Morris Pratt table in Fortran - algorithm

I have been tried to do the Morris Pratt table and the code is basically this one in C:
void preMp(char *x, int m, int mpNext[]) {
int i, j;
i = 0;
j = mpNext[0] = -1;
while (i < m) {
while (j > -1 && x[i] != x[j])
j = mpNext[j];
mpNext[++i] = ++j;
and here is where i get so far in Fortran
implicit none
integer, parameter :: m=4
character(LEN=m) :: x='abac'
integer, dimension(4) :: T
integer :: i, j
do while(i < m)
do while((j > -1) .AND. (x(i+1:i+1) /= (x(j+i+1:j+i+1))))
end do
end do
print *, T(1:)
end program MP_ALGORITHM
and the problem is i think i am having the wrong output.
for x=abac it should be (?):
a b a c
-1 0 1 0
and my code is returning 0 1 1 1
so, what i've done wrong?

The problem here is that C indices start from zero, but Fortran indices start from one. You can try to adjust the index for every array acces by one, but this will get unwieldy.
The Morris-Pratt table itself is an array of indices, so it should look different in C and Fortran: The Fortran array should have one-based indices and it should use zero as invalid index.
Together with the error that chw21 pointed out, your function might look like this:
subroutine kmp_table(x, t)
implicit none
character(*), intent(in) :: x
integer, dimension(:), intent(out) :: t
integer m
integer :: i, j
m = len(x)
i = 1
t(1) = 0
j = 0
do while (i < m)
do while(j > 0 .and. x(i:i) /= x(j:j))
j = t(j)
end do
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
t(i) = j
end do
end subroutine
You can then use it in the Morris-Pratt algorithm as taken straight from the Wikipedia page with adjustment for Fortran indices:
function kmp_index(S, W) result(res)
implicit none
integer :: res
character(*), intent(in) :: S ! text to search
character(*), intent(in) :: W ! word to find
integer :: m ! zero-based offset in S
integer :: i ! one-based offset in W and T
integer, dimension(len(W)) :: T ! KMP table
call kmp_table(W, T)
i = 1
m = 0
do while (m + i <= len(S))
if (W(i:i) == S(m + i:m + i)) then
if (i == len(W)) then
res = m + 1
end if
i = i + 1
if (T(i) > 0) then
m = m + i - T(i)
i = T(i)
i = 1
m = m + 1
end if
end if
end do
res = 0
end function
(The index m is zero-based here, because t is only ever used in conjunction with i in S(m + i:m + i). Adding two one-based indices will yield an offset of one, whereas keeping m zero-based makes this a neutral addition. m is a local variable that isn't exposed to code from the outside.)
Alternatively, you could make your Fortran arrays zero-based by specifying a lower bound of zero for your string and array. That will clash with the useful character(*) notation, though, which always uses one-based indexing. In my opinion, it is better to think about the whole algorithm in the typical one-based indexing scheme of Fortran.

this site isn't really a debugging site. Normally I would suggest you have a look at how to debug code. It didn't take me very long to go through your code with a pen and paper and verify that that is indeed the table it produces.
Still, here are a few pointers:
The C code compares x[i] and x[j], but you compare x[i] and x[i+j] in your Fortran code, more or less.
Integer arrays usually also start at index 1 in Fortran. So just like adding one to the index in the x String, you also need to add 1 every time you access T anywhere.


Why is the function not matching the call?

I have a function blur_1D(v, l) which takes a vector v and an integer l and for each value v[i] in v, it gets the mean of i-l to i+l and replaces v[i] to create a blur. My function isn't getting matched to the call. Here's the code.
function mean(x)
sum = 0.0
for i in 1:length(x)
sum += x[i]
return sum / length(x)
function extend(v, i)
n = length(v)
if i < 1
return v[1]
elseif i > n
return v[n]
return v[i]
function blur_1D(v, l)
blur_v = zeros(typeof(v[1]), length(v))
for i in 1:length(v)
box = zeros(typeof(v[i]), ((2*l)+1))
k = 1
for j in i-l:i+l
box[k] = extend(v, j)
k += 1
blur_v[i] = mean(box)
return blur_v
n = 100
v = rand(n)
colored_line(x::Vector{<:Real}) = Gray.(Float64.((hcat(x)')))
colored_line(x::Any) = nothing
Why does it give me an error?
MethodError: no method matching blur_1D(::Array{Float64,1})
Closest candidates are:
blur_1D(::Any, !Matched::Any) at /Users/...
Please excuse any inefficient, inelegant code/syntax, but I do welcome suggestions on how I could improve that as well. :)
Perhaps the l parameter in your blur function has some default value and you normally want to use a one-parameter version.
In that case you should define function with a default value:
function blur_1D(v, l=0)
BTW, I strongly discourage using l for variable name because it can be easily be mistaken with 1 (one), especially when the code is read by somebody else.

