUserId());
return tempResultUser;
throw new CustomException("No draft available");
The exception class
#ResponseStatus(code= HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND)
public class CustomException extends RuntimeException {
public CustomException(String message){
The terminal in the intellij prints "No draft available ". But i want it not as an internal server error.
Can some one tell me how i should be handling these errors please?
I tried using the #RestControllerAdvice
public class WebRestControllerAdvice {
public ResponseMsg handleNotFoundException(CustomException ex) {
ResponseMsg responseMsg = new ResponseMsg(ex.getMessage());
return responseMsg;
And this is my response message class
public class ResponseMsg {
private String message;
//getters and setters
This is another simple request in the application
#RequestMapping(value = "/user/view",method = RequestMethod.POST)
public ResponseEntity<?> getUser(#RequestBody UserDTO userDTO) throws CustomException{
User user=userService.findByUsername(userDTO.getUsername());
return ResponseEntity.ok(user);
throw new CustomException("User not found");
But still the custom exception is not thrown. The response body is empty. but intellij says "user not found" and postman returns the status code 500.
Spring boot has a very convenient way to handle exceptions in any layer of your application which is defining a #ControllerAdvice bean. Then you can throw any type of exception in your code and it will be "captured" on this class.
After this you can handle and return whatever your app needs to return.
By the way, you can return your custom object and it will be parsed to json automatically.
Sample code:
public class ErrorHandler {
public Object processValidationError(BadRequestException ex) {
//return whatever you need to return in your API

Retrofit returns content length 0 with spring data rest

I am using spring boot application with spring data rest deployed on heroku. I have a /api/userDatas end point on which an entity can be created by a POST request. I have tested it using Postman and it gets created.
Now I am using retrofit on android to perform the same functionality. But the problem is that entity gets created on the server but onFailure() always gets called. I have debugged and found that content-length is always 0.
private void createUser() {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder()
HttpLoggingInterceptor logging = new HttpLoggingInterceptor();
OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(logging).build();
Retrofit retrofit = new Retrofit.Builder()
ServeNetworking serveNetworking = retrofit.create(ServeNetworking.class);
Call<UserData> getUserByIdResponseCall = serveNetworking.socialConnectAPI(userData);
getUserByIdResponseCall.enqueue(new Callback<UserData>() {
public void onResponse(Call<UserData> call, Response<UserData> response) {
Log.d("getUserById", "onResponse");
Toast.makeText(OTPVerificationActivity.this, "userId : onResponse", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
* Save data in local db and navigate to map screen.
ActivityAnimationUtils.presentActivity(OTPVerificationActivity.this, MapActivity.class);
} catch (Exception e){
public void onFailure(Call<UserData> call, Throwable t) {
Log.d("getUserById", "onFailure");
Utils.showSnackBar(OTPVerificationActivity.this,"Somethign went wrong", root);
and interface:
public interface ServeNetworking {
#Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8"})
Call<UserData> socialConnectAPI(
#Body UserData user
#Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8"})
Call<UserData> getUser(
#Path("userId") String userId
* this class is used to get the donor base urls...
class ServeURLS{
private static String baseURL="";
public static String getBaseURL() {
return baseURL;
I am getting following error: End of input at line 1 column 1 path $
Found the solution.
added Accept header in ServeNetworking:
#Headers({ "Content-Type: application/json,"Accept: application/json"})
Call<UserData> socialConnectAPI(
#Body UserData user

Error Response while getting jwt access token for google user with Google Credential Object

I am trying to get the jwt access tokens for each user of my gsuite domain using the GoogleCredential and JacksonFactory libraries.
Code sample -
GoogleCredential credential = new GoogleCredential.Builder().setTransport(httpTransport)
String accessToken = credential.getAccessToken();
All fields - clientEmail, scopes, key and userEmail are neither null nor empty
For a few number of users I am not able to get the access token and am getting this error com.hubble.hubbleEngine.policyTypes.OAuth.getJWTAccessToken(
This is happening only the first time, I am trying to get the access tokens. When I try to get the access tokens again for all users, I am able to get the access tokens for the users which were throwing the error the first time.
I debugged a bit and saw that the error gets generated from the following function present in
public final HttpResponse executeUnparsed() throws IOException {
// must set clientAuthentication as last execute interceptor in case it needs to sign request
HttpRequestFactory requestFactory =
transport.createRequestFactory(new HttpRequestInitializer() {
public void initialize(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
if (requestInitializer != null) {
final HttpExecuteInterceptor interceptor = request.getInterceptor();
request.setInterceptor(new HttpExecuteInterceptor() {
public void intercept(HttpRequest request) throws IOException {
if (interceptor != null) {
if (clientAuthentication != null) {
// make request
HttpRequest request =
requestFactory.buildPostRequest(tokenServerUrl, new UrlEncodedContent(this));
request.setParser(new JsonObjectParser(jsonFactory));
HttpResponse response = request.execute();
if (response.isSuccessStatusCode()) {
return response;
throw TokenResponseException.from(jsonFactory, response);
The request.execute() hits the "" to get the token but it is throwing some error response. Due to this it throws the TokenResponseException mentioned at last. Here, the response.getContent() is null due to which the whole null exception is occuring.
Is there a way to know, which kind of error response is thrown by the call. (>300 or <200)? Or why such a case is happening ?

