display: unable to open X server - macos

I am running ImageMagick on my Mac which runs on Yosemite. I have just downloaded ImageMagick and I am trying to open the logo display by running this on the command line:
display logo.gif
after executing the above command, I am getting the following error:
display: unable to open X server `:0.0' # error/display.c/DisplayImageCommand/426.
I've implemented all the steps to install ImageMagick, including executing the following command:
export DISPLAY=:0.0
and I am still not getting the display to show up. When I echo $DISPLAY, my console shows 0.0.
How can I fix this error? Any help is appreciated.

Do not attempt to export the $DISPLAY environment variable, as this will be set when X11 (XQuartz) is launched. On OS X, this is usually a unique unix path. Something like:
#=> /private/tmp/com.apple.launchd.CWOgR6ULcX/org.macosforge.xquartz:0
The best way to start X sever (IMHO) is to use Spotlight
⌘ + space
Search for "X11" followed by ↩
Open new terminal window & run your display command


gnome-terminal not in executable format in Lazarus

I just installed Lazarus for an algorithms course on uni on my Ubuntu PC.
I'm experiencing the following error when I try to run a console application over the terminal.
"/usr/bin/gnome-terminal": not in executable format: file format not
The Launching application on Run Parameters is setup like this:
/usr/bin/gnome-terminal -t 'Lazarus Run Output' -e
'$(LazarusDir)/tools/runwait.sh $(TargetCmdLine)'
When I do /usr/bin/gnome-terminal in any terminal, I get a new terminal popping out, so I'm not sure why it isn't working.
I just want to output the run to something to see if my code is working.

ANTLR 4 installation failed on OS X?

I've got a question about installing ANTLR on my Unix system (MacOS Sierra).
I followed the Quick Start steps (ANTLR 4 Quick Start installation steps for OS X) as described on the homepage of ANTLR 4. Everything seems to be working fine but whenever i close my Terminal the export and alias commands seem to have disappeared. Does anyone have an idea what i might be doing wrong? Thank you!
p.s. I'm new to OS X and using the terminal.
Append the export and 2 alias commands to the .bash_profile file in your home directory.
Every time you open a terminal, the contents of that file is loaded.
So the steps i took was as followed;
Open terminal
enter cd /usr/local/lib
enter sudo curl -O http://www.antlr.org/download/antlr-4.5.3-complete.jar
enter touch ~/.bash_profile; open ~/.bash_profile
Text editor opens up.
Paste the following;
export CLASSPATH=".:/usr/local/lib/antlr-4.5.3-complete.jar:$CLASSPATH"
alias antlr4='java -jar /usr/local/lib/antlr-4.5.3-complete.jar'
alias grun='java org.antlr.v4.gui.TestRig'
Save the file
reopen the terminal. Test if antlr4 and grun works.

Cannot connect to X server using docker on OS X - Part II

I'm having the same difficulty as the one expressed here: Cannot connect to X server using docker on OSX
I'm very confused about the recommended instructions in the above link (I'm a novice on docker), and I'm hoping to get clarification about the following:
1) Do we "touch foo.foam" in a regular OS X terminal or do we touch it in the docker terminal; in my case, following "docker run -ti openfoamplus/of_v30plus_rhel66 /bin/bash"
2) You suggest running paraview (mine is the most recent) just like any other Mac app. So, basically, to double-click on paraview in the Applications folder? But when opening foo.foam via the Open Menu do we just open foo.foam and press the Apply button (it gives errors), or do we actually enter "paraview foo.foam" as per your instruction above? If the latter, then nothing really happens; I can't open anything!
3) If we're supposed to just open foo.foam, what do we do after that? How is docker even aware about any of this? Anyway, when I type paraview from within docker (after foo.foam is opened) I get the same X server error. I wouldn't expect otherwise!
Hopefully, you can provide a more step-by-step set of instructions?
Thanks in advance
#First steps with OpenFoam
You've successfully followed the instructions to run the cavity problem, but you run the final command paraview and the spits back an error about x server being unavailable.
here's what you do:
Download paraview natively to your mac. Then open up a terminal window and cd into the directory that you ran the cavity problem in. (note sure what directory? jump back to your docker shell and run echo $FOAM_RUN)
Once you're inside the cavity directory, make a new .foam file and open it with paraview.
$ touch foam.foam
$ open -a paraview foam.foam
Click on that Apply button - middle of the screen on the left. At the top screen you can then select things like pressure p and plot type surface, and step through the time dumps in the upper right (initially my mesh didn't render correctly, so I had to deselect internalMesh, apply, and then select it and apply again).
Not really sure what you're looking at? Here's the tutorial for the problem:

How to start GNU Octave with GUI through Cygwin from a desktop icon?