Fortran Bubble Sort Algorithm

I'm with problems to compile a Bubble sort algorithm, I dont know what I'm doing wrong. I will appreciate so much if somebody helps me.
This is the code:
program bubble
integer, dimension(6) :: vec
integer :: temp, bubble, lsup, j
read *, vec !the user needs to put 6 values on the array
lsup = 6 !lsup is the size of the array to be used
do while (lsup > 1)
bubble = 0 !bubble in the greatest element out of order
do j = 1, (lsup-1)
if vet(j) > vet(j+1) then
temp = vet(j)
vet(j) = vet(j+1)
vet(j+1) = temp
bubble = j
lsup = bubble
print *, vet
end program
You had various issues in your code:
a variable must not be name as the program
the conditional lacked paranthesis
typos: vet instead of vec
Here is a clean solution:
program bubble_test
implicit none
integer, dimension(6) :: vec
integer :: temp, bubble, lsup, j
read *, vec !the user needs to put 6 values on the array
lsup = 6 !lsup is the size of the array to be used
do while (lsup > 1)
bubble = 0 !bubble in the greatest element out of order
do j = 1, (lsup-1)
if (vec(j) > vec(j+1)) then
temp = vec(j)
vec(j) = vec(j+1)
vec(j+1) = temp
bubble = j
lsup = bubble
print *, vec
end program
Your coding can be further improved... See this example.

searching a prime number

I hope I am not duplication any question but the suggested topic did not provide with any similar problem. I have a function that check if a number is a prime one. Now this is the slowest possible way to search for a prime.
subroutine is_prime_slow(num, stat)
implicit none
logical :: stat
integer :: num
integer :: i
if ((num .le. 3) .and. (num .gt. 1)) then
stat = .true.
end if
! write(*,*) 'limit = ',limit
do i = 2,num - 1
! write(*,*) 'mod(',limit,i,') = ',mod(limit,i)
if (mod(num,i) == 0) then
stat = .false.
end if
end do
stat = .true.
Now let's say that I do some improvement to it.
subroutine is_prime_slow(num, stat)
implicit none
logical :: stat
integer :: num
integer :: i
if ((num .le. 3) .and. (num .gt. 1)) then
stat = .true.
end if
if ((mod(num,2) == 0) .or. (mod(num,3) == 0) .or. (mod(num,5) == 0) .or. (mod(num,7) == 0)) then
stat = .false.
end if
! write(*,*) 'limit = ',limit
do i = 2,num - 1
! write(*,*) 'mod(',limit,i,') = ',mod(limit,i)
if (mod(num,i) == 0) then
stat = .false.
end if
end do
stat = .true.
Now the second version excludes more than half of numbers e.g. all that are divisible by 2,3,5,7. How is it possible that when I time the execution with the linux 'time' program, the 'improved' version performs just as slowly? Am I missing some obvious trick?
Searching the first 900000 numbers:
1st: 4m28sec
2nd 4m26sec
The multiples of 2, 3, 5, and 7 are quickly rejected by the original algorithm anyway, so jumping over them does not improve the performance at all. Where the algorithm spends most of its time is in proving that numbers with large prime factors are composite. To radically improve the performance you should use a better primality test, such as Miller-Rabin.
A simpler improvement is testing factors only up to sqrt(num), not num-1. If that doesn't make immediate sense, think about how big the smallest prime factor of a composite number can be. Also, if you are looking for primes from 1 to N, it may be more efficient to use a prime number sieve, or testing divisibility only by primes you have already found.
I just recently coded something similar ;-)
! Algorithm taken from
subroutine eratosthenes_sieve(n, primes)
implicit none
integer,intent(in) :: n
integer,allocatable,intent(out) :: primes(:)
integer :: i, j, maxPrime, stat
logical :: A(n)
maxPrime = floor(sqrt(real(n)))
A = .true.
do i=2,maxPrime
j = i*i
A(j) = .false.
j = j + i ; if ( j .gt. n ) exit
enddo !i
allocate( primes( count(A)-1 ), stat=stat )
if ( stat /= 0 ) stop 'Cannot allocate memory!'
j = 1
do i=2,n ! Skip 1
if ( .not. A(i) ) cycle
primes( j ) = i
j = j + 1 ; if ( j > size(primes) ) exit
end subroutine
This algorithm gives you all prime numbers up to a certain number, so you can easily check whether your prime is included or not:
if ( any(number == prime) ) write(*,*) 'Prime found:',number