unable to call a REST webservice..Full authentication required

I am currently working on spring application and REST webservices.
I have created a REST webservice in one application and want to access that service from other applications.
Below is the error its showing when trying to access the webservice.
RestClientException : org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 401 Full authentication is required to access this resource
Below is my webservice code:
#RequestMapping(value = MyRequestMapping.GET_ACC_DATA, method = RequestMethod.GET)
public MyResponseDTO getSigDataValues(#PathVariable final String acc, final HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
MyResponseDTO responseDTO = null;
try {
//logic goes here
//responseDTO = ..
} catch (Exception e) {
LOG.error("Exception" + e);
return responseDTO;
I am calling above webservice from another application.In the below mentioned method I am calling the webservice and its throwing me the exception org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException.
public MyResponseDTO getAccData(String acc){
list= (List<String>)restTemplate.postForObject(MyDataURL.GET_ACC_DATA.value(), MyResponseDTO.class, acc);
catch (final RestClientException e)
{"RestClientException :" + e);
Please suggest, what am I missing.
You would need to authenticate against the REST service. One of the most common ways is Basic Authentication. If this is what the service is using you would need to create an AUTHORIZATION header with Base 64 encoded usernamen + password.
RestTemplate allow to set customer headers before the request gets sent.
The process of creating the Authorization header is relatively straightforward for Basic Authentication, so it can pretty much be done manually with a few lines of code:
private HttpHeaders createHeaders(String username, String password) {
return new HttpHeaders() {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1704024310885506847L;
String auth = username + ":" + password;
byte[] encodedAuth = Base64.encodeBase64(auth.getBytes(Charset.forName("US-ASCII")));
String authHeader = "Basic " + new String(encodedAuth);
set("Authorization", authHeader);
Then, sending a request becomes just as simple:
ResponseEntity<Dados> response =, HttpMethod.GET,
new HttpEntity<Dados>(createHeaders(usuario, senha)), Dados.class);

How do I control Token Response Expiry time for google API access

I have problem extending the standard one hour for validity of google access token.
One part of my code is getting authorization from the user, using the GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow as per Google recommendation. This works fine and gives me a TokenResponse that I persist to be used in an other part of the application where the user is not connected.
As per Google documentation, I thought that the "offline" access type in the flow would enable the TokenResponse to be usable as longer as the user doesnt revoke it. But apparently when I use this TokenReponse just after the user authorization, it works fine but when I use it after more than one hour, I get an "invalid credentials" sent back by Google.
Here is the code which creates the TokenResponse once the user has authorized it :
private HttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT;
private JacksonFactory JSON_FACTORY = JacksonFactory.getDefaultInstance();
private static GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow flow;
public void init() {
try {
HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
} catch (GeneralSecurityException | IOException e) {"Raised Exception while getting GoogleNetHttpTransport : %s", e.getMessage()));
flow = new GoogleAuthorizationCodeFlow.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, APP_ID, APP_SECRET,
#RequestMapping(value = Uris.GOOGLERD)
public ModelAndView googleCallBack(HttpServletRequest request, #RequestParam(value = "state", required = false) String state,
#RequestParam(value = "code", required = false) String code,
#RequestParam(value = "error", required = false) String error, Model model) {
DynSubscriber dynSubscriber = (DynSubscriber) request.getSession().getAttribute("dynSubscriber");
ModelAndView toReturn = new ModelAndView("confirmation");
toReturn.addObject("buttonLabel", "Accueil");
try {
AuthorizationCodeTokenRequest tokenRequest = flow.newTokenRequest(code);
TokenResponse tr = tokenRequest.setRedirectUri(request.getRequestURL().toString()).execute();
// Json Conversion of Token Response for future use
StringWriter jsonTrWriter = new StringWriter();
JsonGenerator generator = JSON_FACTORY.createJsonGenerator(jsonTrWriter);
//Persists google access info
dynSubOp.setSPConnexionInfo(dynSubscriber, jsonTrWriter.toString(), DynServiceProviderType.GOOGLECAL);
toReturn.addObject("message","Agenda Google autorisé");
} catch (IOException | DynServicesException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Exception raised in googleCallBack for subscriber %s : %s", dynSubscriber.buildFullName(), e.getMessage()),e);
toReturn.addObject("message", "Problème lors du processus d'autorisation google");
return toReturn;
And here is the offline code which uses this TokenReponse :
private calendarConnection;
public DynGoogleCalendarRetriever(String subid, String connectionInformation)
throws CalendarConnectionNotAuthorizedException {
TokenResponse tr;
try {
HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
tr = JSON_FACTORY.fromString(connectionInformation, TokenResponse.class);
Credential c = new GoogleCredential().setFromTokenResponse(tr);
calendarConnection = new, JSON_FACTORY, c)
} catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failure creating the credentials for subscriber id %s", subid), e);
throw new CalendarConnectionNotAuthorizedException(String.format(
"Failure creating the credentials for subscriber id %s", subid), e);
Looks like this was already answered in this other SO question.
To get the refresh token that enables what I want, I need to build the flow with a approval_prompt=force parameter (builder.setApprovalPrompt("force"))
As per the comment, this requires the offline access which is done in the flow initialization.
A complement however : the offline code in my question doesn't work as such although I copied and pasted it from google documentation (probably an older version). The Credential needs to use its Builder object.
Here is the fully functionnal offline code :
TokenResponse tr;
try {
HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
tr = JSON_FACTORY.fromString(connectionInformation, TokenResponse.class);
Credential c = new GoogleCredential.Builder().setTransport(HTTP_TRANSPORT).setJsonFactory(JSON_FACTORY)
.setClientSecrets(APP_ID, APP_SECRET).build().setFromTokenResponse(tr);
calendarConnection = new, JSON_FACTORY, c)
} catch (IOException | GeneralSecurityException e) {
logger.error(String.format("Failure creating the credentials for subscriber id %s", subid), e);
throw new CalendarConnectionNotAuthorizedException(String.format(
"Failure creating the credentials for subscriber id %s", subid), e);