Since GNU Octave comes wit a GUI since versions 3.8.0, I thought I should check it out.
So since I run Windows and could only find Octave 3.8 for Cygwin, I installed Cygwin and the packages octave, xinit, xlaunch and gnuplot (according to this page, but I don't know if all those packages are needed).
Then, when trying to start Octave with the GUI from Cygwin with octave --force-gui, I initially got the error message
octave: X11 DISPLAY environment variable not set
and Octave would start in console mode. So I found this page, which told me to run
echo "export DISPLAY=:0.0" >>~/.bash_profile
from Cygwin, to permanently get rid of the error message, which worked. However, then I instead got this error message:
octave: unable to open X11 DISPLAY
The same page also said that you have to run the X Server by going to Start -> Cygwin-X -> XWin Server. That worked, but since I don't want the xterm terminal to start since it is not needed, I found this page which told me to run
touch ~/.startxwinrc
from Cygwin to create an empty .startxwinrc file, to prevent the xtrem terminal from starting by default, which worked. The same page also mentioned that the X Server can be started directly from Cygwin with the command startxwin.
So, now I can start Octave with the GUI from Cygwin, simply by running
octave --force-gui
However, I would like to just be able to double click on a desktop icon to get everything up and running.
So, to my question: Can I somehow put this in a script file, which when I run it, will be opened in Cygwin so that the commands in the script file will be run in Cygwin? And is there some way to automatically close the X Server after Octave has terminated? I've tried writing a file octave.bat, which starts Cygwin and gives a second batch file as argument, which in turn contains the commands I want to execute. But when I run the first script, I just get bombarded with command prompts (not Cygwin prompts), and the all say
'startxwin' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
Why is the second script not opened in Cygwin, and how can I achieve what I want as simply as possible?
Please grab Octave from here: http://mxeoctave.osuv.de/
The installer should configure everything for you.
GNU Octave offers now Windows binary itself. Go to ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/octave/windows/
You have to put
c:\cygwin64\bin\mintty.exe /bin/sh -lc 'startxwin /bin/octave --force-gui'
in your windows batch file (please adapt the Cygwin path to your settings). That worked fine for me.
The call
c:\cygwin64\bin\bash --login -c "startxwin /bin/octave --force-gui"
did open Octave as desired but the GUI seemed to have response issues to the keyboard and froze after clicking into the editor.
I don't have any of the those commands installed with my Cygwin installation, so I can't test this by trying using the following an .bat file on your desktop:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -c "startxwin octave --force-gui"
Replace c:\cygwin with the directory where you installed Cygwin.
If this leaves a console window on the screen try doing:
c:\cygwin\bin\bash --login -c "run startxwin octave --force-gui"

Dia command line not working on OSX

I've got a problem with using Dia from the command line on OSX 10.7.4. I downloaded and installed the OSX dmg from http://dia-installer.de/download/macosx.html I've been using it to create graphics for a paper and absolutely love it.
I'm using a makefile to call pdflatex, bibtex, and R so that that it will build everything from scratch if need be, but can't get Dia's command line to work.
I want to use the command line with -e and -t to export the graphics to a specific directory so that pdflatex can put them in the pdf. (http://dia-installer.de/doc/en/re01.html)
The problem that I'm running into is that anytime I call it from the terminal, it brings up the GUI. Even if I give move to /Applications/Dia.app/Content/Resources/bin/ and use the command "./dia -v". It gives me a bunch of errors about "Input method" and then shows the GUI.
I looked on the Dia FAQ and it has a lot of information for the Windows command line, but nothing for OSX.
I'm hoping that someone here has run into this before and knows how to get it to work.
Thanks in advance.