native string matching algorithm

Following is a very famous question in native string matching. Please can someone explain me the answer.
Suppose that all characters in the pattern P are different. Show how to accelerate NAIVE-STRING MATCHER to run in time O(n) on an n-character text T.
The basic idea:
Iterate through the input and the pattern at the same time, comparing their characters to each other
Whenever you get a non-matching character between the two, you can just reset the pattern position and keep the input position as is
This works because the pattern characters are all different, which means that whenever you have a partial match, there can be no other match overlapping with that, so we can just start looking from the end of the partial match.
Here's some pseudo-code that shouldn't be too difficult to understand:
pPos = 0
iPos = 0
while iPos < n
if pPos == k
if pattern[pPos] == input[iPos]
// if pPos is already 0, we need to increase iPos,
// otherwise we just keep comparing the same characters
if pPos == 0
pPos = 0
It's easy to see that iPos increases at least every second loop, thus there can be at most 2n loop runs, making the running time O(n).
When T[i] and P[j] mismatches in NAIVE-STRING-MATCHER, we can skip all characters before T[i] and begin new matching from T[i + 1] with P[1].
1 n length[T]
2 m length[P]
3 for s 0 to n - m
4 do if P[1 . . m] = T[s + 1 . . s + m]
5 then print "Pattern occurs with shift" s
Naive string search algorithm implementations in Python 2.7:
In the middle of implementing Boyer-Moore's string search algorithm, I decided to play with my original naive search algorithm. It's implemented as an instance method that takes a string to be searched. The object has an attribute 'pattern' which is the pattern to match.
1) Here is the original version of the search method, using a double for-loop.
Makes calls to range and len
def search(self, string):
for i in range(len(string)):
for j in range(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
2) Here is the second version, using a double while-loop instead.
Slightly faster, not making calls to range
def search(self, string):
i = 0
while i < len(string):
j = 0
while j < len(self.pattern) and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len(self.pattern):
return i
i += 1
return -1
3) Here is the original, replacing range with xrange.
Faster than both of the previous two.
def search(self, string):
for i in xrange(len(string)):
for j in xrange(len(self.pattern)):
if string[i+j] != self.pattern[j]:
elif j == len(self.pattern) - 1:
return i
return -1
4) Storing values in local variables = win! With the double while loop, this is the fastest.
def search(self, string):
len_pat = len(self.pattern)
len_str = len(string)
i = 0
while i < len_str:
j = 0
while j < len_pat and self.pattern[j] == string[i+j]:
j += 1
if j == len_pat:
return i
i += 1
return -1

Round to the nearest power of two

Is there a one line expression (possibly boolean) to get the nearest 2^n number for a given integer?
Example: 5,6,7 must be 8.
Round up to the next higher power of two: see bit-twiddling hacks.
In C:
unsigned int v; // compute the next highest power of 2 of 32-bit v
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
I think you mean next nearest 2^n number. You can do a log on the mode 2 and then determine next integer value out of it.
For java, it can be done like:
Since the title of the question is "Round to the nearest power of two", I thought it would be useful to include a solution to that problem as well.
int nearestPowerOfTwo(int n)
int v = n;
v |= v >> 1;
v |= v >> 2;
v |= v >> 4;
v |= v >> 8;
v |= v >> 16;
v++; // next power of 2
int x = v >> 1; // previous power of 2
return (v - n) > (n - x) ? x : v;
It basically finds both the previous and the next power of two and then returns the nearest one.
Your requirements are a little confused, the nearest power of 2 to 5 is 4. If what you want is the next power of 2 up from the number, then the following Mathematica expression does what you want:
2^Ceiling[Log[2, 5]] => 8
From that it should be straightforward to figure out a one-liner in most programming languages.
For next power of two up from a given integer x
or alternatively (if you do not have a log function accepting a base argument
Note that this does not work for x < 2
This can be done by right shifting on the input number until it becomes 0 and keeping the count of shifts. This will give the position of the most significant 1 bit. Getting 2 to the power of this number will give us the next nearest power of 2.
public int NextPowerOf2(int number) {
int pos = 0;
while (number > 0) {
number = number >> 1;
return (int) Math.pow(2, pos);
For rounding up to the nearest power of 2 in Java, you can use this. Probably faster for longs than the bit-twiddling stuff mentioned in other answers.
static long roundUpToPowerOfTwo(long v) {
long i = Long.highestOneBit(v);
return v > i ? i << 1 : i;
Round n to the next power of 2 in one line in Python:
next_power_2 = 2 ** (n - 1).bit_length()
Modified for VBA. NextPowerOf2_1 doesn't seem to work. So I used loop method. Needed a shift right bitwise operator though.
Sub test()
End Sub
Sub NextPowerOf2_1(ByVal number As Long) ' Does not work
Debug.Print 2 ^ (Int(Math.Log(number - 1) / Math.Log(2)) + 1)
End Sub
Sub NextPowerOf2_2(ByVal number As Long)
Dim pos As Integer
pos = 0
While (number > 0)
pos = pos + 1
number = shr(number, 1)
Debug.Print 2 ^ pos
End Sub
Function shr(ByVal Value As Long, ByVal Shift As Byte) As Long
Dim i As Byte
shr = Value
If Shift > 0 Then
shr = Int(shr / (2 ^ Shift))
End If
End Function
Here is a basic version for Go
// Calculates the next highest power of 2.
// For example: n = 15, the next highest power of 2 would be 16
func NearestPowerOf2(n int) int {
v := n
v |= v >> 1
v |= v >> 2
v |= v >> 4
v |= v >> 8
v |= v >> 16
return v
